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Hush (Pandora's Box Book 2)

Page 15

by Liza James

  Her skin is hot, soft and smooth under my fingertips. I move even higher, and my eyes fall to watch the sway of her own tits brushing across my own. Her nipples are pierced, and fuck if I want to feel that against my skin, experience the metallic chill against my tongue when I taste her.

  I graze my thumb over them, feeling her tight nipples through the sheer fabric of her top before tugging it down and exposing her for myself.

  She isn't the only one who gets to own anything.

  My thumbs slip over the tiny bars, and I immediately roll one between my fingers as she gasps and tries to pull away. But my other hand moves to the nape of her neck, trying to hold onto her as much as I can without making her feel like she's lost control.

  I'm not ignorant enough to know why she needs it.

  Not after everything she's said to me already. Her clear and justifiable pain over what I did proves to me exactly why everything has to be her way now.

  I get that.

  The quietest, softest moan falls from her lips as she breathes, and holy fuck it infects my blood in a way I wasn't anticipating. She drops her lips to my ear as she breathes heavily against me, her fingers teasing me and moving over my clit while still holding back.

  I need her to fuck me, I need to feel her inside of me. I'm losing my mind as it is while I roll my hips up and she dares to tease my entrance again.

  "For fuck’s sake, Lyp," I grind out, gripping her neck tightly when her tongue sweeps out and along the shell of my ear. "Fuck me."

  In that exact instant, she slips inside me, filling me completely before adding another finger. She lifts her head to watch as my eyes fall shut and a moan I can't control escapes my lips.

  "Say it again," she whispers against my lips now. Pulling out of me slowly before pushing inside again. "Tell me what you want me to do."

  I open my eyes as she slows the pace, torturously fucking me with one hand while her other pushes my legs even wider apart. Her hair is falling freely around her face, her skin flush with her own arousal and everything inside of me is dying to feel how wet I know she is.

  But fuck, I need her to move faster. It won't be long before I'm coming and can finally indulge in her own pussy for myself. I lift my hand and drag my thumb over her lower lip, feeling her breath against my skin while I continue moving against her deliberate touch.

  "Fuck me, Lyp. I need you to fuck me." I tilt my head up, brushing my lips against hers as I give her exactly what she wants. Something sparks inside of me in the same moment, rushing through my limbs and piercing my heart in the draw I have toward her.

  She immediately shifts forward, claiming my mouth with her own as she picks up the pace and begins fucking me even quicker. She shifts her legs so one knee is between mine, grinding against her hand and my clit as she rolls her hips into me.

  It's a fucking rhythm, and while she continues fucking me, her tongue sweeps across my lips and pushes inside my mouth. She tastes me, warring with my tongue in both anger and absolute starvation.

  My hand moves to her hair, twisting tightly through the strands while I drag her against me. I can't get enough of this, and with every circle over my clit, every pump inside my pussy, every grind and moan and fucking whimper—things begin to shatter.

  My walls. My lines. My illusions. It's blurring into one reminder of what I did when we were teenagers and how I've avoided it ever since.

  "K." This time, she calls out my name on a breathy moan. I let one hand slip between us, dragging both straps of her top down her arms so I can release her tits completely. I shift her a bit higher, and she pulls out of me for a moment while her legs move to straddle my waist.

  She's watching me, and for a moment I think she's lost in her own arousal, turned on wholly by what's happening as I sit up on my elbows and press my lips to her chest. I want her skin against mine, I need to taste the salt on her flesh and those little bars on my tongue.

  So, when her hand wraps through my hair and she sits back on her heels, I sit up with her, gripping her ass and dragging her tightly onto my lap. I trail my tongue just above her nipple, teasing her before finally sweeping down and over her tight tip. She breathes out heavily, arching against my touch when I suck her into my mouth.

  "Shit," she cries as she pulls me roughly against her chest. I'm hungry for her, licking and sucking before biting down hard on that metal bar. I pull back, enough to know it hurts just a bit when she gasps and her fingers dig into my neck.

  She suddenly pulls away from me, wrapping her hand around my throat before shoving me back down to the bed below her. She pauses, shutting her eyes for a moment while trying to catch her breath.

  "Don't you dare fucking stop," I say, desperation obvious in my tone. I can't even begin to hide it. "We're already in this."

  I fucking need her now.

  She finally opens her eyes and looks back to me, that villainous smile reappearing on her face. "Oh, I'm not stopping, K. You haven't been punished yet." Her eyes are dark with something I don't quite understand. My own gaze narrows on hers, but when her fingers slip back through my core, I'm immediately distracted.

  She pushes inside of me again, stretching me around her while tightening her grip on my throat. My hands lift and wrap around her wrist, using her hold to ground me in this, because my body is working all on its own.

  I roll against her figure, feeling her tits graze over mine while her hand continues fucking me. She moves quicker, rougher, filling me and working me closer to an orgasm all at the same time.

  "Are you going to come for me?" She asks, her voice taunting me as I near the moment I'm about to snap.

  "Yeah—yes," I manage to choke out, and the exact second I can feel the orgasm inch to unravel—she pulls out of me completely.

  I freeze, my eyes snapping open and looking down to where her hand hovers over my core. I look back to her, stiffening my own grip on her wrist while her blank face watches me intensely. "What the fuck are you doing?" I ask, confused and beyond irritated at my now lost orgasm.

  Without a word, she shifts forward, slowly circling over my clit as my blood starts pumping again.

  What the hell was that?

  My mind spirals with a knowing glimpse of what's coming, but I'm way too worked up and aching for a release to understand it. So, I relax once again and slip back into the familiar place of getting lost in the way she keeps pumping inside of me. My pussy is practically pulsing around her fingers, my wetness glistening her hand and my inner thighs.

  I fucking love it.

  "Come for me, K," she whispers as her lips brush against my own and she kisses me again. Our rhythm settles into a quick one, and unsteady moans fall from my lips as she swallows and works me back to that place of release.

  "Fuck, I am," I grind out, just as that snap quickly moves back into place.

  But the excruciating lack of release crashes into me again when she suddenly pulls out and sits back on her heels. Just as I'm about to come, just as my orgasm is at my goddamn fingertips.

  She relaxes, literally lifting her hand and slipping her fingers coated in my own cum into her mouth. She fucking tastes me, that fiercely arrogant smile spreading across her face again.

  I can't help it, I launch up and toward her, ready to drag that hand back to where it should be. But she immediately lunges forward and grips my jaw roughly in her hold. She's powerful and before I can fight back, she's pressing me harshly into the bed and squeezing so tightly I can hardly breathe.

  "You come when I allow it." She growls against my ear. Her fingers dig into my skin, and I swear she'll draw blood, but the rage billowing in my chest is far more dangerous.

  "No one tells me when I can and can't fucking come, Lyp. Not even you," I reply, a bitter laugh on my lips when I think about her assuming this much control over me.

  No fucking way.

  "Yeah?" She whispers, just as her hand reaches back for the whip again. She sits up just enough to snap it against my inner thigh, dangerously close to my
pussy. I flinch in both the sting of pain and then the way her touch is suddenly there, grazing over the wounded place and slipping through my cunt. "You think you're still in charge, K?"

  I laugh, attempting to snap my legs shut and shove her away. Her hand moves to quickly grip the whip, leaning back completely before snapping it down on my thigh again. I fall back into place, confusion and anger now blazing through my flesh while I try to fight her off.

  She plays with my pussy again and for fuck’s sake I'm getting angrier and angrier by the second. At first, I lean up and wrap my fingers around her wrist, tempted to stop her from touching me. But I'm so worked up, so turned on and filled with emotion right now that it hinders my ability to logically decide what's best.

  So, I pull her closer instead, sucking in a breath when she slides back inside me. "I swear to god, Lyp. If you don't get me off, we're going to have a real fucking problem." I grind the words out as she leans forward and smiles against my lips. She pushes me back again, circling my clit over and over before she finally responds in a whisper.

  "Do you feel something?" She asks, and for the first time, I consider telling her the fucking truth.

  "Right now? Yeah. Yes, I fucking feel something. Happy?" The words fall out on an irritated voice.

  She scoffs against my skin, pressing rough kisses over my jaw and neck as I finally work toward my release. Finally.

  But I shouldn't be surprised when she sits up and pulls back. Again. For the third fucking time.

  Only this time, she crawls off the bed and turns around, adjusting her top and moving toward the other side of the room. She hangs the whip up, and I shift on the bed as both the undeniable anger and frustration of not getting off overtakes my entire body.

  "I'm going to kill you," I force the phrase out and slam my eyes shut while I try to steady my breaths.

  I'm on fire. My stomach rolling with unmet needs, my heart hammering from overwhelming emotions and my mind spiraling with every memory, regret, need, desire.

  Everything crashes through me at once, and when I launch forward off the bed and race toward Lyp she's already bracing herself against me.

  "Good. God, fucking GOOD. Even your anger is better than fucking nothing." She mutters as I collide with her frame and force her to the ground. I'm on top of her now, my hands around her throat while I press her into the ground below me.

  "You wanted something? Fine. I could beat your ass for this stupid fucking game you're playing." I lean forward and release one hand to grip her wrist and yank it over her head, pinning it to the ground below.

  "You're insane if you think I'm playing any sort of game." Her teeth are clenched, and her lips pull back in a snarl as she speaks. Her eyes are darkening in obvious anger and for some reason, I almost enjoy seeing how worked up she is over this.

  I still hold some power here.

  "You know what you fucking did. You know what you stole from me, and I know you felt something then. Even if you constantly deny it now." Her chest heaves with weighted breaths. I swear a scream forms in the base of my throat and I have to use every ounce of strength to hold it back.

  "So, this little show, this was punishment for that?" I laugh, my hold releasing the smallest bit while I await her answer. I already know what this was though. I simply want to hear her say it.

  "Yes, of course it fucking was." She pauses, her gaze flickering in something else momentarily. Her voice cracks over the words. "I just want to hear you say it. Tell me I'm right, tell me what I need to hear."

  I hesitate, my eyes bouncing back and forth between her own. I have to force the words down my throat, burying the admission under everything else.

  I can't give this to her.


  She's lying.

  I can't help it; I literally groan out in complete frustration and shove her off of me. She lets me, falling back on her ass while I stand and stalk away from her. I run my hands through my hair, tugging roughly as I try to rein in my spiraling thoughts and emotions.

  "I fucking hate you," I finally turn around and yell at her. My back hits the wall and I slide down until I'm collapsing on my ass. I tuck my head under my arms and against my knees, forcing the fucking sight of her out of my mind.

  "Yeah yeah, ditto, babe. Get your ass up, we have to get out of here."

  God, I wish I had some pills and a joint right now.

  "You go, I have to get back to the apartment. Dom will be gone now—he's waiting for me." I speak the words before I even realize what I'm saying, what I'm admitting too.

  But another part of my head reminds me that's my only option. I needed to get K away from Dom, and that task was accomplished. I have to get back to The Nation now.

  Suddenly, K's form is in front of me, I can literally feel her dark presence and hear as she crouches down. "What the hell did you just say?" she hisses, her tone eerily calm and present.

  I lift my head, my eyes finally meeting hers as I slip back into the familiar place of our non-existent friendship. "You heard me."

  "Yeah, see. I don't think I did, because it sounded like you were saying you were deliberately going back to Dom." She tilts her head and lifts her hand, her thumb brushing along her lip in contemplation as she watches me.

  I watch her.

  Those goddamn lips.

  Shutting my eyes, I take a deep breath, exhale, open.

  "I did say that. I have to go back, K. You don't understand what's happening or what I've agreed too. I just—he didn't need you. You're safe, so go home and for fuck’s sake, leave me alone." I stand up, aiming to end the conversation and walk away, but she immediately steps forward. Her chest pressing against mine as her hands land on either side of the wall next to me.

  "Not a fucking option," she bites out, and I shift to move her arm away so I can pass but she moves again, caging me in. "Don't even think about it."

  "Are you kidding me right now?" I scoff, meeting her heated gaze head on. "You can't tell me what to do, K. You are nothing to me."

  She doesn't respond. Instead, she simply watches me, and I can practically see her mind twisting with thoughts she isn't voicing. "I'm going to ignore your comment and remind you that you have no choice here. You're coming back with me and we're calling Ruby and Aura. They'll know what to do now that The Nation is back."

  "Oh, all of a sudden you care, right?" I don't comment on Ruby and Aura. I don't know how they will take Dom and The Nation now that they've been away from it for so long.

  "You have to let go of this, Lyp. Let go of it." She drops her head and shakes it in irritation, as if I'm beating a dead horse here.

  "No," I grind out. "I can't. That's the fucking problem. I can't let it go, K."

  "We'll have to work on that because it isn't changing. But I'm also not letting you go back to your fucking apartment. Let's get our shit from the club and head out. Come on." Suddenly, her hands are on my shoulders and she's literally yanking me forward and in front of her. I don't think I'll be able to get away at this point, not in this moment, but I might be able to break away later when she's distracted with something else.

  So, I let her guide us, and we move slowly through the kink and strip club while keeping our eyes open for any sign of Dom. Everything is still in full swing, dancing, grinding, fucking, drinking—all of it. Which helps provide a crowded place for us to sneak around in.

  We finally make it back to the prep room and are quick to grab our things before disappearing out the back door. I follow K to wherever her car is, but I'm confused when she's leading us across the street and into an emptier parking lot.

  "Where did you park?" I ask, absently looking around for the little black civic I thought she drove.

  "Here," she replies flatly as we both near the single motorcycle parked underneath the streetlamp.

  "Wait—no," I start before halting my steps and then moving backwards. She notices too quickly though and whips her hand forward before gripping my wrist and yanking me behind her.

nbsp; "Nope, no. You don't get to be afraid of this. You're literally sleeping with a fucking monster, you can ride on the back of my bike." She pulls us up to her motorcycle and my eyes roam over it.

  Jet black. Matte. Fucking fierce and I'm surprised I haven't noticed her riding it before.

  Granted, I've spent most of my time forcibly ignoring her and everything to do with her.

  "You can take my helmet." She turns toward me, pulling it free of her bag and lifting it over my head before I have a chance to stop her. She pushes it down and I quickly grip her arms in some kind of strange need to ground myself in the fear that's working through me.

  "I don't think I can do this," I say quietly as she tightens the strap under my chin and then smacks the side of the helmet when she's finished.

  "Yes you fucking can. I've seen you do far scarier things before this," she replies casually, as if referencing our past is nothing to her.

  "Like what?" I exclaim as she throws her leg over the back and pulls me closer by my hand. She pats the narrow space behind her and suddenly my skin pulls tightly in anticipation of being closer to her.

  I ignore it, the instinctual draw, and chalk it up to the fact that I just finger fucked her in the kink club. It's residual feelings from that bullshit.

  Clearly it didn't work as intended.

  "Remember, on your fifteenth birthday, when we went kayaking with fucking orcas?" She holds on to my forearm, steadying me while I slowly climb on behind her. My legs straddle her ass, and I try to lean back and put some space between us so I'm not as near as I'm afraid I may have to be. "Whales. Fucking whales, Lyp. Massive ones, swimming beside us. And you're afraid of riding on a motorcycle? Give me a break. I know you're a little bitch, but I didn't think it was that—"

  I hit her. I jam my fist into her lower back, on the side. A place Dom and Jed taught me during one of our training sessions. She groans out in pain and falls forward before straightening her spine and sitting back upright.

  "Shut the fuck up and drive already," I snap, resting my hands on my thighs and tightening my legs on the bike in hopes of holding on.


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