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Krystal Le Beau

Page 5

by V. A. Dold

  Leaning forward, he reached across the small gap between the chairs and encircled her wrist with his hand. She raised her brows at him, but he didn’t relent. Instead, he worked his fingers between her palms until she sighed and allowed him to take her hand.

  “I know I overwhelmed you tonight. That wasn’t my intent. I only wanted you to see the real me. By knowing me, you know yourself. We couldn’t be paired unless you were one of my people. So tell me how I can fix this.”

  Unwilling to hear more, she tried to free her hand. “I’m not from your world. I was born right here on little ol’ Earth.”


  Doug raised Krystal’s fingers to his lips and kissed them. “That’s true. But prior to incarnating here, you were of my world.”

  “I suppose that’s possible. The shifter community recently learned that long ago, Luperca approached us, meaning, us as aliens or, should I say, non-terrestrials from a planet in the Sirius star system. Apparently, she offered to help us find our displaced mates amongst Earth’s population. She said she combined the DNA from the beings from the Sirius system and Earth to make the shifters. I’m told we agreed to incarnate on Earth as a shifter in the hopes of finding our mates among the human population. Shifters have been doing this for generations.”

  Doug nodded. “That’s mostly true. We were scattered throughout several star systems. Our people found new home planets across the Pleiades, Sirius, Orion, and Andromeda systems. The majority of our population ended up in the first two, Pleiades and Sirius. That may be why Luperca only mentioned the Sirius system. But as you were told, you and I are from Mer Ahn Tah in the Sirius system.”

  “Huh.” Krystal managed to reclaim her hand and stood. “I’m having a cup of coffee. Would you like one?”

  “I’d love one. Cream and sugar, please.”

  “Cream and sugar? That’s a little girly, Sheriff.”

  He sighed and shook his head. “That’s a bit sexist, Miss Le Beau. I’m a cat, remember? We like cream.”

  Krystal laughed. “How could I forget?” As she gathered cups and the condiments, she asked, “Is the part about the creepy Reptilians true? She said they tried to wipe us out by scattering our mates across several planets with most of them found on Earth.”

  “That part is true. And yes, the Reptilians are exactly as ugly as you’re imagining. Picture an alligator, velociraptor, and human DNA mixed together. They are mean bastards with a mouthful of razor-sharp teeth and lethal claws.”

  Krystal shivered. “That’s pretty much what I thought. There’s one thing I don’t understand about your presence on Earth. Luperca is already reconnecting us as wolf shifters with our mates. Why would she suddenly shift gears and have the non-terrestrials come directly to Earth?”

  Doug accepted the cup she held out. “Expediency and humanity’s readiness for face to face contact. Hundreds of years ago, when she implemented the shifter program, humans were primitive creatures. Now they’re waking up and hungry for intergalactic interaction. It won’t be long before Earthlings are traveling the cosmos.”

  She settled into her secondary chair and sipped at her hot coffee. Mulling over his words. “I wonder if wolf shifters will become a thing of the past?” she mused sadly.

  “Maybe, and maybe not. Wolf shifters have become an established species. I doubt Luperca would phase them out. The reason for their existence may change but not their viability.”

  She glanced up and gave him a sad smile. “I hope you’re right. That’s just another of a long list of questions I have for her the next time I see her.”

  “So… you ran out on me at the restaurant. Are we okay?”

  Stefanie rested her chin in her palm. I would like the answer to that question, too.

  Krystal set her unfinished coffee on the end table, her stomach curdling at the reminder of the situation she was in. “I don’t know. There is so much to think about. My mother can be a formidable opponent. When Lucas invited me to move to Texas with him, she put me on lockdown. I couldn’t even leave the house. My uncle, Isaac, had to put his foot down and command her to let me go. Add mating a feline shifter from another planet to that, and her retaliation could become deadly.”

  “Seriously? She would attack you for something you have no control over?”

  “My mother isn’t rational when it comes to her prejudices against every species that isn’t a wolf.”

  “I see. We’ll have to agree on the level of force you’re willing to use against her if she does launch an offensive. I don’t want to cross a line with your mother that you’ll never forgive me for.”

  “When the time comes, we can do that. But, Doug, you need to give me some space. I need time to figure this out.”

  “All right. Whatever you need. In the meantime, would you like to see my tiger so you know what you have in your arsenal?”

  Butterflies erupted in her stomach. “That’s a good idea.”

  Doug stood and pulled her to his feet. “We need to take this outside. Your cabin won’t survive my tiger.”

  He led her out of her house and onto her little front lawn. Much like a wolf shifter, he didn’t need to strip to make the change. But unlike her shift, which was instantaneous, his human form shimmered until he was a blur with multicolored sparkles of magic, and then a full-grown Bengal tiger stared at her. The entire process took all of a heartbeat, which left her with a dilemma. What was she supposed to do now? Before she could panic over a massive tiger looking at her with hungry night glow eyes, he leapt her short fence.

  Doug stretched languidly, feeling the enormous strength of a Bengal male in his prime. He ambled over to an ash tree and sharpened his claws on the trunk leaving long, deep slashes in the bark. Having marked his territory, he allowed the tiger to survey his realm. The variety of colors, textures, and scents sprang vividly to life, calling the beast to explore. Later, he’d find the time to give in to the temptation and let his tiger explore at his leisure. When he did that, he’d have to be alert for the cactus that hid among the Century plants and under the sage. The lamb’s ears’ soft texture was especially intriguing to his cat.

  His ears twitched this way and that, picking up the sounds of the desert at night. Tiny creatures scurried about, bird wings rustled as they settle on branches, and the buzz of the insects created a background of white noise beneath it all.

  An intriguing scent pulled his attention back to the matter at hand. His djairi had backed away a few steps but not far. His whiskers picked up her vibrations and pinpointed her. He knew her exact location without using his acute sense of smell.

  Feeling playful, Doug leapt into the shadows. His tiger may be a massive ten feet long from nose to the tip of his tail and five hundred and twenty-five pounds, but he could run in silence. The cat’s huge paws made short work of rounding the barn. Doug’s haunches bunched, and then he pushed off the ground, his powerful hindquarters acting like a springboard to propel him skyward. His target was the open hayloft doors twelve feet above his head—a laughable distance for a cat that could leap thirty-two feet with ease. Joy bubbled up and erupted as the feline chuffed, voicing his pleasure.

  He made his way across the hayloft and leapt to the floor below. Tamping down his predator energy so as not to alarm the livestock, he padded down the center of the barn. Exiting through the main barn doors allowed him to stalk Krystal from behind.

  Krystal folded her arms and stared at the spot where Doug had disappeared into the night. Although she was aggravated over the way he took off on her, she couldn’t help but be impressed with his shift and his animal. She’d seen tons of wolf shifters and their animals, but she’d never seen anything like Doug Dansby’s tiger. Her mate was awe-inspiring. That thought brought a grin to her lips. Her brothers were going to be so jealous.

  Oo! That’s hot, Stefanie exclaimed.

  Irritating is more like it, Krystal shot back.

  If she wasn’t a wolf shifter, she would be terrified. T
he massiveness of the tiger took her breath away. Then he stretched, and his already ten-foot body lengthened several inches more. Her hand covered her mouth to suppress a gasp when his lethal four-inch claws dug into the earth. One of his claws equaled four of hers. As she calculated that comparison, he yawned and flashing his three-inch fangs. That had her stepping back. She prayed the tiger held Doug’s consciousness, or she was in a lot of trouble.

  Flicking his black and orange striped tail back and forth, the tiger sauntered over to a tree and sharpened his claws like any old barn cat marking his territory and ruined the effect. Doug wasn’t a big bad killer. He was nothing more than a tomcat. Granted an extremely large cat but a tom all the same.

  Krystal was still staring at the spot where Doug disappeared when warm breath and a furry muzzle touch the center of her palm. A scream tore from her throat a second before she shifted to her wolf and spun to face the threat. With a startled and disgruntled snarl, she snapped at his nose.

  Not only was the tiger unimpressed, the damn overgrown tabby rubbed his head against hers and purred. She shifted back and shoved tiger Doug away, or at least she tried. The dang cat didn’t even sway. Scowling, she crossed her arms and tapped her foot. “You’ve shown me your tiger, now shift back.”

  The tiger disappeared in a shower of sparkles, and Doug reappeared. “Impressed?”

  Her wolf huffed in her mind and turned its back.

  “Hardly. I could take you,” she playfully fibbed.

  “Would you like to know the secret of taming my tiger? Tummy rubs. A few minutes of rubbing, and he’s putty in your hands.”

  “Yeah, no. That isn’t going to happen. Thank you for showing me your beast. He is an impressive tool in our arsenal.”

  Doug tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear and smiled. “My pleasure.”

  Clearing her throat, Krystal stepped out of his reach. “It’s getting late, and I need to be up early.”

  Tayja shook his head. This is going to be harder than I thought.

  Heaving a sigh, Doug nodded. “I can take a hint. Good night, Krystal. Call me when you have time to discuss our problem further and make a plan.”

  “Good night, Doug.” With one last glance his way, she turned and mounted the steps to her cabin.

  Stefanie gave Krystal a sad smile. I give up. For now, anyway. I’ll be back when you are thinking straight.

  After a long sleepless night, Krystal was no closer to solving the issue of her mother. She needed advice from her sister. She might know what to do. Her mind made up, she texted Julia to meet her online for a video chat.

  A minute later, Julia accepted her invite to chat and appeared on the screen. “Hey, sis. How’s it going on the ranch?”

  “The ranch is great. We’re fully booked for the summer.”

  “I can see the shadows under your eyes, and you’re chewing your lip. What’s going on, Krystal?”

  “She’s chewing her lip?” Logan asked as he pushed in front of Julia to see the screen. “Who do I need to kill, baby sister?”

  Sighing, she tried to suppress her laughter and failed. “Knock it off, you guys. What’s Logan doing at your house? Is he mooching breakfast off of you?”

  “Hey!” Logan groused. “I do not mooch.”

  “Yes, you do,” Thomas said from somewhere off-screen.

  Frowning, Logan disappeared from view.

  “So? Are you going to spill it?” Julia gently asked.

  Barely above a whisper, Krystal said, “I found my mate.”

  “That’s great!” Julia exclaimed, then quickly back-peddled. “Wait, why are you chewing your lip again?”

  Logan’s face suddenly filled the screen again. “Let me guess,” he said with a scowl of annoyance on his face. “This guy isn’t a shifter. I have to tell you, sis, mother has gotten worse since you left, and a human can’t protect you from her in wolf form.”

  There was a growl to his voice that made Krystal grimace.

  Abruptly, Logan stumbled off-screen, and Julia took over. “Ignore him. He’s a man, and men are idiots when it comes to dealing with an irate woman. Especially irate mothers. So, what’s your plan?”

  “Yeah, we need a plan,” Logan’s disembodied voice insisted.

  “I’m in on whatever you all decide,” Thomas added, again from somewhere off-screen.

  “Well ...” Krystal hedged.

  “Krystal,” Julia growled. “Spill it. Now.”

  “He isn’t a wolf shifter, but he isn’t human either.”

  “Ah, hell. He isn’t a vampire, is he? Mother hates them more than humans.”

  “No… not a vampire.”

  Thomas appeared behind Julia. “Damn it, Krystal. Just tell us what he is.”

  “Y’all better sit down.”

  Julia dropped her face into her hands. “Oh, God. This is worse than we thought.”

  Thomas and Logan put chairs on either side of Julia and squeezed in.

  Krystal took a deep breath and blurted, “Doug is a Tiger shifter from another planet.”


  “Guys?” she asked nervously.

  “There’s no way I heard her right,” Thomas said as he turned to look at Logan. “Did she say, tiger?”

  Logan nodded. “And I swear she said from another planet.”

  Julia leaned in closer to the screen. “Hon, are you feeling all right?”

  Frustrated, Krystal threw her hands in the air. “I don’t know why I thought you could help me. I’ll figure this out on my own.”

  “Hang on,” Thomas demanded. “We didn’t say we wouldn’t help. We just need a minute to wrap our heads around the whole ET-tiger thing.”

  Krystal pulled her finger away from the end call button. “Fine. Let me tell you what I know, and we can go from there. He said he’s from a planet in the Sirius system. Apparently, what Luperca told us about our history wasn’t the complete truth. I mean, it’s mostly true, but there’s more than one planet of extra-terrestrials who lost their mates. He said that Luperca sent him to Earth to find me. It sounds like we aren’t finding our mates fast enough, so she’s speeding up the process by having the extra-terrestrials come directly to Earth.”

  Thomas shook his head. “I don’t see this ending well. How is she going to keep all these ETs a secret?”

  Krystal shrugged. “No idea.”

  “At least his beast can take Mom’s wolf if she goes off the rails,” Logan offered.

  “If you mate him immediately, you could avoid the public learning there are ETs among us and maybe even circumvent mother’s interference,” Julia suggested.

  Krystal rubbed her aching temples. “Did you hear the part about another planet? Would you jump into a mating with an extraterrestrial without knowing him and where he expected you to live?”

  Logan snarled and bared his extended fangs. “You’re not leaving Earth. Ever.”

  “Calm down. I didn’t say I was going anywhere. What I need is advice on what to do and how to tell Mom and Dad.”

  Thomas shrugged. “I’ve got nothing.”

  “Me either,” Logan huffed in defeat.

  “Give us time to think, and we’ll get back to you. In the meantime, learn as much as you can about him and his planet. Where will you live? If you do go to his planet, even if it’s only to visit, how will you get there and back? There are so many unanswered questions,” Julia panted after rattling off her instructions without stopping to take a breath.

  Krystal wiggled in her chair as she sat up straighter, drawing confidence from her sister’s strength. Julia had always been the fearless, take no shit daughter, able to stand up to their mother. She was even the one who got her out of Louisiana and away from their mother. “Okay. I can do that.”

  Julia gave her a determined look. “I’ll talk to Quin, and Thomas can get advice from Emma and Isaac. We’ll figure out something, I promise.”

  “Okay, thanks. That makes me fe
el a little better. I’ll talk to Lucas, too.”

  “Good idea. Hang in there. We’ll figure this out, hon. As soon as we’ve talked to everyone, we’ll discuss the ideas we’ve come up with.”

  Logan gave her an encouraging smile. “Get some sleep, little sister, we’ve got your back.”

  “Thank you. Sleep sounds good. I’m dead on my feet. Bye, guys.”

  “Bye,” they chorused as the call ended.

  Krystal was minding the front desk at the Main house when the phone rang. “Good morning, Rocking Double L Ranch, how can I help you?”

  “Hey, Sis, it’s Logan.”

  “Oh, hi! Did you guys come up with a solution?”

  “About that... Quin and I were throwing around ideas at the bar, and I think someone overheard and narc’d on you. Since then, Mother has acted weirder than normal and is making secretive phone calls.”

  Krystal felt for her chair and sat down hard. “Oh, no.”

  “We’re really sorry. Do you want us to come to the ranch in case she shows up?”

  “No, I’ll let Lucas and Kensie know what’s going on. I better give Doug a heads up too. Until we know for sure that Mother has heard about Doug, we’ll act as if she hasn’t.”

  “Okay. I’ll let Thomas and Julia know so they can help us watch her. If she makes a move, we’ll let you know.”

  “Thanks, Logan. I love you. Hug Quin for me.”

  “That would be a no. I’m not hugging my brother for you or anyone else.”

  “Pussy,” Krystal teased. “Someone just came in. I have to go.”


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