The Silicon Jungle

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The Silicon Jungle Page 35

by Shumeet Baluja

  Grimes, C., Tang D., and Russell, D. M. (2007) “Query Logs Alone Are Not Enough,” Query Log Analysis: Social and Technological Challenges, A Workshop at the 16th International World Wide Web Conference.

  Hoffman, H. (2005) “On the Trail of the Long Tail,” Yahoo! Search Blog,

  Huff, D. and Geis, I. (1993) How to Lie with Statistics, W.W. Norton & Co.

  Huffman, S. (2008) “Search Evaluation at Google,” Google Blog (Sept. 15, 2008),

  Manber, U. (2008) “Introduction to Google Search Quality,” Google Blog (May 20, 2008),

  Norvig, P. (2007) “Warning Signs in Experimental Design and Interpretation,”,

  Search Engine Watch (2007) “How Search Engines Rank Web Pages,” Search Engine Watch (Mar. 15, 2007),

  Singhal, A. (2008) “Introduction to Google Ranking,” Google Blog (July 9, 2008),

  ———. (2008) “Technologies Behind Google Ranking,” Google Blog (July. 16, 2008),

  Yoshida, Y., Ueda, T., Tashiro, T., Hirate, Y., and Yamana, H. (2008) “What’s Going on in Search Engine Rankings?” Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications—Workshops (Mar. 25–28, 2008).

  Chapter: A Drive through the Country

  All Points Blog. (2009) “Tracking LBS Apps on iPhone, Android.”,-Android.html.

  Gorlach, A., Heinemann, A., and Terpstra, W. (2004) “Survey on Location Privacy in Pervasive Computing,” Privacy, Security and Trust within the Context of Pervasive Computing, The Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science.

  Gundotra, V. (2009) “See Where Your Friends Are with Google Latitude,” Google Blog,

  Reardon, M. (2006) “Mobile Phones that Track Your Buddies,” cNet news (Nov. 14, 2006),

  ———. (2007) “Sprint to Offer Loopt Friend-Tracking Service,” cNet news (July 17, 2007),

  ———. (2008) “Verizon Wireless Adds Friend-Finding Service,” cNet news (Mar. 28, 2008),

  ———. (2009) “AT&T Launches Family-Tracking Service,” cNet news (Apr. 15, 2009),

  Yahoo. (2009) “Yahoo Fire Eagle,”

  Zheng, Y., Xie, X., and Ma, W. (2009) “Mining Interesting Locations and Travel Sequences from GPS Trajectories,” Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on World Wide Web, WWW-2009, 791–800,

  Chapter: Control

  Cui, H., Mittal, V., and Datar, M. (2006) “Comparative Experiments on Sentiment Classification for Online Product Reviews,” Proceedings of the Twenty-First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-06), July 16–20, 2006, Boston, Massachusetts.

  Lerman, K., Blair-Goldensohn, S., and McDonald, R. (2009) “Sentiment Summarization: Evaluating and Learning User Preferences,” 12th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL-09).

  Manufacturing & Logistics IT. (2007) “McAfee Inc. Exposes the Psychological Warfare Used by Cybercriminals,”,

  Pang, B. and Lee, L. (2008) “Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis,” Foundations and Trends in Information Retrieval, vol. 2, 1–135.

  Wikipedia. (2009) “Psychological Operations,” Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia,

  Chapter: A Tale of Two Tenures

  Alexanian, J. (2006) “Publicly Intimate Online: Iranian Web Logs in Southern California,” Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East vol. 26, no. 1 (2006),134–45.

  Lutz, C. (2008) “Selling Our Independence? The Perils of Pentagon Funding for Anthropology,” Anthropology Today, vol. 24, no. 5 (Oct. 2008), 1–3,


  McPherson, M. and Schapiro, M. (1999) “Tenure Issues in Higher Education,” The Journal of Economic Perspectives, vol. 13, no. 1 (Winter), 85–98.

  Chapter: Thoughts Like Butterflies

  Chapter: Core-Relations

  Chapter: Collide

  Abbasi, A. and Chen, H. (2005) “Applying Authorship Analysis to Extremist-Group Web Forum Messages,” IEEE Intelligent Systems, vol. 20, no. 5 (Sep. 2005), 67–75.

  Azran, A. (2007) “The Rendezvous Algorithm: Multiclass Semi-supervised Learning with Markov Random Walks,” Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Machine Learning (Corvalis, Oregon, June 20–24, 2007). Z. Ghahramani, Ed. ICML ’07, vol. 227, ACM, New York, 49–56.

  Baluja, S., Seth, R., Sivakumar, D., Jing, Y., Yagnik, J., Kumar, S., Ravichandran, D., and Aly, M. (2008) “Video Suggestion and Discovery for YouTube: Taking Random Walks through the View Graph,” Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on World Wide Web, WWW ’08. (Beijing, China, April 21–25, 2008).

  Egghe, L. and Rousseau, R. (1990) Introduction to Informetrics, Elsevier.

  Gerwehr, S. and Daly, S. (2005) “Al Qaida: Terrorist Selection and Recruitment,” RAND National Security Research Division and McGraw-Hill Homeland Security Handbook, Kamien, D. (ed). McGraw-Hill,,

  Gibson, D., Kleinberg, J., and Raghavan, P. (1998) “Inferring Web Communities from Link Topology,” Proceedings of the 9th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia.

  Gross, P. L. K. and Gross, E. M. (1927) “College Libraries and Chemical Education,” Science 66, 385–89.

  Jiang, L., Wang, J., An, N., Wang, S., Zhan, J., and Li, L. (2009) “Two Birds with One Stone: A Graph-based Framework for Disambiguating and Tagging People Names in Web Search,” Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on World Wide Web, WWW-2009, 1201–2.

  Kleinberg, J. (1998) “Authoritative Sources in a Hyperlinked Environment,” Proc. 9th ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms.

  Lotka, A. J. (1926) “The Frequency Distribution of Scientific Productivity,” Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences, vol. 16, 317–23.

  MEMRI. (2007) “The Enemy Within: Where Are the Islamist/Jihadist Web Sites Hosted, and What Can be Done About It?” The Middle East Media Research Institute,

  Nicolaisen, J. (2002) “The J-Shaped Distribution of Citedness,” Journal of Documentation, vol. 58, no. 4, 383–95.

  Reid, E. and Chen, H. (2007) “Internet-Savvy U.S. and Middle Eastern Extremist Groups.” Mobilization: An International Quarterly, vol. 12, no. 2 (2007), 177–92.

  Zhu, X. (2005) “Semi-Supervised Learning with Graphs,” Ph.D. thesis, Carnegie Mellon University, CMU-LTI-05-192.

  Chapter: Apple Pie

  Binyon, M. (2007) “Why Medical Schools Provide Islamic Extremists with Fertile Recruiting Grounds,” The Times and TimesOnline (July 4, 2007),

  Chapter: The Yuri Effect

  Chapter: Sebastin’s Friends

  Chapter: Fables of the Deconstruction

  Chapter: A Tinker by Any Other Name (2008) “The United States Identifies 42 Foreign Terrorist Organizations,” (Apr. 30,

  Auchard, E. (2006) “Google Rejects DOJ Bid for Search Info, Rivals Including Microsoft and Yahoo Have Already Complied with the Demand,” (Feb. 18, 2006),,4814,108843,00.html.

  Bamford, J. (2008) The Shadow Factory: The Ultra-Secret NSA from 9/11 to the Eavesdropping on America, New York: Doubleday.

  Bell, R., Koren, Y., and Volinsky, C. (2007) “Chasing $1,000,000: How We Won the Netflix Progress Prize,” ASA Statistical and Computing Graphics Newsletter, vol. 18, no. 2.

  CorpWatch. (2009) CorpWatch: Holding Corporations Accountable, Web site,

  Cuomo, C., Shaylor, J., McGuirt, M., Francescani, C. (2009) “ ‘GMA’ Gets Answers: Some Credit Card Companies Financially Profiling Customers,” (Jan. 28, 2008),

  DeYoung, K. (2007) “Terror Database Has Quadrupled in Four Years” The Washington Post, March 25, 2007,

  Eisler, P. (2009) “Terrorist Watch List Hits 1 Million,” USA Today (Mar. 10, 2009),

  Frommer, D. (2006) “Callers Can’t Hide,” Forbes (May 11, 2006),

  ———. (2006) “AT&T Slapped in NSA Suit,” Forbes (May 17, 2006),

  ———. (2006) “Paper Pulls Back on Spy Story,” Forbes (June 30, 2006),

  ———. (2006) “Judge Hangs Up on NSA Spy Program,” Forbes (Aug. 17, 2006),

  Hillhouse, R. J. (2007) “Exclusive: Intel Outsourcing at Heart of Gonzales Controversy,” The Spy Who Billed Me: Outsourcing the War on Terror (July 30, 2007),

  Holzer, J. (2006) “Did the NSA Break the Law?” Forbes (May 11, 2006),

  National Counterterrorism Center. (2009) “Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment,”

  Park, S. and Pennock, D. (2007) Applying Collaborative Filtering Techniques to Movie Search for Better Ranking and Browsing,” Proceedings of the 13th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining,

  Roney, M. (2006) “Verizon NSA Suit Could Add Risk,” Forbes (May 15, 2006),

  Singel, R. (2008) “Judge Orders YouTube to Give All User Histories to Viacom,” Wired-Blog,

  ———. (2009) “FBI Mishandles Terror Watch List,” Wired-Blog,

  ———. (2009) “Newly Declassified Files Detail Massive FBI Data-Mining Project,” Wired-Blog,

  Stern, J. (2006) “Flights of Fancy; Many Muslim Youth Espouse Jihad as a Fad,” Globe and Mail, June 12, 2006,


  Stuckey, M. (2008) “AmEx Rates Credit Risk by Where You Live, Shop,” (Oct. 7, 2008),

  Vilches, J. (2007) “Judge Orders TorrentSpy to Hand Over User Data,” Techspot (June 11, 2007),

  Wakeman, N. (2000) “Contractors Spy Dollars in NSA Outsourcing,” Washington Technology (June 16, 2000),

  Zabarenko, D. (2010) “U.S. Counterterror Agency Lacks ‘Google-like’ Search,” Reuters (Jan. 20, 2010),

  Chapter: What I Did This Summer

  Adar, E. (2007) “User 4XXXXX9: Anonymizing Query Logs,” Query Log Analysis: Social and Technological Challenges: A Workshop at the 16th International World Wide Web Conference.

  Xiong, L. and Agichtein, E. (2007) “Towards Privacy Preserving Query Log Publishing,” Query Log Analysis: Social and Technological Challenges: A Workshop at the 16th International World Wide Web Conference.




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