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Code-5 (Adventures of a Baby Boomer Book 1)

Page 10

by Thomas Shaw

  “Well, here we are,” said Jim, motioning for Debbie to follow him in through the back door. They walked past the washer and dryer, then through another door into a huge kitchen area. There was a center island with a stainless steel gas grill and an oversized ventilation hood made out of polished copper. The counter tops throughout the kitchen and center island were made out of a light peach colored granite. The windows in the kitchen opened onto the backyard where you could see a waterfall meandering into a large pond.

  “This place is beautiful,” Debbie said, as she ran her hand along the cool granite surface.

  “Come on… we need to hurry if we’re going to catch the last of the sunset,” Jim said, as he took her hand and led her through the living room with a large fireplace made out of hand laid stone that looked very expensive.

  “The triple sliding glass doors opened onto a redwood patio that had three levels. The first level was large with an outdoor table, six cushioned chairs a huge umbrella and a BBQ grill. The second level was off to the right and held a six person Jacuzzi that was just starting to steam in the cool evening air. The top level had another oversized umbrella and two comfortable looking lounge chairs facing an unobstructed view of the Pacific Ocean.

  Jim motioned for Debbie to take one of the lounge chairs. “Well, what do you think?” Jim said, as he pulled his chair alongside of Debbie’s.

  Debbie was dumbfounded and sort of stumbled through a, “Ah… how much did you pay for this place?” She realized too late how inappropriate that must have sounded.

  “I bought this place about six years ago before the prices went through the roof. Do you remember the housing bust we experienced back in 2008? I got it from one of the dot com boys who just couldn’t hold out any longer.”

  “Hold that thought,” Jim said, as he jumped up from his chair. “We’ve got about two minutes before the Sun takes that final dive into the ocean.” He turned toward the kitchen.

  In less than forty-five seconds he returned with two champagne glasses and a bottle of Taittinger 2005. “This is the real stuff; made in France not here in California.”

  With a few expert moves the cork popped out and Jim was filling Debbie’s glass. “A toast,” Jim said in French, “to a Great Evening,” as he leaned over to touch her glass with his.

  The wave of emotion that swept over Debbie was like a warm tropical breeze. She was feeling so comfortable and safe with this man, a feeling she hadn’t felt in years.

  She raised her glass and looked directly into his blue eyes, “To a Great Evening,” she repeated in French.

  They both turned their attention to the giant orange ball that was slowly sinking into the ocean. They were mesmerized by the view they had just experienced and said nothing for several minutes as the western sky turned into a soft magenta color.

  “Well, how does that Gelato sound?” Jim said, finally breaking the silence.

  “I must say… I think I would rather have another glass of this Champagne,” Debbie said, in a relaxed somewhat husky voice, as she downed the last of her glass.

  “I was thinking the same thing,” Jim said, as he poured Champagne into their empty glasses.

  A couple of awkward minutes went by until Jim said, “It’s getting a little chilly, would you like a sweater or something to keep you warm?”

  “The Jacuzzi looks warm.” Debbie said with a slight smile; she was back in control. “To bad I didn’t bring my swimsuit.”

  Jim was quick to catch the hint. “I’ve got a Tee shirt with your name on it, if that works for you?”

  “That works for me… what are you going to wear?” she said with a hint of laughter in her voice.

  “I usually go Au natural,” he said in French, “but I think I can dig up some swim trunks, somewhere.”

  “Au natural is very French,” Debbie said, in French.

  Jim took the bottle of Champagne and set it beside the Jacuzzi and headed for the bedroom. A minute later he returned wearing a towel around his waist, another towel over his arm and a Tee shirt in his other hand. “Here you go,” he said, handing the tee shirt and towel to Debbie.

  “Now, no peeking,” Debbie said, as she playfully wagged her finger at Jim.

  She turned her back to Jim and easily slipped out of her dress, standing in front of him with only her panties and bra. As she began to unclip her bra she turned to see the reaction on Jim’s face. But as she glanced over her shoulder Jim wasn’t looking at her as she had expected but instead had removed his towel and was stepping into the Jacuzzi very much Au natural. Her gaze quickly dropped to his male member and she instantly had another Great Evening experience. He looked like he could have been a leading character in a porno movie, like the ones she had seen in her college days. She was flooded with memories she hadn’t thought about in years.

  She quickly took off her bra and pulled the tee shirt over her head. It was an extra-large shirt so it hung down to her mid thighs. This time when she turned around she found that Jim was looking her over… very closely.

  She looked at him for a minute… then reached under the tee shirt and quickly pulled her panties off and stepped into the steaming water. The minute she slid into the water her tee shirt went transparent and she felt the control she knew she always had.

  Quantico, Virginia…

  It started out as a perfect evening and this moment was the crowning evidence that Dr. Goodman’s system, along with SAM, was an effective tool in training an individual to perform a series of specific tasks in an extremely short period of time. The technical teams were glued to their workstations as Jim Peterson entered the final phase of this seduction process.

  San Clemente, California…

  Jim sat on one side of the Jacuzzi while Debbie sat on the other side facing him. “I have another technique I learned… but Debbie cut him off before he could finish the sentence by adding… “I’m sure it was from some remote monks in the lost valley of the Himalayans,” she said with a laugh.

  Jim even got a chuckle out of her response. “Actually I Googled – Foot Massage – and learned about reflexology. Did you know that the feet hold all the nerve endings for the rest of the body? With proper techniques you can simulate massaging just about any part of the body right from this little guy,” He said as he picked up her foot and wiggled it back and forth as he held her toes just above water level.

  “Ok mister Google Guru; let’s see if you can give me a neck message.”

  “One neck message coming up,” Jim said, while moving her foot into a position in front of him.

  “Now lean back… close your eyes… and let your body relax,” he said, in a slow cadence that matched the movements of his thumbs on the bottom of her foot.

  “Take a deep breath in… hold it… hold it… now let it out slowly and feel how relaxed you are becoming. Ok one more time… big breath in… hold it… hold it… now let it out slowly and feel the relaxation in your neck and shoulders.” Jim matched the cadence perfectly with the pressure of his thumbs on the bottom of her foot.

  Jim could clearly see her facial muscles relax and quickly moved to the next level as per instructions from SAM. “I want you to imagine… I’m sitting behind you and you can feel my hands messaging your neck and shoulders,” keeping the same voice cadence.

  SAM was talking him through the complicated technique with the skill of an aircraft controller guiding a pilot, lost in the fog, to a safe landing.

  Much to Debbie’s surprise she could actually feel Jim’s hands, tender and lovingly messaging her neck and shoulders. It seemed like she had settled into a relaxing mist and from time to time could hear Jim’s words urging her to feel his hands messaging her neck.

  “We are having a “Great Evening,” Jim said.

  Debbie immediately felt a rush of sexual excitement flow through her body.

  “I want you to imagine that you can feel my hands as they move over your shoulders and down to your breasts,” Jim said slowly, as he moved his thumbs to diffe
rent pressure points on the instep of her foot. In her mind Debbie felt his hands, with the same tenderness, mover over her breasts. Her nipples instantly hardened under her imagined feelings. She had become completely absorbed with the sexual desire she felt toward Jim. Without a word she slowly sat up, pulled the wet tee shirt over her head, and with a loud plop, let it fall on the side of the Jacuzzi. She resolutely moved toward Jim’s outstretched arms, found his lips and settled into a long emotional kiss.

  After several long moments, Jim put his arm under Debbie’s legs, picked her up and stepped out of the Jacuzzi and headed for the bedroom…

  A cheer went up in Quantico.


  Quantico, Virginia…

  It was almost 4:00 o’clock in the morning when the decision was made to bring him “in”.

  “It’s time to put our project in gear,” Dr. Merrill said. “The Russians are making me nervous and I want to get things moving. SAM wants to re-access a couple of programs but confirms that he is ready to go.”

  Once again the black Learjet, that was never there, took off from the John Wayne airport and headed for the East coast.

  Debbie Taylor was sleeping soundly when the alarm went off beside the bed. She reached out and fumbled with the clock on the bed stand until the alarm went off. Several seconds passed before she woke up enough to realize she wasn’t in her own bed. She pulled the cover sheet and comforter over her head and realized for the first time how different it felt from her bed. She was wondering what the thread count was when she suddenly realized she was in Jim’s bed. She rolled over and reached out to touch him, but soon realized that he was not there. Jim had actually left several hours earlier, leaving behind a single long stemmed rose and a note lying on his pillow. Where in the world did Jim find a fresh rose in the middle of the night, she thought, as she touched the flower to her nose to take in the pleasing fragrance. She picked up the note and rolled over to turn on the bed lamp.

  [Good morning Debbie. I hope you enjoyed our meeting as much as I did. I look forward to another “Great Evening” when I get back. I’ll call you as soon as I know my ETA.

  There is plenty of stuff in the frig for breakfast so help yourself. If you want a coffee just press the start button and enjoy.

  Thinking about you.


  Debbie took a leisurely shower in his oversized bathroom and wandered through the house as she toweled dry. She was hoping she could find out more about her mysterious new friend. Pictures on the wall revealed that he was well traveled from Italy to Germany to Egypt to places she didn’t recognize. She finished getting dressed and turned on the lights in the kitchen. What a beautiful layout. Everything was brand new and shiny clean, so different from her life with Mike.

  Mike!! She suddenly realized she hadn’t heard from him and he would call her every night when he was out of town. She reached into her purse and pulled out her cell phone. That’s strange, it was turned off; how did that happen? She quickly turned it on and immediately heard the beeping sound indicating she had voicemail.

  Her heart jumped when she saw there were six messages from Steve. A panicked feeling was settling in as she tried desperately to think of some excuse to head off the impending argument.

  Then it hit her…

  She punched Steve’s speed dial number, and took a deep breath. Ring, ring… “Were the Hell have you been,” Mike demanded. “I’ve been calling you all night. I know you haven’t been home; I’ve called there every thirty minutes. What the Hell is going on?”

  “Mike… just calm down,” Debbie said, in a firm controlled voice. “One of the girls at the shop had an emergency in her family. Her mother was in a car accident and we were at the Hospital all night. My cell phone battery ran out and I didn’t realize it. I’m just now heading to the salon.”

  “I know you are not at home because I just called there… how did your battery suddenly get charged?” he demanded in a growing rage.

  “I’m in my car and using the cigarette lighter to charge it.”

  Steve cut her off immediately. “I don’t hear any traffic noise… you’re not in your car,” he nearly yelled.

  “Mike… you’ve got to calm down. I’m still in the parking lot… pause, pause, “for work” pause, pause, “loosing” pause, “my battery”. Debbie was intentionally “skip talking” and quickly punched the End button to cancel the call, then turned the phone off.

  “Well, so much for a nice breakfast – now I need to get to my shop before the girls answer the phone and blow my cover story,” she thought, as she looked at the note in her hand.


  Quantico, Virginia…

  Four and a half hours after leaving California, the sleek black Learjet landed at a private airstrip just outside Quantico. Jim was just waking up from a deep hypnotic induced sleep and quickly being shuttled back to the “Ice Plant”.

  The technicians were lined up along the wall leading from the big sliding door and begun clapping in unison as Jim’s alter ego entered the building. Without any additional fanfare Jim walked straight to the sensor deprivation chamber and climbed in. Within minutes he was in a deep hypnotic state communicating with SAM, who was in the process of debriefing Jim’s recent exploits.

  Dr. Merrill walked in and rather sharply instructed the technicians to take their positions. “We’re down to the wire, boys,” Ed said, as everyone settled into their workstations. “The mission starts in less than 24 hours. SAM is currently going over a few modification and fine tuning some of his programs but now I want you to hear a few words from Dr. Goodman.”

  With a slight side motion of his hand he introduced Don.

  Dr. Goodman stood and looked around the room as if he was taking in the massive amount of electronics that lurked everywhere. “I just wanted to take a minute to tell you guys what an outstanding job all of you have done. We have accomplished more in a shorter time than I could ever image. We have seen our “subject” transform before our eyes into the person we are banking on to literally save America and indirectly the rest of the world. I cannot stress enough how important this project has become. We’ve still got a lot of work to do, so I don’t want anyone to relax, we’ve simply completed phase-one,” Don paused for a second as if he had another thought. “There is one thing I want to add. We’ve given our boy a name. SAM has been hard at work to generate his paper trail and I must say it looks great. From now on when the subject is in Code-5, he will be known as Donny Briscoe, of the famous Briscoe family, from Germany back in the 40’s. They have a blood line that goes back to royalty which could be very helpful to convince the bad guys that he is a good guy.”

  “SAM will give you a brief summary on how “Donny” has become a very successful International heavy equipment salesman. Anyone attempting to go through the internet to look up his background will find everything in perfect order.”

  “OK, SAM it’s all yours,” said Dr. Goodman, as he returned to his workstation.

  The clock was ticking.

  Donny Briscoe would remain in the sensory deprivation chamber until early morning, and then he would board a flight to Mexico City.

  It was early Wednesday morning when the private Gulfstream landed at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York City. A well-dressed Donny Briscoe made his way to the International terminal to board Aero México for his first class flight to Mexico City. His flight itinerary showed that he had just arrived from Paris a few days earlier, where he had been on sales calls for the past two weeks.

  The flight was only three quarters full with just three people flying first class. As soon as flight 310 reached altitude, Donny pulled the sleep mask out of his first class travel kit and pushed the leather seat to the full reclined position. It was clear to the stewardesses that he did not want to be disturbed.

  Donny was far from sleeping as SAM briefed him on the final stages of his mission.

  He was on his way to Mexico City where he was to befriend a man named Juan Cas
taic. SAM was busily filling Donny in on the most powerful Mafia head in Mexico.

  SAM was telling Donny how Juan had hand-picked five of his top lieutenants to train with the elite secret military unit similar to the American Seals. The President of Mexico had made the decision to use Juan’s men because they were “natural born killers” and the job they were being trained for would definitely need this ability.

  Juan was born into the “family” because his father was a mid-level mafia member. This meant that he wasn’t a “killer” so he was destined to stay at this mid-level, which was fine with him. With the money he made he was able to send his son to the University of California in Los Angeles. Juan had done well and graduated with a Master’s degree in Engineering and returned to the “family” to run the front company for the mafia. This company bid on all the major construction projects the government put up for bid, which they would always win. After ten years of hard work, Juan had skimmed enough money off the many projects to become one of the richest men in Mexico. With his financial success and intelligence he quickly moved up the “family” ladder, so to speak, to become the “Don”.

  In Mexico the Mafia and the government work closely together.

  In 2002 while on vacation in Madrid Spain Juan had met Juanita Hernandez, a divorcee with a five year old daughter. After a whirlwind romance they married and moved into his mansion in Mexico City. Juanita was a black haired beauty from a very wealthy family herself. She had been brought up in the finest boarding schools and knew the best that life had to offer. She was completely oblivious to the dark side of her husbands’ life.


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