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Honey for the Bears

Page 7

by Gabrielle Demonico

  He leaned forward, placed his elbows on his knees and his head between his hands.

  “I mean, my whole world is basically crumbling all around me. It just seems like the harder I try to fix it, the more it disintegrates. It’s only a matter of time before the Mayor opens the hunt. Once that happens, there’s no telling what kind of chaos will unfold in Troubled Fork…”

  Honey was dying inside. It was killing her to see him suffer like this. He was such a good man. He only wanted to protect the town he loved and all those that lived there. She scooted over towards him on the couch and reached up towards his face but he grabbed her hand just before she touched it…

  “Honey, I… I cannot do this.” He said.

  “What do you mean?” she replied. To say she was caught her off guard would be an understatement.

  “With you. I just, I can’t…”

  “What are you talking about? What do you mean Brock?”

  “It’s… complicated.” He said as he averted her gaze.

  “Look at me Brock. Don’t do this.”

  “No… Honey, you don’t understand. It’s hard to explain…”

  “No it isn’t, I think I know exactly what this is about…”

  Furious, Honey stood up. “Take me home Brock – now.”

  He looked up towards her. “What? Why?”

  “Because I want to leave. I am not going to sit here while you tell me you don’t want to be with me. I can’t…”

  He stood up and faced her. “Honey, when did I say that?”

  “What do you mean? Just now! You said you can’t do this… That it’s… complicated and I that won’t… understand.”

  “Honey, what the hell are you talking about? I want nothing more in my life right now than to wrap my hands around your curves and never let go. You couldn’t be more mistaken.”

  “Then what is it? You have five seconds to tell me or I am leaving Brock. I’ll walk home if I have to but I can’t allow myself to be hurt again – especially by you.”

  He took her face in his hands and said, “I would die first Honey. I would never hurt you. Please believe me when I say that. You do believe me, don’t you?”

  Honey looked at him in silence for a moment.

  “Yes… I… I don’t know. I mean, I guess so. This is so confusing. If that’s true then what’s wrong? I don’t understand what the problem is.” She replied.

  He released her face from his grasp. “No, I wouldn’t expect you to understand…”

  “Brock… please.”

  “Okay, alright…” he began. “Honey… I don’t know any way to put this so I will just say it. From the moment I met you, I knew that you were destined to be mine. My instincts have told me that you are my true mate. You see, when a shifter finds his true mate, he or she is bound to them for life. The only problem is that you are not a shifter like me. That can cause serious… complications… if a shifter believes his true mate to be human.”

  “Complications…? What do you mean?”

  “To tell the truth, I’ve only ever heard rumors of what happens to human females that mate with shifters. I’ve never actually heard of a successful human and shifter pair bond. To the best of my knowledge, a human female cannot conceive a shifter child. As is my nature, I must continue the line, I must have offspring…”

  Honey looked up at him. “Okay? What are you saying…?”

  “Honey, what I am saying is that I want be with you, forever. But the risks to you… They are just too great. I cannot chance losing you. Not after losing Kristy. It would be more than I could stand.”

  Honey dropped her head. He was right, she couldn’t have imagined this is what he would say to her. She didn’t understand this at all. Why did the universe have to be so utterly cruel?

  Silence fell over the room. Then after a few moments he said, “There is one possibility… but I’ve only ever heard whispers of it.”

  “Whispers of what?” she asked.

  “An ancient incantation known as The Ritual of the Claw. It’s said that it can unite a shifter and a human. However, only a holy man like Shaman Powekah can summon the spirits of man and beast to enact the blessing. Even then, it’s not a guarantee. And with him missing…”

  Honey took a deep breath. Her mind was hopelessly clouded. She needed to focus, she had to…

  This was it, the moment that would decide not only whether this relationship would continue but also, whether or not her life would continue to unfold the way that she wanted. For as long as she could recall, she’d only ever done things for others and put her own happiness second.

  There was no guarantee that the ritual would work but then again there were no guarantees of anything in life. For once, Honey was fed up with playing it safe. If she was to risk it all it would be with him, in this place, forever.

  Finally, she spoke. “Brock, I don’t care… This is what I want. You are what I want. I’ve never been happier with someone than when I am with you. The shaman is still alive, I can feel it and I know that our love will be blessed.”

  “Honey, I…” he replied. “Are you sure that you understand what you are saying?”

  She pressed her soft torso against his thick core, reached up toward his hair and caressed it.


  A brief period of silence hung in the air between them – not a whisper of noise could be heard.

  It became obvious to Honey that her willingness to chance it, to be with him no matter what was not something he had been prepared to hear from her. In fact, the opposite was true. She realized that he had expected her to walk out and never look back. But here she was and she wasn’t going anywhere. The only thing that remained now was for his bear to claim what was rightfully his.

  She felt a strange sense of calm in the face of so much that was unknown. In that moment she knew that her choice, and this man, would be the things that forever set her if the direction she’d hoped. Suddenly, their eyes locked as an unconscious sliver of her tongue traced along her lips. Moistened and expectant, Honey subtly invited him to do what he would.

  He moved towards her and landed a gentle, yet full, kiss upon her mouth. He broke from her. Honey’s lips parted and the first taste of him danced across her lips. He paused, looked at her once more and then moved back in again.

  He peppered her with soft kisses that were meant more to whet her appetite than quench her desire. It was clear to Honey that unlike every other man she’d been with, Brock was not in a hurry. He would do nothing without extracting the fullest possible measure of joy from it.

  Yet delicate as he was with her, some part of her knew that deep inside of him an animal still lurked. Like its human counterpart, it too had needs and passions that must be satisfied. The thought of it at once thrilled her and frightened her, at least a little. She yearned to be the one to unleash his bear within her and if it all possible, sooner rather than later.

  In the very next moment, she got her first hint of it as he swooped down and lifted her onto the couch. For such a big man, he moved with remarkable grace and ease. Before she’d even realized what had happened, he was on top of her with his mouth pressed hard into hers.

  Honey moaned against Brock’s lips as he devoured her. In a flash her mind was transported back to the time they’d first kissed in the hallway of her house. She’d been nearly taken to the brink that night and if the slippery feel between her thighs was any clue, her body hadn’t forgotten about it.

  Brock straddled her and began to spread her legs. As he did, Honey’s hands trailed down the ropey musculature of his back until she reached his hard flanks. She squeezed his ass with her hands and with her legs she pulled against it until she could feel him… it… press against her.

  When it did, Honey nearly came right then and there.

  She mewled and groped at him. The ache from deep inside of her radiated need outwards in all directions. Brock reached behind her head, grabbed two thick handfuls of her hair and kissed her wildly.
br />   She could feel his cock, engorged and angry, as it pressed into the rigid and unyielding denim of his jeans. Desire swelled between them and then to Honey’s shock and delight, he cupped his palm and pressed it in between her legs. Honey lurched up and dug her nails into Brock’s backside.

  Brock moaned but her reaction only encouraged him to press harder. Honey’s pussy was screaming to be set free. As Brock cupped her, she could feel her wetness soaked against her clothing and his hand.

  Honey’s conscious mind yearned to be switched off. It was her primitive self that wanted be turned on, let loose and at long last… satisfied. He broke free from her mouth and as he did she pumped her hips against his. She bit her lip in a tacit display of submission and hoped that it would compel his bear to act.

  As luck would have it, it did.

  With deft and precision, Brock began to remove her clothing. Honey was more than eager to assist and as he moved from one piece to the next she obliged in any way that she could. But it was not all a one-sided affair. For just as Brock worked, Honey reached up and began to unbutton his shirt.

  As she did, swaths of hewn muscle began to make their appearance. Honey’s mouth drifted open slowly as his glistening almond skin beckoned to be tasted. Her fingers trailed along the crevice between his chest and down the length of his torso. As she traced his midline, she noticed a fine sheen of perspiration the tempted her to savor it.

  But as he tried to sit forward and do just that, he scolded…

  “Ah, ah…”

  Honey stuck out her lower lip and laid back down.

  Just as she did, he maneuvered to one side to help her out of the rest of her garments. Within moments, nothing remained between her and his bear. She made a half-hearted attempt to cover herself.

  Brock reached down and said, “No, no… No you don’t. I’ve waited a lifetime to be with you. Don’t you dare deny my eyes the pleasure…”

  Honey looked up at him, unable to speak. She could only manage a nod as he stepped off the couch. His shirt fell away of its own accord and then in the very next second, he reached down towards the waist of his jeans.

  In a half-trance, her eyes made their way down the V of his torso, until she could see the black outline of his underwear peeking above the top of his denim. A quick glance further down nearly caused Honey’s heart to skip a beat. The bulge was full, large and at least at this instant, still restrained.

  As he moved down towards the button, her eyes widened. She wasn’t certain of what she was about to see but she was positive that she’d never seen anything like it before. And then in the very next moment, it made an appearance that can only be described as spectacular. Honey was in shock, hell even intimidated, by the way Nature equipped the men of Troubled Fork. As his jeans hit the floor, the name of the town took on a different meaning, for she now knew that she was the one in trouble tonight.

  But before another worried thought could enter her mind, he was upon her once again. Between her legs once more, he dipped his head towards the milky whiteness of her belly. She could feel his breath against her. Goose pimples were a telltale sign that he’d gotten close, just not quite close enough…yet.

  Honey’s hands lazily made their way into his thick hair and began to caress it. As she did, his head moved down and within seconds, he placed one kiss after another upon her abdomen. As he did, he grasped at her legs and opened them as wide as they would go. Honey could never remember feeling so exposed, so vulnerable or so safe at the same time.

  His kisses traveled downwards – a mix of wet streaks and hot nibbles – until at last she could feel him hovering. Her body shuddered as he held steady above her mound. Brock’s warm breath brushed against her pink, fleshy lips. Air struggled to reach her lungs as she waited and wondered what he would do next.

  But before she could manage a single thought, the flesh of his tongue teased her clit. Immediately, Honey groaned and wriggled in his grasp but his strength overwhelmed her and held her in place. As he steadied her, he pressed his tongue in between her lips and with a single long stroke worked his way along the length of her entire slit all the way back up to her raspberried bud.

  Honey cried out in response and bucked her hips hard against his mouth. She struggled for a steady breath but could only manage a torrent of gurgles and grunts as he started to devour her in earnest. Just when she thought she could withstand no more, his mouth clamped down around her clit.

  “Oh my God… Ooohh mmyyy Goodd…” Honey groaned.

  Brock suckled her with fervor and drove her wet sex ever farther, ever faster – hurtling to the brink of climax. She could feel her mind stagger, like a punch drunk boxer, on the verge of certain surrender.

  That is, until it happened.

  Honey wailed and screamed as she came. But even as she did, Brock didn’t relent. Instead, he focused his efforts and applied unrelenting pressure to her clit. Honey’s mind exploded into a kaleidoscope of ecstasy. The orgasm crashed into her like freight train, nearly causing her to blackout in the process. Her channel released in a rush unlike anything she’d ever known. Brock lapped away at her as one pulse after another rocked her body. She groaned and moaned and cried as the peak of her climax washed over her and then… began to withdraw.

  Honey’s mind was still reeling from the height of ecstasy she’d reached only moments before when she felt Brock upon her once more. Only this time, he was in a much different position. Honey drew head upwards and looked down between her thighs to seem him there between them.

  Immediately, her eyes gravitated to his waist and what hung below it. With his right hand, he grabbed the base of it and then maneuvered the thick head towards her folds. All of a sudden, it was upon her and she wondered what she’d done. But before she could utter a word of concern or caution, Brock plunged within her. It was a prodigious thing – long and hard and thick and make no mistake, it claimed her in that moment. Honey’s soaked channel stretched to its limits as his cock drove its way into her darkest depths.

  For a moment, it seemed to Honey as if there was no end to it. He’d gone deeper than any man before and just as the tip pressed at her furthest point, he began to withdraw. There was no mistaking what Brock Walters was all about in that moment. His bear was in control of him, of her and of them and as he began to thrust in and out her like a magnificent piston of flesh.

  In spite of how wet she was, Honey still found the friction and depth to be intense. Her tender flesh gyrated as he drove in and out of her with machinelike precision. Each plunge sent him deeper into her womb while each withdrawal caused the walls of her channel shudder as every thick inch passed within it.

  As the minutes ticked by, the lovers fell into a steady rhythm. Position changes yielded one delight after another as the pair discovered the unrivaled satisfaction of each other’s bodies for the first time. At last, Brock flipped Honey on all fours and then she could feel his thrusts begin to change their character.

  The smooth tempo that she’d become accustomed to turned into haphazard strokes and uneven thrusts. Honey could feel his cock thicken inside of her and she instinctively arched her hips skyward and thrust them back into his pelvis.

  His bear roared as he slammed his hands down upon her ass. He groped at her ample flesh and steadied himself by grabbing onto her voluptuous hips. He rocked back forth into her and with each passing thrust his dick grew harder and thicker. Honey lifted her head up and grabbed onto the cushions of the couch in an effort to steady herself for what lie ahead.

  His body listed and rolled as his climax neared. Honey continued to push her hips against his in an effort to coax his seed forth and feel the warm rush of his release. He leaned over and he did, he pressed his weight into her backside and then all at once he let out a great cry and full body shudder.

  And then Honey felt it. His cock stiffened and pulsed and exploded inside of her. Steaming jets rained down inside of her and she moaned with deep satisfaction as he reached his highest moment of joy. For s
everal seconds, he remained within her until Honey could sense that he was completely and utterly… spent.

  At last he withdrew from inside of her and collapsed in a heap of bliss. Their bodies pressed into one another as they savored the moment. For several minutes they laid still and close to one another. Suddenly, Brock regained his strength and then said to Honey, “Come on beautiful…”

  She looked at him – embers of lust still burning in her eyes. “Where are we going?”

  “To the bedroom, of course… It’s still early.”

  A huge smile came over Honey’s face. She jumped up off the couch and into his arms. Within minutes, they’d made their way into his room and deeper into unimaginable rapture.


  Honey’s phone vibrated on the nightstand. She slapped around for it in an attempt to silence the noise. At last she grabbed hold of it and raised to her face. With one eye half opened and the other still closed, she read the text…


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