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FEARLESS: Standalone

Page 5

by Simone Elise

  “Why don’t you come?” Alexis’s voice surprised me.

  My eyes darted to her. “Danni doesn’t do club events.” I was quick to say, cause I had a feeling if Danni saw what the club parties were really like, she wouldn’t let me go to another one. Which would cause another fight and problem between us.

  “Well maybe she should start to?” Alexis looked from me to Danni. “Let me tell you Danni there are two types of old ladies. One that only sees one colour or one that sees the light and dark of the man she is with. It’s up to you.”

  A silence followed her words, and Danni was frowning. Was Danni considering it? Actually coming and seeing what my world looks like?

  Alexis’s eyes glanced to me. “I’m driving I’ll wait in the car.” With that said Alexis walked past me, making sure not to even brush me.



  I always found when it came to this culture- the biker culture- I got it. I understood it. If anything I felt secure being a part of it. A lot of women feel the opposite, and couldn’t accept what dating a biker was really like or what type of man that this type of lifestyle pulled in.

  “So Alexis where did you steal these cigars from? They are Arturo Fuente Opus X right? Or are they fake?” Ethan had one of the cigars out of the box I gave him.

  “Real.” I swallowed my shot. “And I didn’t steal them.”

  “Ha, don’t lie!” Ethan pointed a finger at me from across the round table. “We all know the club doesn’t dabble with tobacco.”

  “You’re right the club doesn’t.” I smirked and took the refill that Tyler just poured me.

  I wasn’t going to lie, sitting next to him was really fucking awkward. For one my dress had moved up my thighs, and he hadn’t said one single word to me all night. Not one. And we drove here together. Not a thanks for calming down my girlfriend or thanks for getting my girlfriend to understand what type of guy I am. I knew he would have had to have heard some of Danni’s and mines conversation.

  Or maybe he hadn’t at all. I glanced at him, not surprised to see his eyes were on someone else and not me.

  “I just can’t believe I am holding a Arturo Fuente Opus X.” Ethan was still falling in love with the cigars.

  “What’s so fucking special about them?” Tyler asked lighting up a cigarette “You are acting like you’ve never since a cigar.”

  “Do you know how much this box costs?” Ethan picked up the box which he was holding as if it was gold. “Over thirty K and that black market price and I’m telling you these aren’t from the black market they are the real deal.”

  I rolled my eyes. All I was trying to do was mend bridges that I had burnt. Ethan was a bridge and I thought giving him those cigars would mend some damage. Little did I know it would send him into worshipping me mode.

  Tyler’s eyes went to me. “Where you get them?” His voice was firm and he spoke like the President he is. Pity I’m not a member.

  I couldn’t stop the smile. “It’s personal.” And that was all I was saying.

  “Does your old man know you gamble the streets with this shit?” Tyler was not dropping the subject, but he had lowered his voice, speaking just to me and not the table. He had even turned his body slightly into me, as if making sure, it was just him and I.

  I didn’t answer, but I had turned my body in towards him. My bare leg now against his jeans.

  I saw his eyes glance down to my bare legs. Then his eyes were back locked with mine and this time, there was an emotion painted in them. But I was shit when it came to emotions— so I didn’t understand what his eyes were expressing.

  “Thanks.” He leant in closer to me, one of his arms going behind me, across the back of my chair. “For what you said to Danni.”

  My smile fell a little. So he had heard what I said. Guess it didn’t really matter, wasn’t like I was lying to Danni I just didn’t want the word getting around I had a heart to heart with someone.

  “Don’t worry about it.” I reached for my shot. Suddenly I wished I had sat somewhere else on the table and not have ended up next to Tyler.

  “You’re special Alexis.”

  His words causing me to look back at him. Had he just said I was special? I frowned, last time I checked Tyler wanted nothing to do with me. I glanced at the drink in his hand.

  “Is the liquor getting to your head or something Hunter?” I brushed off his nice comment and called him by his last name, instead of his first.

  “No.” He moved the arm from behind me, and immediately I thought he was waking up to himself, realizing what he had just said. Tyler wasn’t the type of guy that complimented someone, he was type of guy that didn’t say anything.

  I nearly choked on my vodka shot when I felt his hand on my bare thigh, his fingers stilling between the inner of my thighs, then he slightly pushed my thighs apart, his fingers now in the gap.

  My heart went into overdrive. Fuck Me.

  I didn’t know whether to look at him or push his hand off. I knew what I should do and I knew what I wanted.

  And like always— I did what I wanted.

  I didn’t brush his hand away. Was this the beginning of something or was this him and I entering a friend zone?

  Tyler started to join back into the tables conversation and I just would admit I tried to do the same, but it was like my mind had gone hormone mad. And the only thing running through me head was, Tyler’s hand was on me, Tyler’s hand was on me- it was on a loop in my head!

  For fuck sake. Why would my body do this to me? Shit I knew what I had to do. I reached for the vodka bottle. Yep- I was going to get wasted. Or at least, get drunk enough so that bloody loop that was running through my head- was suffocated by liquor.

  The bottle was nearly empty so I got up heading for the bar. Tyler’s hand withdrawing from my thigh.

  Standing at the bar, I’m waiting for the prospect to spot me. It’s a club party and they are being pulled up and down the bar.

  “That prospect got you a bottle for the table yet?” Tyler’s stands behind me and I feel his hand on my bare back. I turned looking over my shoulder.

  “No. It’s hard to get their attention.”

  Tyler hand went off my back, and he put it up. “Refill prospects.” He shouted and both of the prospects were in front of us. Tyler hand went to my hip, and he pulled me back to his chest. “Benefits of being a President.” He said into my ear. “Now tell them what you want.”

  I wasn’t the to be nervous around males. In fact, I was the type of girl that enjoyed playing with fire. But when Tyler’s hand slipped into the back of my dress. I know there is a high chance I will get burnt. He had a girlfriend and while I didn’t understand their open relationship. I sure as fuck didn’t want to get involved in it.

  But then again, for a smart woman I sure did dumb shit. So as he guided me back to the table. I didn’t say anything when we sat back down, his hand resting on my thigh. He was just touching me. So why was it flooding my body with lust? Why did I feel like this was starting something?

  “Alexis wanna play a game of pool?” Ethan asked standing up, looking a bit unsteady on his feet.

  A pool table has always been a part of my life. After all I was bought up at a clubhouse.

  Tyler realized I was about to get up. “Double’s.” Tyler said, and threw back his bourbon. “Alexis and I, against you and Andy.”

  “That doesn’t sound fair.” Ethan said frowning.

  Tyler’s eyes locked with mine. “I’ve got faith in Alexis. I don’t think she’s let me down.” It wasn’t what he said, it was how he said it, that tough tone that sparked my desire.

  “Rack them up Ethan.” I said, and I saw Ethan’s eyes go to my lap, and he saw Tyler’s hand on the inner of my thigh. Ethan’s eyes then go to Tyler, which he gives a smirk to. He muttered something but I didn’t catch it.

  “You’ve played before yeah?” Tyler asked as we get up. But it was the expression on his face, as he withdrew his hand from me th
at caught me.

  I give him a look. “Had a few games.” I said walking towards the pool table. The club emblem proudly in the centre of the custom pool table.

  “Fuck darling, now you’ve got me worried.” He said as he hand went back on my back. I see relief on his face, as if touching me, relaxed him.

  I swallowed sharply. I’m used to being called darling by club members. But Tyler wasn’t any club member to me. Because he didn’t say it with the usual tone—like I was used to. He said it like I was his darling and I wasn’t sure if he was aware he had said it like that.

  Like I said. I’m shit with emotions so as his eyes locked with mine for a second I have no idea what he is thinking let alone feeling.

  “Who is breaking?” Ethan asked.

  “We’ll break.” I said, and Tyler gives me an expression as if he should be the one to do it. Just because I was little didn’t mean I didn’t have strength. “Still have that faith in me?” I asked him and he slowly nodded his head, stepping away from the pool table, handing me a pool cue and I go to break.

  The boys faces are priceless as the balls shatter across the table. And I sink two smalls. Ethan looked at Andy like they could be trouble, and when I glanced at Tyler, he had a small smirk on his face.


  Can’t fucking stop myself even if I wanted to. My eyes were glued on Alexis’s ass as she bent over the pool table to have her shot. In fact most of the males eyes were on Alexis as she went for this shot. Because her dress was barely covering her ass, and I knew she knew her dress had ridden up but she didn’t seem to care.

  My eyes were so glued on her body I nearly didn’t hear Ethan groan. “You’re cheating, you knew she was this good.” He looked at me and I had no idea Alexis could play pool. I just shrugged.

  She went to step away from me, but my arm went out, wrapping around her waist and pulling her back to my chest. I hadn’t kept my hands to myself most of the night, and the boys had noticed. Ethan kept giving me this look, almost like he was impressed that I was touching another woman that wasn’t Danni. Everyone knew around the club that while Danni slept with other men, and yeah I slept with the odd club girl.

  Sometimes when I needed a release I’d use one. But never had a favourite, and never had one that threatened Danni and mines relationship. But as Ethan’s eyes dropped to my arm wrapped around Alexis, he knew and so did I, that Alexis wasn’t a club girl, and could be in a position to threaten Danni and mines relationship. Fuck knows I can’t keep my hands off her tonight.

  Andy wacked Ethan telling him it was his turn. Ethan had been more focused on my hands on Alexis then the game.

  Alexis curled back into me. She tilted her head to the side. “I should have sunk that ball, they can pot out easily now.”

  I smirked, looking down at her. “Nah darling, Andy is a shit shot.” Just as I said that Andy missed an easy shot. I put my bourbon down, taking the cue off Alexis.

  I saw it in her eyes, she was expecting me to pot the rest of the balls. She turned in my arm, going up on the tips of her heels. “You going to win this game?” Her mouth was at my ear, over the cheering and shouting of the club party, it was hard to ear, but I was hoping she was this close to me because she wanted to be.

  My arm was still around her and I pushed her closer into my chest. I lean down to her ear. “What do I get if I do?”

  Her hand went over mine, and she pushed it down her side till I feel her underwear line. Her mouth went back to my ear. “You’ll find out what colour.”

  It’s on now. I let go of her, and went to the pool table. Easy shots. I was thankful now that I had spent my life around these tables. Ethan cursed as I sunk the first ball. I had to admit, Alexis set up them. And I was potting out. Finally on the black, I look at the shot. It wasn’t going to be an easy one, I had to cut it.

  I glanced up, seeing Alexis’s lips twitch up. My heart was racing like I was losing my virginity for the first time, and I take my shot, the eight ball rolling into the top corner pocket. Andy and Ethan curse, but it’s Alexis’s reaction that interested me. I watched the smile bloom across her face.

  It’s not a smirk. It’s a smile and it’s fucking earth shattering.

  I hand the prospect the cue and walked straight to Alexis. But it’s her that slipped her hand into mine. And I take a dominant step towards her, backing her towards a brick pillar. I leaned down as her mouth goes back to my ear.

  “Do you still have a dorm room?” Her words registered.

  I smirked, taking her hand—and pulling her from the common area.


  For fuck sake.

  “What?” I shouted back, but I was making a beeline for the dorm rooms. Didn’t give a fuck which one I crashed. As I turned to look back at Ethan, he had to know right now he was cock blocking me.

  Half of me wanted to ignore him, but knew he wouldn’t stop me unless it was important.

  “What!” I shouted again.

  “Someone’s at the gate for you.”

  “Who is it?”

  “Slasher.” He then glanced at Alexis, and he looked angry with himself because if there is one thing that I know it is Ethan isn’t a fan of Danni and he’d love for me to get hooked on another female.

  “Yeah righto.” I said and looked at Alexis. “I won’t be long.”

  She tilted her head. “Who are you kidding, it’s Slasher.” She said that like she knew he liked to talk rubbish for hours. I kissed her forehead and left, heading for the gate.

  Over an hour I spend out the front talking to Slasher. The man knows how to take up fucking time and I couldn’t blow him off, because we’re in business. Didn’t agree with half the shit he does, but I had to keep it professional.

  He and two of his men came in for a beer and as I scanned the crowd I can’t spot Alexis. I spend the next hour looking for her, through the crowd, but holding a conversation with Slasher.

  Then I spotted Alexis for the first time in nearly two hours. She’s heading for the exit. “Sorry mate gotten call it a night, you are welcome to stay.” and I hadn’t really drank anything all night. So I’d be under, as I walked out the door—seeing Alexis heading for the gate.


  She paused, and turned to look at me. With a frown on her face. “I didn’t expect you to escape?”

  “Been wondering what happened to you.” I came to a stop in front of her and my hand going to her hips, pulling her towards me.

  “Ethan kidnapped me.” She curled into me. Her hands going to my chest. “I just called a cab.”

  “I’ll take you home.” I pull out my bike keys.

  “When was the last time you had one?” Knew she was talking about a drink.

  “Wouldn’t let you on the back if I was under the influence.” Letting Alexis on my bike is a big fucking deal. I don’t even let Danni on the back.

  She nodded her head, taking my word for it. She clearly knew I wouldn’t lie to her about this.


  It turned out the more I drank, the less Tyler did. But I still hadn’t drunk enough to not know what I was doing. He had taken us back to his house. Climbing off his bike, I’m not completely stunned that he takes my hand. After all he had touched me most of the night.

  We came to the front door

  The lights weren’t on and it didn’t look like anyone was home.

  “Where’s Danni?” I asked, when he opened the front door, stepping into darkness.

  “Guessing in bed.” He answered, watching me close the front door.

  God I was stupid, of course she would be in bed. “Right, stupid question.” I muttered more to myself. My hand going to the wall, bracing myself as I slipped out of one heel. God that was a relief.

  “You want something to drink?”

  My eyes flashed up off the carpet and onto Tyler. “I think we both know, how much I’ve had to drink tonight.” I was honest and took my other heel off.

  “I was thinking water, you
know sober you up.” The hesitation in his voice, why was he looking at me like that?

  Call it instinct but when a man looked at me like that, it switched my mind into another gear. Suddenly I didn’t care that his girlfriend was asleep down the hall. All the reasons to stay away from him, disappeared and I took a noticeable step towards him, my eyes locked with his.

  “You think I’m drunk?” My voice was low, soft and I rarely used sex appeal in my tone, but this time I couldn’t stop my words twisting with sex appeal. My hand went to his shoulder, and I saw his expression tighten. “Scared I’ll take advantage of you or something Hunter?” Again I used his last name.

  “Why do you do that?” His hands went to my hips, and he pulled me into him. “Call me by my last name, why do you do it?”

  I sighed, my hands still on his shoulders. “Less personal I guess.” I supposed that’s why I had suddenly got him into a habit of calling him by his last name. “It shows respect to call you by your road name, then your first name.”

  “Well don’t do it.” He dipped his head, his lips so close to mine. “I like hearing my name coming from your lips, so don’t deprive me off it.”

  And those words snapped my control. I couldn’t be sure if it was me who started kissing him, or if he started it. Either way my hands went from his shoulder to into his hair, and before I knew it my lips were on his.

  I had been kissed before I was no virgin, but I had never been kissed like this. As if his lips were claiming me. Everything disappeared, why I was here, who he was, all his shit with Danielle- it all disappeared and all that mattered was deepening the kiss.

  I could feel how hard he was, he was as turned on as me. I knew there was two ways this could end, both involved us crossing a line. But I had to decide whether he could handle the lines we were about to cross right now.

  His hands went to the straps of my dress, and I knew then which way he wanted to take this. As soon as my dress was off, there would be no controlling the outcome of what would happen.


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