Breaking My Chains: A virgin and her dominant bodyguard (Protect Book 3)

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Breaking My Chains: A virgin and her dominant bodyguard (Protect Book 3) Page 1

by Chloe Fischer



  Table of Contents












  Breaking My Chains

  Copyright 2017 – Chloe Fischer

  Stiletto Publishing

  All rights reserved


  As Sarah opened up her laptop, she caught a reflection of herself in the black screen. She was stunning, no man could ever deny that fact. Her eyes were a deep greenish blue, like the ocean after a storm, and even without the aid of eye-liner they seemed to point at the ends, like that of a feline. Her blonde hair was long and dazzling – her best feature, many said. Her naturally pink, plump lips curled into a smile as she gazed at herself a final time. Damn, I look good.

  With her laptop on, and her search browser open, Sarah typed in the address that her best friend, Vikki, had given her. It was an address that she would have never found or stumbled upon herself, but one she was desperately curious to browse.

  As the page loaded, she looked over her shoulder to her bedroom door. It was closed, of course. But not locked. Even though Sarah was twenty-five years old, her father wouldn’t allow her any freedom. Sure she had her own penthouse, but she was never truly alone in it. Thanks to his overprotectiveness, there were bodyguards within yelling distance at all times. Right now though, she would have killed for a little privacy. She would hate... no, be mortified, if her current bodyguard, Lance, happened to walk in and see what she was doing.

  She paused for a moment, considering cancelling the search, but then a low moan poured from her laptop and she spun her head back around, captivated by what she saw.

  Pornography filled the screen. And not just any pornography, but hardcore, graphic BDSM pornography. There were men will leather whips in their hands, women chained to beds, in cages, and with their legs strapped down as others smacked them with paddles. It was an orgy of sadistic pleasure, and Sarah scrolled through the pages, mesmerized.

  With every click, a new image or video popped up. And with every video, Sarah felt her pussy quiver a little bit more.

  The videos she liked the most were the ones of women acting as 'submissives.' It was a term her friend Vikki had introduced her to recently, and it kept her awake at night, thinking and dreaming of a man that would take control, take over, and teach her what it meant to give herself to him.

  Most of the time, in her dreams, the face of her lover was shockingly similar to her current bodyguard, but Sarah knew that Lance would never be the one to teach her, to initiate her, to bring her to the heights that she saw the women on the computer screen reaching. He was too rigid, too disciplined – he’d never stray from the rules he considered paramount to the job. He never even smiled when she tried to engage him.

  If she didn’t know how stunning men found her, then she’d think she was an absolute ogre. He never eyed her breasts like other men did. He never got distracted by the sway of her hips when she walked. And he never responded to her coy looks when she was trying to get him to leave her alone for just ten minutes in Macy’s, so she could try on clothes without being the only woman in the change area to have a heavily armed and forbidding looking wall of testosterone right outside the door!

  Her blue eyes opened wide as she selected the link to another video. In it, a woman was on her knees, her hands tied together behind her back, and a blindfold over her eyes. Standing above and behind her was a man with a wooden paddle. He brought the paddle back and spanked her, hard. As he did, the woman moaned. But not in pain, in pleasure.

  Sarah could feel herself getting excited. Her thighs were tingling, her skin prickled. Although she was still dressed -- wearing a dress and panties -- she spread her legs, slowly moving her hands between her thighs. Her fingers traced the outside of the now soaked linen, toying with the idea of plunging them into --

  A crisp knock on her bedroom door startled her and she guiltily grabbed her hand back. "Sarah, you’ve got a visitor. It’s your mom. She’s coming up now," Lance said through the door.

  Sarah grimaced as she realized she had to face her mom in less than a minute. She knew there was no way her mom could know what she had been doing, but she felt like it showed on her face. She couldn’t even open the door to Lance.

  "I’ll be right out."

  She closed the laptop quickly and jumped up to check her face. She had a telltale flush on her cheeks so she went in to her bathroom to splash some cold water on her face and touched up her makeup. Her mom expected perfection. Always. But she couldn’t wait to check out more from the site Vikki had given her. Sarah was determined that she was going to have a sex life – even if she had to mastermind it herself.


  The next day she was sitting with Vikki around the pool on the patio of her penthouse suite trying to catch the last tanning rays of the summer.

  "So... what did you think? Did you like it?"

  Sarah answered her friend with a cheeky smile. To say that she had liked what she had seen would be an understatement. She grabbed the icy cold glass of Perrier that was next to her, and told Vikki as much, to which her friend let out a squeal of delight.

  "I knew you would! It's hot, isn't it?"

  Getting off her lounge chair to make her way to the pool, Sarah dipped her toe into the shallow end. She didn’t answer Vikki right away, her mind caught up in the images she had seen on her computer that morning.

  She slowly fell back into her lounge chair. "Yeah... it was really hot."

  "So, are you coming tonight then? I've finally convinced you?" Vikki asked, her voice rising from the excitement of the prospect.

  "I told you …I can't."

  "Why not? I know you’ll love it!!"

  "Well, yeah but --"

  "So, what's the problem?"

  “How am I supposed to get away from Lance?”

  At twenty-five years of age, Sarah was still a virgin. This wasn't a result of her choice, but more due to the way she was raised. She had been born into a very wealthy, very influential family. She lived in upstate New York, in the kind of place that had staff, security systems to rival the Pentagon, and of course, bodyguards.

  Her parents were typical upper class snobs. Both elitist, both over protective to a fault, they had raised Sarah to be the epitome of a lady. When she was old enough, she was carted off to an all-girls boarding school and when she graduated from there, she was shipped away to an all-girls college. They were expensive institutions and ones designed to ensure that the girls grew up both proper and chaste - as good girls should.

  What her parents didn’t know, was that Sarah dreamed of excitement. And daring. And pushing the boundaries. And lately, she had decided that being a virgin was not for her. She wanted to experience. She wanted to dare. She wanted what the women on her computer screen were getting – the bliss, the ecstasy, of being with a man who could show her who she was. Someone who would take control and dominate her.


  “You mean Lance, the German god who hasn’t left your side for a year?” Vikki joked. She knew how Sarah felt about Lance, and she also knew that Lance wasn’t likely to bend his own personal rules enough to help her friend out by relieving her of her virginity. On the other hand, you never knew what could be accomplished if you tried hard, or s
exily, enough…

  "The very same," Sarah said with chagrin.

  Vikki was all in for Sarah trying to seduce Lance. The man was The Bomb. "Well forget about tonight then, you can come to this club anytime. Do you want my advice?"

  "Always," Sarah said truthfully. She and Vikki had only been friends for a few months, only since Sarah had graduated and moved into this exclusive apartment building. Vikki lived three floors below Sarah. Her parents were also wealthy, but instead of being overprotective like Sarah’s parents, Vikki’s parents had forgotten that she existed. They paid all of her exorbitant bills, but they seldom checked in on her or visited. It made Sarah feel sorry for her - some days it helped Sarah to put up with her own parents. But when Sarah had moved in, Vikki had taken her under her wing, as a sort of protégée. It was a role that they both took very seriously. And Vikki was determined to help Sarah lose her virginity in an unforgettable way.

  "Use him. Or, let him use you. These BDSM clubs are fun and everything, but why go out for burgers when the steak is being cooked in your kitchen... rare and meaty too."

  Sarah chuckled as she lay back in the pool chair. Her friend was right, of course. Vikki had invited her to go to her very first BDSM club tonight, as a sort of introduction to the culture, plus as a chance to finally lose her virginity. But, as Vikki very suitably pointed out, why bother?

  Tonight though... well she had a pretty good feeling that come dawn, she would be a virgin no longer.


  Lance hated the rain. Especially hot muggy rain that reminded him of the rainforests of South America. And reminded him of Annabelle – the whiny, spoiled, petulant daughter of a powerful drug lord who just happened to have bottomless pockets combined with the influential contacts required to hire the company that Lance worked at. Annabelle had been kidnapped by a rival drug exporter so that she could be used for “negotiating power” when the two kingpins were fighting over business “rights”. Unfortunately for the kidnapper, Manuel Cortez had the right connections to purchase his daughter’s “escape”. It had been one of the longest weeks of Lance’s life – which was saying a whole lot considering he had spent ten years as a Navy Seal and experienced some of the harshest conditions known to man. But nothing could compare to an unhappy, ungrateful, chafed woman, Lance thought.

  The rain here in New York may have been muggy, but his job on this mission was infinitely preferable he decided. Even though the woman he was protecting now got under his skin in a very different way.

  Where Annabelle was annoying and petulant, Sarah was hot and sexy as all fuck. Lance had grown up having strict control over his mind and body. It had been a necessary survival skill when he was a kid. But Sarah challenged his discipline. She haunted his dreams and kept him in an almost constant state of arousal. It took everything he had to not let his emotions and thoughts show when she was around.

  One more month, Lance thought as he turned back to go into the penthouse from his rounds checking the exterior perimeter of the penthouse. He would be reassigned in a month. Likely to an overseas location where war or political mayhem prevailed. The owners of Strategic Securities Inc. believed that their employees should be challenged frequently. They didn’t want any of their highly trained staff to grow soft doing bodyguard work. And it was a solid practice, Lance thought. Their combined military and defense skills only got rusty when they were on these kinds of missions.

  In the meantime, he should check in with the rest of the security members who were on this assignment. Sarah always had one person with her on the premises at any given time. One who was inside her penthouse. That person was almost always Lance. When he needed a break, he would call in Tom. Tom was kind of like a “floater” in their New York base. He covered anyone who needed a brief spell of time off. But the only time Lance really left Sarah’s penthouse was to go home and sleep. And lately, when he was supposed to be sleeping, he was often jacking off to thoughts of tying Sarah to his bed and bringing her to the levels of extreme passion that he knew he could.

  Sarah had a sublime innocence about her and Lance was pretty sure she was a virgin. It made him rock hard just thinking about being the first one to sink into her, to make her scream with passion, and writhe with need. He couldn’t be absolutely sure, but he thought she might be a natural submissive. And if so, Lance had better get transferred to Siberia because if he thought there was the slightest chance that he could initiate her into his lifestyle then a nuclear blast wouldn’t be able to keep him away. The dominant in him would crave Sarah, crave her submission, crave her trust.


  Sarah was sitting in her bedroom, ready to enact her plan.

  Oh god, did she really have the guts to do this? She was pretty sure he was going to outright laugh at her and she would just die if that happened. But she knew she had to do this! She was going to stay a virgin forever if she didn’t take matters into her own hands. And she trusted Lance. He scared the bejesus out of her, but somehow she knew that Lance would never hurt her.

  She hoped she knew.

  As she exited her room and made her way down stairs, she shed the robe that she had been wearing. It fell to the floor by her ankles, revealing a lot of smooth, supple skin, and an all-black thong bikini.

  Sarah had been blessed with a great body. Her stomach was flat and tight, with hips that flared dramatically and defined a jaw droppingly gorgeous ass. According to Vikki, her breasts were made to be sucked. Sarah wasn’t exactly sure what that meant, but she knew that guys stopped and stared when she passed and whistled when she was walking on the street. But at that moment, with the string of her bikini wedging itself nicely in her butt-crack, and her breasts threatening to erupt from her top, there was only one man that she hoped would stop and stare.

  But seducing Lance was only half the battle. Sarah had fantasized about being the submissive. She didn’t know anyone in the BDSM lifestyle, but if there was a guy who was born to be dominant, it was Lance. She wanted him to be the one to take her and make her his, to show her how to reach the heights that the women on her computer had. To make her beg. To spank her. Sarah was getting wet just thinking about the shocking intimacy of getting a spanking from Lance.

  A smile curled on her lips as she stepped onto the back patio by the pool.

  With no time to waste, she hurried to her spot – a deck chair that would allow her to lay on her stomach. She did just that, making sure that her backside was facing the door by which Lance would exit. And then she called him.

  "Lance!" she called out in a heavenly voice. "Can you please come here for a second? I'm outside, by the pool."

  When Lance stepped outside and into the sunlight, Sarah forgot for a moment what it was that she was supposed to be doing. She had completely underestimated just how hot he was. His chiseled face let no emotion show, but Sarah thought she caught a tic in his jaw. Was he annoyed with her? She hadn’t even said anything yet. She was losing her nerve quickly but gave herself a mental shake and a mini pep talk.

  You don’t want to be a virgin forever, do you? Just look at those shoulders. Imagine those lips –

  It didn’t help that she was already turned on just thinking about him getting his hands on her.

  He stood over six-feet in height. He was wearing a simple tight black t-shirt that strained against the knotted muscles in his chest and arms. His legs were encased in black cargo pants and of course he was wearing his ever present gun belt. Her eyes devoured him, running down his torso and onto his... she shook her head. Composing herself.

  "Oh hey," she said. She had her back to him, forcing her to look over her shoulder. As she was laying on her stomach, she had to prop her butt up and lean back to do so. It was all part of the plan. "Can you do me a tiny favor?"

  "Sarah," Lance said as he tried to shift his growing package sideways a bit. Jesus she was delectable. If she was any of his subs he would spank her ass hard for tempting him like this.

  Sarah had hoped that he woul
d have been more obviously distracted by her exposed skin. But he was, as always, cool and collected.

  "Can you lather me up with some tanning oil?" she continued, not missing a beat. As she did, she wiggled herself back a little, hoping to draw his attention to her booty. “I haven’t gotten much sun this year and I don’t want to burn.”

  Well, something would be burning soon, Lance thought. Sarah never strutted around in a skimpy bathing suit like this. She used the pool often but it was just to swim laps and she always wore a serviceable one piece suit to do it in.

  "I can," Lance said in the same even tone. He sat down by her legs, picking up the small bottle of tanning oil as he did.

  "So where do you want this?" he asked, ignoring the overwhelming temptation of her ass as he poured the oil onto his hands. "Your back?" He moved his hands toward her back.

  "Sure, but also…... do you mind... oh this is so embarrassing," she shyly tipped her head forward.


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