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The Last Empire

Page 55

by Serhii Plokhy

  18. Cherniaev, Sovmestnyi iskhod, 1012; Palazhchenko, My Years, 339–344.

  19. Cherniaev, Sovmestnyi iskhod, 1014–1016.

  20. Soiuz mozhno bylo sokhranit’, 367–372; Pankin, The Last Hundred Days, 249.

  21. Pankin, The Last Hundred Days, 236, 248–249; Baker, The Politics of Diplomacy, 559; Soiuz mozhno bylo sokhranit’, 365–372.

  22. Cherniaev, Sovmestnyi iskhod, 1017–1018.

  23. John B. Dunlop, Russia Confronts Chechnya: Roots of a Separatist Conflict (Cambridge, 1998), 1–84.

  24. “Vsesoiuznaia perepis’ naseleniia 1989 g. Natsional’nyi sostav po respublikam SSSR,” Demoskop Weekly,

  25. Chechnia v plamene separatizma, comp. A. Surkov (Saratov, 1997), 65.

  26. Ibid., 62–66; Dunlop, Russia Confronts Chechnya, 100–115.

  27. Dunlop, Russia Confronts Chechnya, 115–117.

  28. Chechnia v plameni separatizma, 77–80; Dunlop, Russia Confronts Chechnya, 115–117, 121.

  29. Chechnia v plameni separatizma, 73–74, 77.

  30. Dunlop, Russia Confronts Chechnya, 117–120; Raspad SSSR: Dokumenty i fakty (1986–1992 gg.), vol. 1, Normativnye akty. Ofitsial’’nye soobshcheniia, ed. S. M. Shakhrai (Moscow, 2009), 965; Cherniaev, Sovmestnyi iskhod, 1018; Chechnia v plameni separatizma, 79, 81.

  31. Chechnia v plameni separatizma, 82; Dunlop, Russia Confronts Chechnya, 119–120; Voshchanov, “Kak ia ob”iavlial voinu Ukraine.”

  32. Dunlop, Russia Confronts Chechnya, 118–119; Cherniaev, Sovmestnyi iskhod, 1018.

  33. Cherniaev, Sovmestnyi iskhod, 101–198; Gorbachev, Memoirs, 688.

  34. Georgii Shakhnazarov, Tsena svobody. Reformatsiia Gorbacheva glazami ego pomoshchnika (Moscow, 1993), 291–292, 299.

  35. Ibid., 287–289, 565–567.

  36. Ibid., 565–567; Cherniaev, Sovmestnyi iskhod, 1020.

  37. Cherniaev, Sovmestnyi iskhod, 1021–1023; Vadim Medvedev, V komande Gorbacheva. Vzgliad iznutri (Moscow, 1994), 221; Soiuz mozhno bylo sokhranit’, 375–382; Pankin, The Last Hundred Days, 258; Edward W. Walker, Dissolution: Sovereignty and the Breakup of the Soviet Union (Lanham, MD, 2003), 149–150.

  38. Palazhchenko, My Years, 433.


  1. Interview with Stanislaŭ Shushkevich, Davis Center, Harvard University, April 17, 2000; Soiuz mozhno bylo sokhranit’. Belaia kniga. Dokumenty i fakty o politike M. S. Gorbacheva po reformirovaniiu i sokhraneniiu mnogonatsional’nogo gosudarsta, 2nd ed. (Moscow, 2007), 384–393; Anatolii Cherniaev, Sovmestnyi iskhod. Dnevnik dvukh ėpokh, 1972–1991 gody (Moscow, 2008), 1026–1030.

  2. Chrystyna Lapychak, “Parliament Votes to Boycott Union Structures, Passes Law on Ukrainian Citizenship,” Ukrainian Weekly, October 13, 1991, 1–2.

  3. Leonid Kravchuk, Maiemo te, shcho maiemo. Spohady i rozdumy (Kyiv, 2002), 110; Valentyn Chemerys, Prezydent. Roman-ese (Kyiv, 1994), 277.

  4. Georgii Shakhnazarov, Tsena svobody. Reformatsiia Gorbacheva glazami ego pomoshchnika (Moscow, 1993), 560–561; Pavel Palazhchenko, My Years with Gorbachev and Shevardnadze: The Memoir of a Soviet Interpreter (University Park, PA, 1997), 341; George Bush and Brent Scowcroft, A World Transformed (New York, 1998), 550; Andrew Wilson, Virtual Politics: Faking Democracy in the Post-Soviet World (New Haven, CT, 2005), 1–32.

  5. Palazhchenko, My Years, 341; Bush and Scowcroft, A World Transformed, 550.

  6. Michael R. Beschloss and Strobe Talbott, At the Highest Levels: The Inside Story of the End of the Cold War (Boston, 1993), 448; Renee M. Lamis, Realignment of Pennsylvania Politics since 1960: Two-party Competition in a Battleground State (University Park, PA, 2009),119ff.

  7. Beschloss and Talbott, At the Highest Levels, 448–449; Hank Brown to President Bush, September 16, 1991, and draft of Brent Scowcroft’s response of December 1991, Bush Presidential Library, Presidential Records, National Security Council, Nicholas R. Burns Series, Chronological Files: December 1991, no. 1; “U.S. Senate Passes Resolution Urging Recognition of Ukraine,” Ukrainian Weekly, December 1, 1991, 1, 14.

  8. “It Would be Prudent, George,” Ukrainian Weekly, November 24, 1991, 6; Myron B. Kuropas, “Bren and Harry: Two Peas in a Pod,” Ukrainian Weekly, November 24, 1991, 7; Beschloss and Talbott, At the Highest Levels, 447–448.

  9. James M. Goldgeier and Michael McFaul, Power and Purpose: US Policy Toward Russia After the Cold War (Washington, D.C., 2003), 47.

  10. Roman Popadiuk, The Leadership of George Bush: An Insider’s View of the Forty-First President (College Station, TX, 2009), 155–160.

  11. James A. Baker with Thomas M. DeFrank, The Politics of Diplomacy: Revolution, War and Peace, 1989–1992 (New York, 1995), 560–561; author’s interview with Nicholas Burns, Harvard University, June 15, 2012; Jeffrey Smith, “U.S. Officials Split over Response to an Independent Ukraine,” Washington Post, November 25, 1991.

  12. Christopher Cox and other US congressmen to George H. W. Bush, November 26, 1991, 1–6, Bush Presidential Library, Presidential Records, National Security Council, Nicholas R. Burns Series, Chronological Files: December 1991, no. 1.

  13. Baker, The Politics of Diplomacy, 560–561; “JAB Notes from 11/26/91 Conversation with POTUS (Recognition of Ukraine Independence),” James A. Baker Papers, box 110, folder 9.

  14. “Draft Cable to USNATO for Nov 27 NAC,” 1–5, Bush Presidential Library, Presidential Records, National Security Council, Nicholas R. Burns Series, Chronological Files: December 1991, no. 3.

  15. R. Gordon Hoxie to Robert Gates, November 19, 1991, Bush Presidential Library, Presidential Records, National Security Council, Roman Popadiuk Series, Chronological Files: December 1991; Yaroslav Trofimov, “Vote Brings Wave of Recognition,” Ukrainian Weekly, December 8, 1991, 3, 6.

  16. Marta Kolomayets, “Ukrainian American Leaders Meet with President Bush on the Eve of Ukrainian Referendum,” Ukrainian Weekly, December 1, 1991, 1, 3, 14; “Rukh Appeals to President Bush,” Ukrainian Weekly, December 1, 1991, 14; William F. Miller, “Firmly Rooted in Two Lands,”,

  17. John R. Yang, “Bush Decides to Accelerate U.S. Recognition of Ukraine,” Washington Post, November 28, 1991.

  18. Ibid.; Baker, The Politics of Diplomacy, 561; Bush and Scowcroft, A World Transformed, 552; Robert M. Gates, From the Shadows: The Ultimate Insider’s Story of Five Presidents and How They Won the Cold War (New York, 1996), 531.

  19. Cherniaev, Sovmestnyi iskhod, 1028–1029.

  20. Baker, The Politics of Diplomacy, 561; Palazhchenko, My Years, 347; Andrei Ostal’skii, “Sovetsko-amerikanskaia razmolvka iz-za ukrainskogo referendum,” Izvestiia, November 29, 1991; S. Tsikora, “Ukraina: za den’’ do vystradannoi voli,” Izvestiia, November 29, 1991; Cherniaev, Sovmestnyi iskhod, 1028–1029.

  21. Telcon with President Mikhail Gorbachev of the USSR, November 30, 1991, Bush Presidential Library, Memcons and Telcons,—Gorbachev.pdf; Bush and Scowcroft, A World Transformed, 551–552; Cherniaev, Sovmestnyi iskhod, 1029.

  22. V Politbiuro TsK KPSS po zapisiam Anatoliia Cherniaeva, Vadima Medvedeva, Georgiia Shakhnazarova (1985–1991) (Moscow, 2000), 730; Raspad SSSR: Dokumenty i fakty (1986–1992 gg.), vol. 1, Normativnye akty. Ofitsial’nye soobshcheniia, ed. S. M. Shakhrai (Moscow, 2009), 997–998.

  23. Cherniaev, Sovmestnyi iskhod, 1029.

  24. Ibid., 1030.

  25. Ibid., 1027–1028.

  26. Soiuz mozhno bylo sokhranit’, 406, 411–412; Vadim Medvedev, V komande Gorbacheva. Vzgliad iznutri (Moscow, 1994), 223.

  27. Kravchuk, Maiemo te, shcho maiemo, 110–111; Cherniaev, Sovmestnyi iskhod, 1027–1028.


  1. Leonid Kravchuk, Maiemo te, shcho maiemo. Spohady i rozdumy (Kyiv, 2002), 116–117; author’s interview with Leonid Kravchuk, Kyiv, September 1, 2011.

  2. “Kravchuk Leading, Chornovil Second in Presidential Race,” Ukrain
ian Weekly, November 10, 1991, 1, 14; David Marples, “Support Runs High for Independence. Kravchuk Likely to Be Elected,” Ukrainian Weekly, November 25, 1991, 1–2; Kravchuk, Maiemo te, shcho maiemo, 114–115.

  3. Georgii Kasianov, Ukraina 1997–2007. Ocherki noveishei istorii (Kyiv, 2008), 36–37; information from Yurii Ratomsky, formerly a consultant for the Dnipropetrovsk regional Communist Party committee, December 27, 1991.

  4. Interview with Volodymyr Hryniov in Rozpad Radians’koho Soiuzu. Usna istoriia nezalezhnoï Ukraïny 1988–91, pt. 3; Kravchuk, Maiemo te, shcho maiemo, 114.

  5. Viacheslav Chornovil, “Avtobiohrafiia,” Rukh Press (website),; interview with Viacheslav Chornovil in Rozpad Radians’koho Soiuzu. Usna istoriia nezalezhnoï Ukraïny 1988–91, pt. 3,; interview with Levko Lukianenko in Rozpad Radians’koho Soiuzu. Usna istoriia nezalezhnoï Ukraïny 1988–91, pt. 4,; Chrystyna Lapychak, “In Odessa: One Day on the Trail with Rukh Candidate Viacheslav Chornovil,” Ukrainian Weekly, November 10, 1991, 1, 9–10.

  6. Interview with Viacheslav Chornovil in Rozpad Radians’koho Soiuzu. Usna istoriia nezalezhnoï Ukraïny 1988–91, pt. 3,; interview with Dmytro Pavlychko in Rozpad Radians’koho Soiuzu. Usna istoriia nezalezhnoï Ukraïny 1988–91, pt. 4; “Ukraine’s Presidium Rejects Diaspora Vote on Referendum,” Ukrainian Weekly, November 24, 1991, 3,

  7. Oksana Zakydalsky, “Larysa Skoryk Speaks at Canadian Friends of Rukh Conference,” Ukrainian Weekly, October 31, 1991, 1, 11.

  8. Marples, “Support Runs High for Independence. Kravchuk Likely to Be Elected”; David Marples, “Kravchuk Leading, Chornovil Second in Presidential Race”; Kravchuk, Maiemo te, shcho maiemo, 117–118; Oxana Shevel, “Nationality in Ukraine: Some Rules of Engagement,” East European Politics and Societies 16, no. 2 (Spring 2002): 386–413.

  9. Interview with Mykola Bahrov in Rozpad Radians’koho Soiuzu. Usna istoriia nezalezhnoï Ukraïny 1988–91, tape 3,; Edward A. Allworth, The Tatars of Crimea: Return to the Homeland (Durham, NC, 1998).

  10. Marples, “Kravchuk Leading, Chornovil Second in Presidential Race”; cf. interviews with Volodymyr Hryniov and Levko Lukianenko in Rozpad Radians’koho Soiuzu. Usna istoriia nezalezhnoï Ukraïny 1988–91,,

  11. Zlenko, Dyplomatiia i polityka, 66–67; “News Briefs from Ukraine,” Ukrainian Weekly, December 1, 1991, 2.

  12. Interview with Marta Dyczok in Rozpad Radians’koho Soiuzu. Usna istoriia nezalezhnoï Ukraïny 1988–91, tape 3,

  13. Kasianov, Ukraina 1991–2007, 37; information from Olena Plokhii, who lived in Dnipropetrovsk in the fall of 1991.

  14. Anatolii Cherniaev, Sovmestnyi iskhod. Dnevnik dvukh ėpokh, 1972–1991 gody (Moscow, 2008), 993–995; “Bush Names Babyn Yar Delegation,” Ukrainian Weekly, October 6, 1991, 2; Chrystyna Lapychak, “Ukraine Remembers Babyn Yar,” Ukrainian Weekly, October 13, 1991, 1, 8; interview with Leonid Kravchuk in Rozpad Radians’koho Soiuzu. Usna istoriia nezalezhnoï Ukraïny 1988–91, tape 9,

  15. Roman Solchanyk, “Centrifugal Movements in Ukraine and Independence,” Ukrainian Weekly, November 24, 1991, 8–10; “Minorities Congress Decisively Supports Ukraine’s Independence,” Ukrainian Weekly, November 24, 1991, 1; Dominique Arel, “Language Politics in Independent Ukraine: Towards One or Two Languages?” Nationalities Papers 23, no. 3 (1995): 597–622.

  16. “News Briefs from Ukraine,” Ukrainian Weekly, December 1, 1991, 2.

  17. Kostiantyn P. Morozov, Above and Beyond: From Soviet General to Ukrainian State Builder (Cambridge, MA, 2000), 1–7, 74–75; 133–152.

  18. Author’s interview with General Kostiantyn Morozov, Kyiv, September 6, 2011; Chrystyna Lapychak, “Deputies Draft Law on Military,” Ukrainian Weekly, October 27, 1991, 1–2; “Brzezinski Notes Ukraine’s Statement,” Ukrainian Weekly, October 27, 1991, 2; Marples, “Support Runs High for Independence. Kravchuk Likely to Be Elected,” Ukrainian Weekly, November 25, 1991, 2.

  19. Morozov, Above and Beyond, 91–152; interview with Kostiantyn Morozov in Rozpad Radians’koho Soiuzu. Usna istoriia nezalezhnoï Ukraïny 1988–91, tape 6,; author’s interview with General Kostiantyn Morozov, Kyiv, September 6, 2011; John Jaworsky, “Ukraine’s Armed Forces and Military Policy,” Harvard Ukrainian Studies 20 (1996): 223–247; Stephen D. Olynyk, “Ukraine as a Military Power,” in Ukraine: The Search for a National Identity, ed. Sharon L. Wolchik and Volodymyr Zviglyanich (Lanham, MD, 2000), 69–94.

  20. Chrystyna Lapychak, “Reflections on an Independent Ukraine,” Ukrainian Weekly, December 8, 1991, 6.

  21. Author’s interview with Yurii Shcherbak, Rome, June 19, 2012.

  22. Chrystyna Lapychak, “Independence: Over 90 Percent Vote in Referendum: Kravchuk Elected President of Ukraine,” Ukrainian Weekly, December 8, 1991, 1, 5; Khristina Lew, “Delving into Eastern Ukraine on the Eve of Nationhood,” Ukrainian Weekly, December 22, 1991, 8–9; Kravchuk, Maiemo te, shcho maiemo, 118; interview with Leonid Kravchuk in Rozpad Radians’koho Soiuzu. Usna istoriia nezalezhnoï Ukraïny 1988–91, tape 9,

  23. Cherniaev, Sovmestnyi iskhod, 1030–1031; Soiuz mozhno bylo sokhranit’. Belaia kniga. Dokumenty i fakty o politike M. S. Gorbacheva po reformirovaniiu i sokhraneniiu mnogonatsional’nogo gosudarsta, 2nd ed. (Moscow, 2007), 418.

  24. George Bush and Brent Scowcroft, A World Transformed (New York, 1998), 554; Soiuz mozhno bylo sokhranit’, 420.


  1. “Telcon with President Boris Yeltsin of the Republic of Russia,” November 30, 1991, Bush Presidential Library, Memcons and Telcons,—Yeltsin.pdf; George Bush and Brent Scowcroft, A World Transformed (New York, 1998), 552–553; author’s interview with Nicholas Burns, Harvard University, June 15, 2012.

  2. Interview with Stanislaŭ Shushkevich, Davis Center, Harvard University, April 17, 2000; Bush and Scowcroft, A World Transformed, 552–554.

  3. Soiuz mozhno bylo sokhranit’. Belaia kniga. Dokumenty i fakty o politike M. S. Gorbacheva po reformirovaniiu i sokhraneniiu mnogonatsional’nogo gosudarsta, 2nd ed. (Moscow, 2007), 424.

  4. Petr Aven and Al’fred Kokh, “El’tsin sluzhil nam!” interview with Gennadii Burbulis, Forbes (Russian edition), July 22, 2010,; David Remnick, Resurrection: The Struggle for a New Russia (New York, 1998), 25.

  5. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, “Kak nam obustroit’ Rossiiu?” Komsomol’skaia pravda, September 18, 1990; Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Rebuilding Russia: Reflections and Tentative Proposals, trans. Alexis Klimoff (New York, 1991).

  6. Roman Solchanyk, Ukraine and Russia: The Post-Soviet Transition (Oxford, 2001), 38; Aven and Kokh, “El’tsin sluzhil nam!”

  7. “Newsbriefs,” Ukrainian Weekly, December 15, 1991; Leonid Kravchuk, Maiemo te, shcho maiemo. Spohady i rozdumy (Kyiv, 2002), 128; Valentyn Chemerys, Prezydent. Roman-ese (Kyiv, 1994), 245–247, 260–261.

  8. Mykhailo Holubets’, Bilovezha ochyma uchasnyka (Lviv, 1996), 9; “Shushkevich, Stanislav Stanislavovich,” in Kto est’ kto v Rossii i blizhnem zarubezh’e. Spravochnik (Moscow, 1991), 749; Stanislav Shushkevich, “Osval’da ia zapomnil soldafonom,” Izvestiia, November 21, 2003.

  9. David Marples, Belarus: A Denationalized Nation (Amsterdam, 1999); Jan Zaprudnik, Belarus: At a Crossroads in History (Boulder, CO, 1993).

  10. Dmitrii Starostin, “Desiat’ let Belovezhskoi pushche,”, December 9, 2001; Stanislav Shushkevich, “Monolog o pushche,” Ogonek, December 2, 1996.

  11. V. V. Semakov, Belovezhskaia pushcha, 1902–2002 (Minsk, 2002); Peter Duffy, The Bielski Brother
s: The True Story of Three Men Who Defied the Nazis, Built a Village in the Forest, and Saved 1,200 Jews (New York, 2004).

  12. Katalog fauny Puszczy Białowieskiej (Warsaw, 2001); Ales’ Karliukevich, “Gensek s ruzh’em,” Sovetskaia Belorusiia, no. 113 (June 21, 2001); Anatolii Cherniaev, Memo for Gorbachev on the organization of Chancellor Kohl’s visit to the USSR, June 17, 1991, Gorbachev Foundation Archive, fond 2, no. 8943.1.

  13. Mechislav Dmukhovskii, “Belovezhskie tainy,” Sovetskaia Belorussiia. Sobesednik, December 12, 2003; Leonid Kravchuk, “Shushkevich i El’tsin predstavliali sebia, a ia—voliu naroda,” UNIAN, December 5, 2006; Kryzhanivs’kyi, “Tostiv bulo”; Aleksandr Korzhakov, Boris El’tsin: ot rassveta do zakata (Moscow, 1997), 127; Viacheslav Kebich, Iskushenie vlast’’iu. Iz zhizni prem’’er-ministra (Minsk, 2008), 190–194.

  14. “Kebich, Viacheslav Frantsevich,” in Kto est’ kto v Rossii i blizhnem zarubezh’e. Spravochnik (Moscow, 1991).

  15. Mariia Ėismont, “Mikhail Babich, byvshii ofitser okhrany Viacheslava Kebicha: V Viskuliakh opasalis’ predatel’stva,” Narodnaia volia, December 12, 2001; Soiuz mozhno bylo sokhranit’, 432; Kravchenko, “Belarus’ na rasput’eZapiski diplomata i politika,” Narodnaia volia, nos. 154–157, September 30, 2006.

  16. Soiuz mozhno bylo sokhranit’, 440; Kravchuk, Maiemo te, shcho maiemo, 129–130.

  17. Aven and Kokh, “El’tsin sluzhil nam!”; Iurii Zainashev, “Belorusskaia pushcha: chto ėto bylo?” Novye izvestiia, December 8, 2006; Iurii Shapoval, “Dvi hrudnevi istoriï ne bez morali,” Den’, December 10, 2004; M. Mikhal’chenko and V. Andrushchenko, Belovezh’e. L. Kravchuk, 1991–1995 (Kyiv, 1996), 99.

  18. Chemerys, Prezydent, 268–269; Soiuz mozhno bylo sokhranit’, 445–447; Kravchenko, “Belarus’ na rasput’e.”

  19. Soiuz mozhno bylo sokhranit’, 433; Kebich, Iskushenie vlast’iu, 199–200; Ėismont, “Mikhail Babich.”

  20. Oleg Moroz, “Za riumkoi kliuchevye voprosy ne reshalis’” (interview with Yegor Gaidar), Newsland, May 2, 2011,; Kravchenko, “Belarus’ na rasput’e.”


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