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Code-5 (Adventures of a Baby Boomer Book 1)

Page 7

by Thomas Shaw

  Somewhere over the Sierra Nevada mountain range…

  The inside of the Gulf Stream looked more like a sterile operating room than an expensive corporate jet. The bright halogen lights shone down on the single gurney with a completely nude Jim Peterson strapped to it.

  “OK Martin, it’s time to attach the sensors,” SAM said, in a voice that never tires.

  Martin was one of the top technicians on Don’s team and was skilled at the task he was to perform. Placing special electrical sensors on the subject was the first step in preparing a patient for the Computerized Behavioral Modification programming. Each sensor was the size of the dot made by the ASCII character called “a period”. A thin wire half the size of a human hair, led back to a collector where hundreds of wires terminated into a small plug. Martin was installing 3 by 4 inch groups of sensors pre-mounted on a special adhesive patch. Once placed on the subject in its proper location, the wires would terminate equally on each side of his body just above the hip and these were plugged into a central connector. SAM would then run a series of diagnostic tests to determine that the sensor placements were correct. The four technicians would repeat this process until the “Subject’s” entire body was covered with these tiny electrical contacts. The wires would accumulate into an umbilical-like cord that connected to a special plug in the onboard computer.

  The next step in the process was to cover the Subject’s body with a special silicon/latex spray that created an outer layer of shiny black form-fitting skin. The technicians covered Jim’s body from head to toe with this coating, leaving openings for the eyes, nose and mouth. The silicon in the material gave an eerie metallic look under the halogen lights. The “Subject” now looked more like an alien version of Spiderman than the unassuming Jim Peterson.

  Three hours into the flight, SAM was satisfied that all sensors were in place and working properly. Now it was time for the final and most difficult phase of the CBM process... mainly because it had never been done before.

  The anesthesiologists on this flight had kept the subject in a slight state of unconsciousness for the first phase of sensor placement but things were about to change. The surgeon on this flight had been hand-picked by SAM for this new and delicate operation.

  During the research phase for this project, SAM had discovered a super tiny radio transceiver that was being tested in the most secret laboratory in New Mexico. This new Nano-technology was being developed in a place we know as “Area 51”. The primary portion of this device is a silicon chip about the thickness of a business card and a 16th of an inch in diameter with one ultra-fine fiber optic thread, about 3 ½ inches long, attached to it. One side of the silicon wafer was coated with a Cobalt/Nickel material about two molecules thick. This surface was covered with a series of specially designed nerve cells similar to the ones found just under the surface in our fingers and skin, only much larger. Due to recent research in the field of “stem cell” technology, this secret lab in “Area 51” had developed specialized nerve cells that could live in the human body and continually give off an electrical impulse. These tiny charges are transferred to the Cobalt/Nickel coating to provide a constant flow of electrical power to transmit and receive radio signals.

  What makes this transceiver so unique is that it lives in a Petri dish until it’s transferred to a human host. This unit is designed to be “ON” as long as the host is providing the life sustaining environment for these nerve cells to live on. In other words, if the patient is alive the trans/ceiver is “ON”.

  The surgeon made a tiny incision about an inch behind the left ear along the base of the skull. A special tool that looked like a flexible needle was used to insert the single fiber optic cable through the incision and threaded it into position in the part of the notochord that connects to the base of the brain. With a push of a button the bitter end of the fiber optic cable released four tiny metallic probes which attached to four different areas near the base of the brain. The silicon side of the transceiver was then attached to the skull with a special adhesive that allowed the unit to pick up the slightest vibrations made by Jim’s voice or sounds in close proximity to the device.

  Using a special satellite uplink, SAM could hear the conversations of the technicians as they assisted the surgeon in the final steps of the implant. This completed the preparation process and allowed SAM to initiate the Computerized Behavioral Modification program which is based on complete hypnotic control.

  The first step in this process is to induce the subject into a deep hypnotic state. By using special drugs and sensors attached to the sides of the skull emitting synthesized Alpha waves and other electronic signals, the subject was soon in a deep hypnotic trance. SAM was now talking to Jim Peterson’s subconscious mind in a slow repetitive manner.

  SAM then sent a small electrical signal via the recently implanted transceiver through the optical fiber to the first of the four probes. SAM would follow this procedure with verbal instructions to his subject that would make this single pulse a “Trigger”, instantly putting Jim into a different level of a hypnotic trance.

  This was the first subroutine SAM was building into the CBM program and she called it “Code-1”. Its function was to bring the subject out of this induced trance and back to normal consciousness, a simple double pulse on the same probe would reverse the process. She would label this reversal process as Code-10. SAM was now in full control of the subject and instructed the technicians to remove all anesthetics and sensors involved in the initial hypnotic induction. SAM continued to program the subject even as the Gulf Stream turns on its final approach to the military runway used by the CIA in Quantico, Virginia.


  The black Suburban pulled into the parking lot of the “Ice Plant” at 7:45 in the morning. A small group of technicians had gathered at the front entrance to get a glimpse of their newest project. The blacked out windows in the suburban didn’t help matters. The driver’s side and front passenger doors opened at the same time as two typical looking agents stepped out, sunglasses and all. With a look of uncertainty the driver opened the rear passenger door and stood back as a black metallic clad humanoid figure stepped out of the car wearing only a pair of boxer shorts.

  SAM was instructing the subject, via his newly implanted trans/ceiver, to walk in a normal manner to the door that was sliding open in front of him.

  Jim Peterson, the person, had no idea what was going on around him because SAM, through hypnosis, had become Jim Peterson’s conscious mind.

  Dr. Merrill had to admit he was taken aback by the scene of this 6 foot tall, black suited version of Spiderman walking resolutely down the hallway toward the programming room. Dr. Goodman and his team were the only ones familiar with this scene but were surprised how easily SAM had adapted to their very complex software.

  Without hesitation the subject walked directly to the Sensory Deprivation Chamber and climbed in. A technician plugged the connector from his umbilical cord into the socket inside the chamber.

  SAM immediately activated the hydraulics that would close the Plexiglas canopy. The whirring noise of the electric motors sealed the capsule, totally isolating the subject from the rest of this environment.

  With a cup of coffee in hand, Dr. Goodman sat down at his terminal and watched the subject begin the programming process, but this time without any interaction from him.

  SAM was in complete control.

  “Code-2” had already been programmed into the subject and was activated, because you could clearly see the subject’s vital signs displayed on the High Definition Plasma screens hanging in front of the SDC. Don watched, with professional satisfaction, as SAM programmed the subject to speak several languages with perfect elocution in a matter of 20 minutes.

  Ed’s quest for understanding Don’s research got the better of him and prompted him to ask his friend, “How did SAM do that?”

  Don leaned back from his terminal and took a long second before he answered the question. “There is a lot going o
n here, but I’ll try to make it as straightforward as I can.”

  “It appears that SAM is using the deep hypnosis features of my software to setup subroutines designed to provide functions which can be ganged together to accomplish different goals. I notice that SAM is using a special trans/ceiver that was implanted in the base of Jim’s skull on the flight back from the West Coast. The thin wire probes that attach to the subject’s brain stem are some of our newest research and totally experimental. This transceiver is straight out of “Area 51” and is ultra-top secret. You must have a security clearance higher than mine to get hold of this technology,” Don said with a sideways glance toward his friend as he continued. “The idea of these probes are to use a slight electrical pulse that is directed to the base of the brain as a Trigger which invokes these hypnosis-developed subroutines. This will insure that the subject can be trained with maximum efficiency and will also defeat any counter measures or interrogation methods to determine if the subject is in a hypnotic state. The bottom line to all of this is that if SAM turns the subject off or disconnects from the mission, the original personality will re-emerge and will have no idea of what’s going on and no amount of interrogation can bring it to the fore.”

  “SAM is using these Code numbers via the four probes to invoke various subroutines. She appears to be nesting these Codes to handle more complex problems. A good example of how these Codes are being used is in this language training program. By activating “Code-3” the subject, via hypnotic training, will have a photographic memory and then “Code-4” uses this same technique to produce muscle memory. This gives the subject perfect elocution with his first attempt at speaking the language.”

  “I see that SAM is also using “Code-4” to reshape the facial muscles and create a different posture for the subject. This is something we’ve never tried before but looks very promising. By using these four different probes, SAM has the ability to develop eleven different switch combinations which allows her to turn these Codes ON and OFF.”

  “It looks like “Code-5” is the main program designed to carry out this mission and selectively uses all the other Codes to make this whole thing possible.”

  Ed nodded approvingly and said, “I’m impressed with your software and I’m impressed with SAM. I think I picked the right team to pull this off.”

  Don moved back to his terminal, starring at the screen in amazement as he watched SAM progress through the training period with amazing ease and speed. He felt like taking notes as he watched the different Codes being programmed into the deepest recesses of Jim Peterson’s mind. “I only hope these are the right programs,” Don said, as he watched the data flow across his computer screen.

  SAM was creating a personality that would enable this unassuming person to undertake a mission he had not chosen, but with skills beyond the capability of any single human being.

  Don noted that SAM had set up a cadence for this training session. There was 20 to 30 minutes of intense training followed by 10 minutes of electrically stimulated exercise and then 15 minutes of hypnotically induced “rem sleep”. This rapid eye movement sleep mode was equal to 6 or 8 hours of normal sleep after only a few minutes, and then the process would repeat itself.

  After about 2 hours into this cycle SAM would suddenly release the canopy and tilt the SDC into a more horizontal position and then have the “subject” step out into the programming room. He would then perform stretching motions like you might see a person do on a long flight to keep blood from pooling in the lower extremities. The “subject” would then take nourishment like we see the astronauts do; squeezing a tube of some nondescript food into his mouth. This process would take about 10 minutes whereupon the “subject” stepped back into the Sensory Deprivation Chamber without saying a word to anyone. The whirring of the servo motors as the canopy closed on the “Black Hole” indicated that the process was about to start all over again.

  Don held on until about 3:30 in the morning but fatigue got the better of him and he headed for his room for some much needed sleep.


  At about 6:45 a.m., or 10 minutes before Don’s alarm was set to go off he was suddenly awakened by what he thought was the tail end of a dream. He could hear cheering, like some intense tennis match and the crowd was going wild.

  There it was again…

  “Jesus, what a shot. I can’t believe it,” were the sounds he was hearing more clearly now.

  Don quickly pulled on his pants and shirt and headed for the commotion on his bare feet. As he passed by the sensory deprivation chamber he could see that it was open and there were no technicians in the room.

  The cheering was much louder now and clearly coming from one of the situation rooms. These were the rooms that could be set up for specialized training. The door was open on room #6 and Don quickly realized that every technician was present… even Dr. Merrill.

  Don saw the “subject” standing in front of a giant plasma TV screen holding a golf club. There was a net strung between him and the screen. The club looked like one of those Calloway drivers with the oversized heads. He could see that the “subject’s” special umbilical cord was plugged into a cable lying on the floor, so he knew SAM was in control.

  The subject was just drawing the club back, making a perfect swing which ended with a sharp crack as the huge driver head made contact with the Titlist golf ball. The net caught the real ball but its image continued to sail straight down the fairway on the high def, TV display while the distance was digitally shown like a gas pump with the dials spinning wildly. 180 – 220 – 250 – 295 – 315 – 325 yards when it finally stopped. Another cheer went up with accolades of amazement as they waited for the next perfect drive.

  “Can you believe this guy?” Ed said, in amazement. “SAM programmed our boy with the driving capability of the famous Tiger Woods.”

  “Why in the world are you teaching Jim to play golf?” Don said, with disgust. “Do you think this is some kind of game?”

  “Just hold on for a second,” Ed said, trying to regain control of this conversation. “SAM’s research gives us some important information. We know that we are looking for a couple of disk drives that this Mafia group stole and we think they are being held in a Mafia Kingpin’s mansion. SAM recently found out that these wise-guys are into golf in a big way. She thinks these skills may come in handy. I have total faith in SAM and before this mission is over I think you’ll feel the same way.”

  “Well you’ve got me there,” Don said. “SAM is the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen. I’m just concerned that we are pushing this guy way to fast. We need to be thinking about giving him a rest. Buy the way, how in the world did she teach him to play golf like Tiger Woods?”

  “It’s a new technique SAM came up with… Better yet,” Ed suddenly stopped. “SAM, why don’t you show Dr. Goodman how you created this perfect swing.”

  In a matter of seconds Jim Peterson was standing in an upright position holding the driver in front of him like he was ready to address the ball. A greenish glow slowly enveloped the shiny black figure. A holographic image of Tiger Woods began to materialize around Jim, assuming the same stance. Ever so slowly the holographic image assumed the ready position to make the swing. Jim methodically matched the exact same movements, as the hologram drew the club back to its full extent, and then made a perfect swing and follow through. The second swing was made in real time, which satisfied SAM and she turned “Off” the image of Tiger Woods. “Using the muscle memory Code, SAM is able to teach Jim how to swing the club exactly like Tiger Woods by using a hologram of his techniques. She is literally tracing his movements into our boy,” Ed said, with a sense of excitement. “Watch this,” Ed continued. “Show Dr. Goodman how he will play the short game.”

  One of the technicians handed Jim a seven iron, and he once again straightened into an upright position while the greenish glow began to develop around him. This time it was Phil Mickelson’s image surrounding Jim. Slowly the holographic imag
e assumed the ready position but this time he would make the swing left-handed. Once again the swing was played out in slow motion then at normal speed. When the holographic image disappeared Ed looked up and smiled. “He plays the drivers like Tiger Woods and the irons like Phil Mickelson… that’s an unbeatable package, don’t you think?”

  “I’m not sure I follow your logic,” Don said, shaking his head.

  “Somehow we need to get next to this Mafia Don and we’ll need every trick we can come up with, and time is rapidly running out,” explained Dr. Merrill.

  “Early this morning, SAM was picking up highly encrypted phone traffic that suggested the Mexican government is trying to make contact with the Russians. We think they are trying to setup a meeting with our Mafia Kingpin.” SAM has set a mission start date for this Wednesday, so we’ve got a lot to do between now and then,” Ed said, with a shrug of his shoulders.

  The training continued at a blistering pace. Jim Peterson was becoming proficient in everything from hand to hand combat to professional love making and everything in-between.

  After learning a specific function like Karate movements, Jim would be tested to see how proficient he had become. It was late Sunday evening when Jim, sitting in a flight simulator, was receiving the last of a series of tests from his flight training, when Don noticed the “subjects” abnormally fast reflex speed. “How in the world did you make his reaction responses so fast?” Without expecting an answer, he was surprised when SAM instantly responded. “It is one of our most complex techniques.”

  “Can you tell me how you did it?” Don asked.

  “Of course,” SAM replied.

  “By using a series of Codes, I shut down several of his bodily functions, like digestion, the full use of his legs and some upper body strengths and focused all this extra energy on his right arm.”


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