The Silicon Jungle

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The Silicon Jungle Page 34

by Shumeet Baluja

  Bermingham, A., Conway, M., McInerney, L., O’Hare, N., and Smeaton, A. (2009) “Combining Social Network Analysis and Sentiment Analysis to Explore the Potential for Online Radicalisation,” 2009 International Conference on Advances in Social Network Analysis and Mining.

  Bickart, B., and Schindler, R. M. (2001) “Internet Forums as Influential Sources of Consumer Information,” Journal of Interactive Marketing, vol. 15, no. 3, 31–40.

  Blakely, K. (2009) “Reaching the Masses on Their Own Time: The Parallel between Viral Marketing and Psychological Operations,” IOSphere: The Professional Journal of Joint Information Operations, Spring 2009,

  Chau, M. and Xu, J. (2006) “A Framework for Locating and Analyzing Hate Groups in Blogs,” PACIS 2006 Proceedings,

  ———. (2007) “Mining Communities and Their Relationships in Blogs: A Study of Online Hate Groups,” Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud., vol. 65, no. 1 (Jan. 2007), 57–70.

  Choi, J. and Danowski, J. (2002) “Making a Global Community on the Net—Global Village or Global Metropolis?: A Network Analysis of Usenet Newsgroups,” Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, vol. 7, no. 3.

  Conway, M. (2007) “Terrorism and the Making of the ‘New Middle East’: New Media Strategies of Hizbolla and al Qaeda,” in Seib, Philip (ed.) New Media and the New Middle East, Palgrave Macmillan.

  Crilley, K. (2001) “Information Warfare: New Battlefields Terrorists, Propaganda, and the Internet,” Aslib Proceedings (Jul./Aug. 2001), 53, 7.

  DiMaggio P., Hargittai E., Neuman, W., and Robinson J. (2001) “Social Implications of the Internet,” Annual Review of Sociology (2001), 27.

  Dringus, L. P. and Ellis, T. (2005) “Using Data Mining as a Strategy for Assessing Asynchronous Discussion Forums,” Comput. Educ. 45, 1 (Aug. 2005), 141–60.

  Efaw, J. M. (2009) “Social Networking Services: The New Influence Frontier,” IO-Sphere: The Professional Journal of Joint Information Operations. Winter, 2009. (2007) “Wonders of Internet Now in Remote Villages,”,

  Gerstenfeld, P. B., Grant D. R., and Chiang, C. P. (2003) “Hate Online: A Content Analysis of Extremist Internet Sites,” Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, vol. 3, no. 1, 29–44.

  Hawkey, M. A. (2008) “Depression, the Internet, and Ethnography: A Study of Online Support Forums and the Methodology Used.” A thesis presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a Master of Arts degree in Social Anthropology at Massey University, Albany Campus,

  James, M. (2003) “Sustainable Internet Access for the Rural Poor? Elements of an Emerging Indian Model,” Futures, 35, 461–72.

  Johnson, T. and Kaye, B. (2004) “Wag the Blog: How Reliance on Traditional Media and the Internet Influence Credibility Perceptions of Weblogs among Blog Users,” Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, vol. 81, no. 3 (Autumn 2004), 622–42.

  Kravets, D. (2009) “Lawyer: FBI Paid Right-Wing Blogger Charged with Threats,”, August 19, 2009,

  Krishnamurthy, S. (2003) “Communication Across Borders: Experiences of Rural Indian Women in Using Cyber Cafes.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association.

  Madon, S. (2000) “The Internet and Socioeconomic Development: Exploring the Interaction,” Information Technology and People, vol. 13, no. 2, 85–101.

  Nicholson, C. (2009) “Bringing the Internet to Remote African Villages,” The New York Times,

  O’Hara, K. and Stevons, D. (2009) “The Devil’s Long Tail: Religious Moderation and Extremism on the Web,” Proceedings of the WebSci ’09: Society On-Line.

  Ray, B. and Marsh, G. E. (2001) “Recruitment by Extremist Groups on the Internet,” First Monday, vol. 6, no. 2.

  Schafer, J. (2002) “Spinning the Web of Hate: Web-Based Hate Propagation by Extremist Organizations,” Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture, vol. 9, no. 2 (2002), 69–88,

  Sterns, K. (1999) “Hate and the Internet,” Policy Archive,

  Thomas, T. (2007) “Hezballah, Israel, and Cyber PSYOP,” IOSphere: The Professional Journal of Joint Information Operations, (Winter 2007),

  ———. (2003) “Al Qaeda and the Internet: The Danger of ‘CyberPlanning,’ ” Parameters, vol. 33.

  Veile, B. (2003) “Hate and the Internet Curriculum,” document created for Gonzaga University Institute for Action Against Hate,

  Waltman, M. (2003) “Stratagems and Heuristics in the Recruitment of Children into Communities of Hate: The Fabric of Our Future Nightmares,” Southern Communication Journal, vol. 69, no. 1, 22–36.

  Waltman, M. and Haas, J. (2007) “Advertising Hate on the Internet,” in Internet Advertising: Theory and Research, D. Schumann, E. Thorson (eds), Lawrence Erlbaum & Associates Publishers.

  Zhou, Y., Reid, E., Qin, J., Chen, H., Lai, G. (2005) “US Domestic Extremist Groups on the Web: Link and Content Analysis,” IEEE Intelligent Systems, vol. 20, no. 5, 44–51.

  Zhou, Y., Qin, J., Lai, G., Reid, E., and Chen, H. (2006) “Exploring the Dark Side of the Web: Collection and Analysis of U.S. Extremist Online Forums,” Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security (ISI 2006), San Diego, CA, May 23–24, 2006.

  Chapter: Patience

  Rayner, G. (2008) “Groups Linked to September 11 Hijackers Spark Fury over Conference,”, Dec. 28, 2008,

  Chapter: Working 9 to 4

  TopCoder. (2006) “AOL, Bloomberg, UBS, and NSA Announced as Sponsors/Patrons of 2006 TopCoder Collegiate Challenge: UBS and National Security Agency Continue Involvement with Leading Collegiate Computer Programming Contest,” Press Release June 6, 2006,,

  ———. (2007) “Students from Russian Federation, China, Indonesia, and United States Win 2007 TopCoder Collegiate Challenge,” Press Release November 5, 2007,,

  Chapter: Predicting the Future and 38 Needles

  Ali, K. and van Stam, W. (2004) “TiVo: Making Show Recommendations Using a Distributed Collaborative Filtering Architecture,” Proceedings of the Tenth ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (Seattle, WA, Aug. 22–25, 2004). KDD ’04. ACM, New York, 394–401.

  Cohen, W. (2005) “Enron Email Dataset,” Carnegie Mellon University web site,

  Kamvar, M. (2008) “Using Context to Improve Query Formulation and Entry from Mobile Phones,” thesis, Computer Science, Columbia University,

  Kamvar, M. and Baluja, S. (2007) “The Role of Context in Query Input: Using Contextual Signals to Complete Queries on Mobile Devices,” Proceedings of Mobile HCI.

  ———. (2008) “Query Suggestions for Mobile Search: Understanding Usage Patterns,” CHI ’08: Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Annual SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. New York: ACM, 1013–16.

  Li, W., Hershkop, S., and Stolfo, S. J. (2004) “Email Archive Analysis through Graphical Visualization,” Proceedings of the 2004 ACM Workshop on Visualization and Data Mining for Computer Security (Washington, DC, Oct. 29).

  Martin, S., Sewani, A., Nelson, B., Chen, K., and Joseph, A. D.
(2005) “Analyzing Behavioral Features for Email Classification,” Second Conference on Email and Anti-Spam (CEAS 2005).

  Stolfo, S. J., Hershkop, S., Hu, C., Li, W., Nimeskern, O., and Wang, K. (2006) “Behavior-based Modeling and Its Application to Email Analysis,” ACM Trans. Internet Technol., 6, 2.

  Tyler, J. R., Wilkinson, D. M., and Huberman, B. A. (2003) “Email as Spectroscopy: Automated Discovery of Community Structure within Organizations,” Communities and Technologies, Huysman, M., Wenger, E., and Wulf, V. (eds.), Kluwer B., Deventer V., The Netherlands, 81–96.

  Zaslow, J. (2002) “If TiVo Thinks You Are Gay, Here’s How to Set It Straight,” The Wall Street Journal Digital Network, Tuesday November 26, 2002,

  Zeitchik, S. (2008) “Technology Gets Personal: Can Algorithms Predict Our Tastes in Movies and Books?” The Wall Street Journal Digital Network, July 18, 2008,

  Chapter: Euphoria and Diet Pills

  Chavez, P. (2009) “Consumer Watchdog Wrong on Medical Records Claim,” Google Public Policy Blog,

  Crounse, B. (2006) “The Future with Electronic Medical Records: Effective, Flexible, Affordable: Hospitals, Physicians Need Systems that Share Information, Require Less Training, Reduce Log-in Headaches,”


  Fried, I. (2007) “Microsoft Plans Medical-Record Service,” CNET News, Oct. 4, 2007,

  Goldstein, A. (2008) “Microsoft, Google, Consumers Endorse Health Privacy Standards,” Bloomberg (June 25, 2008),

  Google Health. (2009)

  Healy, B. (2009) “Electronic Medical Records: Will Your Privacy Be Safe?” U.S. News & World Report, (Feb. 17, 2009),

  Kluger, J. (2009) “Electronic Health Records: What’s Taking So Long?” Time, Health & Science (Mar. 25, 2009),,,8599,1887658,00.html.

  Kohavi, R., Mason, L., Parekh, R., and Zheng, Z. (2004) “Lessons and Challenges from Mining Retail E-Commerce Data,” Machine Learning 57, 1–2, 83–113.

  Newcomb, K. (2008) “Where’s Search Heading? Ask Yahoo’s Chief Scientist,” Search Engine Watch, March 20, 2008,

  Nielsen Wire. (2009) “Ad Buyers Bulk Up Spending as Consumers Diet,” Nielsen Wire (Jan. 13, 2009),

  Rodgers, Z. (2008) “ISPs Collect User Data for Behavioral Ad Targeting,” ClickZ (Jan. 3, 2008),

  Song, Q. and Shepperd, M. (2006) “Mining Web Browsing Patterns for E-commerce,” Computers in Industry 57, 7 (Sep. 2006), 622–30.

  Chapter: The Life and Soul of an Intern

  DiRomualdo, T. (2005) “Is Google’s Cafeteria a Competitive Weapon?” Wisconsin Technology Network, WTN News (Aug. 30, 2005),

  Jung, C. (2009) “Inside the Café at Facebook Headquarters,” Food Gal: Musings on Food, Wine, Laughter and Life,

  Knowledge@Wharton. (2008) “Don’t Touch My Perks: Companies that Eliminate Them Risk Employee Backlash,” FTPress, Financial Times (Sept. 25, 2008),

  Microsoft. (2010) “Silicon Valley Lab Internship Program,”

  Olsen, S. (2007) “Wooing Interns to Silicon Valley,” (July 3, 2007),

  Ramirez, M. (2005) “Tray Chic: At Work, Cool Cafeterias, Imaginative Menus,” The Seattle Times (Nov. 21, 2005),

  Chapter: Hallucinations and Archetypes

  Eirinaki, M. and Vazirgiannis, M. (2003) “Web Mining for Web Personalization,” ACM Trans. Internet Technol., 3, 1, 1–27.

  Hu, J., Zeng, H., Li, H., Niu, C., and Chen, Z. (2007) “Demographic Prediction Based on User’s Browsing Behavior,” Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on World Wide Web,

  Jones, R., Kumar, R., Pang, B., and Tomkins, A. (2007) “I Know What You Did Last Summer: Query Logs and User Privacy,” Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Conference on information and Knowledge Management.

  Linden, G., Smith, B., and York, J. (2003) “ Recommendations,” IEEE Internet Computing 7, no. 1 (Jan.–Feb. 2003), 76–80.

  Resnick, P. and Varian, H. R. (1997) “Recommender Systems,” Communications of the ACM 40, 3 (Mar. 1997), 56–58.

  Ruffo, G., and Schifanella, R. (2009) “A Peer-to-Peer Recommender System Based on Spontaneous Affinities,” ACM Trans. Internet Technol., 9, 1.

  Spertus, E., Sahami, M., and Buyukkokten, O. (2005) “Evaluating Similarity Measures: A Large-Scale Study in the Orkut Social Network,” Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery in Data Mining.

  Vozalis, M. G. and Margaritis, K. G. (2004) “Collaborative Filtering Enhanced by Demographic Correlation,” presented at the AIAI Symposium on Professional Practice in AI, of the 18th World Computer Congress, Toulouse, France, August 22–27, 2004, 393–402.

  Chapter: Candid Cameras

  Chan, S. P. (2009) “New Microsoft Bing Maps Show Streetside Views,” The Seattle Times, December 2, 2009,


  CNN Staff. (2009) “Gang of Villagers Chase Away Google Car,” (2009) “Welcome to the Funny Side of Google Street View,”

  Culotta, A., Bekkerman, R., and McCallum A. (2004) “Extracting Social Networks and Contact Information from Email and the Web,” First Conference on Email and Anti-Spam (2004),

  Ghia, A. (2009) “Google to Fund ‘Video Street View’ for Central London,” The Register (Apr. 1, 2009),

  Kolakowski, N. (2009) “Microsoft Bing Now Features Updated Maps, Twitter Feed,” (Dec. 2, 2009),

  Mills, E. (2005) “Amazon A9 Takes It to the Streets,” CNet News (Aug. 15, 2005),

  Skinner, F. (2009) “Even If God Isn’t Watching You, Google Is,” TimesOnline, March 27, 2009,


  Chapter: Negotiations and Herding Cats

  Gallagher, A. and Chen, T. (2009) “Using Context to Recognize People in Consumer Images,” IPSJ Transactions on Computer Vision and Applications, vol. 1, 115–26.

  Rowley, H., Baluja, S., and Kanade, T. (1998) “Neural Network-based Face Detection” IEEE-Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE-PAMI, vol. 20, no. 1, 23–38.

  Stone, Z., Zickler, T., and Darrell, T. (2008) “Autotagging Facebook: Social Network Context Improves Photo Annotation,” Proc. First IEEE Workshop on Internet Vision, 2008.

  Viola, P. and Jones, M. J. (2004) “Robust Real-Time Face Detection,” International Journal of Computer Vision, vol. 57, no. 2, 137–54.

  Zhao, W., Chellappa, R., Phillips, P., and Rosenfeld, A. (2003) “Face Recognition: A Li
terature Survey,” Computing Surveys, vol. 35, no. 4, 399–459.

  Chapter: Giving Thanks

  Associated Press. (2007) “Surveillance Cameras Get Smarter: New Devices Can Watch, Interpret What They’re Seeing,” (Feb. 25, 2007),

  Collins, R. T., Lipton, A. J., and Kanade, T. (2000) “Introduction to the Special Section on Video Surveillance,” IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 22, no. 7 (July 2000), 745–46.

  Dick, A. R. and Brooks, M. J. (2003) “Issues in Automated Visual Surveillance,” Proceedings of VIIth Digital Image Computing: Technique and Applications, 195–204.

  McCahill, M. and Norris, C. (2002) “CCTV in London,” Working Paper No. 6, Center for Criminology and Criminal Justice, University of Hull,

  McCue, C. (2007) Data Mining and Predictive Analysis: Intelligence Gathering and Crime Analysis, Butterworth-Heinemann.

  O’Toole, A. J., Harms, J., Snow, S. L., Hurst, D. R., Pappas, M. R., Ayyad, J. H., and Abdi, H. (2005) “A Video Database of Moving Faces and People,” IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell., vol. 27, no. 5 (May 2005), 812–16.

  Chapter: Truth Lies and Algorithms

  Anderson, C. (2004) “The Long Tail,” Wired (Oct. 2004),

  ———. (2009) The Long Tail: Chris Anderson’s Blog,

  Bello, S. (2006) “The Long Tail of YouTube,” Change Is Good Blog (July 2006),

  Brin, S. and Page, L. (1998) “The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine,” Comput. Netw., 107–17.

  Croft, B., Metzler, D., and Strohman, T. (2009) Search Engines: Information Retrieval in Practice, Addison Wesley.


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