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Dancing With Devia

Page 12

by Viveca Benoir

  Julian took Sophie by the back of the neck and bent her forward over the deck rail. He slapped her on the a s s and positioned himself behind her. He started to fuck her, slowly at first, as she held on to the rail, the boat gently rocking with their activity. He picked up speed as she started to moan and push herself against him.

  “Oh my god,” he bellowed as he came hard inside Sophie. Devia’s eyes, in the night, drank in every detail . S he couldn’t look away, didn’t want to look away, and yet she didn’t want to watch either. She watched Julian pull out of Sophie and Sophie drop to her knees to take him in her mouth. She watched him run his hands through his hair and look up to the sky as he enjoyed the sensations of her gentle tongue on him. Sophie licked him clean. He bent down to her, and entwined his hands in her hair. Julian looked at her for a moment, then kissed her passionately on the mouth pulling her up on to her feet, where he held her close.

  Devia was close enough to them to see the cum running down the inside of Sophie’s thighs. That was her cum. It should only run down her leg. No one had a right to it, but her. That bitch had to go. Devia growled in anger.

  “Did you hear anything?” They both stopped and looked towards the beach, which was shrouded in darkness. They listened intently. Devia froze to the spot, and wished that her heart wouldn’t beat so loudly.

  “Hmm,” Julian said, “Nothing.” He looked down at Sophie. “Are you getting cold? Shall we go inside?” His voice sounded so manly, so in charge.

  “Yes, let’s,” she said; her face upturned towards his adoringly. They turned to go inside and the door shut behind them.

  “Yes, let’s…” Devia said, in a sarcastic mocking voice. “Yes, let’s go fuck some more…” She pranced and skipped along the beach, making fun of Sophie’s youth. She flicked her hair and pretended to be Sophie “ooooh. Yes, oh yes, let’s.” A whole imaginary conversation going on in her twisted mind, while her voice re-enacted it, and her body and hands exaggerated Sophie’s previous actions.

  She was determined that as young as she, Sophie, was, her competitor for Julian’s affections wouldn’t be getting any older.

  Chapter Fifteen - Julian

  Julian woke up, a smile on his face. He snuggled into Sophie, who had joined him in his bed. He loved having her with him. With his eyes closed, she felt just like Crystal. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her even closer to him. They were spooning and he loved feeling her close. It was almost like old times.

  As he pulled her towards him, she stretched like a kitten and molded to him. He felt his cock hardening and he groaned inwardly. She would think him a sex fiend if he went at her again. They had been at it all night. He had never had so much sex. He couldn’t help it. She just made him feel. He wanted her probably more than he had ever wanted any other woman if he admitted it to himself. He moved his hips, causing his cock to rub against her backside. He moved against and felt himself just between her butt cheeks. He brought an arm around and caressed her clit by putting his hands between her legs. She moaned in her sleep and he felt his cock jump at the sound of her voice. Nudging her gently with his cock he found the gap between her thighs and he prodded her with his erect member, until he found her opening. He moved his hips forward and felt himself enter her. She was so very tight, a little swollen from all their activities the night before. He imagined a little raw from his constant attention. She leaned back into him and arched her back, her breasts rising before him, begging to be held. He tweaked her nipple and felt it harden in between his fingers. She was so slick that he slid in and out of her easily. He nibbled and kissed at her neck, his hips gathering speed. In response she clenched her vaginal muscles. That pushed him over the edge and he came hard. His cock, locking and loading, and firing hot and deep inside her. She moaned again in her sleep, and he held onto her, waiting for his cock to stop throbbing, to soften enough for him to pull out. They hadn’t even talked about contraception, and he assumed she would be on the pill. All girls were nowadays, weren’t they? Besides, they had been having sex all night, since yesterday on the beach, if she were on contraception, the chances of anything happening were remote. If she weren’t, what then? He held on to her tightly, and thought about the ‘what ifs.’ What would she look like, rounded with his child? His cock jumped again, and he smiled. She would look like Crystal, that’s who she would look like. Round and growing, she would become more like the wife he had loved, still loved. He decided that he wanted her to get pregnant.

  He wanted her to become his, totally. He realised, he actually wanted to start again. He wanted Sophie. He wanted Sophie as his wife, and the mother of his children. With her, he was sure he could be happy again.

  In the morning, he got up early and went to prepare breakfast . A s he did so , he heard a powerboat start up from the other side of the bay and set off. He smiled, suddenly realising that they hadn’t been alone on the island. He hoped that they hadn’t disturbed the others, but then he realised that he didn’t actually care. He grinned, thinking of him and Sophie having sex on the deck. They could have been seen, watched. He loved the idea that they may have been spotted during their sex games. It made him feel free, younger and virile. He didn’t go to the window to see who the boater was, but he silently saluted them for leaving so early. They were obviously in a hurry, considering the speed and power the boat had. He preferred to take his time. Sailing wasn’t sailing, if you didn’t use the wind sometimes. Power boaters may have speed, but they didn’t have the sound of the waves. They weren’t at the mercy of the sea; they could control their speed. But it wasn’t the same. Julian was a sailor, through and through. He was old school. His sails were his sea wings.

  Sophie got up, and came through to the main salon, her hair all mussed up and her t-s hirt off one shoulder. She smiled as she walked towards him sleepily, c um dripping down her legs. She hooked herself into his arms and he wrapped his arms around her, smelling the fresh sea air on her hair from the day before. He smelt himself on her too, and their combined sex juices. He kissed the top of her head and she snuggled into him contentedly.

  “Coffee?” He murmured into the top of her head.

  “Mhmm.” She said sleepily.

  He tried to pour the coffee in to a cup for her. But her body was completely in the way, attached to him like a mussel on the hull of a boat. He grinned and moved around her, as she held on tightly to him. He took her arms from his waist and turned her around so her back was towards him. He brought his arms around her and held onto her stomach. She lean ed against him and they rocked together. They felt so unified, it was as though they had always been together, and yet, only yesterday, they were strangers.


  “Yes?” She leaned forward and picked up her coffee cup and took a sip, turning around so she could see him.

  “Tell me something about you. What are your dreams?” She smiled at his words.

  “Why?” It was the first time someone had actually asked her about her dreams. “You will think me silly.”

  “No, I won’t. Go on.” He looked at her intently.

  “My parents want me to study. I am doing marketing at university, my PhD, but it’s for them really, not me.”

  “Yes, and? What do you want?”

  “I would love to live aboard a yacht, sail around, get married and just have kids.”

  “Really?” He looked at her, astonished. She seemed so young to want to settle down. “Since when?” he asked.

  “Since I came on board your yacht. I loved it from the get go, could see myself loving this lifestyle.”

  “And the marriage part?” He asked seriously.

  “Oh, now you will think me crazy.” He shook his head.

  “No please,” he said quietly. She looked down, at her toe, which was drawing invisible circles in the boat carpet.

  “Since I met you.” His heart leapt.

  “Interesting.” He took her into his arms and looked at her seriously. “I’m not saying we can’t.�

  “Can’t what?”

  “Can’t do the things you want to. But I think it important that we get to know each other a little more first. What do you think?”

  “Well, yes, of course!”

  “How about we date for a while and see how it all goes?” The rest of the day was wonderful. They both chatted and laughed together. Neither knew that Devia would be waiting for them, watching them, back at home.


  Over the following days and weeks Sophie enchanted Julian. His heart opened more each day. He was getting lost in her. He knew that the more time he spent with her, the more he wanted to be with her. Although she reminded him of Crystal, in his eyes she was becoming more of her own woman. She was more confident, she smiled all the time. He started seeing her for her. A truly vibrant happy woman. She was everything all wrapped up in one delicious package. He knew that he wanted to make a commitment. Show her that he meant every murmured word of love, every kiss to her.

  They were still dating, shyly. But now he wanted her to move in with him. He wanted to start again, to wake up with her, to turn over and be able to hold her in his arms. The dreams of Devia still haunted him, and if Sophie were by his side, they couldn’t any more.

  He needed to make a break from his past. To be happy again. It was time.

  He saw Sophie walking happily down the walkway towards the boat. She was smiling, a big broad grin. Her hair blowing in the wind, the sun on her face. She looked as though she hadn’t a care in the world. His heart lifted when he saw her and he grinned back.

  “Hey.” He shouted as he waved at her. She lifted her arm and waved back and started to jog along the walkway towards him. He put the rope down and jumped off the boat to go meet her.

  Grabbing her in his arms , he swung her around and then bringing her close, he kissed her passionately.

  “Hey yourself!” She said as she came up for air. He bent and kissed her again, not caring if anyone saw them. He had a beautiful woman in his arm. His beautiful woman, and if she wanted, he would be hers too, just hers.

  “How about next month?” He said, looking into her eyes with serious sincerity.

  “Next month what?” She repeated. She stepped back from him and looked at him sideways.

  “You marry me next month.” She gasped and stared at him.

  “What? Are you asking me to marry you?”

  “I guess I am.”

  “Here?” She waved her arms around. “At the marina?”

  He shrugged and nodded at the same time.

  “Yes, sorry, I haven’t a clue how to do this properly. I guess I should get on one knee?” He knelt suddenly, looking very boyish as he did so. His hair was being ruffled by the wind. “I don’t have a ring yet.” He said, suddenly rifling through his pockets looking for something vaguely ring like. He found a paperclip and bent it quickly into a circle. He looked at her sheepishly as he held it out.

  “Oh my god!”

  “It’s ok. We can change it, for something better, if you say yes…” He paused. “Do you?”

  She was still looking at him in shock, her mouth open, and silent. It felt as though time had stopped for him. He couldn’t bare it.

  “What is your answer? Will you?” He cleared his throat, and tried again, more seriously.

  “Sophie Anders, will you do me the honour of becoming my wife, and mother to my children? I can’t promise you a wealthy lifestyle, but I can give you everything that I am, and have.”

  She dropped to her knees and kissed him hard, tears in her eyes.

  “Yes, Mr Julian Mansell. I will. I will marry you.”

  They embraced, both still on their knees, on the walkway of the marina.

  Devia was stood up by her chair, a seething murderous look of rage on her face. The fact that he had gone down on one knee was obvious. She knew what he had had done . That little skank, was going too far.

  When Julian and Sophie finally stopped kissing they were like a couple of kids. They had a secret. They held hands as they boarded the yacht and went to sail to the Islands. Today was a fabulous day. Perfect for everything.

  The more she glowered at them, the more the sky seemed to darken. Thunder clouds were gathering. Only they didn’t notice. They eventually set sail. Devia got into her boat and started to follow them at a slow pace, but as the hours passed, she noticed the wind getting up, and so she reluctantly turned her boat back towards the marina. They might be able to weather the storm in his yacht, but she was totally exposed to the elements. She couldn’t risk it.

  Oblivious to the gathering storm clouds on the horizon, on board the yacht, Julian and Sophie kissed. Both lost in each other and their joint happiness.

  Their life together was just beginning.

  Chapter Sixteen - Devia

  Devia pulled into the marina and tethered the boat to the dock. She looked over towards the island, which although she couldn’t see, she knew where they were. She had to work out what to do about the young thing in his life. From the way they had been together on the island, she didn’t want it developing any further. She would have to find a way to nip it in the bud. She didn’t want that bitch muddying her waters, and playing in her pool. Her Julian pool. He was hers and no one else could have him, no one. She toyed with the idea of waiting for them to return, so that she could watch them, but decided she would go to his house and nose around.

  She parked down the street, walked passed the house and skirted around the back and let herself in. She went straight through to his bedroom. The bed was made so she pulled the duvet back and lay on it to smell his scent. She inhaled his muskiness. Devia just could not help herself. In a moment of desperate desire, she stripped off her clothes and lay on the cool sheets. She writhed about, rubbing her breasts against the bed sheet. She pulled the pillow between her legs and started rubbing her clit against it, her pussy wetting the pillow case.

  “Oh Julian.” She whispered as she fucked the pillow, she imagined him standing in the corner of the room, watching her, and she sped up, her cheeks becoming flushed with the exertion, her clit swelling and throbbing hard. She reached out and grabbed his glasses case, which was on the side table. It would have to do, she was desperate; she needed something inside her. She needed something of him inside her. She plunged the glasses case inside her dripping pussy. She almost climaxed on it, thinking of him holding it in his hand, the next time he needed his glasses. She put the pillow between her legs and started thrusting against it, the glasses case tapping inside her, against her cervix.

  “Julian, oh, Julian.” She cried out. In her mind, he answered her. He looked at her intently, walked over to the bed, leaning over her and kissing her passionately. As his lips touched hers, she climaxed hard and squirted all over the glasses case and the pillow, drenching them both. She lay there panting, and played with her tingling nipples as she calmed down. Without wanting to, she fell into a deep asleep.

  The sound of laughter outside awoke her.

  “I can’t believe we made it back before that storm. Thank goodness you spotted that!” She heard Sophie saying to Julian as they entered the house together.

  “Mmm, we were lucky,” he said in reply. “It could have been nasty.”

  Devia jumped out of bed startled, the glasses case, falling to the floor, with a squelchy thud. She picked it up, put it hurriedly on the bedside table, and grabbed her clothes. She desperately looked around the room for where she could hide. The voices were getting closer. They were in the house now. She could hear that bitch laughing at something he said. Without a second thought she jumped into the wardrobe and shut the door, just seconds before Julian came in.

  He looked at his room, the pillow on the floor, the unkempt sheets. It made no sense. He thought he had made the bed. Obviously not. He picked up the pillow, put it at the head and started to quickly make the bed. In the wardrobe Devia watched, her breath held, afraid she would make a noise. She would have absolutely no way of explaining why she was naked in h
is closet. Let alone in his house.

  “I hope you aren’t doing that for me.” Sophie said with a smile. She was standing in the doorway, her arms folded across her chest. “Because you know we will just mess it all up again.”

  “Oh come here you gorgeous creature.” He said, a twinkle in his eye. She walked forward into his arms and they began to kiss. In the closet, under Crystal’s hanging clothes, Devia sank down onto her heels. She had a feeling she was going to be there a while. She didn’t even have space to dress. She perched on some of his shoes and smiled as her juices started to drip into one of them. She felt like a hen nesting an egg. If only they knew she was there. She smiled. Sophie would think that he was cheating on her. Devia would know the truth, but then, she didn’t want to anger Julian and ruin her chances there, so she had no choice but to stay quiet, and hidden.

  Julian smiled at Sophie; he undressed her slowly and threw her clothes on the floor behind him. She was a goddess. In that moment, he transferred all the love he had for Crystal, onto her. He kissed her, caressed her and then laid her back on the bed. She brought up her legs and he went in between them, entered her and rode her with love. His cock marking his new territory, from this day on, she would be his home, his everything. She would be his lighthouse, his port in a storm and his to cherish, forever. He would never be alone again. They made love for hours, and as he came, he shouted that he loved her until eventually they fell exhausted in each other’s arms and slept.

  Devia’s legs were going numb, she moved uncomfortably in the tight space and the leather shoes creaked under her. She put her finger through the crack of the door and pushed it aside a little, a sudden burst of cooler air hitting her. Slowly and quietly, she opened the door and crept forward on her hands and knees. She inched forward, making her way unseen and unheard towards the bedroom door.


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