Book Read Free

Music of the Heart

Page 11

by Katie Ashley

  A wide grin curved on Frank’s face. “Good, I’m glad to hear it. And if it doesn’t work out, I’ve got a son not too much older than you.”

  I laughed. “Do you ever stop with the matchmaking?”

  “Nope.” He opened his door. “Come on. Let’s go get the boys some food.”


  A long moan erupted from my lips as my eyes rolled back in my head with pleasure.

  Bree was riding me like a crazed cowgirl. Her fingers dug into my hips, sending her acrylic nails scratching across my skin. She bounced and jerked on and off of me as I thrust up to meet her frantic movements. “Fuck,” I muttered as she tightened her walls around me. If there was one thing Bree knew, it was how to please me and give me the best sex, along with the best head, I’d ever had in my life.

  But when I opened my eyes, I didn’t see Bree’s back arched in ecstasy. Instead, Abby straddled me—her expression one of wide-eyed wonderment. She gazed down at me lovingly, not with eyes hooded with lust like Bree always did. “Angel?” When she didn’t respond, I murmured, “Abby,” to which she smiled. I rose up to take her swaying breast into my mouth. I suckled the nipple causing her to moan.

  “Yeah, do me harder, Jake!” Bree’s voice roared through the bedroom.

  I blinked my eyes, trying to clear Abby’s image from my mind. This time when I looked back, it was no longer Abby, but Bree scratching her fingernails harshly down my chest as she rode me. Shaken by what I had hallucinated, I tried focusing on Bree’s writhing form. What the hell was happening to me? I had a sex goddess screwing my brains out, and I was fantasizing about a blushing virgin. A growl escaped my lips as I flipped Bree over on her back and started pounding her hard.

  “YES JAKE! Yes, just like that!” Bree cried, smacking my ass.

  I sucked one of her nipples into my mouth and teasingly bit it. She screamed and clutched her legs harder around me. But when I raised my head from Bree’s breast, Abby stared up at me. “Oh, I’ve wanted to make love for so long, Jake. I’m glad you’re my first.”

  I blinked my eyes a few times, but it was still Abby smiling up at me. A pleading expression took over her face. “No man has ever made me come before. Please be the first.” Hearing those words on her lips was my undoing, and I felt myself start to shudder.

  “Abby! Oh God, Abby, yes, yes!” I cried as I came hard into her.

  The room became eerily silent. “What the fuck did you just say?” Bree demanded. Before I could finish coming down from my high, she shoved me off of her. “You asshole!”

  “What’s your problem?” I gasped, trying to catch my breath.

  “You called me Abby, you douchebag!”

  Oh fuck…I had. I’d not only fantasized about banging Abby, but I’d actually said her name when I came.

  Bree shook her head. “I cannot freakin’ believe this. I thought I heard you say it earlier, but now I know you did! What the hell, Jake?”

  “I don’t know why I did that. I’m drunk.” I ran my fingers through my hair, trying to still my nerves. It wasn’t like I owed Bree an explanation—she was just a groupie I banged frequently. It was more that I was so freaked out myself at what I had done that I wanted to rationalize it.

  “That’s not an excuse!”

  Talking my thoughts aloud, I mumbled, “She comforted me last night about my mom. Maybe that’s why I was thinking about her.”

  “Yeah, thinking about her while you were fucking me!” Bree shrieked, throwing her dress over her head.

  “You’re making a big deal over nothing. We’re not exclusive, so we’re free to fuck or fantasize about whoever we want to.” I then narrowly dodged the heel she threw at me. “Are you insane?” I shouted.

  “Go to hell, Jake!” she screamed before she stormed out of the room, leaving the black heel that had almost whacked me in the head.

  “I need a drink,” I muttered before staggering into the hallway.

  By the wide-eyed looks of the horror the guys were giving me, I knew they heard what I’d did. Without another word to me, Bree stormed off the bus.

  AJ leaned forward. “Dude, did you seriously just call out Abby’s name?”

  I groaned and stalked over to the fridge. I snatched out a beer and took two long pulls. When they continued peering expectantly at me, I shrugged. “Maybe I did. Don’t tell me you’ve never said something crazy when you were coming.”

  “I sure as hell never called the girl the wrong name,” AJ replied. Brayden bobbed his head in agreement.

  When I glanced at Rhys, he gave me a sheepish grin. “In my defense, it was a three-some. I kinda lost track of who was who.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Look, it’s nothing. Bree’s spent the last few months trying to get her hooks further into me. It’ll be better if I just find someone else to fuck after the show.”

  A growl came from low in Brayden’s throat. “Pricks like you make me sad for my sweet, innocent baby girl back at home,” he grumbled as he headed for the bathroom.

  Once he slammed the door, AJ leaned forward in his seat. “So don’t you think you might want to take a second to think about why you called out Abby’s name?”

  Rhys nodded. “Were you like fantasizing about her when you did it?”

  I finished the beer and tossed the bottle in the trash. Without hesitating, I grabbed out another one. “Pace yourself, man. We’re going out tonight to hear Bray’s cousin’s band play, remember?” AJ warned.

  Ignoring him, I took a long gulp of the foamy beer. When I thought about how I’d pictured Abby riding me and asking me to make her come, I shuddered. How could someone who was so not my type get me so hot?

  “So you did fantasize about her?” Rhys asked, a knowing smile on his face.

  “And what if I did?” I countered.

  He snorted. “You’re out of your mind if you think you can seduce Abby like Bree or one of your other groupies.”

  AJ grinned. “Rhys’s right man.”

  Closing the gap between us, I asked, “Is that a challenge?”

  AJ’s expression darkened. “No, it’s sure as hell not. And I’ll kick your fucking ass if you try anything with her.” When I narrowed my eyes, he inched closer to me. “Don’t you think after her little performance last night, I might have wondered about what it might be like to get it on with her? To have her legs wrapped around my waist and those lips on mine.” He sucked in a ragged breath while a tremble rippled through him. Once he came out of his fantasy, he shook his head wildly back and forth. “But that’s all it’s ever going to be to me is a thought. Abby is the relationship/marrying kinda girl, and I sure as hell can’t give that to her right now. And I respect her too much to try to put the moves on her, and I don’t want to see her get hurt.”

  “Gotta admit that goes for me too,” Rhys added.

  I rolled my eyes at the two misguided Knights in Shining Armor. “The last thing in the world I want is to start something up with her, got it?” I hissed.

  Rhys shook his head. “Keep on telling yourself that, man. You’re already drowning in her, and the longer she’s on this bus, the deeper you’re going to get in.”

  A shiver ran down my spine at Rhys’s words. Was he right? Was seeing Abby while I was screwing Bree some weird double meaning that after a brief twenty-four hours I was starting to like her? My mind flashed back to her holding me while I cried, the tender curves of her body pressed against me, her whispered words of encouragement. No, no, no! This couldn’t happen. I wouldn’t let it.

  “Ugh, I’m going back to the bedroom. Wake me when it’s time to leave.” Before they could protest, I snatched up a bottle of Jack Daniels from the cabinet—desperately hoping to wipe any sexual thoughts, or any thoughts period, of Abby Renard from my mind.

  After downing half the bottle of Jack, I must’ve passed out because the next thing I knew AJ was standing over me, shaking my shoulders.

  “Wake up, douchebag.”

  I groaned and rubbed my eyes. “What time is it?�

  “Six. Cade’s set is at seven, so we gotta get hustling.”

  Glancing over at the digital clock, I realized there would be no time for showering. I’d have to go out smelling like a mixture of booze and Bree. When I swung my legs over the side of the bed, the room spun around me.

  “Jesus, Jake. You’re completely plastered,” AJ lamented as he smoothed on some cologne.

  “I am not,” I grumbled, staggering to my feet.

  When I lurched forward and had to cling to his waist to keep from passing out, he grunted in frustration before reaching out to steady me. “Why do you do this shit to yourself man? Susan would hate to see you like this.”

  Jerking myself upright, I jabbed a finger into his chest. “Do not bring up my mother,” I growled.

  When I caught a glance at AJ’s face in the darkness, he wore a pitied expression, rather than a pissed one. “I’m sorry, man. You know I love her, and I love you,” he murmured.

  My shoulders drooped in defeat. Christ, I so did not need this right now. Trying to deal with my mother was one thing. Throwing in what had happened with Bree and Abby, coupled with AJ getting all emotional on me, was way too much. “Look, I love you too, but I can only handle so much without absolutely losing my fucking mind.”

  “Fine. I understand.”

  “Fuck, my head is about to explode. Did Frank get back from the store with the Advil?”

  “Yeah, he and Abby got back a little while ago.” At the mention of Abby’s name, I tensed as I realized what I had said and done to her earlier with Bree. “Um, did she…you know, with me and Bree?”

  AJ quirked his dark brows and crossed his arms over his chest. “Of course she heard you. All your grunts and groans embarrassed the hell out of her, but she finally freaked out and ran off the bus at your ‘Suck me harder!’ line.”

  I cringed. I had a special gift for fucking up around Abby that was for damn sure. She probably hated me now. Who was I kidding? She’d hated me from the moment we met, and last night and this morning was all just a pity party. I shook my head. Wait, why did I care if she hated me or not? No, I could not care about Abby—not in any way that wasn’t sexual.

  With AJ’s back turned, I grabbed the bottle of Jack off the nightstand and started chugging. Pinching my eyes shut, I let the harsh alcohol burn a fiery trail down my stomach. My binge was unceremoniously cut off when the bottle was snatched away from me.

  “Dammit Jake! You’re already a mess! How the hell are you going to go out tonight like this?”

  “Fuck off,” I grumbled before staggering out of the bedroom.

  The aroma of tomatoes and spices hit my nose and caused my alcohol-filled stomach to churn. Someone had actually cooked? I peered ahead of me to see Rhys and Brayden relaxing at the table with empty bowls of what must’ve been chili in front of them.

  When I met Rhys’s eyes, he shook his head. “Dude, you look like hell.”

  “Thanks dickweed. I feel like hell.”

  Abby stood with her back to me at the stove. The sound of my voice caused her to whirl around. With her hair pulled back in a ponytail, she held a spatula in her hand, which was surprising since I didn’t know we had cookware on the bus.

  Her blue eyes widened as she took in my appearance, but then she quickly turned away from me. I did a double take because she appeared almost skittish in front of me—something she had never, ever done before.

  “What’s wrong with you?” I demanded.

  “Leave me alone!” she spat from her place at the stove.

  “Ah, there’s my feisty girl.”

  Spinning around, Abby’s expression darkened. “Don’t you dare call me your girl after the things you said and did to me earlier today!”

  “You got a problem with me?”

  “Wow, you must really be drunker than I thought if you have to ask that!” she snapped.

  “Trust me, he’s totally hammered. The jackass chased two beers with a fifth of Jack,” Brayden replied, shaking his head.

  AJ appeared behind me. “Let’s not start anything, okay? We have a show to see. Let’s just get out the door without any more trouble.”

  Abby held up her hands. “I’m not the one starting anything. I certainly didn’t do anything wrong.”

  A snort escaped my lips. “Don’t you get it, Angel? You’re what’s wrong.”

  “Jake—” AJ warned.

  Her eyes widened as she swept her hand over her heart. “Me?”

  “Yeah, you.” I lunged forward causing her to take a tentative step back. “It’s you with those sexy as hell cowboy boots that I want digging into my ass as I fuck you until you scream my name. And those perfect tits…” I licked my lips at the mere thought of my mouth on them. But in that pause, my cloudy thoughts veered in a different, less perverted direction. “It’s the way the dimple comes out on your cheek when you smile really big and the way you blush when I tease you.”

  I sucked in a breath as a fuzzy memory from the night before crashed over me. “It was the way your sweet, soft hands wiped away my tears, and the way your body just curved into mine when you let me hold you. It all made me feel, for just an instant, that everything really was going to be all right. No one has ever comforted me like that…except my mom.” What the fuck? Did I just say all that out loud? I shook my head furiously from side to side as the room started spinning me like a Tilt-a-Whirl at the county fair back home.

  Abby grabbed my shoulders to steady me. I blinked my eyes trying to focus on her blurry, but beautiful image. “Most of all, it’s that I want someone like you to want me—just for me, not for Jake Slater the singer of Runaway Train.” I smacked my hand hard against my chest. “For what’s really inside me.”

  Abby gasped. “Oh Jake, I—”

  She never got the chance to say what I hoped to hear because my churning stomach chose that precise moment to lurch, causing me to puke all over Abby’s pristine sundress.


  Reeling from Jake’s drunken declaration of his feelings, I never anticipated being drenched in puke. I stood there frozen in horror as Jake retched again. I snatched my hands from his shoulders and fought my gag reflex.

  Jake raised his glassy eyes to mine. Pain coupled with embarrassment swam in them before they rolled back in his head, and he started to pass out.

  “Motherfucker!” AJ groaned as he grabbed Jake’s sinking form.

  “He’s out cold,” Rhys reported.

  “Ugh, I vote we throw his smelly ass in the bedroom and let him sleep it off,” AJ suggested.

  “Sounds good to me.” Rhys helped AJ drag Jake back to the bedroom. When they finished, they slammed the door.

  “I’m so sorry, Abby,” Brayden apologized. He started to take a step towards me, but then crinkled his nose and backed up.

  “Yeah, I get it. I reek.” As I started for the shower, the guys swept past me towards the bus exit. “Whoa, wait a minute.” They paused and turned around. I glanced back to the bedroom and then to them. “You mean you’re going to leave me alone with Jake?”

  “No, you can always come with us. We’ll have an extra place at our VIP table with Jake not going,” AJ offered. He gave me a sly wink before adding, “And I’ll buy you all the Coke Zero you can drink if you’ll promise to dance once or twice with me.”

  I laughed. “That’s very tempting, but I think I better stay here. You know, get a little studying in or clean up this pigsty.” I glanced down at my puke-stained clothes. “Besides, you guys need to get going and don’t have time to wait on me to cleanup.”

  Brayden smiled. “We’ll make time for you to change, Abby.”

  “Aw, that’s so very sweet. Come here and give me a hug!” I offered with a teasing grin.

  Holding his hands up in mock surrender, Brayden replied, “Lemme take a rain check on that one.”

  “I figured as much. No, you guys need to get going to keep your reservation.”

  “Are you sure?” Rhys asked before ducking into the bathroom
to check his appearance one last time.

  “Yeah, I’m sure.” I threw another uneasy glance back at the bedroom. “And you’re sure Jake will be okay?”

  “You mean are you sure you’ll be okay with Jake?” AJ questioned with a grin.

  “No, that’s not what I meant.”

  Rhys chuckled as he stepped out of the bathroom. “It’ll be fine, Abby. He’ll be out for hours. And I wager when he wakes up, he’ll be too hung-over to try anything. Your virtue is safe.”

  I huffed when he winked at me. “Fine. Go have fun. I’ll just be here baby-sitting the drunken, horny douchebag!”

  The guys roared with laughter as they clambered off the bus and headed into the waiting SUV. “Men,” I mumbled as I headed for my suitcase and a clean change of clothes. When I got into the bathroom, I was quick to lock the door. I didn’t want to take any chances of Jake barreling in on me.

  Under the scorching stream of water, my mind floated back to what Jake had said before he passed out. I couldn’t help the embarrassing flush creeping over my body at what he’d mentioned about us having sex. At the same time, an ache burned its way through me at the thought of what he had suggested, and for the first time, I felt true desire and longing for a guy. It was like nothing I had experienced with anyone else I had liked or dated. And even though I wasn’t in love with Jake, I wanted him. Bad.

  “WHAT?! Have you lost your mind!” I shouted to the shower walls as I raked my fingernails through my hair. I then wildly shook my head back and forth. What was happening to me? No, no, no. I couldn’t think about Jake that way. He was a manwhore who only used women. He could never, ever love me or give me what I wanted in life…could he?

  But my mind then whirled to Frank’s earlier conversation as well as what Jake had admitted after all the naughty stuff. He wanted a girl like me to really like him. It wasn’t the first time he had made that statement. He’d made that claim to me after I’d comforted him. Deep down, could Jake want a relationship and more with a girl…with me?


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