Book Read Free

Krystal Le Beau

Page 18

by V. A. Dold

  “Somehow, Luperca is going to link the site with the planets involved. In fact, she’s setting that up now.”

  Quin waved a hand as if sweeping the issue aside. “All right. I won’t worry about that for now. We’ll approach this as if everyone has equal access to the site. So how do you want this to work for the user and yourself? Draw me a picture of how you see this functioning.”

  “I want the user to enter information about themselves and have an aura picture taken at one of the offices Cade is setting up. Our people in the shops will add the photo to the online profile. Once an application is complete with a picture, I want the ability to run an automatic search that will match the photos. The matching part is the most important. Also, all of the information needs to be protected against hackers. We’re anticipating anti-alien hate groups causing trouble, and we want the participants’ information locked down.”

  Quin took a moment to think about that. “What if my program results in more than one match? We need to account for picture fluctuations. That could kick out multiple matches.”

  “I didn’t think of that. A photo is good, but it’s not as accurate as the human eye. If that happens, my matchmakers or I will visually compare the auras until an exact match is found.”

  Quin’s index finger tapped the side of his mug, a telltale sign he was writing code in his mind. “Okay, so you will need the matches moved into a file for review. All right. That gives me a good idea of the base structure of the site. Did you make a list of questions you want the applicants to answer?”

  “I’ve been working on one. But I’m sure once we start entering the questions, we’ll come up with things I didn’t think of. Your male viewpoint will help. You may have questions you want answered about your prospective mate that I, as a woman, didn’t consider.”

  “Okay, I’m making a second cup to go, and then let’s head to my cabin. I have ideas banging around in my head that need to be set free on the cyber world.”

  “Dear Lord. I’ve created a monster,” Krystal muttered, amused by his childlike exuberance.

  A few minutes later, Quin sat poised with his fingers on the keyboard. “So, what are you going to call this matchmaking thing?”

  Krystal grinned as she dug through her notes for the name she’d come up with. “The A.D.A.M. Agency,” she announced triumphantly.


  “Yes, with periods between the letters. It stands for Alien Dating And Mating. As much as I hate the word alien, it’s the title the general public uses for extra-terrestrials, so I’m using it.”

  Quin chuckled as he typed. “Very catchy.” A short time later, he had the basic website constructed and awaited her reaction.

  “I love the look of it. If I can get a picture of some of the single men, can you add that?”

  “Sure. That’ll take me all of a second. What else?”

  “We need what they call an elevator pitch to draw the applicants in. I think that needs to be the first thing seen on the homepage.”

  “Okay.” Quin stood and began to pace the confines of his cabin, muttering under his breath.

  “I need everyone to know that this service is for adults only. I don’t need a bunch of dreamy-eyed teenagers trying to find their soulmates through the site. The legal issues, not to mention the moral issues and public opinion would shut us down.”

  Quin nodded. “Adults only. Got it.”

  “I’m also unclear about living arrangements with the ETs. The humans need to be prepared to leave the planet. But I don’t want to outright say that. If the anti-ET groups think we’re shipping women off-planet, it will end badly.”

  “Good point. What do you think of this?” His fingers flew over the keyboard in a blur.

  The title popped on the screen in bold letters. A.D.A.M. Agency

  Beneath that in slightly smaller letters and yet still bold enough to catch the eye was a statement box.

  Are you an adult woman of legal age who is up for a unique adventure?

  If so, you are invited to apply.

  Our matchmakers will use your information to find your perfect match.

  This is your chance to find the love of your life. And we’re here to help you.

  Let the Alien Dating and Mating (A.D.A.M.) Agency make your dreams come true.

  “That’s really good. We just need to tweak it a little. Add, with an out of this world man, to the end of the first sentence.”

  She waited until he did that then suggested, “After apply in the second sentence add, for the chance to meet your soulmate.”

  When he turned for further instructions, she reminded him about the aura photo. He added that into the third sentence.

  “Okay, good. I also wrote this last night and want it in there somewhere.” She handed him a slip of paper.

  Quin updated the homepage and sat back for her approval. Under the title, it now read:

  Are you an adult woman of legal age who is up for a unique adventure with an out of this world man?

  If so, you are invited to apply for the chance to meet your soulmate.

  Our matchmakers will use your information and aura photo to find your perfect match.

  Did you know that there is someone waiting for you who has an aura identical to yours?

  It’s true! There is a perfect match for each and every one of you, and he’s awaiting your response.

  This is your chance to find the love of your life. And we’re here to help you.

  Let the Alien Dating and Mating (A.D.A.M.) Agency make your dreams come true.

  Krystal threw her arms around his neck. “Perfect!”

  “So, where do the applicants go from here?” he mused out loud as a myriad of thoughts and concerns showed on his expressive face. It took him a few minutes to notice that she was holding out a list of questions. Grinning, she shook it at him.

  Rolling his eyes at her, he read through her ideas. “You ask if the woman wants kids, but you don’t ask about what she has now. You should add a question about children the woman may have now and if she wants more.”

  “Good point. Add that in right before I ask if she wants kids. Word it like: Do you have children now? Then ask sub-questions: If so, how many and what are their ages. Do you want more children? Then, after all that put: If you do not have children, do you want them and how many? Something like that. I’ll let you fix the wording.”

  Krystal sat quietly as Quin built the application page. Watching her brother work was mesmerizing. No one had a brain like his. When he finished and refreshed it for her approval, she laughed out loud. “I love it.”

  “Great. Is there anything else the applicant needs to enter into the site?”

  “I think we should add a login for them. You know, they create an account on the website that they can log into and check for updates and announcements. This is an unprecedented work in progress, and things are going to change as we go.”

  Quin snapped his fingers. “Excellent suggestion. That way, we can create a community page that is only accessible to registered participants. You can post announcements, so the humans know what’s going on. We don’t want them to get frustrated and back out before you find a match. Plus, you can send them a notification when their match has been found. And if they have an account, we can create a way for the matched couple to message each other. Kind of like instant messaging.”

  “Great ideas, I didn’t think of those things.”

  It took all of a minute to create the login. “I’ll add the community page and messaging, then write the code for adding the aura photos and create an algorithm that matches them. To do that, I need to see a photo, so I understand what the computer is looking for.”

  “Good point. I’ll have a picture taken of mine and then show you what aspects you need to identify and compare for a proper result.”

  Quin made notes as she spoke. “The website feels incomplete. The humans will want information about the ETs and
pictures if you can get them. Can Luperca get that for you?”

  Krystal sat back and rubbed her face, a sure sign she was uncomfortable. “I’ve thought long and hard about that. There’s so much information I need to get first hand.” She sighed. “The only solution I came up with is visiting the planets in person. I want to see the…” she paused, searching for the right words, “people in their natural habit. The women considering relocation will ask questions about living conditions, weather, the society, and how it compares to ours, etc. There is so much I need to learn to make this work.”

  Quin growled low in his throat. “Not alone, you aren’t. You’ll go with protection, or you won’t go at all.”

  Krystal burst out laughing. “You and whose army is going to stop me?”

  Quin bared his teeth and snarled. “Don’t make me call Uncle Isaac.”

  Krystal laughed harder. “Calm down and wipe the spittle from your chin. Doug is going with me. Seriously? You thought I’d leave my mate behind? For a smart guy, you can be an idiot.”

  Quin glared daggers at her as he wiped the nonexistent drool from his chin. “I wasn’t spitting, and I’m incapable of lowering my I.Q. to idiot level.”

  Grinning, she asked, “So, are we done here? I need to discuss interstellar travel with the sheriff.”

  “Yeah. I can work with what I have and then set up the base code for the information and photos you provide later. Once I add in the final touches, the site will be spectacular. In the meantime, I will make the basic site live but only available with a password. Once it’s finalized, I’ll remove the password requirement so the public will see it.”

  “Of course, it’ll be fabulous. You’re the best there is.”

  Quin scribbled down a single word on a slip of paper and handed it to her. “That will be our password until the website is published live.”

  Glancing at the paper, she laughed. “Superwoman?”

  “To me, that’s exactly what you are.”

  She hugged him tightly. “Thank you, Quin. That’s the best compliment I’ve ever received. Okay, I really need to get going. I have no idea what to pack or take with me. Heck, I don’t know how I’m getting there.”

  Two hours later, Krystal was on a spaceship gazing at Earth as the planet slowly shrank in size. She glanced at Doug in the pilot’s chair and back at the blue dot she called home. She was on a freaking spaceship!

  Movement caught her attention. Doug was doing something with his chair. It looked like he was pushing buttons, but all she saw was a smooth surface. Then he stood and smiled. “Your stress level has drained the color from your beautiful face. Come, Tamaali, a relaxing bath will do you wonders.”

  Realizing he was right, she followed him to his bedroom suite. The interior of his ship was stunning. The comforts and impeccable design stole her words to describe it.

  Krystal basked in the huge tub, taking in the beauty of outer space. Whoever designed Doug’s ship had positioned the tub to give the bather a breathtaking view. The warm water and the view combined to soothe her rattled nerves. Doug was right, this was precisely what she needed.

  With one last look at the stars, she hurried to dry off and get dressed. Doug had said they would arrive at the first planet in four short hours. She was still wrapping her head around that one. Anyway, she needed to be appropriately attired to meet the delegation from Mer Ahn Tah when they landed. Doug had placed her suitcases on the bed when they boarded, and she had yet to unpack. She prayed her clothes weren’t wrinkled. She selected the dove-gray silk blouse and black dress pants and then paired them with a pair of black kitten heels. Once she was dressed, she twisted her hair into a sophisticated knot at the nape of her neck and fastened a string of pearls around her neck.

  She was patting a few stray hairs into place when a low, appreciative whistle sounded from the doorway. “You look amazing.”

  “I didn’t know what the protocol for meeting a council is. Is this okay?” Her pulse kicked into gear as he prowled closer, the flight deck lights accentuating the contours and shadows of his muscular body. He wore a long-sleeved, skintight jumpsuit, which acted like a second skin. Good Lord, Star Pilot Dansby was sexier than Sheriff Doug in uniform.

  “What you’re wearing is perfect. How are you feeling after your bath?”

  “I’m much calmer,” she replied honestly.

  He smiled and pulled her in for a kiss. “Good. We will be landing in about twenty minutes. But don’t worry about what to say or how to act. They are so excited to begin the process they don’t give a damn about political niceties.”

  Luperca stood off to the side of the group gathered to hear her pitch about matchmaking with Earthlings. Discussions with the councils had gone better than expected, and now she was meeting with the elders of each planet. The elders could make or break the entire operation and, as such, needed to be treated with respect. Knowing all of that, she moved around the room, listening to smaller groups speaking amongst themselves and answering any questions put to her.

  Whispers of conversations caught her attention. One group of men were very excited about everything Earth had to offer. “Not only are our women there, they have so many foods I want to try,” one exclaimed. “We look much like these humans and will easily blend in,” another pointed out.

  “What about the diplomatic relations that must be established with the planetary government?” one man questioned. Luperca leaned in and whispered in his ear, “I have all the details in hand. Your only job is to spend time with your human when she is matched to you.”

  Suddenly, one voice boomed above all the others. “I have lived a long time and endured many disappointments. I find I am reluctant to feel excited about this endeavor.”

  Luperca moved into a less crowded area of the room and raised her voice as well. “Then allow me to reassure you again. Doug Dansby has already proven that finding and bonding with your lost companions on Earth is very possible. As you all know, I’ve been at this for a very long time. My life’s work has been to reconnect you with your lost mates. Would you question me now?”

  The loud man lowered his eyes in shame. “No, Luperca, I would not. Please forgive my doubting mind.”

  “There is nothing to forgive, old friend. One thing I have not covered is communicating with your Earthlings. Their language is complicated and will take time to learn. But I have a solution for that.” She opened her palm to reveal a small device designed to fit within the ear. “With this in your ear, Earth’s language will be translated for you, and a proper response will be relayed to you in first your language and then hers. That way, you will know the correct words and pronunciation required to respond to what she has said. But I know you learn languages quickly, and once you feel comfortable with the language, you can cease using the device.”

  An excited murmur returned to the room. “If you will all take a seat, I will issue you each a translation device and show you some images from Earth.” Once they were settled, an image of Krystal Le Beau appeared on the wall. “This is Doug Dansby’s djairi. She is one of the wolf shifters from my original project. And extremely talented in ways that will simplify finding your missing women.”

  “Dansby is a lucky feline. Are all Earth women so beautiful?” A voice called out from the crowd.

  Luperca frowned in the man’s general direction. “Every Earth woman is beautiful in her own way. Besides, if your djairi is an Earthling, will her looks prevent you from bonding with her?” A hush fell over the room as waves of shame rolled over her. The poor sap felt bad for his outburst.

  Clearing her throat, she continued, “Krystal’s special gift is seeing auras and speaking to spirit guides. She has found that your aura will match the aura of your companion. Once that visual match is made, she will talk with your spirit guides to verify her findings. If your guides agree with her, you will be invited to visit her home on Earth. At the same time, she will invite the Earthling to visit her home as well. That is w
here you will meet your lost women and spend time with them.”

  Luperca proceeded to show them several pictures of the ranch, cabins, barns, and livestock. Finally, Rylon in his chef’s uniform appeared. “Some of you may know Rylon. He has been my boots on the ground, so to speak. I gave him time to find his djairi on his own, but the planet is too large and the population too vast. That is why I asked Krystal to intervene with her gifts. While I visit with you, she and her family are setting up a website for the humans to apply to be matched along with a vast network of locations for them to have their aura picture taken.”

  One of the elders got to his feet and asked, “What is a computer and website?”

  She took a minute to explain Earth technology, then with the snap of her fingers, a laptop appeared before each man. “Doug and Krystal will be here shortly to introduce themselves and answer your questions. When you leave here, you will take your computer home with you for your village to use. I know your communities vary in size, so let me know if you need more than one. For now, I want each of you to apply on Krystal’s website. Once you are active on the site, she can begin looking for your match.”

  As the men became acquainted with the laptops, she produced an odd contraption they had never seen before. “This is a camera that can take a photo of your aura.”

  She motioned for one of the elders to come forward and positioned him with his back to a blank wall. A moment later, she turned the camera to show him the view screen with his picture displayed on it. Beautiful purple, blue, and green clouds surrounded his head and shoulders. “That’s your aura,” she whispered in his ear. As he retook his seat, she projected his aura photo onto the wall. “This is what Krystal uses to find your djairi. The woman who matches you will have an aura identical to yours.”

  Excited murmurs erupted among the men again. “Now that you know the basics of how this will work, you can explain the program to the rest of your people. Then show them how to apply and take their photo. I will link your planet to Earth through the computers, so Krystal will get your applications as soon as you enter them.”


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