Book Read Free

Poisoned Ivy

Page 9

by D W Marshall

  “Yay. I love surprises.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Maeve: I Love Surprises

  After hours of watching people, my head hurts. I have never studied the world around me in such detail. From how many kids the lady behind us has to who’s wearing glasses, hats, how tall this person is or isn’t, or my best estimation of how many people are in the room with us.

  Miles guides me into a coffee shop. An iced coffee is exactly what I need for my pounding headache.

  “That wasn’t bad for your first time,” Miles compliments.

  “Thanks.” My iced mocha feels divine going down. “I thought my eyeballs were going to fall out, to be honest with you,” I admit.

  He flashes me a breathtaking smile.

  We sit in amicable silence enjoying our coffee and sweets.

  I find myself taking in my surroundings without being prompted to do so. My eyes take in the coffee workers—three of them, all female, busying themselves with creating tasty drinks. My eyes find the gathering line that wasn’t there when we got here. I trail the line, taking in people’s attributes along the way. I may as well continue my training. My eyes find a familiar couple holding hands. The woman thin with dark hair nearing her waist, the man tall, tanned, and very muscled. My eyes travel to the next person in line and then immediately back to them.

  Oh my heavens, Vivian and Tyson?

  My eyes shoot to Miles, who is grinning like an idiot. “Surprise!” he says.

  I am out of my seat and rushing over to them. “Guys!”

  They turn to greet me, not surprised at all, happy but not shocked.

  “Maeve!” Vivian shouts and we wrap each other in a huge three-person embrace.

  I turn back to Miles, who looks very proud of himself. “This is the best surprise ever!”

  I wait with them while they get their drinks and lead them to our table. After quick introductions, I learn that Tyson’s real name is Dominic.

  “I can’t believe you guys are here, and together! This is so perfect!”

  “When Miles called us to tell us that you would be in town I couldn’t wait to see you,” Vivian says.

  I turn to Miles. “How did you find them?”

  “It’s the digital age. All I needed was a name,” he says and flashes me a swoon-worthy smile.

  My goodness, I am falling for this guy.

  My eyes sweep over my beautiful Chamber sister and her love and I am so happy for her. I wish I was in the middle of my own happily-ever-after, instead of running from angry ex-fiancés, post-suicide attempts, and a family that believes they can heal me by smothering me with love.

  “So how have you been? Why are you in Vegas?” Vivian fires off questions at me.

  “Long story short: Keegan turned out to be a total wanker, so that didn’t work out. Uh…my family and friends can’t fix me. So I ran off with my bodyguard to Vegas to see if I can fix myself. Miles is amazing.”

  “Maeve’s da hired me and my team to watch over her back home, but being in Ireland was the worst place for this one. So here we are. I’m gonna train her to not need any guarding, so she can take care of herself.”

  Dominic nods agreement. “That is a fantastic idea. I have been planning on training Vivian myself. Perhaps we can team up while you guys are in town?”

  Vivian and I can’t hold our composure. We squeeze hands and chant yes.

  “I don’t think we have a choice, do you?” Miles asks, looking over at us.

  This is the best day of my life. Oh my goodness, not only do I get to spend all of my free time with Miles—now I get to spend time with my sister. For the second time since arriving in Las Vegas, I am considering myself lucky. Dare I hope that my luck is changing?

  And just like any normal group where there are an equal number of men and women, we break off into our own conversations. The guys, planning our training. Us—well, for starters I want to know about the rock Vivian is sporting. “So?” I ask.

  Vivian feigns ignorance and I point to my ring finger and give her a look that says dish.

  “Oh, this little thing?” She waves her hand out toward me.

  “Oh my goodness, Vivian, it is gorgeous! Tell me everything!”

  Her smile covers her whole face. “When I got home, Dominic showed up and told me how he felt, but that he would give me the chance to chose for myself, because like you I had a guy back home before we were taken. It took about a week before I chose Dominic. He proposed and we haven’t been apart since.”

  “So when is the big date?”

  “We are thinking this summer. Why wait?”

  “I am so happy for you!” I reach over to hug her. We hold the embrace forever.

  “So what is going on with you and Miles? He is dreamy, Maeve,” she says in a low voice, hoping that only I can hear. But knowing Miles, he has super-hearing.

  I can’t help but blush. I sneak a peek over at Miles. He is having a serious conversation with Dominic. He takes my safety very seriously. I’m sure Dominic feels the same about Vivian. It is too late for my friendship with Miles, as far as I am concerned. I am faking friendship because I have wanted more since the coffee shop back home. He happens to be the most amazing man I have ever known. I must have been staring too long because he turns and gazes into my eyes. There is a smile in his eyes. If I didn’t know any better, based on the way he is regarding at me, I think he adores me. I blush and look away.

  “You don’t have to say a word. If there is one thing I know now when I see it, it’s love,” Vivian says.

  “Oh, stop,” I say, waving off her comment.

  “Hey, love isn’t something you plan or expect. If any couple can teach you that it’s me and Dominic.”

  I nod. “That is very true.”

  “We should go out tonight, celebrate! This hotel has an amazing club,” Vivian says, glancing around at us to see if we are game.

  “Sounds like a good time to me,” I say.

  The guys agree.

  I can’t believe I get to party with Vivian.

  We spent the rest of the day shopping at the Fashion Show. Miles and I were able to purchase enough clothes to last us nearly a month before we have to do any laundry. I was excited to hit some of my favorites: Topshop, Urban Outfitters, Diesel, Victoria’s Secret, and Kate Spade.

  Vivian and I decide to sneak away for a bit to buy dresses for tonight. Unfortunately for us, Dominic and Miles are likeminded and we have to endure the company of Jonathan and Mitch, two of Vivian’s bodyguards. These guys look the part of a couple of highly trained badasses.

  Miles pulls me aside. “This is the only way that I can leave you, Maeve. I would die twice if something ever happened to you. But I trust Dominic that these guys are the best, seeing how we have similar interests in protecting our girls.”

  S w o o n i n g. My tongue feels numb with my desire to kiss him. Am I his girl? Is that how he sees me? I certainly hope so.

  The guys decide to head back to the hotel, taking our purchases with them. I was so happy because I was tiring of carrying so much, and I only had a few of the bags.

  “Sorry, Dominic won’t let me out of his sight…or theirs,” Vivian says and points in the direction of our new friends.

  “It’s okay. He obviously loves you very much. After what we’ve been through I guess one can never be too cautious.”

  Vivian gives Dominic a quick peck and I wave sweetly to Miles, wishing I could kiss him like that. Shite, I have it bad. Jonathan and Mitch give us a modicum of space, so that the unknowing eye wouldn’t even suspect that they are with us. Vivian grabs my hand, squeezes it, but doesn’t let go. Hand in hand, we take on the mall. Her gesture tells me so much: I am not alone; I can be strong; I can survive the things that we went through. Knowing that she went through what I went through and worse is the comfort I need. I squeeze hers in return.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Miles: Crossing the Line

  Seeing Maeve enjoy so many smiles is an answered praye
r. She is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Not because of her outward appearance, though she is a stunner. But that is not it—she glows from the inside. Her light may be fractured because of her personal experiences but I have glimpsed her brightness. She has the heart and kindness of a dreamer, who sees the best in everyone. I know that when she is whole again she will shine brighter than a diamond. I witnessed it today in the presence of Vivian and Dominic. I can see her joy. It is infectious, the kind of thing that will give a man hope that anything is possible.

  Everything about her makes remaining friends one of the hardest thing I have ever done. Watching her walk away hand in hand with Vivian, I must have had the dumbest smile on my face.

  “Bro, you got it bad, hunh?” Dominic says as I gaze after her.

  “What, no,” I say, trying to cover.

  “Okay, man. Whatever you say. Trust me, she feels the same way about you,” he says.

  I look at him, startled and hopeful. “Seriously, how do you know?”

  “I’m just messing with you,” Dominic says.

  I shove his shoulder. “Not funny.”

  “No, seriously. I think the world can see it. As far as she is concerned, you hung the moon. She is crazy about you.”

  “Well, I hope you’re right. Because I am falling hard for her.”

  Dominic and I take the five million shopping bags and head for the nearest cab.

  “You’re sure your men will keep them safe? Maybe I should head back inside,” I say, because my nerves are getting the best of me. I don’t feel right leaving her. The world is an important place and Maeve is my entire world.

  “They are ex-special forces. Nothing and no one is going to get near them, I promise.”

  I grimace and nod before hopping in the cab.

  We decide to make reservations at Hakkasan and a VIP booth at the Ling Ling Lounge. Tonight is going to be special for Maeve.

  We stop off at the coffee shop and just kick back. “So, knowing what you know about how we feel about each other, what should I do about it?” I ask Dominic.

  “You go for it, for her. Do you believe you can make her happy?”

  “Happier than anyone else can.”

  “Then what are you waiting for? Do you know how I met Vivian?”

  I shake my head.

  “I worked at that place where they were taken. I was a guard there, hired to protect the women. I was in a dark place. My mother and I were gunned down like we were nothing. I survived, she didn’t. When Vivian got there I was her personal guard. I’d never done that before, been a personal guard. I snapped out of my depression and realized this place was wrong. I am planning to find this place again and bring the whole organization down. That, and keeping Vivian safe, is my life’s mission. But I will tell you if your love can save Maeve, then love her with everything you got, ‘cause Vivian saved me. She loved me to life. I see it, the way Maeve looks at you. She is waiting for you to take the first step.”

  I sit back and think about everything he just said to me. I don’t believe in judging someone unless I have walked a mile in their shoes, but I know if my mother was gunned down in front of me, my world would go dark too. And you can’t see shit in that darkness—right, wrong, love, hate. That kind of darkness can make you go blind.

  “How can I train her to be a fighter if we are together? Won’t that make doing my job harder?” I ask.

  “The way I see it, the second she is yours it will no longer be your job. It’ll be the most important mission of your life to keep all that is yours safe. Trust me.”

  “Thanks, man. I think you are right.”

  Maeve and Miles. Sounds good together.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Maeve: All Dressed Up

  “This is the best day I have had since being out,” Vivian says and she gives me a soft hip check.

  “Me too.” I check her back.

  After walking in and out of a million stores, we both find our dresses at Neiman’s.

  “Dominic and Miles will shit twice and die when they see us in these tonight,” Vivian gushes.

  “Interesting expression, but I know, right?” I agree as I hand the cashier my bankcard. I can’t contain the smile that overcomes my face. “Is it wrong for me to like him so much? I mean, he says we shouldn’t cloud the lines of our friendship while I am healing. I feel guilty for betraying him like this.”

  The cashier slips my dress into a clear Neiman’s garment bag instead of folding it. I smile and thank her for taking such care.

  Vivian takes her turn with her purchase. “Who says he isn’t how you are supposed to heal yourself? I never imagined Dominic coming into my life, and I could never be happier. Maybe he is your HEA,” she says, taking her proffered dress on its hanger.

  “What does that mean?” I ask as we walk through the store with our gorgeous dresses in hand.

  “Happily ever after.” She turns toward me, stopping us in the middle of the store. “You survived The Chamber. We all did. You might not have gone in there strong, but anyone who comes out of there is a fucking beast, including you. So stop feeling like the victim and start believing that shit about yourself,” Vivian says.

  The idea makes me smile and butterflies take off in my stomach. Maybe she is right. Maybe I could get my fairytale ending after all. I always thought Keegan was my dream come true. Maybe I was wrong. I was obviously is more the case. What is the worst that could happen if I reached out and took what I wanted? After all, Vivian is right—I survived The Chamber. Only the strong can survive and I am beginning to believe that I am strong. Vivian has no idea what she has done. Being with her is every bit as much a path to healing as Miles is, because she lived my nightmares.

  “You are right! I am a beast. I can have what I want and I deserve to have it! Fuck Keegan. He didn’t deserve me, but I sure know who does,” I say and wrap my sister into the biggest hug of gratitude. “Thank you. I love you so much.”

  “I love you too!” she says and we are wiping tears from our eyes. Then we are busting up with laughter.

  I never realized how healthy spending time with each other could be for us both.

  “Did I just create a monster?” she asks as we start walking again. “I mean, you’re not going to attack Miles the next time you see him, are you?”

  I roll my eyes at her and giggle. “I mean, I don’t see how any part of that would be a bad idea, but no. I’m going to stop second-guessing myself around him though. That is for sure.”

  Her smile is parental and proud, “You go, girl.”

  We bump shoulders gently.

  I love Vivian. Always have. She was one of the strong ones inside The Chamber. Mason named her Flame because even he saw the fight in her. Some of her strong is definitely rubbing off.

  “We need shoes,” Vivian says.

  Okay so I have one thing to say: the shoe salesmen must think we are crazy because we must try on every brand of shoes in Nieman’s before we decide. I choose a pair of over-four-inch silver Louboutins with a laser-cut peep-toe.

  My choice is tame in comparison to Vivian’s. “You are going to break your neck with those shoes, love,” I warn.

  “Please, I can handle these.” She waves me away with her hand. “Besides, Dominic is six-three, you’re five-eight, and Miles is at least six-two. I’m the only shorty at a measly five-six, and I am stretching that.” She giggles.

  “How high is that heel?” I ask the man helping us.

  “Six inches,” he says.

  “Vivian! You are going to kill yourself!”

  “I’ll take them!” she says. She walks around in her new silver and black, angel leather Gucci sky-high pumps. Even I have to give her credit for strutting so well.

  “Now I can be a giant like the rest of you!” she teases.

  We ring up our purchases. “I’m going to buy you those ridiculous albeit sexy shoes so that if you do manage to kill yourself it won’t be considered suicide,” I say, handing the cashier my card
and laughing at my own joke. “By the way, I’m only two inches taller than you, perhaps two and a half,” I tease, remembering that she fibbed on her exact height.

  We meet up with the guys in the room. Seeing Dominic and Vivian inside our suite feels so comfortable to me. Like home. Growing up with a houseful is all I have ever known—aunties, uncles, cousins, family friends, and noise. I will chat with Miles and see if he would be okay with them staying with us for a while. Seeing how we are going to be training together anyway it seems the most convenient and fun idea.

  Exhausted from shopping we decide to take naps. Miles takes his place next to me, because he doesn’t want me to have a nightmare any more than I do.

  “Can I ask you a couple of favors?” I say, my words sluggish because I am about to allow sleep to take me over.

  “Anything,” he says, moving closer to me.

  We are facing each other. I could lie next to this man for the rest of my life. “First question, can Vivian and Dominic stay in the second bedroom for a while? I hate to ask, but I really need to be around my sister right now.”


  I smile.

  He smiles. I wonder if he knows what his smile does to me?

  “Second and last question. Can you let your guard down for one night and party with me? Like, get drunk with me?”

  He leans in closer. “I can’t think of anything I’d want to do more. I will be right back.” He hops out of bed and jogs out of the room. He returns fifteen minutes later.

  “Everything okay?” I ask, sitting up in bed.

  His smile is breathtaking. “I guess it’s a good thing we never unpacked our new clothes, because we’re switching rooms,” he says.

  “When?” I ask.

  “Now. You can nap in the new room.”

  “Okay.” I don’t ask questions. I trust him emphatically.


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