The Real Mrs Miniver
Page 32
Webb, Harry Murton, Tony’s fellow POW, of Knettishall, Diss, Norfolk
Welsh, chauffeur at Cultoquhey
West, Claudine (a screen writer of Mrs Miniver)
Wheelis, Dr Allen B. of Stockbridge, Massachusetts
Whitchurch, Buckinghamshire
Whitehead, ‘Frankie’ (Frances Edith Marian, of King’s Court North, King’s Road, later Lady Bowman, 1903–1992, lifelong friend, Janet’s godmother)
Whitty, Dame May, DBE (1865–1948, actress, played Lady Beldon)
Whyte, Sir (Alexander) Frederick, KCSI (1883–1970, Head of American Division, Ministry of Information, 1939–40)
Wilcoxon, Henry (1905–84, actor, played the vicar)
Willkie, Wendell, L. (1892–1944, presidential candidate)
Wimperis, Arthur (a screen writer of Mrs Miniver)
Wolff, Miss, teacher
Wright, Teresa (born 1918, played Vin Miniver’s wife)
Wyler, William (1902–81, the director of the film Mrs Miniver)
Ysenda, née Maxtone Graham, J’s sister-in-law, see Smythe
Other books by the author
The Church Hesitant
THE REAL MRS MINIVER. Copyright © 2001 by Ysenda Maxtone Graham. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. For information, address St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.
Illustrations for Sycamore Square and Other Verses (1932) and The Modern Strewwelpeter (1936) copyright E. H. Shepard, reproduction by permission of Curtis Brown Ltd., London
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ISBN 0-312-30826-4
First published in Great Britain by John Murray (Publishers) Ltd
First U.S. Edition: November 2002
eISBN 9781466870970
First eBook edition: April 2014