Breaking My Chains: A virgin and her dominant bodyguard (Protect Book 3)

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Breaking My Chains: A virgin and her dominant bodyguard (Protect Book 3) Page 2

by Chloe Fischer

  "I've known you for a long time, Sarah. What is it you want?"

  Sarah grimaced at this. She wasn't sure, but something told her that him bringing up their long past wasn't a good thing.

  "Um……would you mind doing my butt? As you can see, there isn't much covering it and I'd hate for it to burn." She perked her butt up, as if to demonstrate the bareness of it.

  To this, Lance didn't respond. Instead he calmly began to glide his slick hands over her shoulders and back. As his hands massaged over her bare skin he slowly made his way to her lower back. By this time Sarah was desperately trying to hold in the little moans that were trying to escape. How embarrassing it would be to let him know how turned on she was getting! He poured more oil into his hands then slowly warmed it by rubbing them together. Then he began near the small of her back and slowly spread his hands over the cheeks of her bottom. He continued this tortuous journey until his hands reached just below her upper thigh.

  She couldn’t hold it in any longer and a small moan escaped her throat. She froze – horrified. Lance’s hands stilled.

  “Anything else?” he asked curtly.

  Oh god, she was going to die.

  Sarah looked back over her shoulder at Lance. As she did, she tried her best not to frown or show her disappointment. Desperate to salvage the situation, for a moment she even considered asking him to do her inner thighs for her... or her breasts. But that would have been too obvious, and despite how far Sarah had come in the last few weeks sexually, she wasn't quite at that point yet. Lance was an absolute babe and she wasn't brave enough to serve herself up to him.

  "No, that's it," she said simply.

  "Perfect." He was on his feet in a matter of seconds. "If there is anything else, I'll be inside." He turned and hurried inside, without so much as glancing back at the half-naked girl by the pool.

  For some time, Sarah remained where she was. She didn't care one fig about getting a tan, or even about getting burned, which she surely was. What she did care about was how cold Lance had just acted toward her. It was without a doubt, the coldest and most stiff he had ever been.

  Am I not as attractive as I think I am? That was all she could come up with to explain what had just happened. Well there was no way she was having sex with Lance today. No way at all.

  She let out a long sigh, about to get up and go pout in her bedroom when her phone rang. It was Vikki. Sarah answered it hurriedly, anxious to discuss with her friend every aspect of what she may have done wrong and how she could fix it.

  "Speak to me," Vikki said as soon as Sarah answered.

  "Nothing happened," Sarah moaned.

  "What?" Vikki exclaimed. "Did you wear that black thong I bought for you?"


  "And the oil? You made sure he rubbed it onto your --"

  "He used two hands, a lot of oil and managed to walk out of here seconds later... pants no tighter than when he sat down." Sarah hadn’t actually looked at his crotch, but she was too embarrassed about her failure to even tell Vikki that.

  "Well I don't know girl, maybe he's gay?” she joked. “But hey! That means you’re free to go tonight?!" Vikki squealed into the other end of the phone.

  "What? No, I can't. Even if he won't have me, he still has to look after me. I don't know if I could just sneak out and --"

  "Oh, come on. Yes you can! I'm sure you can think of something," Vikki cajoled.


  "No! I'm not going to hear a word against it. This is happening. I'll be out in front of your building at ten tonight. You better be there,” she warned.

  Sarah thought on that for a second, contemplating what it was that she was going to do. She had been looking forward to this day for a long time, knowing it would be her chance to finally take her sex life into her owns hands.

  Really, she only had one option, as far as she could tell.

  "OK, deal. Ten o’clock tonight. I'll see you then." And she hung up the phone. As she did, she glanced back into the apartment where she could just see Lance inside, making himself some food in the kitchen. She bit her lip as she watched him work. Sneaking past him would be easy enough. She had never given any of her bodyguards any trouble so they didn’t watch her like a hawk, but being with someone else for her first time would be harder.


  Lance fell back into the soft white couch, feeling a wave of relief flood over him as he did. In his hand was a glass of very expensive whiskey which he proceeded to drink in a single gulp. The moment he was finished with it, he poured himself another glass and drank that one with equal vigor.

  He had suspected lately that Sarah was breaking out of her “good girl” mold and becoming aware of herself as a woman. It was there in the swing of her hips, and the looks she cast over her shoulder, and the way her gaze travelled to his lips sometimes when they were talking. Now he was sure. She couldn’t have been more blatant in her attempt to get him to put his hands all over her.

  He was going to be walking around with this hard on until he could get himself into a cold shower and then jack off. Twice. Once just wasn’t going to cut it this time. He couldn’t get the images of Sarah out of his head. Rolling her over on that lounge chair and pulling her bikini thong down. Burying his fingers in her pussy. Nibbling on her tits until she soaked his hand. God! He needed to do something to get these fantasies out of his head.

  He went into the kitchen to prepare some dinner. Maybe crushing some garlic would help alleviate his tortured thoughts.

  Later that evening, it was all Lance could do to keep his mind on the job and not the girl behind the job. This temptation he was feeling seeping its way through his body as every second passed was threatening to destroy him. Even now, with Sarah up in her room sleeping, and him all the way down here, as far from sight as possible, he couldn't get her out of his mind. He wanted nothing more than to –

  Fuck, he needed a cold shower.

  Lance shook his head, dispelling all images of Sarah from it. Earlier that evening when she had finally announced that she was feeling a little off and wanted to go to bed, Lance could not have been more relieved. With any luck, she would be in bed all day tomorrow and he could cruise through the weekend. Just a few more weeks. He just had to keep it in his pants and keep his hands off her for a few more weeks.

  It was just past eleven pm when Lance felt his phone vibrate. Looking at the caller ID, Lance frowned to himself, surprised to be getting a call from that particular number.

  "Drey?" he asked.

  "Lance!" Drey yelled into the phone. Lance could hear the music pumping in the background and knew Drey had to be at work.

  Drey was an old military buddy from back in the day. He no longer worked in the ranks though, instead choosing the life of a nightclub bouncer. Lance and Drey hadn't really been close while in the military. Their friendship had developed afterwards – Drey was a bouncer at one of Lance's favorite nightclubs.

  The club was called Black Leather. It was a very exclusive establishment that catered to a very specific clientele. Lance was into BDSM, and had been for as long as he had been having sex. He was a dominant – one who took a submissive to have sex with. Black Leather was a club that exclusively served those interested in the dominant and submissive lifestyle. It was a place where people in the community could go without being judged, while also knowing that anyone they picked up had been thoroughly vetted and tested. Where once this was a tabooed topic, now it was more widely talked about and accepted.

  "Hey, sorry to call but I got something for ya!" Drey yelled.

  "Not tonight," Lance said back. "I'm on a job."

  "I know! That's why I'm calling!"

  "What are you talking about?" Lance asked, getting more confused by the second.

  "Well I remember a while ago you telling me you did some work for the Blackwood family. That rich family that lived up-state. You see I remembered because the Blackwood's own a bunch of factories that my cousin Jimmy works at and --"

  "Drey. I really can't talk now. Like I said, I'm on a --"

  "Listen, will ya? I'm working the door tonight at Leather checking bands and shit. This hot blonde girl walks up with one of our members. It’s “Bring a Guest” night, ya know? So this member, her name’s Vikki, she’s hot as hell too, but she’s with this babe, man. And she's fire too. A body like you would not believe. I check her ID anyway, you know, want to get her name for later. Anyway, her last name is Blackwood. Then it hits me, what if this is the same Blackwood? I was going to ask but --"

  Lance hung up the phone before Drey could finish.

  He was on his feet a second later and a second after that, he was up the stairs. He stood by Sarah's door for a moment, contemplating if he should knock. Her bedroom was not where he wanted to go. Not after the night he had been having, but after realizing he had no choice, he finally did.

  There was no answer, so he knocked again. Again, there was no answer. Slowly, and very, very carefully, Lance opened the door, peering through. It took him all of two seconds to see that the room was empty.

  What. The. Fuck.

  A red-hot rage swept over Lance as he bolted down the stairs and out of the penthouse. On the way out, he grabbed his car keys and jacket. He was thankful that he had called Tom earlier today to tell him he wouldn’t need to be relieved until late the next day. The last thing he needed when he got Sarah back to the apartment was another set of eyes and ears on him as he tanned her backside for doing something this stupid. As he made his way to his car, he tried to remember if there had ever been a time that he had been this pissed.

  What the fuck was she thinking? It was unbelievable that she had snuck out – Sarah had never given any of her protection teams any problems – but why the hell had she chosen to go to Black Leather? Did she have any idea what kind of establishment that was? And if she did, then he was ready to show her exactly how women could be punished for being so daring.

  As he pulled his car out of the secure parking garage attached to her building, he decided that Sarah was going to be very sorry indeed.


  Lance reached Black Leather twenty-five minutes later. He pulled the car up front, and left it in a no-parking zone. He stormed inside. On his way in, he offered Drey a grateful nod, but didn't stop. The other bouncer at the end of the hall didn’t have the nerve to try to intercept him either. He came here often enough that he was probably recognized, but every member was supposed to sign in. However, the look on his face was forbidding and would have dissuaded even the most hardened bouncer.

  The inside of Black Leather was a little different to most clubs. Sure, it had the loud thumping music, a heavy mist drifting through the air created by smoke machines and dark corners for darker deeds, but it was the people who were different. As it was a BDSM club, the club goers here dressed more provocatively. At least the submissives did. The dominants for the most part were fully clothed. And it wasn’t unusual to see someone being led around by their “master” while on a leash, or with hands cuffed behind their backs. Paddles and soft whips lined the walls, ready to be used at a moment’s notice.

  Lance ignored it all as he made his way through the club. It didn't take him long to spot Sarah by the bar, surrounded by eager men. She stood out like a butterfly amongst moths. And it wasn't just her looks that made her stand out either, but her inexperience. Her innocence. Somehow it blazed through her, giving her a beautiful glow that drew the men to her. She was a submissive, there was no doubt about that. She seemed to relish in the attention she was getting, yet at the same time, be bashful and surprised about the crowd of dominants surrounding her.

  The moment she spotted Lance, storming up to her, her face dropped to the floor. "Lance!" she sputtered. "What... what are you doing here?"

  The men surrounding Sarah turned at her question. They registered their own fear when they saw the six foot three enraged bodyguard stalking toward them. He cleared a path without even lifting a finger, simply giving a violent glare to anyone who hesitated to move away.

  "We're going home," Lance growled.

  He grabbed her by the arm, not caring if he was hurting her. As luck would have it, Black Leather was one of the few clubs where a man could do this without being stopped. Indeed, the moment he had her, the lesser men cleared away, not willing to interrupt what seemed to be a dominant getting ready to discipline his naughty sub.

  "No, we're not – " she began as she went to pull her arm from his grip. But it was no use. Lance had her and wasn't letting her go. If it were any other situation, Lance would have availed himself of the private rooms and services to be had by members at Leather, but the way he felt right now, that wasn't going to happen.

  As he dragged her away, an attractive red head approached the two. She clearly knew Sarah as she yelled out to her. But then she spotted Lance. She smiled and gave Sarah the thumbs up. Lance rolled his eyes and pulled Sarah from the club.

  "What were you thinking?" Lance said the moment the two were in his car and on the way back to Sarah's house. She hadn't fought him long and allowed him guide her into the passenger seat. There was no use. It wasn’t like she was going to lose her virginity tonight after all. Damn!

  "Ah that I'm an adult and can go out when I want to," she snapped back. She crossed her arms and pouted. She was wearing a lacy low-cut top with no back, and as she pouted, her breasts were squeezed together, near bursting from her top. Lance kept his eyes decidedly on the road.

  "Really. Without informing me? And that club? What were you thinking going in there? Do you even know what kind of establishment that was?" Black Leather was no place for a girl like that. It was actually a little dangerous to the uninitiated.

  "What do you mean? It's just a club," she denied.

  "No, it's not. It's a --"

  "Fine. I know what it is," Sarah relented. "Why do you think I went there. My friend Vikki has been telling me about it…. I wanted to – to …." She just couldn’t say it.

  "What? Take a look? Those kinds of places aren't for people like you, Sarah. You see how I dragged you out and no one tried to stop me? What if I had been someone else? Someone dangerous."

  "People like me? What do you mean, people like me?" she asked, finally turning in her seat to face him. As she did, Lance's eyes flashed down to her thighs and her very tight, very short skirt.

  "Look, I know that you don't have the most experience when it comes too --"

  Oh my god, Sarah thought, this is the most embarrassing moment of my life. Even more embarrassing than her failed attempt to seduce him that afternoon. They were NOT going to discuss how pathetic her love life was. She needed to change the subject. Fast.

  "Wait a minute! How do you know about that place?” she suddenly exclaimed. "You're not... are you a member at Black Leather?"

  Lance ignored her question. His focus was now completely on the road. Sarah tried to coax an answer from him, but he would not budge or say a word for the rest of the trip.


  "So, what's it like?" Sarah asked as the two entered the house. "Being a dom?" Because there was no way that Lance was anything but a dom. Her curiosity was starting to outweigh her embarrassment.

  "Will you drop it?" Lance said. He was getting more than a little frustrated now. Not only was he annoyed at the way she was harassing him, but he was incredibly turned on. Finding Sarah in that club, looking for a dom like him... it was a fantasy he had spent the whole drive thinking about. And one he knew he couldn’t act on.

  "Seriously," she continued. She made her way to the stairs, pausing on the first step. She reached out and ran her hand along the rail, stroking it. "What do you do? Do you have chains and whips? Or is it paddles – that's it, isn't it?" she said. He must have shown something on his face. "Do you like to paddle girls’ asses?"

  "Drop it, Sarah. Seriously," he said again, his tone harsh. He could feel himself getting hot. His clothes were suffocating him. And what was worse, where she was standing, he
r butt was right in line with his gaze.

  "Drop it...? OK," she said with a smile. And then, before Lance could stop her, she undid the zipper on her tight skirt and worked it over her rounded hips.

  Lance's breath hitched. Jesus. She had a white, lace thong on, and her tight little ass was displayed perfectly. She bent all the way over, touching the ground as she dropped her skirt. Lance spied the mound of her pussy, squeezed between her thighs. She then slowly stood back up, keeping her ass pointed at him. "You mean like this?" she asked.

  "Sarah... you have no idea what you’re doing. What you’re asking for," he was struggling. He couldn't take his eyes off of the prize. It was so lush and perfect. So spankable.

  "Come on, Lance. I know you want to show me what it's like. I know you want to dominate me." Lance could feel his heart rate increasing. His pants tightening. His adrenaline pumped through his body as he tried to focus on anything but that. But then, she said something that pushed him right over the edge of reason, away from his strong sense of control.


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