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Cast Out (The Red Enchanter Book 1)

Page 16

by Mary Swift

  “There is no way. It’s inescapable.”

  Killian couldn’t allow himself to be discouraged. “We’re getting out of here, then you’re taking me to my father and Lucy.”

  “Where’s your pen?”

  “They took it. We’ll have to rely on our wits. You were crafty enough to get rid of your little brother and kidnap an innocent girl, a jail break should be nothing for you Finn.”

  “I’m not really called Finn.”

  “Oh yeah? It irritates you doesn’t it?” Killian asked. “Then that’s what I’ll call you.” He shook his head. “Finnegan Murphy, I knew that name sounded familiar.” He poked him in the arm. “Come on, getting thinking Finn.”

  Chapter 60

  Lucy sat in a chair and stared at her grandfather. She couldn’t think of anything to say to him. It was dark outside. She was exhausted but he hadn’t showed her where she was going to sleep.

  “How old are you dear?” he asked.


  “Where is your husband?”

  “I don’t have one.”

  “Then you must be engaged.”

  “No.” Lucy said with a trace of annoyance in her voice.

  Devin leaned forward in his chair. “Does Wildbush not observe the marriage age?”

  “They do. My grandfather had a husband all lined up for me. But I begged my father to make it possible that I could only marry a man I love.”

  “How could he do that?”

  She hesitated, she still didn’t know if he could be trusted.

  “His spell? Does it have something to do with that?”


  “That was a bold move on his part.”

  “I know, but I would have died if I had to marry someone that I didn’t love.”

  Devin smiled. “Things are different out there I suspect. In Firesea not very much has changed. Wildbush is a mixed town. It must have an influence on things.”

  “I suppose it does.” Lucy yawned.

  Devin stood up. “Where are my manners? You must be very tired dear. I’m afraid I’ve lived alone for so long I have forgotten how to treat guests. I’ll show you to your room.”

  Lucy followed him up a narrow staircase. “Your wife? Is she-”

  He stopped at the top of the stairs. A candle flickered on the wall behind him. “She died many years ago. She had it the hardest of all of us. Killian was sent away and Finnegan was exiled. She had so little to live for. We had a daughter after Killian left, but she only lived for a few months. My wife died shortly afterwards.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Thank you.” He walked slowly down the hallway and opened a door at the end. “Now this room used to be your father’s.” The door open with a groan, Lucy strained to see inside. “The bed is in the corner. There are some matches and candles in one of the drawers.”

  “You don’t have electricity?”

  “Lightening in a wire? No. There’s an outhouse behind the house, just make sure you knock, we share it with the neighbors. Goodnight.” Devin shut the door leaving Lucy in the dark. She fumbled around and found the bed. She didn’t bother lighting the candles, she laid on top of the covers and promptly fell asleep.

  Chapter 61

  Nora didn’t say a word as she followed Dante through Firesea. Enchanters scurried out of the way as he strolled past them, his long red robe billowed behind him. The sky was dark and torches lit the circle. Inside she felt numb. It was hard to figure out if she was dreaming or not. She couldn’t cry, she couldn’t scream, she didn’t know what to do so she just followed him.

  He stopped in front of a tall timbered house. The door was painted a glossy red. Dante put his finger on it and it swung open. He looked at Nora. “After you Mrs. Gavrashelli.”

  She stepped inside and found several young men in black robes lined up against the wall. Dante shut the door behind them. “These are my followers.” he said pointing to the men. “If you need anything just ask them. You will provide my wife with anything she wishes.”

  “Yes sir.” they all said at once.

  Nora took a step back and bumped into the wall. He was acting like everything was normal. Dante was alive. It didn’t make any sense.

  “Nora you seem to be at a loss for words. Perhaps a drink would help?”

  “A truck hit you. I watched you die. I saw you in your casket. We buried you.”

  “Oh that? That was just pretend. I don’t know about you but I need that drink now.” He put a hand on her shoulder and steered her through a doorway and into some type of library. Nora noticed all the books on the shelves were written by him. He poured something from a glass decanter and leaned against a tall stone fireplace.

  “But your mother-”

  “She’s a pretty good actress.”

  “I just saw her.”

  “I know. I was there.” He took a sip of his drink. “I make a rather handsome cat don’t you think?”

  Nora opened her mouth but nothing came out.

  Dante ran his fingers through her hair. “I was waiting for you to visit that little backwater of Wildbush and discover your immunity.” He leaned forward and kissed her neck.

  She pushed him away. “Stop it.”

  Dante looked surprised. “Nora, I’m still your husband.”

  “You didn’t love me.” She began to cry. “I loved you and it meant nothing.”

  “I wouldn’t say it meant nothing. You needed me to escape your downtrodden life and I needed you as shield from Firesea.” He fingered the buttons on her blouse.

  “And now you’re their Master Enchanter.”

  “I need you Nora.”

  Nora wiped her eyes. “I’m not going to stay here with you. They just dragged Tom away to God knows where and I came here to find a girl who was kidnapped. Her name is Lucy Cramer. I was helping her father before they took him away. I have to help them. They might have taken Finnegan Murphy too.”

  “It’s all been taken care of.”

  “What do you mean it’s been taken care of?”

  “The girl has been sent to live with family. The man who took her is in prison. All is well.”

  “Was Finnegan the one who took her? What about Tom and Killian?

  “Finnegan is of no concern. Tom is in the workhouse, he violated the laws of Firesea by operating that motorized vehicle and he is a mortal. I assume this Killian person is the redhead.”


  “And he’s this girl’s father?”

  “You know he is. Is he the one you were referring to on your enchanters’ map, when you wrote the word redhead next to Wildbush?”

  Dante finished his drink and set his glass aside. “Maybe.” He undid the first two buttons of her blouse.

  “Where is he?”

  “I interviewed him. He possessed an object, a pen. I wanted it, but he’s a clever enchanter and I couldn’t take it.”


  “But now that I have you Nora I’ve realized that you can get the pen for me.” He pushed her against the wall and put his hand inside her bra. His fingers found Maeve’s ring. “What’s this?”

  “It’s nothing.”

  “It’s enchanted.” Dante put the ring in his pocket. He tried to slide his hand inside of her blouse again. She kicked him in the shin. “Nora!” He grabbed her arm. “I know it’s been a long time but you are my wife. I expect you to obey me.”

  “What did you do with Killian?”

  “I threw him in prison.”

  “Where is the prison?”

  Dante squeezed her arm. “Nora, shut up! I don’t care about any of these idiot friends of yours. You always were a nuisance.”

  She felt a surge of anger rise inside of her. She couldn’t believe she had ever loved him. “You’ll not have anything from me ever again.”

  He pushed her away and she fell to the floor. “Have it your way. I’ve just remembered how much I despise you.” He stepped over her and went into the hallway. “Show my
wife to her room.” she heard him say to the men waiting outside.

  Chapter 62

  It didn’t take long for Killian to realize that his brother was correct in deeming the prison inescapable. There was only one door that opened twice daily to deliver the lumpy porridge that served as their only means of sustenance. When mealtime came three guards brought in a huge pot of the lukewarm porridge. The prisoners had to take turns sharing a ladle. While they ate, or more precisely slurped, three more guards stood in the open doorway with their knives drawn.

  As the hours passed Killian began to feel hopeless. He asked one of the other prisoners what happened when someone got sick. He had an idea of either pretending that he or Finnegan were ill. But the prisoner, who had been there for ten years, merely shrugged and pointed to a rotting corpse in the corner. “No one gets out.”

  “What about if I beat the other fellow up? Would they take me away?” Killian asked. He wouldn’t mind another go around with Finnegan.

  “Nope.” the prisoner said. “They’re hoping we’ll kill each other in here, it saves them having to feed us. Just give up.”

  “I can’t.” Killian took a little comfort from the fact that Lucy was with his father. But he had no memory of the man, he didn’t know what kind of person he really was. It didn’t seem like anyone from Firesea was trustworthy. He sat for most of the day staring into the gloom. As he watched an old man use the latrine he got an idea. “Finn, wake up.” he said poking his brother in the side.


  “I think I have an idea of how to get out of here.”

  Finnegan rubbed his eyes. “Will you stop that? I told you there’s no way out.”

  “Do you want to be stuck here for the rest of your life?”

  “I don’t care.” Finnegan said. “I have nowhere to go.”

  “Where do you think the pipes to the latrine go? Is there some kind of tank or does it just dump into the water?”

  “Do you mean the shithole?”

  “Yes. Where do you think the stuff goes?”

  “How should I know?”

  “Did you notice a draft when you used it?”

  “I know we’re family but I really don’t want to discuss this with you.”

  Killian got up and looked into one of the stone bowls carved into the side of the wall. The smell was nauseating but he thought he could detect the slightest breeze. He looked at his brother. “Put your hand down there and see if the pipes open up to the outside.”

  Finnegan looked horrified. “I’m not putting my hand down there.”

  “I have a feeling that the pipes drain into the open water. It doesn’t make sense that they would put in a septic system if they lock people in here and hope they die.” Killian said. “We have to see if I’m right.”

  “Even if you are right you can’t fit down there.”

  “I know, but it’s a way out. We could break up the stone.”

  “I guess.”

  “Put your hand down and check.”

  “Why should I do it?”

  “Because it’s your fault that we’re here.”

  Finnegan stood up and looked into the bowl. “I don’t want to.”

  “Are you afraid to get dirty?”

  “No, I’m not afraid. I’ve done plenty of hard work in my time.”

  “Are you saying that I haven’t?”

  Finnegan shrugged. “You seemed pretty comfortable when I met you in Wildbush.”

  Finnegan was right, Killian hadn’t worked a day in his life, but he had no intention of letting him know that. “Fine, I’ll do it.”


  Killian closed his eyes and stuck his arm down the latrine. He tried not to think about the oozing muck between his fingers. He pushed his arm further down until his shoulder was in the bowl. His fingers wiggled and suddenly he felt the open air.

  “So what’s down there?” Finnegan asked.

  “I think the toilet dumps into the ocean.” Killian began pulling his arm out. There was a sucking sound as his hand passed back through the gunk.

  “That’s disgusting.” Finnegan said.

  Killian put his ear to the latrine, he thought he heard the sound of water lapping rocks, but it might just be wishful thinking. All of a sudden someone tapped him on the shoulder. An old man with a long gray beard was standing next to him.

  “Do you mind? I really have to go.” the man said.

  Killian moved to one side. “Go ahead.”

  “Thank you son.” the man said before settling himself on the latrine.

  “You stink.” Finnegan told him.

  Killian peeled off his shirt and threw it on the floor. “Give me your shirt.”

  Finnegan looked insulted. “I’m not giving you my shirt.”

  “I bet you have an undershirt on.” Killian already knew that he did, he had noticed it when he was choking him.

  “If you wore an undershirt you wouldn’t have this problem, beside your hands are filthy.”

  Killian crossed the room and ran his hands under the spigot of water. It took a while to get all of the filth off and without soap he was sure there was still something there. He showed them to Finnegan. “Is that better?”

  “I suppose.” Finnegan unbuttoned his dark green shirt and handed it to Killian. Underneath he was wearing a white undershirt with a hole in it.

  “I guess lawyers don’t make much money nowadays.” Killian said as he put the shirt on.

  “I didn’t expect anyone to see.” Finnegan sighed. “I’ve always liked that shirt.”

  “You take me away from my family, kidnap my daughter and I get a shirt. I guess you figure we’re even.”

  “Oh forget it.” Finnegan looked at the old man on the latrine. “So now what?”

  “We break up one of the toilets and get out.”

  “What if we get caught?”

  “Listen, I’m not hanging around here while Lucy is forced to live with a man she doesn’t know, grandfather or not. And I have to find Nora and Tom. There is no way we’ll be able to take on the guards, not with the way you fight.”

  “How are we going to smash this thing up? If you hadn’t noticed it’s carved into the wall, which is probably granite.”

  “I’m working on that.” Killian hadn’t a clue how he was going to do it. Beside him a man coughed. Killian suddenly realized that the prison was filled with enchanters. “Can anyone in here use their spell?” he shouted.

  The prisoners looked at him as though he was crazy.

  “Don’t you think if there was a way out they would have found it?” Finnegan whispered in his ear.

  “Be quiet.” Killian told him. “They might not have thought of going out the latrine.”

  “Yeah, most people don’t want to go down the shithole.”

  “Will you shut up?” Killian turned his attention back to the prisoners, he hated speaking in front of people but it had to be done. “Now listen, I think I’ve found a way out. I just need someone who can get us down this.” He pointed to the toilet.

  “Down there?” one of the men asked.

  “Yes. I’m pretty sure it empties into the sea.” Killian said. The room was silent. He was beginning to think that nothing was going to work when a man shuffled forward from a dim corner. He looked to be around the same age as Killian or possibly younger, but his face was haggard and sunken and his hair was turning white.

  “I could help for the right price.” the man said.

  Killian turned to Finnegan. “Pay the man.”

  “Why should I pay him?”

  “I don’t have any money.”

  “All I have is mortal money.”

  “Give it to him.”

  The man nodded greedily. “I’ll take it. If I get out of here I’m going to live with the mortals.”

  “You heard him Finn, hand it over.” Killian said.

  Finnegan took a wallet from his pocket and paid the man. “That’s a shirt and thirty five dollars you owe me.”
br />   “I don’t owe you anything.”

  “I know I did a bad thing but-”

  “A bad thing?” Killian shouted. “You are some piece of work.”

  The man Finnegan had just paid cleared his throat. “So do you guys want to get out of here or do you want to argue some more?”

  “We want to get out of here.” Killian said. “What’s your spell?”

  “I can make things bigger.”

  “That’s it?” Finnegan asked. “How is that going to help?”

  “You could throw something down the latrine that I’ve enchanted. It will get bigger and eventually the rocks will break apart.” the man said.

  Killian could see it working but it meant attracting attention. He had been hoping to slip out unnoticed.

  “Say, if you can do this then why haven’t you already escaped?” Finnegan asked.

  “I never thought of going out the crap hole.” He squinted. “Are you two brothers?”

  “No.” Killian said.

  “Yes we are.” Finnegan corrected.

  Killian sighed. “Technically he’s my older brother.”

  The man nodded. “I can see that. You look alike, especially in the eyes. Of course he doesn’t have that firecracker hair of yours.”

  “Excuse me?”

  Finnegan nudged him in the side. “Maybe we should get on with things.”

  “Yes of course.” Killian said. Now was not the time to be overly sensitive about his hair. “What sort of object can you enlarge?”

  “Anything. I’ve just got to hold it in my hands for a few seconds and then you can chuck it down the toilet.”

  Killian turned to Finnegan. “Give him something.”


  Killian tapped Finnegan’s watch. “That will do.”

  Finnegan put his hand protectively over the watch. “Why am I giving up everything?”

  “Because if it weren’t for you my daughter would be home and if it weren’t for you-”

  “All right, I get the picture. There’s no reason to dredge up the past.” Finnegan took off the watch and handed it to the man. “Go ahead.”

  Killian smiled and patted Finnegan’s cheek. “If you’re really good I’ll get you another one.”


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