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Page 13

by Jordan Summers

  His expression said otherwise. Raphael was a creature of pleasure—both giving and receiving. He wasn’t selfish as she’d initially thought. She’d misunderstood his earlier actions. Chaos wondered what else she’d misunderstood about the man.

  “Don’t move.” She slowly undressed.

  Raphael’s eyes darkened, heating in the low light, and his breathing deepened. The muscles in his arms quivered, but he didn’t move. He only watched. His hunger was palpable.

  “What are you planning to do?” he asked, his voice a rough rasp that puckered her nipples.

  His eyes followed her body’s responses, taking in every change, every subtle nuance as her need grew. Like a predator, he was clocking her weaknesses, waiting for a chance to pounce.

  Chaos dropped to her knees and straddled his thighs once again. His cock bucked against his abdomen causing pre-seminal fluid to leak. She began at Raphael’s neck and slowly kissed her way down his body. He gasped when Chaos bit his collarbone, then groaned as she soothed the sting with a swipe of her tongue.

  His cock rose with every embrace to brush the moisture gathering between her legs. By the time Chaos reached his shaft, she was drenched and his body was covered in sweat.

  She grabbed him at the base, then met his gaze before slowly sucking him into her mouth. His nostrils flared as she drew on him deeply before releasing him and repeating the whole process again. Raphael let out a strangled cry. His hands bit into her shoulders as he clung to her.

  “Your mouth is amazing,” he said, rolling his hips to chase her retreating lips. “So hot. So moist.” He groaned. “And so damn good. Please,” he said, breathlessly, his entire body tense with desire.

  Chaos giggled around his cock, then ran her tongue along the underside until she reached his balls. She sucked one testis into her mouth while gently palming the other. A small amount of fluid shot out of Raphael’s shaft and his entire body trembled as he fought to stave off release. A sense of power washed over Chaos, knowing she had—at least for now—this extremely powerful man under her control and craving her touch. She reveled in the feeling, even though it made her body ache.

  Arousing Raphael had backfired. Chaos ground her clit into his hard thigh to get some relief. It was the wrong thing to do. Instead of easing her need, the small movement made it worse. She whimpered around Raphael’s sac then gradually released him.

  Raphael’s eyes were clouded with desire, his gaze locked on her hand as she encircled his length. Chaos rose, positioning her body over his cock, and then slowly lowered herself onto him.

  His lungs heaved, bellowing loudly as Raphael disappeared into her entrance only to reappear seconds later.

  She rode him slowly, rocking her hips, so she could grind her clit between thrusts. He felt so good, so big and hard, filling her completely. Chaos couldn’t remember a better fit or a sexier man than Raphael. He was slowly but surely erasing every man from her memory and she was letting him. But could she trust him with more than her body?

  She rose to her knees. The heated glide of his shaft was exquisite as it stroked in and out. The need built inside Chaos until she couldn’t take it anymore. She reached for her clit and plucked at her swollen flesh while she bounced up and down, faster and faster. The wet sound of skin slapping skin filled the tent. The world narrowed between them as the primal dance continued.

  Their eyes met and what Chaos saw shimmering in Raphael’s black depths stole her breath. A moment later, she was plummeting. Falling further, faster, and harder than she’d ever tumbled before. Power rushed out of her body, encircling them in a cocoon of chaotic energy. Raphael convulsed beneath her, his hips rolling up, driving his cock deep. A cry wrenched from Chaos’ throat and her body jolted on top of him, dimming her vision and deafening her.

  By the time the wave allowed her to come up for air, Chaos was sprawled across Raphael’s chest and he was stroking her back. Her breathing was coming in great pants and she noticed one more thing—he was still hard as a boulder.

  “I thought you . . .” she started, trying to get her thoughts together.

  He smiled. “This one was for you.” He continued, caressing her with his short nails.

  “But I wanted you—” Chaos began.

  “And you had me,” Raphael said before she could finish.

  “You didn’t climax,” she said, frowning.

  Raphael smoothed her brow. “I need a little something more,” he said, without clarifying.

  “More?” She was worn out. Chaos didn’t think her body could handle more after that orgasm. It took her a moment to realize what he meant. Raphael hadn’t taken her blood this time. His words came back to her. This time was for you. He’d purposely held off biting her so she could be in charge. Something in Chaos’ heart melted. Something she thought would never thaw. She reached up and brushed her short hair aside.

  Raphael’s heart stuttered in his chest as Catherine bared her neck to him. He licked his lips before he could stop himself. “No.” He shook his head. “This one was for you. If I take your blood, it’ll change everything.”

  “Not if it’s freely given,” she said, tilting her head a little farther until the muscle bulged.

  Raphael’s nostrils flared as he fought the urge to yank her to him. Instead, he made S shapes up her back with his fingertip, then threaded his hands into her short red hair. He pulled her mouth to his and kissed her deeply and passionately. Tasting, touching, stroking, and coaxing her tongue to tangle with his. She’d done a good job of avoiding the intimate act earlier. Perhaps she thought it would somehow protect her. But Raphael would have none of it. He wanted all of her, demanded nothing less than complete surrender.

  Catherine was tentative at first, as if she wasn’t used to being kissed. Her style was clumsy and endearing. He vowed that would change under his tutelage.

  He pulled back, letting her take charge and set the pace. Raphael waited for her to relax. They clanked teeth and mashed lips in a clumsy mating that made his heart melt with its purity and sheer innocence. When things fell into a natural rhythm, Raphael deepened the embrace, tasting her once more with his tongue, worrying her lips with his teeth. He made sure to keep his fangs retracted. He didn’t want to accidentally cut her and send himself into a frenzy. Catherine followed his lead, then slowly took over.

  Raphael could feel her body responding to the embrace. Her swollen nipples hardened as they brushed his chest. He pulled her close and kept kissing her. She tasted so fresh, so clean, utterly wrong for him, but that didn’t stop him from taking what she offered.

  He wanted her. Hell, he needed her. And Raphael hadn’t needed anyone for a long time. He knew he was in trouble as Catherine’s weight settled on top of him. He released her hair and ran his hands down her body, grasping her ass. It was small and compact, much like the woman. He squeezed, grinding her hips into him. His cock thickened as it surged toward release.

  Raphael broke the embrace, trailing kisses over her eyes and cheeks. Catherine’s breath was coming out in great gasps as he made his way to her ear. He nibbled on her lobe, before dipping his tongue inside. She gasped, her body clenching him tight. Raphael knew in that moment that he wasn’t the only one anticipating the bite.

  “Do you want me?” he murmured in her ear.

  “You know I do,” she said, rolling her hips.

  “All of me,” he asked, running his fangs along the column of her throat.

  “Yes,” Catherine hissed, slamming her body down on his erection.

  Raphael groaned. “You’re not playing fair,” he said, biting her lobe before returning to nuzzle her neck.

  “I never do,” she said. “You of all people should know that by now.”

  Raphael growled and bit down. Catherine exploded on contact, her body riding another orgasm. Her hot blood rushed into his mouth. His senses came alive, cataloguing the moment like a voyeur. The musk, the sweet taste of her essence on his tongue, the tight grip she had on his shaft, and the need that
kept building and building inside of him. Raphael pumped his hips, driving her down until she was locked tight.

  Damn it, he couldn’t get enough traction. Without thought, he rolled them, never breaking contact. He tongued her neck, while drawing from the wound. God, she tasted and felt so good. His hips rocked, then pumped hard as the fucking became animalistic in its fervor. Raphael threw his head back and roared in triumph.

  He was half out of his mind and blood drunk by the time he followed Catherine into oblivion. His body emptied for what felt like an eternity. When he was finally spent, Raphael collapsed to the side, pulling her close and tucking her small frame against his chest.

  It took some time, but her breathing finally leveled out. Soon she’d be asleep. Raphael stroked Catherine’s hip, trying to maintain consciousness, but it was a losing battle. She’d sapped his strength, leaving him deliciously spent in every way.

  “That was the most amazing thing I’ve ever experienced,” Raphael said, knowing now he’d never be able to let her go.

  They rose in the late afternoon. Chaos gathered her pack, struggling to get it on her shoulders. Raphael walked over and plucked it out of her hands. He handed her his smaller pack, then tossed hers onto his back.

  “Let’s switch for a while,” he said, securing her pack into place.

  Chaos opened her mouth to protest, but closed it quickly, secretly grateful. She shrugged into his pack and then flipped up the tent flap. The fire in the moat had died down, but was still enough of a deterrent to keep the predators away. Not that it would matter, since they’d be leaving the safety of the fire ring soon.

  She stepped through the opening and scanned the area around them. Chaos didn’t see anything, but waited for Raphael to confirm her observations before going any further.

  He followed her as she walked past the tents toward the thin strip of sand that acted as a safe crossing spot.

  “Do you think we’ll ever catch up with them?” she asked.

  Raphael looked at her, then at the empty area surrounding them. “Yes, as long as they don’t encounter any trouble.”

  “What about us?” she asked.

  Raphael caught her chin in his fingertips, his black gaze burning in the fading light. “I won’t let anything happen to you,” he said with such conviction her heart clenched.

  Chaos swallowed hard. “I’d appreciate if you kept yourself out of harm’s way while you’re at it.”

  His expression softened, but before he could say anything they might both regret, she said, “Let’s go. We have a lot of ground to cover before dawn.”

  He nodded, but the knowledge she saw in those black eyes unnerved her.

  Raphael followed Catherine feeling more content than he’d ever felt in his lifetime. He still wasn’t sure what that meant, but he was happy to wait for the answer.

  Once they reached a rise atop a particularly high dune, Raphael closed his eyes and inhaled deeply.

  Michael, can you hear me? he asked, using the psychic channel they’d used as children.

  Silence met his call.

  Michael, I know you can hear me. You’re close. I can sense you near. Why do you not answer?

  A breeze picked up, rustling his hair.

  Brother, please don’t play this silly game. We’ve been apart long enough. He pleaded.

  Raphael? The voice was quiet, hesitant, almost unrecognizable.

  Michael, it’s me. Where are you? I searched everywhere after Morgan said you were injured. Your silence concerns me. Let me see with my own eyes that you are well.

  I’m camped to the south. Where are you?

  I just left a nomadic settlement. Raphael paused, wondering whether he should mention the dead. Michael would sense it if he held back anything. There were bodies. Lots of bodies.

  Michael ignored the mention of bodies as if they were of no consequence. Or perhaps it was because he already knew. Raphael’s unease grew. He knew he’d protect Catherine with his life, but what if the person he was trying to protect her from was his brother, Michael? Ice filled his veins.

  “Are you okay?” Catherine asked. She’d stopped when he hadn’t followed. “Is something wrong?”

  “I’m fine,” Raphael said eventually. “I am trying to contact my brother, using the method I spoke to you with.” He finished the last half in her mind.

  “Still not comfortable communicating that way. I’ll be over here. Come get me when you’re done,” she said, pointing to a spot not far from where she currently stood. It was enough space to give him privacy—not that he needed it.

  Michael, are you still there? Raphael called out again.

  Yes, you were about to tell me who you are traveling with, he said.

  It was Raphael’s turn to pause. He hadn’t mentioned he was traveling with anyone.

  Come now, brother. Don’t be shy, Michael teased. Who is she?

  Her name is Catherine Meyers. She’s a member of IPTT.

  The news was met with more silence.

  We’ve reached an agreement. I take full responsibility for her. I think it would be best if we met up and traveled together.

  How did you know I’d be here? he asked.

  Raphael thought about it, then decided to once again answer truthfully. I searched your home. When I saw your bag was missing, I had a pretty good idea of where you were headed. The only question I have is why?

  Michael sighed mentally, but Raphael heard it.

  It’s a long story, brother. Much has happened since we last saw each other.

  I’ve heard some troubling news, but the full story remains murky. Care to clear things up for me? Raphael asked.

  I won’t wait long. Michael ignored his request and sent him a mental picture of his surroundings.

  We’ll hurry, Raphael said, breaking the connection. They needed to reach Michael. He could feel it in his gut. His brother was on the edge of being lost and Raphael was determined to save him.

  “Did you talk to him?” Catherine asked, rising from the spot she’d been sitting in.

  “Yes.” Raphael nodded.


  “He is waiting for us to the south. I’ve seen his small shelter. It’s tucked between the dunes.”

  Catherine looked around and laughed. “Everything here is tucked between dunes.”

  Raphael smiled. “I’ve seen what he can see from the top of the dunes surrounding him. I’ll know it when we get close.” He looked around to get his bearings.

  She hesitated. “It’s none of my business, but are you sure this is a good idea?”

  “Meeting up with Michael or traipsing out in the middle of no-man’s-land without an army?” Raphael asked.

  She snorted. “The prior. I mean the guy hasn’t exactly gone out of his way to speak to you. And I know you’ve been trying to contact him.”

  She had a good point and Raphael knew it. These were all questions he’d asked himself and had yet to come up with satisfactory answers. What had Roark Montgomery done to his brother to create the screams that Morgan had heard? Why had his brother been avoiding him? Why was his brother after Morgan and Red, when he’d sworn to help them? All good questions that Raphael had no real answers for.

  “It would be safer traveling with my brother,” he said quietly, hoping it was the truth.

  “No offense, but your brother didn’t look like much of a fighter when I met him,” Catherine said.

  “In this instance, looks can be very deceiving. Michael is the most dangerous man I know.”

  Her face scrunched. “I thought you owned that title.”

  Raphael laughed, the sound painful to his ears, and shook his head slowly. She had no idea how very dangerous his brother could be. And he prayed that remained the case for her sake—and his.

  Her world was swathed in shades of black and white. There was no gray, only right and wrong. Catherine had no clue how violent a human being could become when survival was on the line, but Raphael and his brother did. They’d lived in
hell and walked out the other side, brushing flames off as they went. “You should know, little storm, that even though I’m extremely dangerous, I am defenseless compared to my brother, Michael.”

  “Good thing you brought me with you.” Catherine grinned.

  “If only it were a joking matter,” Raphael said softly.

  Her expression grew pensive. “How can you love him if he’s such a monster?” she asked, her eyes the size of synth-steaks.

  Raphael slipped into her mind and saw she hadn’t meant to offend him, so he answered her query with one of his own. “I think the better question is, can you learn to love a monster?”

  chapter fifteen


  aphael and Catherine found Michael Travers exactly where he said he’d be waiting. His campsite was packed up and he was pacing like he could bolt any second. His skin was paler than usual and Raphael noted a slight tremor in his hands.

  Raphael put an arm out and stopped her. “Wait here.” He needed to see how his brother was doing. Michael didn’t look well.

  “If you need me, yell.” She patted her gun.

  “I’ll be all right. He’s my brother,” he said, not sounding as confident as he would’ve liked. “Michael,” Raphael called out.

  Michael stopped pacing and turned to face him. For a moment, it was like they’d never been apart. Happiness showed on his face, reminding Raphael of the boy who had followed him to school every day. The joy was gone as quickly as it appeared. His eyes narrowed when they landed on Catherine.

  “It’s me, Raphael.”

  “I know who you are. Do you think I would not recognize my own brother?” Michael continued to stare at Catherine, his gaze cold and assessing.

  Raphael waved his arms, drawing his brother’s attention away. His heart was hammering in his chest, threatening to batter his lungs into jelly. He stopped a few feet away from Michael, noticing for the first time the dark circles under his eyes.


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