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Kiss a Frog (The Book Club Series 1)

Page 14

by Jade, Scarlett

He parked in the hotel parking lot and hurried up to his parents’ room. Knocking on the door, he grinned at the middle-aged woman who opened the door. Claudia was a beautiful woman, even at nearly sixty she still looked girlishly fresh. Her silver shot dark hair hung in waves around her shoulders and her dark eyes twinkled.

  “Bambino. Come in.”

  Luca stepped into the hotel room and tipped his head in respect to his stepfather, Mark, who had raised him since he was three. “Dad.”

  “Hey, son.” Mark stood from the tufted blue chair he sat reading in. “Is everything okay?”

  “It’s good. I officially quit the bureau today. My boss gave me some time to kinda think and make sure that’s what I wanted. It is.” Luca hugged the older man and stepped back. “Let’s sit down. Where’s Olivia? I want to talk to her too.”

  A loud sigh pierced the air, and Olivia opened the adjoining door. “No one can eavesdrop around here.” She flounced into the room like she was sixteen instead of nearly twenty-two and flopped on the bed.

  Claudia sat down next to her. “Tell us what’s on your mind, bambino.”

  “It’s over. The FBI fed the media lies and no one really knows what happened out there in the harbor. I’m sure plenty of money passed hands, but all people think is that a gang took out the mob. We can go back home.” Luca shoved his hands in his pockets and rocked back and forth on his feet slightly.

  “It’s about damn time,” Olivia griped. “I hope I haven’t lost my job.”

  “I bet Lily can get it back for you. You’ll make up some things you missed in school, and all will be well. I know this hasn’t been easy on you, kid, but it’s over.”

  “I’m glad. So, if anyone asks what do I tell them?”

  “You went on vacation. Spur of the moment family trip.” Luca suggested.

  “Fine. When I graduate I want a real vacation. I’m thinking Bora Bora.”

  “I’ll make it happen. Graduate first.”

  “I’m glad it’s over. What are you going to do now?” Claudia asked.

  “I don’t know, Mom. I’m going to get rid of my apartment here and maybe move back to Boston. I have some loose ends there I want to tie up.”

  “Hmm, would it have anything to do with a girl?” Claudia grinned widely.

  “Maybe.” Luca blushed. “We’ll see.”

  “He’s in love with Lily, my boss, and she’s in love with him, they’re just stubborn and won’t admit it.” Olivia smiled like the cat who’d been in the cream.

  “Shut up.” Luca ordered.

  “Nope. The sooner you deal with the fact that you two should be together, the better you’ll be.” Olivia hopped off the bed and bent to kiss her mother’s cheek. “I’m going to pack. I have a life to get back to now that I’m not being held hostage here anymore.”

  Claudia laughed and waved her into the other room. “Go on.” She turned her attention back to Luca. “So when do I meet this girl?”

  “I’m not sure, Mom. Let me patch things up with her, okay? She’s going to be pretty mad eventually when she realizes I left her behind and that she could’ve died. But I thought I was doing the right thing. I have a lot of making up to do.”

  “Flowers help.” Mark suggested as he read his newspaper. “Lots of flowers.”

  “I’ll remember that.” Luca pulled his phone from his pocket as it buzzed. “Um, let me get this.” He didn’t recognize the number but answered it anyway. “Hello?”

  “Luca De Soros?” a gruff voice asked.

  “Yeah, speaking.”

  “I’m James Travis. I’d like to offer you a job.”

  Luca’s brow furrowed, and he laughed nervously. “What?”

  “Word’s already out through the grapevine you quit the bureau. I figured I’d get a jump on offering you a job. I hope it’s not a bad time.”

  “Seriously? It’s been less than an hour since I left the building.”

  “Good news travels fast. Don’t you know everyone knows everything? No one talks, of course, but everyone hears things. Let me explain my offer. I own a security company in Seattle. I’m looking for someone like you.”

  Luca stopped the man. “Give me a second.”

  “Sure, take whatever time you need, I’ll hold.”

  Luca strode to the adjoining door and knocked firmly. “Get out,” he barked as Olivia opened the door.

  “Rude!” she screeched as he yanked her out by her T-shirt.

  Closing the door behind himself, he put the phone back to his ear. “Sorry about that. Now give me some more details.”

  “Sure. I own Mexis Corp. We’re based in Seattle, and we offer security solutions to some of the biggest governments in the world. I’m interested in having you join us.”

  “What would I be doing?” Luca sat on the edge of Olivia’s bed and listened intently to the man on the phone.

  “I’m looking for someone to help with intelligence threats. I’ve been watching you for a couple years, but I never reached out before now. I figured you were happy with your job. Your military test scores were impressive. You did intelligence in the Army and of course the FBI snapped you up, but I think you were put in the wrong field. You’re not meant to be an agent. I think you’d be better suited to work on intelligence and offer ideas to stop threats to the United States.”

  “Yeah, I was in military intelligence, but I thought I wanted the thrill of hands on work, that’s why I pushed to be an agent,” Luca admitted.

  “Of course you did. You were a young man and wanted the thrill. Now the thrill isn’t so fun. You want to settle down, right?” James asked.

  “Yeah, I’d say that’s pretty accurate. Why would I go with you?”

  “Tell you what. Come out to Seattle and meet with me. I’ll e-mail you over some information on our company and you can research us, see if you’re interested. I can have a plane ready for you in an hour, and you can fly out and meet personally with me. I think I can offer you something that will keep your brain engaged but you and your future family safe. Check your e-mail and let me know. I’ll talk to you soon.” James disconnected the call, and Luca opened his e-mail on his phone, his eyes widening as she saw several e-mails from the man in his inbox already.

  He read about Mexis Corp in the information he’d been sent. Then he turned to Google and searched through any information he could glean, which wasn’t much. Sliding off the bed, he walked back into the other hotel room.

  “You’re a dick!” Olivia screamed at him. “I’m not your property to just move wherever.”

  “Look, it was an important call, I’m sorry.” She flounced around him and slammed the connecting door. “Has she always been that moody?”

  “This hasn’t been easy for any of us,” Claudia murmured.

  Luca sighed and his shoulders dropped. “I’m sorry.”

  “What was your call about?” Mark asked, still reading his paper.

  “It was a guy out in Seattle, offering me a job. He’d heard I quit the FBI, and he offered me a position. I think I’m going to fly out and see what he has to say.”

  “Seattle?” Claudia sighed. “I’ll never see you.”

  “I’d only be a plane away, Mom.”

  “What’s the job?” Mark butted in.

  “Intelligence for the government and different companies.”

  “That’s what you did in the Army, right?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Is it dangerous?” Claudia worried, rubbing her arms as if she was chilled.

  “Not really, it’s more of a desk job. I’d just be looking at threats, watching and learning.” Luca explained.

  “Do you think you want the job?” Mark folded his paper and lay it down on his knee.

  “Maybe, I’m going to go see what he has to say.”

  “What about Lily?” Claudia demanded. “I want grandchildren.”

  “I’ll handle Lily after I talk to this guy.”

  Olivia stuck her head into the room. “Her birthday is Sunday night.
They’re having a party for her.”

  “You are really nosy, how do you even know this?”

  “Her friend Abby just called me. She got my number from Paul at work. She wants to know if you’ll be there.” Olivia had her phone pressed to her chest. “I’m on with her now.”

  “I’ll be there, but I want it to be a surprise. Give Abby my number.”

  “Okay. I can do that.” Olivia grinned and ducked back into her room, jabbering away as she closed the door.

  “I’m going to call him and tell him I want to meet with him. You guys head back to Boston, and I’ll meet you there this weekend. Can you get someone hired to box up my apartment and put it in storage, Mom?”

  “Sure, I’ll handle that.”

  “Thank you. I’m going to get some clothes packed now and get ready to fly to Seattle.” Luca kissed her cheek and shook hands with his step-dad. “Love you guys.”

  Luca called James back as he walked down the hallway. “I’d like to meet you.”

  “I thought you would. The plane will be at the airport in an hour, someone will meet you.”

  I’m going to have a future set up for me and Lily…is there a future for me and Lily?

  Chapter Eighteen

  Happy Birthday, Lily

  It was the night of her thirtieth birthday, and she sat in her mother’s bedroom, being poked, prodded, and primped for a birthday party she didn’t feel up to having. But her mother and best friends would hear nothing of the sort. She’d just been released from the hospital the day before, and enough painkillers to subdue a rabid elephant coursed through her system that she should’ve been happy, but she wasn’t.

  Luca had never come back in the week before her birthday, and in a way, she was glad. Getting shot had just been part of helping the FBI. You’re such a shitty liar, Lily. You know just as well as everyone else in this house that you are furious he’s never come back. He said he would, he just had some things to tie up. Well, unless he was tying up every hooker between here and DC, he should’ve come back.

  “Ow!” she yelled, staring angrily at her mother in the mirror.

  “Sorry, your hair was sliding, so I had to use more bobby pins,” Patty murmured apologetically.

  “I don’t even know why you’re making me do this. My freaking arm is bandaged, and I look like crap. I feel like a debutante all over again,” Lily whined.

  “You’re beautiful, and you’re only pouting because Fabio never showed back up. He said he had things to tie up. You really need to learn some patience, Lily-Pad. Now, I expect you to be happy tonight. You’re thirty only once, and your best friends have gone all out to make this a great party. They’ve decorated the ballroom beautifully, and I even saw twinkly lights in the garden.” Patty twined curls of Lily’s dark hair up and pinned them into an elaborate pouf on top of her head.

  “Nothing takes that long to tie up, Mom. He’s not coming back. Obviously I meant nothing to him.” Lily rolled her eyes and blinked back the sudden tears that threatened to course down her face. “I don’t even want a party. I just want cake!”

  “Now stop it. You’re just being foolish. You look perfectly lovely, and everything will be just fine.” Patty reassured her, finally stepping back from her aching head with a smile. “There! Your hair is done.”

  Lily stared petulantly at the girl in the mirror. Her hair looked like an electrocuted poodle on top of her head. “Wow, are we sure this is what we’re going with tonight?”

  “It’s all the rage in Paris.”

  “For their dogs?”

  Patty giggled and shook her head. “No, silly girl.” She pulled a bag from her closet. “I got you a party dress!”

  “Oh boy.” Lily grimaced, holding her breath as the zipper slowly slid down the bag. Her mother pulled an emerald green gown from the bag, and Lily gasped in shock. “Mom! It’s gorgeous!”

  “Of course it is.” Patty smirked. “You look gorgeous in green. Remember all the dresses you had as a little girl?”

  Her birthday had always been an amazing affair growing up, with all her friends from school invited to fabulous galas and parties. Her eighteenth birthday had been the biggest yet, and her parents had been so proud that Lily seemed to be settling down. College had been in the future, and everything had looked bright. After she ran off with Kory and skipped out on school, she’d refused birthday parties. Now that she’d been shot, her mother insisted she have the biggest and best thirtieth birthday party the world had seen. Abby and Laura had been working around the clock, and she was almost terrified to see what they’d done to the place.

  It’s because they’re scared to lose you, dummy. Lily sighed and tried her best to put on a smile for her mom. There was no doubt Patty had been scared, and Lily hated to disappoint her mother anymore. So for one night, she decided she could suck it up, just for her parents. She’d shown her ass enough in the past twelve years, refusing college, refusing offers of money, and basically shutting them out because she felt like an embarrassment, only come to find out they’d never been embarrassed at all.

  “I remember my dresses, they were always so beautiful,” Lily fibbed. Her dresses had usually been frothy pink get-ups with more tulle than any one dress needed.

  “Well, I figured tonight you needed something extra special. I couldn’t send my grown up girl out there in a pink dress. Tonight she needs to look like a woman.” Patty suddenly was teary eyed, and Lily raised her brow.

  “What’s going on here?” Her spidey senses were tingling again. Something’s going on…

  “Oh, nothing, nothing. I was just so scared when we had to come to the hospital, and now that you’re okay, everything has to be perfect.” Patty daubed at her eyes with her signature handkerchief hidden in her bra.

  “Hmm,” Lily murmured. “Okay, let me get in this dress.” She stood and carefully pulled off her robe, wincing a bit at the ache in her arm.

  “All right, let me get you in this thing.” Patty slipped the gown off the hanger and unzipped the back. “Step in.”

  Lily balanced on her mother’s shoulder and stepped into the gossamer green dress. Pulling it up over her curves, she was grateful for once she’d worn her girdle panties, because the slippery material definitely didn’t hide any of her flaws. The halter neckline was fastened behind her neck, and Lily turned, holding out her arms as she spun.

  “How do I look, Mom?”

  Patty’s eyes were teary again. “Gorgeous.”

  “I need my shoes.” They’d argued over heels for hours, with Patty finally settling for a modest two inch heel instead of the four she’d wanted Lily to wear.

  Lily knew as soon as she could, she’d ditch those shoes and sit in a chair barefoot all night, drinking champagne and eating cake. Everyone else could party around her, she just wanted to be left alone. With cake.

  She slipped on the shoes and sat back on the vanity chair. “Make me beautiful, Mom.”

  “Aw, we don’t need much work in that department.”

  For her mother saying she didn’t need much work in that department, she sat until her neck was tired while her mother daubed and swept brushes over her skin. “Are you done spackling yet?”

  “Hush. You have to look extra special.”

  For what?

  She didn’t voice her gripes out loud, and finally they were done. “Ah, you look gorgeous.”

  Lily looked in the mirror and forced herself to smile. Heavy makeup caked her eyes and she had heavily rouged cheeks and her lips were a glossy red. “Wow.”

  “I know, you look gorgeous. Okay, I’m going on down, you come down when you’re ready.” Patty kissed her cheek and left the room.

  Lily turned away from the mirror in disgust and stood slowly. She adjusted the bandage on her arm and pasted a bright and cheerful smile on her lips. I only have to make it to cake. Once everyone was engrossed in the party, she hoped to slip away and go home to celebrate alone. Ice cream with jimmies, anyone?

  Music pulsed through the ai
r, and she was glad that Laura and Abby had taken control of the playlist. If her mother had her way, they’d be rocking to classic rock n’ roll, which was awesome, in the right time and place. Tonight she wanted to feel young and beautiful, and only dance music would do. She walked out to the sweeping staircase and paused at the top before lowering her gaze to the slick white steps. One step at a time.

  She focused strictly on the stairs and as she reached the bottom, a man’s voice shocked her into tripping. “Happy Birthday, Lily.” Luca stood before her wearing a tuxedo that was fitted perfectly to his gorgeous body. His hair was slicked back and a slight shadow of beard grew on his cheeks. His emerald eyes twinkled, and he held out his hand. “May I?”

  Lily gaped at him in shock. She was suddenly thirsty, and he looked like the perfect drink to quench her thirst. All her anger she’d felt at him not showing up had evaporated, and she struggled to get her heartbeat under control. “You’re here.”

  “Of course. It’s your birthday. I wouldn’t miss that. I told you I had some loose ends to tie up. Did you really think it was over?” Luca paused, hurt flickering through his eyes. “You did. It’s written all over your face.”

  “No, my mother’s Mary Kay bag is written over my face.” Lily looked away from him quickly. “I’m glad you’re here. I hope you enjoy the party.” She started to rush off, and as Luca grasped her good arm, she looked back with a frown. “Don’t do this.”

  “Don’t do what, Lily? Love you? I think it’s too late for that,” Luca breathed, and Lily felt herself being reeled into his embrace. She was too weak to stop him, and if the truth was told, she didn’t want to stop him. She wanted everything he had to offer and more. His lips grazed hers, and she moaned. Her nipples tightened immediately and heat shot straight to her core.

  “I thought—I figured the job was over…and we were too,” Lily mumbled, tears prickling at her lashes.

  “Look, I know we haven’t known each other long, and I’m not talking about us riding off into the sunset and getting married tomorrow, but after that night…I thought you realized there was more between us than that.”


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