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Page 20

by Kathryn Moon

  I barked out a laugh, and pulled the sweater up over her head, ducking to taste the skin I’d found. She rose up to her knees again, and I grinned as a breast appeared conveniently before me. I wrapped my lips around a perfect, rosy nipple and then groaned against the skin when a small hand wrapped around me, pumping gently.

  “I’m there, darling,” I growled into her breast, my hands gripping at her hips to draw her over me, teasing her opening with the tip of my cock.

  “So am I, darling,” she said, grinning. I looked up to watch her face as I pulled her down slowly, a fraction at a time.

  I knew Callum and Isaac’s bodies as well as I knew my own, and I knew that the girth of me would be a stretch for her. A stretch she seemed to appreciate if the way her face went lax and open with every gentle nudge deeper. I rolled her onto me, her hands clutching at the back of my neck.

  “Oh, oh gods, Aiden,” she said, high and breathy.

  She was slick and hot around me and it took all my willpower to keep from surging up into her. I clenched my jaw, bouncing her, stretching and teasing at just her entrance until she was mewling, trying to push herself down farther.

  “Darling girl,” I said, wrapping an arm around her so I could free a hand. I stroked at her where we were joined and she arched, crying out.

  “I want more,” she pleaded, still squirming and trying to turn the small careful thrust of me inside her into something deeper.

  “You’ll have it, I promise,” I said.

  I sucked at the breast hovering by my lips and fumbled in her slippery folds until I found her clit, rolling and pressing. Her nails dug into my back as she shouted, squeezing in tight flutters around my cock as I finally drew her down. I seated myself fully, swallowing my groan and tensing my thighs to keep from bucking as she quivered around me with small aftershocks. I wrapped my arms around her back, a pleased rumble in my chest as she settled, and kissed my way up to her neck.

  “Do you always get your way?” she grumbled against my ear, and then nipped at my lobe, a bolt of pleasure shooting down my spine.

  I laughed again, as she pushed me backwards into the mattress, and then the laughter died and turned to moans as she took revenge for my teasing. Her hands were braced against my chest as she rose and fell, clasping and dragging over every inch of my cock. She squeezed around the tip of me before sliding down again and grinding our bodies together, broken sounds falling from both our mouths. I braced my feet against the edge of the bed, bucking up to meet her and holding her steady.

  “Aiden,” she whispered, turning it into a chant as her head drooped.

  The pace turned quick, her thighs shaking around me and every dive and drag of her body pulling straight from my gut. My hands felt hot and an electric current was jolting up my spine in time with Joanna’s torrid rhythm. She surged up, back arching and hands moving to my knees, body leaning back and putting me at a new angle inside of her that had her singing. I gentled our movements, pressing in slow, strong strokes until she was trembling with every small brush between us.

  “Come again, darling,” I begged, needing it as badly as she did in that moment.

  She shook, abbreviated little cries and babbling praises, and she was slippery and hot around me trying to milk pleasure out of me in return. I gathered her to my chest and rolled her onto her back, her legs and arms wrapping around me as heat burrowed at the base of my spine and exploded outward. There was a roar in my ears and a dense blanketing warm rolling out into my muscles. She had me enveloped, sweet heat still clenching around me and hands fluttering and kissing over my back.

  Joanna hummed small happy sounds in my ear, kissing the corner of my jaw, and she held me tight to her as I tried to draw back.

  “‘M too heavy, I’ll crush you,” I said, squeezing gently at her shoulders while my arms were still trapped beneath us.

  “Just one more minute,” she said.

  She loosened her hold around me as I softened. Her hair was rumpled and damp around her face and she was flushed red over her chest.

  “Hello,” she said, smiling and biting her lip. I leaned down to pluck it free with my own.

  “Hello,” I said. I drew back and she squirmed, a little whimper at the back of her throat as I pulled out. “Alright?”

  “Yes,” she said, grinning. “But I’ll have that bath now, I think.”

  I scooped her up off the bed and ran us down the hall and into the bathroom. The room was warm and misty and Callum and Isaac were both already submerged in water. There were candles lit on the counter and glasses of wine waiting for us. I set Joanna down and she hurried to the water, Callum moving aside to put her between him and Isaac, drawing her against his chest. Isaac was pink cheeked, warmed in the water, and leaning back against the lip of the tub with his eyes closed. But he lifted up Joanna’s feet and set them up on his knees, thumbs digging into her soles and drawing a purr from her lips.

  He had looked stricken, almost green when he came down from his room with her note in hand. There had been actual defeat in his expression and I had let it dig into me too, rejection thorny in my chest. It was Callum, of all us, who had refused the words, the spell, the gesture completely. But Isaac seemed content now, if maybe a little reserved. He and Joanna would have their time later, she was watching his face.

  Isaac’s hand reached back for me and I took it, letting him drawing me in on his other side. The water stung with heat, burning at the lingering chill of the rain and the dark.

  “Say it again,” Callum whispered and both Isaac and I turned to look at Joanna, reclined in his arms.

  She met our gazes. “I belong with you,” she said, reaching up to cover Callum’s hand on her shoulder. His answering smile was light and simple, a pure kind of pleasure he rarely showed. Joanna was still staring back at Isaac. “Can I see my room after the bath?” she asked.

  Isaac exhaled heavily, leaning into me. “Of course you can,” he said, words soft.

  Joanna smiled, no nerves or shy hesitation on her face. There was a giddiness building up in my chest. A wild delirious feeling that threatened tears at the back of my eyes and made my throat swell shut. She belonged with us and she would stay this time. I had my coven, my family.

  Now I- we just needed to keep each other safe.

  24. Joanna

  My bedroom was on the fourth floor of the house. My bedroom was the fourth floor of the house with an en suite bathroom as nice as the one the men shared. The ceiling was high and domed, wood beams dark and exposed and there was a large round window at the far end of the room. An enormous bed sat in front of the window, wide enough to be shared by four, I realized, staring at it.

  The men were at my back and I could hear them shifting, waiting for my reaction. And I couldn’t come up with one because I was too busy being overwhelmed.

  There were cream bookshelves lining the walls and I wondered if they had been added after they had met me, or if they had known they would find an avid reader. Or if they simply had been there when Aiden bought the house. Five small windows hung in the roof, and later, when everything was settled and safe again, I would see the stars out of them at night. There was a set of armchairs over a rug by a small fireplace and a low table between them.

  “Do you like it?” Callum asked, standing close to my back and resting his hands on my hips.

  “It’s beautiful,” I said, and then realized that wasn’t the right kind of answer I added, “I love it. It’s so big though. I won’t have to stay up here alone will I?”

  Aiden laughed and moved over to the fireplace, pulling logs from the rack. We were all fresh from the bath and I was back in his sweater with Aiden and Isaac in their robes and Callum’s hips wrapped in a towel. The room was a little chilled, and smelled dry and dusty, unused for too long. But everything was clean and there was a painting of a field of wildflowers on the wall that made me ache with sweetness.

  “Not until you get sick of having us in your hair,” Aiden said. “This was designed to
be the master suite. I just wanted to save it until…”

  “Until the coven was full,” I said and he looked back at me from the fireplace, eyes bright and crinkled with a smile.

  “You mean it,” Isaac said. I turned and he was behind Callum, hovering near the door, face shadowed by the stairwell.

  “I mean it,” I said.

  Callum bent his head, fingers tugging at the sweater to pull it down and expose my shoulder to his mouth. Isaac stepped up close, his hands layering over Callum’s on my ribs, nose brushing mine.

  “I’m sor-” I started, happy to say it as many times as they wanted to hear. Happy to be in the house again, happy to feel stupid for ever trying to leave. But Isaac swallowed the word with a kiss, tongue delving and stroking into my mouth, licking at the back of my teeth and curling over my own tongue.

  I moaned into the kiss as Callum’s teeth scraped over my shoulder. He traveled up my neck, sucking and licking, hips pressing into my back. Isaac crowded me at my front, lips turning soft and teasing. I wished for more hands, more ways to return their touches as I arched and curved between them.

  Callum’s fingers stroked over the tops of my thighs, sliding between my legs to brush and pet, dancing away as I tried chase them. Isaac drew away from my lips and then he and Callum were kissing, one long smooth caress into each other. I was surrounded by them, swallowed up in the embrace and feeling every inch of them against me, cocks stirring against my belly. Their hands gathered up the sweater, dragging it up over my head.

  “Take her to the bed,” Isaac said. Callum lifted me up, arms around my hips and I squeaked in surprise.

  “I can walk!” I said, laughing as Callum layered kisses on my shoulder.

  Aiden was grinning from in front of the fireplace, a small flicker of flames already started. He winked at me and offered no help.

  Callum kicked the towel away as it fell to the floor in front of the bed. I bounced on his lap as we landed on the mattress and then he dragged us back to the headboard. My back was to his stomach, the start of his erection bumping into me as he spread his knees inside of my thighs, exposing me to the air. He caught my hands before I could cover myself, drawing them back and kissing them both.

  “Let us see you,” he said against my ear and then kissed at the corner of my jaw.

  I shivered and even I didn’t know if it was the cool air or the sound of Callum’s voice in my ear or the sight of Isaac and Aiden watching us.

  Isaac was prowling to the bed, eyes caressing over my skin as he crawled up the mattress. He nuzzled into my belly button, flicking his tongue out briefly and making me gasp at the touch.

  “The pair of you are art like this,” he said, glancing up.

  “You are not allowed to sketch this,” I said, but my words were weak and breathy.

  Callum’s hands were tracing over my ribs, barely brushing across my ribs. His tongue lapped over my neck until the skin was hyper-sensitive and I wanted to beg him to stop or bite. Instead I just stretched it, exposing more flesh to the treatment.

  “Maybe from memory,” Isaac said, grinning.

  Isaac’s palm cupped over my pussy, rubbing the pads of his fingers across my clit. The tip of Callum’s cock was peeking between my legs, just under his hand and Isaac dipped his head down, sucking it into his mouth. Callum arched under me, bucking me up into Isaac’s hand while his chest rattled into my back with a groan.

  “Tell her,” Isaac mumbled, pulling away from Callum and moving his hand away. He nibbled at my lower lips and Callum arched forward to swallow my whimper in a kiss. “Tell her, Callum,” Isaac said again and I rolled my hips up to try and draw him back to me.

  “We…we talked about you,” Callum mumbled into the kiss. “While we were fucking, we talked about how we wanted you.”

  I moaned and he pulled at my mouth again, Isaac rewarding us both by lapping avidly at me. Callum stretched my hands back around his head, banding an arm over my ribs to hold me for Isaac’s efforts. The bed dipped at our side and a large warm hand stroked down from my neck all the way to the hair just above my folds, a finger toying at the top of my slit. Aiden’s mouth landed at my breast and suddenly there was too much at once and I couldn’t think of what I wanted next, only that I wanted more.

  Isaac licked, swirling over my clit, and a finger and then two slid inside of me, testing, before drawing out again. Callum’s breath hitched in my mouth and then he was pushing into me, guided by Isaac’s hand.

  Callum cursed into my neck, knees spreading wider and hips thrusting beneath me. Whatever word I meant to say fell apart into nonsense. He released my hands and they fell into Isaac’s hair, tangling and gripping at the strands.

  Isaac lay flat on his belly and I watched his back, the planes and knots of muscles working as he mouthed wetly over where Callum and I were joined. He groaned against us as my fingers tightened in his hair and moved up to flick and lap and swirl at the bundle of nerves stirring heat and ecstasy into my blood.

  Their names were falling out of my mouth, tangled together in the wrong order. Callum bounced me over his length, mouth panting grunts against my neck as Isaac toyed with us both. Aiden’s hands were everywhere while his lips pulled steadily at my breast.

  I crested quick and hard, a bright shout echoing out of me as stars lit up behind my eyes and my thighs clamped around Isaac’s ears. I wanted to fix him in place to me and push him away at the same time. Callum fucked through my orgasm, extending and deepening it until I was twitching and boneless and my whole body felt fevered and charged.

  Isaac pushed my thighs apart and stole me out of Callum’s hold, his hips kicking in chase and a ragged growl breaking out of his throat.

  “Not yet,” Callum snarled.

  Aiden laughed, drawing away from me and pulling Callum to his chest. His hand wrapped around Callum’s cock and sliding evenly over it, coated in my juices, and Callum grasped onto Aiden’s hold with a grateful moan. Isaac scooted up to my back as I curled up on my side. He pulled my hips into his and raised my right leg up over his, fitting himself inside of me from behind.

  I whimpered, twisting my neck to hide my face in a pillow, but Isaac pushed my hair back, hooking his fingers under my chin. He lifted my chin up and kissed at my pulse.

  “Watch them,” Isaac said in my ear. He was fully seated, hips barely pumping, and free arm stroking over my side and belly. “Watch them with me.”

  I caught my breath in little puffs and opened my eyes. Isaac settled his chin into my shoulder and we stared at Callum and Aiden in front of us, curled together like a mirror of our own position. Aiden was peppering kisses over Callum’s shoulder, one hand stroking softly at the base of Callum’s cock and the other working behind. Callum’s mouth was opened wide on a soundless cry. I reached out, running my hand down his chest and into the hair trailing down from his navel. His stomach trembled under my touch.

  Isaac nudged us closer until Callum and I could reach other, mouths latching hungrily to one another. Aiden rumbled at Callum’s back and the sound echoed out of Callum into the kiss. Aiden pushed forward and then Callum was sliding against me, cock twitching and leaking fluid against my thigh. Aiden’s knuckles brushed over my sex as he squeezed and dragged his hand down Callum’s length, both of them bucking closer.

  Isaac braced himself up on an elbow, one hand holding me open at my knee, hips swirling and thrusting, hitting at my front walls. Wet sounds filled the room and noisy cries. I could feel the echo of them in my throat and mouth but I couldn’t pick the voices apart in my ear. Just like I couldn’t keep track of who was touching me and when and where. Only that every part of me was full of hunger and a dreamy kind of satisfaction.

  With every rutting push, Callum and I tangled closer, Isaac struck deeper, Aiden’s hands were harder against me. I felt frenzied and calm at the same time, riding a torrent that was pounding in my ears and blood. The drumbeat was heaviest between my legs, where Isaac was rutting into me and Callum was bumping and Aiden was n


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