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The Last Empire

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by Serhii Plokhy

  22. Mikhail Gorbachev, Memoirs (New York, 1995), 632–640; Anatolii Cherniaev, Sovmestnyi iskhod. Dnevnik dvukh ėpokh, 1972–1991 gody (Moscow, 2008), 982–983; Stepankov and Lisov, Kremlevskii zagovor, 205–207; Krasnoe i beloe, 141–142; Dunlop, “The August 1991 Coup and Its Impact on Soviet Politics.”

  23. Bush and Scowcroft, A World Transformed, 531–532; “Telecon with President Mikhail Gorbachev of the USSR,” August 21, 2011, Bush Presidential Library, Memcons and Telcons,—Gorbachev.pdf; Cherniaev, Sovmestnyi iskhod, 983; “Exchange with Reporters in Kennebunkport, Maine, on the Attempted Coup in the Soviet Union,” August 21, 1991, Bush Presidential Library, Public Papers,

  24. Yeltsin, The Struggle for Russia, 101; Pavel Palazhchenko, My Years with Gorbachev and Shevardnadze: The Memoir of a Soviet Interpreter (University Park, PA, 1997), 311–312; Cherniaev, Sovmestnyi iskhod, 983.

  25. Stepankov and Lisov, Kremlevskii zagovor, 208–210, 213–217, 297.


  1. “Press-konferentsiia prezidenta SSSR,” Pravda, August 23, 1991.

  2. “Vozvrashchenie prezidenta SSSR,” Pravda, August 23, 1991.

  3. Anatolii Cherniaev, Sovmestnyi iskhod. Dnevnik dvukh ėpokh, 1972–1991 gody (Moscow, 2008), 984; Lenin’s Tomb: The Last Days of the Soviet Empire (New York, 1994), 494–495; Michael Dobbs, Down with Big Brother: The Fall of the Soviet Empire (New York, 1997), 411.

  4. V Politbiuro TsK KPSS po zapisiam Anatoliia Cherniaeva, Vadima Medvedeva, Georgiia Shakhnazarova (1985–1991) (Moscow, 2000), 497–498; Vadim Medvedev, V komande Gorbacheva. Vzgliad iznutri (Moscow, 1994), 199–200; Mikhail Gorbachev, Memoirs (New York, 1995), 641.

  5. “Press-konferentsiia prezidenta SSSR,” Pravda, August 23, 1991; V Politbiuro TsK KPSS, 497–498.

  6. “Rossiiskii trikolor, kak simvol avgusta 1991 g.,” Radio Svoboda, August 21, 2009,; Boris Yeltsin, The Struggle for Russia, trans. Catherine A. Fitzpatrick (New York, 1994), 106–109.

  7. Izvestiia, August 23, 1991; Raspad SSSR: Dokumenty i fakty (1986–1992 gg.), vol. 1, Normativnye akty. Ofitsial’nye soobshcheniia, ed. S. M. Shakhrai (Moscow, 2009), 841–843, 847–849; Medvedev, V komande Gorbacheva, 199–200.

  8. Yeltsin, The Struggle for Russia, 106–109; Korzhakov, Boris El’tsin, 115–117; Evgenii Shaposhnikov, Vybor. Zapiski glavnokomanduiushchego (Moscow, 1993), 62–65.

  9. Yeltsin, The Struggle for Russia, 106.

  10. “Opros. ‘Ulitsa’ o M. Gorbacheve,” Argumenty i fakty, no. 33 (August 23) 1991, 6; Gorbachev, Memoirs, 642.

  11. Gorbachev, Memoirs, 644–645.

  12. V Politbiuro TsK KPSS, 697–698.

  13. Collins to the Secretary of State, “Communist Monuments Coming Down. Lenin May Be Evicted from Mausoleum,” August 26, 1991, 2, Bush Presidential Library, Presidential Records, National Security Council, White House Situation Room Files: USSR Part 4 of 4 Moscow Coup Attempt (1991), no. 9.

  14. Shaposhnikov, Vybor, 63.

  15. Korzhakov, Boris El’tsin, 116–117, Evgenii Sevostianov, “V avguste 91-go,”; Dobbs, Down with Big Brother, 411–417; Yeltsin, Struggle for Russia, 100; Remnick, Lenin’s Tomb, 493–494.

  16. “Gorbachev’s Speech to Russians: A Major Regrouping of Political Forces,” New York Times, 6–7; Remnick, Lenin’s Tomb, 494–495.

  17. “Gorbachev’s Speech to Russians,” 7; Gorbachev, Memoirs, 644; Petr Aven and Al’fred Kokh, “El’tsin sluzhil nam!,” interview with Gennadii Burbulis, Forbes (Russian edition), July 22, 2010,

  18. Aven and Kokh, “El’tsin sluzhil nam!”; Gorbachev, Memoirs, 644.

  19. Michael R. Beschloss and Strobe Talbott, At the Highest Levels: The Inside Story of the End of the Cold War (Boston, 1993), 438.

  20. Memorandum of telephone conversation with Boris Yeltsin, August 21, 1991, Bush Presidential Library, Memcons and Telcons,—Yeltsin%20[2].pdf.

  21. American Counsul to the Secretary of State, “Kozyrev in Strasbourg: Stand for Election or Stand Aside,” August 21, 1991.

  22. Krasnoe ili beloe? Drama avgusta-91. Fakty, gipotezy, stolknoveniia mnenii (Moscow, 1992), 116–117.

  23. Raspad SSSR, 853–856; V Politbiuro TsK KPSS, 699–701; Medvedev, V komande Gorbacheva, 201–202; Gorbachev, Memoirs, 643–645.

  24. Cherniaev, Sovmestnyi iskhod, 967–968; “TsK KPSS. Ob orientirovke dlia partiinykh komitetov po zakonu RSFSR ‘O militsii, 4 iiunia 1991,’ RGANI, fond 89, op. 11, no. 90; “Informatsiia o deiatel’nosti partiinykh organizatsii Kompartii RSFSR v usloviiakh deistviia Ukaza Prezidenta RSFSR ot 20 iiulia 1991 g.,” RGANI, fond 89, op. 23, no. 8.

  25. Valentin Stepankov and Evgenii Lisov, Kremlevskii zagovor. Versiia sledstviia (Moscow, 1992), 236–254; “Pugo, Boris Karlovich,”

  26. Medvedev, V komande Gorbacheva, 198; A. Kutsenko, Marshaly i admiraly flota Sovetskogo Soiuza (Kyiv, 2007), 18–21.

  27. “Soviet Turmoil. New Suicide: Budget Director,” New York Times, August 27, 1991; Dobbs, Down with Big Brother, 420–421; Stepankov and Lisov, Kremlevskii zagovor, 233–236; Raspad SSSR, 85–57; Stephen Kotkin, Armageddon Averted: The Soviet Collapse, 1970–2000 (Oxford, 2001), 113–117.


  1. Fedir Turchenko, HKChP i proholoshennia nezalezhnosti Ukraïny: pohliad iz Zaporizhzhia (Zaporizhia, 2011), 108–111.

  2. Interview with John Stepanchuk in Rozpad Radians’koho Soiuzu. Usna istoriia nezalezhnoï Ukraïny 1988–91, pt. 3,

  3. Interview with Leonid Kravchuk in Rozpad Radians’koho Soiuzu. Usna istoriia nezalezhnoï Ukraïny 1988–91, tape 8,; Vasyl’ Tuhluk, “Den’, shcho zminyv khid istoriï,” Uriadovyi kur’ier, August 23, 1991.

  4. Sergei Rakhmanin, “Boris Sharikov: ‘To’ chto GKChP provalilsia ia pochuvstvoval, kogda uvidel press-konferentsiiu chlenov komiteta,’” Zerkalo nedeli, August 18, 2001.

  5. Iurii Shapoval, “Iak HKChP-isty kraïnu z kryzy vyvodyly,” Dzerkalo tyzhnia, August 19, 2001; Rakhmanin, “Boris Sharikov”; interview with Leonid Kravchuk in Rozpad Radians’koho Soiuzu. Usna istoriia nezalezhnoï Ukraïny 1988–91, tape 8,; Leonid Kravchuk, Maiemo te, shcho maiemo. Spohady i rozdumy (Kyiv, 2002), 94–98; interview with Valentin Varennikov in Rozpad Radians’koho Soiuzu. Usna istoriia nezalezhnoï Ukraïny 1988–91, tape 2,

  6. Author’s interview with Leonid Kravchuk, Kyiv, September 1, 2011; Kravchuk, Maiemo te, shcho maiemo, 99.

  7. Dmytro Kyians’kyi, “Akademik. Vitse-prem’ier. Dyplomat,” Dzerkalo tyzhnia, February 2, 2002; “Ievhen Marchuk: Iakby ia chysto shyzofrenichno zakhotiv zrobyty HKChP,” Ukraïns’ka pravda, August 12, 2011,

  8. Interview with Heorhii Kriuchkov in Rozpad Radians’koho Soiuzu. Usna istoriia nezalezhnoï Ukraïny 1988–91, tape 4,; “Iz shifrotelegrammy TsK Kompartii Ukrainy,” in Nezavisimost’ Ukrainy: Khronika,

  9. Interview with Adam Martyniuk, Rozpad Radians’koho Soiuzu. Usna istoriia nezalezhnoï Ukraïny 1988–91, tape 4,; “Iz vystupleniia Predsedatelia Prezidiuma Verkhovnogo Soveta USSR L. M. Kravchuka po ukrainskomu televideniiu, 19 avgusta 1991 g.,” in Nezavisimost’ Ukrainy: Khronika; US Embassy in Moscow to Secretary of State, August 23, 1991, “Reaction in Ukraine to the Coup in Moscow,” 2, Bush Presidential Library, Presidential Records, National Security Council, White House Situation Room Files: USSR Part 4 of 4 Moscow Coup Attempt (1991), no. 5.

  10. Programma Vremia, August 19, 1991,
tch?v=HY5wf-ywETE; Roman Solchanyk, “Kravchuk and the Coup,” Ukrainian Weekly, September 1, 1991, 2, 10.

  11. Turchenko, HKChP, 9–54; Serhii Plokhy, Ukraine and Russia: Representations of the Past (Toronto, 2008), 165–181. For video clips of the Cossack march of 1990 and the Chervona Ruta music festival of 1991, see “SichCentr 7: Cossack Hogan at Festivals in Zaporozhye,” YouTube video posted by SichCentr, July 22, 2009,

  12. US Embassy in Moscow to Secretary of State, August 23, 1991, “Reaction in Ukraine to the Coup in Moscow,” 3.

  13. Masha Gessen, The Man Without a Face: The Unlikely Rise of Vladimir Putin (New York, 2013), 108–118.

  14. Interview with Volodymyr Hryniov in Rozpad Radians’koho Soiuzu. Usna istoriia nezalezhnoï Ukraïny 1988–91, pt. 3,; US Embassy in Moscow to Secretary of State, August 23, 1991, “Reaction in Ukraine to the Coup in Moscow,” 3.

  15. “General Strike Planned by Democratic Groups,” Ukrainian Weekly, August 25, 1991, 1, 13; Marta Kolomayets, “What the Coup Meant for Ukraine,” Ukrainian Weekly, August 25, 1991, 1, 10; Solchanyk, “Kravchuk and the Coup,” 10.

  16. Boris Yeltsin, The Struggle for Russia, trans. Catherine A. Fitzpatrick (New York, 1994), 66; interview with Vlodymyr Filenko in Rozpad Radians’koho Soiuzu. Usna istoriia nezalezhnoï Ukraïny 1988–91, pt. 4,; interview with Ruslan Khasbulatov in Rozpad Radians’koho Soiuzu. Usna istoriia nezalezhnoï Ukraïny 1988–91, pts. 1–2; interview with Nikolai Bagrov in Rozpad Radians’koho Soiuzu. Usna istoriia nezalezhnoï Ukraïny 1988–91, pt. 3,; “Telecon with President Boris Yeltsin of the Russian Federation,” August 21, 1991, Bush Presidential Library, Memcons and Telcons,[[1]].pdf; Lapychak, “Kravchuk Criticized,” 2.

  17. Lapychak, “Kravchuk Criticized,” 4; Solchanyk, “Kravchuk and the Coup,” 10.

  18. Evgenii Shaposhnikov, Vybor. Zapiski glavnokomanduiushchego (Moscow, 1993), 63–64.

  19. “Soveshchanie s rukovoditeliami respublik,” Izvestiia, August 24, 1991; Soiuz mozhno bylo sokhranit’. Belaia kniga. Dokumenty i fakty o politike M. S. Gorbacheva po reformirovaniiu i sokhraneniiu mnogonatsional’nogo gosudarsta, 2nd ed. (Moscow, 2007), 308–309.

  20. Soiuz mozhno bylo sokhranit’, 309; author’s interview with Leonid Kravchuk, September 1, 2011; “Gorbachev’s Speech to Russians: A Major Regrouping of Political Forces,” New York Times, August 21, 1991; Ruslan Kvatsiuk and Oksana Perevoznaia, “Vitol’d Fokin: liudi mogut vyiti na maidan,”, February 4, 2009,

  21. Vahtanh Kipiani and Volodomyr Fedoryn, “Shcherbitskii skazal: kakoi durak pridumal slovo perestroika?” Ukraïns’ka pravda, September 10, 2011,; Pylypchuk, “Pid chas HKChP u Kravchuka buly v zapasi shapky z chervonymy zirkamy i tryzubom,”, August 19, 2011.

  22. Solchanyk, “Kravchuk and the Coup”; interview with John Stepanchuk in Rozpad Radians’koho Soiuzu. Usna istoriia nezalezhnoï Ukraïny 1988–91, pt. 3,; Tuhluk, “Den’, shcho zminyv khid istoriï.”

  23. Solchanyk, “Kravchuk and the Coup”; Chrystyna Lapychak, “Ukraine, Russia Sign Interim Bilateral Pact,” Ukrainian Weekly, September 1, 1991, 9; Tuhluk, “Den’, shcho zminyv khid istoriï”; interview with Volodymyr Yavorivsky in Rozpad Radians’koho Soiuzu. Usna istoriia nezalezhnoï Ukraïny 1988–91, pt. 5,

  24. “The Question for Mr. President from Narodna Rada (the ‘People’s Council’)”; George Bush to Ed Hewett (Aboard AF I), August 1, 1991; George Bush to Lukianenko (draft letter, no date), Bush Presidential Library, Presidential Records, National Security Council, Nicholas R. Burns and Ed A. Hewett Series, USSR Chronological Files: August 1991, no. 2.

  25. Interview with Levko Lukianenko in Rozpad Radians’koho Soiuzu. Usna istoriia nezalezhnoï Ukraïny 1988–91, pt. 4,

  26. Interview with Volodymyr Hryniov in Rozpad Radians’koho Soiuzu. Usna istoriia nezalezhnoï Ukraïny 1988–91, pt. 3,>; interview with Volodymyr Yavorivsky in Rozpad Radians’koho Soiuzu. Usna istoriia nezalezhnoï Ukraïny 1988–91, pt. 5,

  27. Lapychak, “Ukraine, Russia Sign Interim Bilateral Pact,” 9; Tuhluk, “Den’, shcho zminyv khid istoriï.”

  28. Interview with Leonid Kravchuk in Rozpad Radians’koho Soiuzu. Usna istoriia nezalezhnoï Ukraïny 1988–91, tape 8,; Kravchuk, Maiemo te, shcho maiemo, 101.

  29. Interview with Bohdan Havrylyshyn in Rozpad Radians’koho Soiuzu. Usna istoriia nezalezhnoï Ukraïny 1988–91, tape 3,; interview with Dmytro Pavlychko, ibid., tape 4,

  30. Akt proholoshennia nezalezhnosti Ukraïny, official website of the Ukrainian Parliament,

  31. Kravchuk, Maiemo te, shcho maiemo, 102–103; interview with John Stepanchuk in Rozpad Radians’koho Soiuzu. Usna istoriia nezalezhnoï Ukraïny 1988–91, pt. 3.

  32. Turchenko, HKChP, 111–112; Kravchuk, Maiemo te, shcho maiemo, 102–104.


  1. Vera Kuznetsova, “Ukraina,” Nezavisimaia gazeta, August 29, 1991.

  2. “Soiuz raspadaetsia pod perebranku deputatov,” Izvestiia, August 28, 1991; S. Chugaev and V. Shcheporkin, “Pravitel’stvo uvoleno, parlament prodolzhaet rabotat’,” Izvestiia, August 29, 1991; Roman Solchanyk, “Ukraine and Russia: Relations Before and After the Failed Coup,” Ukrainian Weekly, September 29, 1991, 9.

  3. “Gorbachev’s Speech to the Russians,” New York Times, August 24, 1991; Roman Szporluk, Russia, Ukraine, and the Breakup of the Soviet Union (Stanford, CA, 2000), 183–228.

  4. Soiuz mozhno bylo sokhranit’. Belaia kniga. Dokumenty i fakty o politike M. S. Gorbacheva po reformirovaniiu i sokhraneniiu mnogonatsional’nogo gosudarsta, 2nd ed. (Moscow, 2007), 310–317.

  5. Ibid., 317–319.

  6. Jack Matlock, Autopsy on an Empire: The American Ambassador’s Account of the Collapse of the Soviet Union (New York, 1994), 451.

  7. Author’s interview with Yurii Shcherbak, Rome, June 19, 2012; Bill Keller, “A Collapsing Empire,” New York Times, August 27, 1991; Francis X. Clines, “A New Vote Promised. President, in Address to Parliament, Accepts Blame for Coup,” New York Times, August 27, 1991; Solchanyk, “Ukraine and Russia,” 9; Soiuz mozhno bylo sokhranit’, 314–315.

  8. Pavel Voshchanov, “Kak ia ob”iavlial voinu Ukraine,” Novaia gazeta, October 23, 2003.

  9. “Press sekretar prezidenta ofitsial’no zaiavliaet,” Rossiiskaia gazeta, August 27, 1991; Voshchanov, “Kak ia ob”iavlial voinu Ukraine.”

  10. L. Barrington, “Russian Speakers in Ukraine and Kazakhstan: ‘Nationality,’ ‘Population’ or Neither?” Post-Soviet Affairs 17, no. 2 (2001): 129–158; A. M. Khazanov, After the USSR: Ethnicity, Nationalism and Policies in the Commonwealth of Independent States (Madison, WI, 1995); N. J. Melvin, “The Russians: Diaspora and the End of Empire,” in Nations Abroad: Diaspora Politics and International Relations in the Former Soviet Union, ed. C. King and N. Melvin (Boulder, CO, 1998): 27–58; Taras Kuzio, “Russians and Russophones in the Former USSR and Serbs in Yugoslavia: A Comparative Study of Passivity and Mobilization,” East European Perspectives 5, no. 13 (June 25, 2003).

  11. Solchanyk, “Ukraine and Russia,” 9; Soiuz mozhno bylo sokhranit’, 315–316.

  12. Iu. Afanas’ev, L. Batkin, V. Bibler, E. Bonner, Iu. Burtin, Viach. Ivanov, and L. Timofeev, “Privetstvuem razval ‘imperii,’” dated August 28, 1991, in Nezavisimaia gazeta, September 3, 1991. Cf. Soiuz mozhno bylo sokhranit’, 285–288.

  13. Vitalii Portnikov, “Ukrai
na ne imeet pretenzii k Rosii. Reaktsiia na zaiavlenie press-sekretaria prezidenta RSFSR,” Nezavisimaia gazeta, August 29, 1991; Solchanyk, “Ukraine and Russia,” 9.

  14. Voshchanov, “Kak ia ob”iavlial voinu Ukraine”; Vitalii Chervonenko, “Nezavisimost’: kak ėto bylo” (interview with Yurii Shcherbak),, August 24, 2007,; author’s interview with Yurii Shcherbak, Rome, June 19, 2012.

  15. S. Tsekora, “Rossiia i Ukraina dogovorilis’,” Izvestiia, August 29, 1991.

  16. Author’s interview with Yurii Shcherbak, Rome, June 19, 2012; Nadezhda Kalinina, “Sergei Stankevich: ‘net nikakikh osnovanii schitat’ putch operetkoi,” Russkii kur’er, August 14, 2006.

  17. Tsekora, “Rossiia i Ukraina dogovorilis’”; Kalinina, “Sergei Stankevich: ‘Net nikakikh osnovanii schitat’ putch operetkoi”; Solchanyk, “Ukraine and Russia,” 11.

  18. Kazakhstanskaia pravda, August 30, 1991; V. Drozdov, “Kazakhstan i Rossiia: soglasie podtverzhdeno,” Izvestiia, August 30, 1991.

  19. Oleg Moroz, “Za riumkoi kliuchevye voprosy ne reshalis’” (interview with Yegor Gaidar), Newsland, May 2, 2011,

  20. Pavel Fel’gengauer, “Novaia forma voenno-ekonomicheskogo soiza ‘14+1’ gde 1 eto Rossiia,” Nezavisimaia gazeta, August 29, 1991; Liana Minasian, “Tsentr umer. Da zdravstvuet tsentr,” Nezavisimaia gazeta, August 29, 1991; Aleksandr Gagua, “My pereotsenivaem nashikh partnerov,” Nezavisimaia gazeta, August 29, 1991; Vasilii Seliunin, “Esli raspad neizbezhen, ego nado khorosho organizovat’,” Izvestiia, August 29, 1991; O. G. Rumiantsev, “Ne zaboltat’ by pobedu,” Izvestiia, August 30, 1991.

  21. I. Litvinova, “Boris El’tsin pribyl v Latviiu. V Rige otkryto pervoe posol’stvo,” Izvestiia, August 30, 1991; Aleksandr Korzhakov, Boris El’tsin: ot rassveta do zakata (Moscow, 1997), 123–124.

  22. Soiuz mozhno bylo sokhranit’, 315; Vadim Medvedev, V komande Gorbacheva. Vzgliad iznutri (Moscow, 1994), 202; Serge Schmemann, “Plea for Survival,” New York Times, August 29, 1991; Raspad SSSR: Dokumenty i fakty (1986–1992 gg.), vol. 1, Normativnye akty. Ofitsial’nye soobshcheniia, ed. S. M. Shakhrai (Moscow, 2009), 863; Chugaev and Shcheporkin, “Pravitel’stvo uvoleno, parlament prodolzhaet rabotat’,” 4.


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