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Cast Out (The Red Enchanter Book 1)

Page 26

by Mary Swift

  “I think it’s time I cast my spell.”

  “Are you sure?”


  “Do you know what it’s going to be?”

  “Yes, I think I do.”

  Chapter 89

  Talia opened the front door and looked out. The Master Enchanter and his followers were lined up in the street. She went outside and smiled as sweetly as she knew how. The Master Enchanter smiled back and brushed a lock of dark hair from his eyes.

  “Talia, isn’t it?” he asked.


  “It was wise of you to come outside.”

  “Your wife is in there. She spent the night with my ex-husband. He’s the redhead.”

  “They tried to lock me up and throw away the key, but I’m much too clever to be contained.” The Master Enchanter took her hand and then put his arm around her. “You’ve suffered haven’t you?”

  “Yes.” Talia felt the weight of her unseen torment lifting from her shoulders. No one knew what she had been through, what kind of pain she was in.

  “There, there.” he whispered. “He’s treated you terribly hasn’t he?”

  “Yes.” she whimpered. “He’s horrible and so is she.”

  “I know, I know.” He wrapped his red robe around her. “I’ll tell you what Talia, when I capture him, and I will. I’ll let you kill him.”

  “What did you say?”

  The Master Enchanter reached his hand into the pocket of his robe and pulled out a dagger. “I’ll give you the privilege of killing him. It will be easy.”

  Talia stepped out of the protection of the robe. “I can’t kill him.”

  “Why not? You hate him don’t you? He doesn’t love you. He’s in love with another woman. Why not kill him?”

  “He’s my daughter’s father. It would devastate her.”

  The Master Enchanter rolled his eyes. “Children. They always get in the way.”

  “I can’t kill him.”

  “Then cut off his hands. He won’t be able to use the pen anymore.”

  Talia had never thought of that. It wasn’t a bad idea. She always did like disfigurement. But if she cut off Killian’s hands she might be left to take care of Lucy. It was a no win situation. The Master Enchanter seemed to sense her dilemma.

  “There’s a war coming Talia. It will get very messy. Everyone will have to take a side. The redhead and Nora will be at the center of it all.”

  “Why? Why them?”

  “I tried to prevent it. I did everything I could. I enchanted Nora so I could control her, but she turned on me. I didn’t understand- Never mind that now.”

  Talia had no idea what he was talking about. From the third story window Killian was watching them. Talia turned her head in shame. She should not have come out here.

  “You have nothing to feel ashamed about.” said the Master Enchanter.

  “I have a husband, one that loves me. It’s just that Killian-”

  “The war is going to be long and difficult.”

  Talia looked up at the window again. Killian was gone. “I want to go home to Wildbush. I don’t belong here.”

  The Master Enchanter leaned in close, his lips brushed her earlobe. “Killian’s son will ruin everything.”

  “Killian doesn’t have a son.”

  “Not yet.”

  Talia felt a pain begin to grow inside of her. That woman was going to bear him a son. She was a mortal, a nothing. Talia had always been the one to lay claim to giving birth to Killian’s only child. She did not want to share that with anyone else. “Why don’t you kill her?” she asked.

  “I have plans for her.” Dante said. “She’s my creation; I’ll get her under control. All I need you to do is to take care of Killian. Then I’ll send you back to your husband.”

  “I can’t kill Killian.”

  “But you can cut off his hands.” The Master Enchanter kissed her gently on the cheek. “You will do it Talia.”

  Everything he was saying began to make sense. If Killian couldn’t use the pen Nora wouldn’t want him. She was obviously after what he could do for her. She couldn’t love him, not the way Talia did.

  The Master Enchanter handed her the knife. “Go on. Go in there right now and do it. The blade is small but it’s sharp enough.”

  “What about Nora? What if she tries to stop me?”

  “Maybe you can’t handle Nora.”

  Talia felt insulted. “Of course I can. I can kill her if you like.”

  “No, I don’t want her harmed.” He put his hands on her shoulders. “Now go inside and cut off Killian’s hands. Bring them back to me and I’ll take you home personally.”

  Home. Talia longed for Wildbush. She looked at the knife in her hands, the blade was sleek and shiny. It would be so easy. Killian deserved it after everything he had done to her. A son with that woman. He had to be stopped before it happened.

  “Go on.” the Master Enchanter whispered in her ear. “Do it for all of us.” He gave her a push and she found herself walking inside. Killian was in the front hallway waiting for her as she came in the door.

  “What were you doing out there?” he asked angrily. Nora was lurking behind him.

  Talia couldn’t think of anything else except his rejection. She raised the knife.

  He took a step back. “Put that away.”

  “No. I have to do this.” She didn’t care about his hands anymore. The Master Enchanter was right, Killian had to die. She raised the knife and plunged it into his chest.

  Chapter 90

  Nora watched in horror as Talia drove a knife into Killian’s chest. He crumpled to the floor, blood spurted onto the wallpaper. Talia’s face was red with rage. She raised her arm again. Nora lunged forward, energy was coursing through her. She touched Talia, she flew a foot off of the ground and landed with a thump on the floor.

  The front door was open. Dante was outside with his followers. He was smiling. Nora felt a wave of anger come over her like never before. He had put Talia up to this. She wanted to go outside and wipe that smug smile off of his face. The rage was so consuming that she almost forgot about Killian. He grabbed her ankle and looked up at her through tear filled eyes.

  “Bring him out here Nora.” Dante said. “I can heal him.”

  Devin was suddenly next to her. “Don’t do it, it’s a trap.”

  Nora didn’t know what to do. Talia stood up, her hair hung over her eyes, her fingers gripped the handle of the knife. “He needs to die.” She looked at Killian who was struggling to get to his feet. Talia jammed the knife into his side. He cried out and fell back onto the floor.

  “Go ahead Talia; finish him off.” Dante said from outside. “Remember what will happen if you don’t.”

  Nora grabbed Talia’s arm and began to squeeze. She felt the energy of Firesea flow through her. Nora’s fingers pressed harder into Talia’s flesh. Talia’s hand slowly opened; the knife fell to the floor. Devin quickly grabbed it.

  Nora watched as Talia’s mouth dropped open, she began to gasp. Nora could have stopped squeezing but she didn’t want to. She pressed further and further until she felt Talia’s knees begin to buckle. Suddenly there was a loud snap.

  Nora let go. Talia grabbed her broken arm and began to cry. Nora felt sick inside. This wasn’t the person she wanted to be. She crouched on the floor next to Killian, his eyes fluttered, he seemed to be going in and out of consciousness. Blood had soaked the fabric of his shirt. She reached into his pocket and pulled out the pen.

  “Bring him out here and I’ll fix him.” Dante said.

  “He’s lying.” Devin warned.

  Nora pulled up Killian’s shirt. The knife wound was deep and bleeding profusely. He needed help. “We have to do something.” she said. “I think he’ll die if we don’t.”

  She began writing frantically on the wall. Her hands were shaking. Just as she was about to finish Talia grabbed her. “Let him die. You’ve ruined everything.”

  Nora jabbed her with he
r elbow and she let go. She didn’t have time to fight. She frantically wrote that Killian’s wounds were healed. She put a period on the last sentence. Killian’s eyes opened.

  Talia suddenly kicked her in the stomach. Nora doubled over and fell on her side. Talia stumbled out of the front door clutching her broken arm. Nora sat up. Killian’s wound was gone but he still looked like he was in pain. “Did it work?” she asked him.

  “It only closed the wound.” he gasped. “The inside isn’t healed.”

  Nora looked at her scribbling. She had to write more. But how could she know every single thing in his body that needed to be healed?

  “Bring him to me Nora.” Dante said. “You won’t be able to fix him with that pen. It’s too complicated. I can do it.”

  Nora looked at Devin. “I think we are going to have to take him out there. I don’t know what else to do. Will you look after Tom?”

  “Yes.” Devin took Killian’s hand. “You’re right; he’ll die if we don’t do something.”

  Nora stood up and stepped into the doorway. “I don’t trust you Dante.”

  Dante looked amused. “This coming from my wife who’s in love with another man.”

  “Are you going to heal him or kill him?”

  “It’s up to you. If you return to me and be my wife I’ll spare his life. If not I’ll show him no mercy.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a knife identical to the one Talia had used.

  Nora and Devin got Killian to his feet, he didn’t seem to be conscious anymore. Together they managed to drag Killian across the threshold and down the front steps. Dante and his followers watched them.

  “Lay him down.” Dante ordered.

  Devin and Nora gently laid Killian on the dirt. Devin knelt on the ground and cradled his son’s head in his hands. “Can you save him Master?”

  Dante nudged Killian with the toe of his boot. “Of course I can.” He poked Nora. “First you have to promise me that you’ll come back to me and forget about him.”

  “I will.” She had no intention of keeping any promises she made to him.

  Dante smiled. It was unclear whether or not he believed her. He looked at his followers. “Take care of him.”

  They huddled around Killian and put their hands on him. They began chanting. Something suddenly occurred to Nora. “Other than pulling things out of your pocket and opening doors I haven’t seen you do anything magical Dante. Are you the Master Enchanter in name only?”

  He looked at her and blinked. “What an absurd question Nora. I can cast all the spells I want. That’s what I do.”

  “Then why aren’t you healing him yourself?”

  “That’s what I have the followers for.”

  “But why don’t you show your power by doing it yourself?”

  Dante glared at her. “How dare you question me. I can do anything I want.”

  “Prove it.”

  On the ground Killian started coming to. He looked up at Nora and smiled weakly. The followers moved on to Talia and began healing her broken arm.

  Dante helped Killian to his feet. “It’s so nice to see the man who’s sleeping with my wife is feeling better.”

  Killian didn’t say anything.

  Dante took the dagger from his pocket again. “Now that we’ve healed you I can do what Talia would not.” Dante grabbed Killian’s wrist and sliced his hand off with the knife. The appendage fell with a squishy thud to the ground; the remaining stump did not bleed. Talia began to laugh. Killian’s face became white and he started to tremble.

  Dante turned to Nora. “How was that dear wife? Would you like to see it again?” He cut off Killian’s other hand in less than a second, it joined its mate at Dante’s feet. “Try using your pen now redhead.” Killian fell to the ground.

  Nora didn’t wait for Dante to do anything else. She grabbed his arm and dragged him down the circle path. If he was putting up a fight she couldn’t tell. She shoved him to his knees and yanked his head back so she could stare into his face. “I’ve had enough of you.”

  He gulped. “Shouldn’t you be helping your lover?”

  “I’d rather be with my husband at the moment.”

  “I bet you didn’t waste any time getting into his bed last night.”

  Nora pulled harder on his hair. “I’d be very careful of what I said right now Dante.”

  “What are you going to do Nora?” He tried to laugh but she could see he was frightened and that thrilled her. The followers watched them but they didn’t try to defend Dante.

  “Get up.” Nora ordered. She let go of his hair and allowed him to stand. “This is what’s going to happen. You and I and Killian are going to your house.”

  He shook his head. “No.”

  She leaned in close. “You will do as I say.”

  He swallowed.

  “Dismiss the followers now.” she told him.

  Dante tossed his hair back and put his hands on his hips. “Uh, listen fellows, you can go home.”

  The followers scattered in a matter of seconds.

  Killian was staring at the stumps at the ends of his arms. “Can you fix his hands?” Nora asked Dante.

  “They’ll grow back.”

  “Hands don’t grow back.”

  “Enchanters’ hands do.” Dante said. “Killian will be a healer when they grow back. That’s how healers are made in our world. It can take years for them to finish growing.”

  “Why would you make him a healer?”

  “I don’t care about Killian becoming a healer. I wanted to stop him from using the pen, how stupid can you be Nora?”

  Nora shoved him. “Watch your mouth.” She wanted to slap his face.

  Dante nodded shakily. “You can take him back to my house if you want”

  “Thank you for your permission but I was already planning on doing that.” Nora said. “I’m in charge now.”


  “Don’t argue with me Dante.” She punched his arm and he stumbled backwards.

  “Look at you, you’ve become so violent.”

  “I’m what you made me.”

  He didn’t say anything. Nora looked at Killian, tears were streaming down his face.

  “What do you want me to do with Talia?” Dante asked.

  “Send her back to Wildbush.”

  “And Tom?”

  “Tom should stay with Devin, as a guest, not a slave.”

  “Very well.” Dante said quietly.

  Nora went back to Killian. “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of you.”

  Killian didn’t respond. He couldn’t, he was clearly in too much pain.

  “I love you Killian.” Devin said suddenly. “I always have.”

  “This will all be over soon.” Nora told Killian. She touched his face. He closed his eyes and whimpered. She smoothed his hair and kissed his cheek. “Something good will come out of this, you’ll see.”

  Chapter 91

  “In Firesea the casting ceremony is quite elaborate.” Finnegan said. “There are special costumes and everything.”

  Lucy was in the front parlor getting ready to cast her spell. She was holding a sword that her father kept in a cabinet. If she could enchant it to break anything in Firesea, enchanted or not, she figured she could slash her way through the outer wall and into any other place that she needed to be.

  Finnegan drew a large circle on the floor with a piece of chalk. “Step inside.”

  Lucy did as he instructed. There was no telling if her spell was too complicated to be cast. Normally the council would review the prospective spell and evaluate if it was suitable and within the enchanter’s capabilities. But the Wildbush council and all of the other enchanters were currently locked inside of the council hall, the door was shut with a Firesea spell.

  “Now stand there and let the energy begin to flow around you.” Finnegan said.

  “What about the sword?”

  “We have to get the energy flowing first. I’ll give it to you when you’re

  “How will I know when that is?”

  “You just will.”

  “You did this by yourself at twelve years old?”

  “Yes, unfortunately I did. But at least you know that it isn’t very hard, if a little boy can do it so can you. Are you sure you want to go through with this?”

  “Yes. I have to be able to take care of myself. I’m just not sure I’m strong enough for this spell. What happens when someone has parents from two different circles?”

  “The child gets the strength of one circle or the other, they don’t combine. You’d better hope you inherited your father’s skills, otherwise it won’t work. Can you feel anything yet?”

  There was a slight vibration around Lucy’s ankles. Suddenly the air began to shimmer. Finnegan’s image blurred. “I think it might be happening.” This was it, the only spell she would ever cast. This was supposed to have been a moment she shared with her father. It was the end of her girlhood.

  “I’m going to hand you the sword now Lucy.”

  “All right.” She reached her hands out. She could no longer see anything outside of the circle. The sword suddenly appeared. It floated in the air in front of her.

  “Now you need to recite as clearly as you can what you want the sword to do once it’s under your spell.” Finnegan said.

  Lucy cleared her throat.

  “And be sure to use your name. Otherwise the sword won’t know who’s enchanting it.”

  She took a deep breath. “I, Lucy Cramer of Wildbush, enchant this sword to-”

  “Lucy, what on earth are you doing?” A man’s voice came from somewhere nearby. “Get out of that circle now.” Her concentration was broken. The air stopped swirling and dropped away like a curtain falling. The sword fell to the floor. Logan was staring at her. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m casting my spell.”


  “Because everyone’s gone. The Firesea enchanters came and took all of the mortals. They’ve locked the enchanters in the council hall, Kip and Casper are in there. We have to do something. I have to.”

  Logan looked at Finnegan. “Why am I not surprised to see him? Is he forcing you to do this Lucy?”


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