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Mortal Blow: An Urban Fantasy Series (Succubus Hitwoman Book 1)

Page 17

by Eliza Hendrix

  She leans in, grazing her lips against mine.

  “I believe we’ll make a wonderful team, Alexis.” She runs her nails across my left cheek and I wince. Without warning, she presses her cold lips against mine. I don’t pull away. Instead, I breathe out hard and grab her by the waist, prepared to do to her what I couldn’t all those years ago.

  But as I push her back, she grabs me by the throat.

  Holy shit she’s strong.

  I like it.

  It makes me want her even more.

  “Not yet,” she says with a sly smirk. “First, you have to kill me.”

  Chapter 30


  “Do you have any idea how hard it was to get this close?” I say through my lip ring microphone. I point my wireless pin camera through Veerka’s window.

  Inside her hotel room, she sits in front of her vanity. Staring at her reflection—or at least, pretending to—she applies bright red lipstick.

  “That’s her,” Jamieson responds into my earpiece.

  It’s almost like he didn’t believe I could get this close. I’m guessing that’s why the payout is so high.

  “How did you get up there—” he starts.

  “You know how this works,” I cut him off.

  He knows exactly how this works. I do my job, and he doesn’t question me about it. This is why I get paid the big bucks while he sits behind his fancy desk. I’m the pro and he knows it, and he also knows better than to ask me questions about my abilities.

  He clears his throat. “Are you sure she’s alone?”

  “I’m sure,” I say. “Lucius left a few minutes ago. I overheard him saying he’ll be back shortly.”

  “Good, good…” he says.

  As planned, Veerka gets up and turns around until her stone necklace comes into view. It’s an oval-shaped blue sapphire that sits in a white gold encasing.

  I aim the camera at Veerka’s neck and Jamieson lets out a sharp breath.

  “The Eye of Poseidon,” he breathes.

  The way he mentioned the necklace leads me to believe it’s something powerful, but I don’t care. The whole point of him seeing it is so he can associate Veerka’s physical form with the pile of ashes I plan on showing him afterward.

  He might try to get me to take it, but too bad. Veerka won’t actually be dead, which means it’ll still belong to her.

  “Listen, I have to make this fast,” I say. “Wanted you to confirm the mark.”

  He clears his throat again, probably trying to figure out how to smooth talk his way into getting that necklace. But I don’t give him the time.

  “I’ll reconnect as soon as the job is done.”

  And with that, I turn off my equipment. A little beep in my ear confirms that everything’s been shut down. I knock on Veerka’s window with my fist—an agreed-upon signal that lets her know I’m ready.

  She opens her mouth and calls out a name—Traveeno.

  Her room door gradually opens and a vampire with long, wavy blond hair and a snug tuxedo steps in. Seemingly afraid of her, he doesn’t make eye contact.

  It would appear she’s more powerful than I gave her credit for.

  She tells him to come in and closes the door behind him. The moment they’re close to each other, she reaches for his face in a flirtatious manner, and it takes everything in me not to smash her window into a thousand pieces.

  I know nothing’s going to happen—this is all part of the plan—but I can’t help my jealousy. I don’t want her touching anyone else. She inches closer and closer, pressing her body against his, and he stands there like a statue.

  Without warning, Veerka slices his throat with her nails and he gasps, reaching for his neck. She takes another swing, this time tearing through his spinal cord and muscle tissue until his head falls backward. It hangs against his upper back, holding on by only a thin piece of white skin until finally, the skin snaps and his head smashes on the floor.

  With a proud smile, Veerka licks her fingers, then pokes the vampire in the chest to tip him back. His body goes down like a domino but explodes into a cloud of dust before hitting the ground.

  That’s my cue.

  I open her window and hop inside.

  “Looks like you’ve done this before,” I say.

  “I have,” she says plainly.

  Veerka definitely isn’t the same woman I remember. In the past, I’d always felt like her protector, and that excited me. But now, as I take in the woman standing before me—a tall, pale figure covered in black blood—I realize that she can handle herself just fine.

  She’d probably put up one hell of a fight if we ever got into it.

  The idea of her being dangerous turns me on, and a hot, throbbing sensation between my legs makes it hard for me to think about anything other than her lying naked on her back with her legs wrapped over my shoulders.

  “Finish the job,” she says coldly.

  Seems she also likes to give orders now.

  I can work with that.

  Turning around, she unclasps her necklace and slides off her dress straps. When she faces me again, her dress slips off her body like butter in a hot pan.

  Her collarbone, a smooth curve, makes me want to sink my teeth into her neck even though I’m not a vampire. Her breasts, round and perky, make me feel high.

  My gaze makes its way to her toned belly, her smooth hips, and her perfectly trimmed—

  “Alexis,” she says.

  She raises her sapphire necklace to my face, pulling my attention away from her body.

  “Oh… right,” I say.

  Shaking my head to fight off the daze, I grab the sapphire and place it into the dead vampire’s ashes. Then, I bend down and pluck her dress from the floor and move it next to the necklace. As I make my way up, the tip of my nose grazes her bare inner thigh, and I find myself sucking in a lungful of her sweet scent.

  Finish the job, Alexis.

  Once everything is set over the ashes, I turn away from her and turn my camera back on.

  “Jamieson, it’s done.”

  When he remains silent, I tap my earpiece to make sure it’s working. “Jamieson?”

  “Y… yeah, I’m here. Holy shit, Alexis, you did it.”

  “Yeah, I did. And now I have to get the fuck out of here before Lucius comes back.”

  “Take the necklace.” His voice is so cold I barely recognize him.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Take the necklace, Alexis.”

  I fucking hate being told what to do. Well, for the most part. When Veerka gives me an order, it’s hot as hell. But from anyone else, I don’t put up with that shit. And since when is Jamieson such an asshole with me? I’ve seen him be a complete prick with other people, but never with me. I guess Veerka was right. He’s a shady guy, and he’ll be nice to anyone who gives him what he wants. Right now, I’m standing in the way of what he wants. He could have played his smooth game and lured me in with some extra cash, but he’s freaking out at the other end.

  This necklace means something, and he’s so scared of losing it he can’t think straight enough to manipulate me.

  “I already told you—”

  “Get me that fucking necklace, Alexis, and then you get your money.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” I snap back. “That’s not how this works. Send me the money—”

  “The necklace, Alexis.”

  I reach into the ashes and pull out her necklace.

  “Good girl,” he says, and I grind my teeth.

  “Send me the money, otherwise you’ll never lay eyes on this thing again,” I say.

  He scoffs into my earpiece. “Do you seriously think I’m going to hand over five million dollars without getting what I want? I could easily cut you out of my life—”

  “Yeah, you could,” I cut him off. “But here’s the thing, fuckface: if you don’t pay me, I’m keeping this thing and selling it. It’s probably worth, what, a million? Maybe two?” I
’m playing stupid. The necklace is worth more than his payout, but if I play this right, I’ll come out laughing. “I can live off a million bucks for a while. But obviously, this thing’s more important to you than it is to me. So unless you send me the cash right away, you’re never seeing this thing again.”

  He goes quiet. I must have struck a nerve.


  “Three million,” he says. “You’ll receive the rest of it when you deliver the necklace.”

  Fucking bastard.

  “Fine,” I say. “Send it now.”

  He goes quiet again, and I receive a notification on my phone:

  Funds have been transferred into your account by ZeroAcct 0901241.

  I know it’s him, even though the account name changes every time he wires me cash. But to be on the safe side, I open up the notification. My new balance shows I’m three million dollars richer.


  The only reason Jamieson gets away with transferring such enormous amounts of money is that he owns half the city. And with how much money the guy makes, transferring a few million dollars to a contractor isn’t so farfetched.

  Besides, on paper, I’m a strategic consultant to a multibillion-dollar company, and everyone knows consultants make a killing—pun totally intended.

  “I expect that necklace to be delivered tonight—”

  “Jamieson,” I cut him off. He’s silent long enough for me to pause for effect. “Go fuck yourself.”

  And with that, I tear out my earpiece and camera and crush them in my hands.

  Chapter 31


  “How is this going to play out?” I ask.

  Veerka turns around with two glasses of wine in her hands. Handing one to me, she smiles. “To our new partnership.”

  I won’t say no to booze. I grab it and gulp the whole thing down. She gives me a sour look that says, Don’t you have any class? She knows I don’t.

  “Hold that thought,” I say. With the empty glass pressed awkwardly in my elbow, I pull out my phone and shoot Drax a text:

  Hey, it’s me. All good. Give the witch her stuff back for me.

  Then, I send another message to Rachel:

  Go see Drax. You can have your stuff back.

  Finally, I write a third message to Adrian, better known as Clock Dragon:

  Meet me @ 28 Relik Ave in 4 hours.

  I’ll give him the one hundred thousand dollars I promised. All I have to do is reach out to Ouru to get that kind of money taken out without causing suspicion. Not only does he give me new identities when I need them, but he also has countless ways of creating fake bank accounts and moving money around without anyone noticing.

  But right now, my priority is Veerka.

  I slip my phone into my back pocket, glance up at her, and elevate my glass. She pours me another drink and says, “Do you have any idea how much this costs?”

  “Do we care?” I say.

  She smirks. “No, and we shouldn’t. Lucius paid for it.”

  I cringe at the sound of his name.

  “In addition to monthly payments, I’ll cover the rest of your payout, Alexis.”

  I’m surprised to hear this coming out of her mouth. Why is she doing this? Does she want me as badly as I want her, or does she think I’m capable of helping her bring down Asmodeus?

  “You don’t have to do that,” I say.

  “I want to.”

  I find myself staring at her naked body again. She hasn’t bothered slipping back into her dusty dress. I get the feeling she’s toying with me; it’s like she enjoys watching me get all worked up.

  Watching me with a lifeless expression, she takes a sip of her wine and places the glass down on the vanity table. Slowly, she moves toward her bed with hips swaying from side to side and all I can do is look at her ass. When she reaches the edge of the bed, she sits down.

  Her eyes remain fixed on me as she climbs backward onto her bed, her breasts following her every movement.

  Afraid to drop my glass of wine, I squeeze it, and it shatters in my hand.

  “What are you waiting for, Alexis?” she says. “I’d like to celebrate our reunion.”

  She spreads her legs apart, revealing a velvet pink.

  I’m not sure what her big plan is for this partnership, but I don’t give a flying fuck right now. I’m a multimillionaire and I have the girl I’ve always wanted. Taking down Asmodeus and saving the world can come after she does.

  Wiping the shards of glass off my hand, I move toward her. “Let’s fucking celebrate.”

  Want to receive a FREE bonus novella prequel to this book? All you have to do is subscribe @

  Upcoming release dates for the Succubus Hitwoman series:

  Lethal Blow (book 2): March 10, 2021 – Pre-order on Amazon

  Fatal Blow (book 3): March 31, 2021 – Pre-order on Amazon

  For an additional bonus scene, keep reading.

  ★★★ BONUS SCENE ★★★

  She bows her head and parts her legs even wider. A twinkle flashes in her eye—one that tells me she wants this as much as I do.

  I’ve waited nearly a thousand years to touch her, to breathe her, to taste her.

  Although I want to jump into her bed and ravage her, I find myself frozen in place, taking her all in—her electric-blue eyes, her long silky blond hair, her pronounced cheekbones, and her smooth, alabaster-white skin. My lustful gaze is enough to excite her; she bites the tip of her tongue with her right fang and licks her plush, blood-hungry lips.

  I remove what’s left of my clothes and climb the bed on all fours, crawling my way to her, my bare breasts grazing her legs. As I inch closer, she lowers herself onto her back. She’s right where I want her. While I might not be a vampire, that long, glistening neck of hers makes me want to sink my teeth into her skin.

  How is this happening? I haven’t even touched her yet and I feel high as fuck.

  She elevates her head off the pillow, begging me for a kiss.

  Instead, I grab her wrist and pin it above her head. A smile tugs at her lips and her heart pounds hard against my chest.

  “You’re going to do exactly what I tell you,” I say.

  Something sparkles in her eyes, and the next thing I know, I’m lying flat on my back with my hands above my head, fighting to catch my breath. I knew vampires were fast, but I didn’t realize they were that fast. She leans forward, her breasts against mine and her hair tickling my lips.

  “I don’t recall having come to that agreement.” Her hot breath slips inside my ear.

  As her lips graze my earlobe, a warm, tingling sensation shoots down between my legs.

  I’m usually the one in charge, but this is turning me on too much for me to fight for power. Instead, I lie there, allowing her lips to caress my chest, my belly, my curves. Every few seconds, she nibbles me with her fangs, making me feel like I’m going to explode before we even get started.

  And this is all without my Lure.

  One finger at a time, she walks her way to my inner thighs and scrapes me with her sharp nails. I want her to be rougher, more aggressive, but at the same time, the gentle approach is doing things to me I never thought possible.

  She raises her head from in between my legs and smirks up at me, her cheekbones resembling little hills. “Someone’s wet.”

  I want to say, You think? But all I can do is drop my head back onto the down pillow and breathe out toward the ceiling. I’m supposed to be the one capable of turning my victims to mush—not the other way around. I suppose this is what true desire feels like. I’ve fantasized about sharing a bed with Veerka for centuries, and now, I finally have her.

  One bite at a time, she inches her way closer to where I want her mouth to be. Her breath, hot and moist, teases me so badly it’s hard to contain myself.

  Fuck me already.

  But she doesn’t.

  Instead, she uses a single finger to draw lines around my kitty before p
ressing her lips so close I become even wetter. At last, she gives me something. It isn’t much, but it’s enough to make my eyes roll back.

  With the tip of her tongue, she tickles me where I want her most.

  Her tongue is hot and velvety, and every time she breathes out through her nostrils, I’m that much closer to climaxing. She licks me slowly at first, almost as if licking whipped cream off a doughnut, but the more I moan, the faster she gets.

  I want to grab her by the hair and squeeze tight, but I’m too dazed to even move. Instead, I close my eyes, savoring every sensation—her silky touch, the intoxicating smell of her perfume, the cool sheets against my skin, the hypnotizing sound of her muffled moans—and allow myself to disconnect from my mind.

  When I think it can’t become any more pleasurable than this, she uses her fingers to reach inside me. She curves them, hitting me right where I need her to.

  Holy fuck.

  Moaning loudly, I hear a wet clicking sound and feel her lips stretch into a gratified smile against me.

  She’s loving this, and why wouldn’t she be? I’ve never been vulnerable with anyone, and right now, this woman has free rein over my body.

  Every few licks, she breathes out through her mouth, warming me instantly. She moves with a rhythm so torturously perfect—licking and entering me at the same time—that I tug at my hair to keep from screaming.

  Her speed picks up, as does the intensity of her breath against me, and I spread my legs even wider, wanting more. With her free hand, she reaches for my hips and digs her nails into my skin. It’s enough to send me over the edge. I squeeze her arm but stop myself when I realize I’m about to snap it in half.

  “Fuck, don’t stop,” I breathe.

  Her licking amounts to tongue slapping, and she thrusts her fingers inside me so deep that I don’t know what to do with myself… It feels so fucking good.

  Holy fuck.

  Suddenly, ecstasy overtakes me, and everything in the room disappears. The sensation is so intense that I feel like I’m being expelled out of my body. Nothing matters but the pleasure.

  I wrap my fingers in her hair, my mouth agape as she flicks her tongue a few more times, extending my moment of absolute bliss.


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