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05 Laid Open

Page 4

by Lauren Dane

  He simply pulled her to her feet, bent, and tossed her over his shoulder as Ben laughed, moving to them, kissing Todd quickly as they headed back down the path to their bure.

  Once they got through the door, Todd put her down. “What I want you to wear is on the counter in the bathroom.” He turned to Ben. “Naked. On your knees.”

  She moved quickly to the bathroom on slightly shaky legs. On the counter was a harness. And a collar. Her breath stuttered at the sight. Well.

  She quickly got naked and then managed to step into the harness. She slid the egg up into herself and made sure the strap would hold it in and the vibrating attachment against her clit. Her hands shook. Anticipation. It’d been some time since she’d worn a harness.

  She didn’t put the collar on though. Knowing Todd would want to do that part. She couldn’t wear it every day, especially now. But she loved the way it made her feel. Loved Todd’s reaction to her wearing it.

  She came out, a little wobbly, already sliding into that nearly narcotic place they put her in sometimes.

  Ben was on his knees before Todd, Todd’s cock in his mouth. Todd’s fingers were in Ben’s hair, urging him forward. “Take more of me.” Not a request.

  Her fingers itched to touch herself, but she knew Todd would tell her when and if he wanted that to happen. So she stood, waiting. Watching the beauty of her two men.

  “Yes, like that.” Todd’s gaze moved from Ben to Erin, catching her, knowing exactly what she was feeling. He gave her a wicked, wicked grin. “Ben, baby, Erin is watching us. She’s naked except for the harness. She’s standing there waiting for me to collar her. She’s flushed. Hot to be fucked.”

  Ben groaned around a mouthful of Todd’s cock, desperation lacing that sound.

  “Erin, come here.”

  She obeyed, holding the collar out.

  “Your new haircut is only going to make you look more beautiful in this collar.” Todd put it on, tightening enough that she felt the constraint of the leather against the sensitive skin of her neck. Enough that she’d be reminded of who put the collar there and why.

  He grabbed the ring on the front, tugging her close. He kissed her thoroughly, his lips on hers, tongue sweeping into her mouth, owning her in that way too. And she gave over. Gave herself to him utterly and totally. Wanting only to please, wanting him to see and enjoy in whatever way he wished.

  Ben’s shoulder brushed against the leather of the harness. His skin hot to the touch, burning with pleasure.

  “I want you right there in that chair. Legs spread wide. I want to see your pussy as I play with it. And I want Ben to watch.”

  Todd held up the little remote, pushing a button, bringing the egg deep in her cunt to life. She gasped, and Ben did as well.

  “Mmm, you know what she’ll be like deep inside. Creamy and hot. She’s soft and so willing right now.” Todd stepped back, pulling from Ben’s mouth. “I told you your ass would be mine. Do you want that?”

  Ben nodded, standing, waiting. His cock was so hard it made Erin’s mouth water.

  Todd lay back on the bed, sheathing himself quickly.

  She scooted to the edge of the chair and the chain swayed, tugging on her nipple rings.

  “Climb aboard and hold on to the footboard. I’m going to fuck you nice and hard while you watch Erin come a few times.

  Erin whimpered, needing just exactly that. She was at the side of the bed so she had a clear view of Todd and Ben both.

  Ben got to the bed, straddling Todd’s thighs as he held on to the footboard. Todd held up the bottle of lube. She watched, her bottom lip caught between her teeth as she knew Todd’s fingers, slick and sure, were sliding over Ben’s asshole and then inside to stretch and ready him.

  Ben’s gaze lost some of its focus, going blurry with pleasure. Todd’s expression was one he usually wore when he topped them this way. So sure. Cocky. A little arrogant. It made her nearly insane with delight.

  “Now, you’re ready for me. Get that ass down here.”

  Ben lowered himself slowly onto Todd’s cock, groaning as he did. “Yes, god, yes. Fuck me, fuck me.”

  “Such a noisy bottom.” Todd’s grin made Erin tingle, and then he looked to her, the remote in his hand. “And you. Wanton. I can scent your cunt from here. Your pussy is dark. It must like it when I do this.”

  The piece that fit against her clit hummed in time with the egg, and she moaned.

  Ben’s gaze roved over her body, pausing to watch when she rolled her hips, needing more.

  And then Todd rolled his own hips and Ben hissed, that pain melting into a sound of pleasure.

  “You can fuck your fist. But you can’t come yet.”

  Ben let go with one hand and Todd squirted some lube into his palm. Her fingers dug into the arms of the chair as she watched Ben take his cock, fisting it a few times until he had to back off.

  Todd kept control of the pace, fucking Ben just exactly how he wanted to.

  He watched Ben and then looked over to Erin. The vibrations got harder, faster, until she was helpless to do anything but come, her back arching as she cried out.

  She dragged her eyelids up to find both of them staring at her hungrily. It sent a bolt of heat through her to be desired so much. Nearly as hot as it made her to watch Todd rolling his hips, thrusting into Ben as Ben held on, one hand on his cock, the other on the footboard.

  “She looks so delicious when she comes, doesn’t she?”

  Ben shook his head, beyond words. Being possessed this way by Todd made him dizzy. Each slow, deep thrust Todd made sent his cock sliding across Ben’s sweet spot. The drumbeat of climax punched at him. It took all his will not to let himself fall over and come.

  But he wanted to obey. Wanted to please Todd with his response. Knew Todd would make it worth his while.

  “You’re so tight.” Todd worked in extra deep, and it was as if it had happened to Erin. She whimpered, her skin still flushed from climax. Her gaze was glossy as she watched the two of them.

  “Shall I make her come again?” Todd’s question was lazy. Ben knew he would do it. Erin did as well.

  “Or . . . would you like your cock in that pretty pussy? Hm?”

  “I’d like my face in it first,” he managed to gasp out as Todd sped his pace.

  “Mmm, I’d like that too. Baby, you have my permission to take the harness off. Then come over here and sit on the footboard facing us.”

  Erin stood, her movements uncoordinated as she pulled the harness off, leaving the gear on the nearby chair.

  Ben’s mouth watered as Todd scooted them back a little and she got situated, her legs spread, that sweet, juicy cunt just inches from his face.

  “Do you want to come?” Todd asked Ben.

  “God, yes.”

  “You can come when you make her come. But not before I do.”

  Ben used the hand that’d been on the footboard and held on to her so she couldn’t tumble backward. Then he kissed up her inner thigh, groaning as Todd sped his pace. Ben didn’t need to thrust his fist over his cock; the movement from Todd’s thrusts did it for him.

  Erin slid her fingers through his hair as he found her pussy and took several gentle licks. She’d be sensitive from her first climax, and he knew just how to get another from her.

  He knew he’d chosen the right pace when her fingers tightened, holding him in place as she moved, restless against his mouth.

  “You want to come too, don’t you, gorgeous?” Todd nearly crooned it to Erin, who whimpered.


  “So, so close.” Todd’s voice had gone taut. The cock inside Ben seemed to change. Ben knew he was so close. He sucked Erin’s clit, letting it slide against his teeth.

  Todd sped and Ben was helpless to do anything but hold on as he thr
ust. Erin’s cunt surrounded him. Luscious and juicy.

  She was close too.

  Todd snarled, the hand at Ben’s hip tightening enough to leave a bruise as he came.

  Ben groaned against Erin’s flesh, his tongue sliding in circles around her clit, over it until she exploded.

  As that sound rang in his ears, he let himself go, coming hard and fast for what felt like forever.

  Finally, as he got his hearing back, Todd slapped his ass and pulled out. “Best vacation ever.”

  “Best everything ever.” Ben flopped to the mattress, pulling a laughing Erin down with him.

  Chapter Five

  Maybe it was growing up in and living in Seattle, but just laying in the sun and absorbing all that vitamin D recharged Erin’s batteries. Her eyes were closed as she not quite dozed behind her big sunglasses. They’d been there several days and she’d already gotten used to the lazy, warm pace of the island. There was nothing but the sound of the water, the scent of the ocean and the flowers that seemed to be blooming all over the place around their bure. Oh, and lots of uninhibited sex.

  No appointments except the massage she’d had earlier. No ringing phones. No sound of people in big giant animal suits singing about washing hair or eating vegetables. Or any other kids’ television.

  She’d checked in on Alexander, who didn’t have much time to talk, as he was heading out to play with his uncle Cope and aunt Ella. Brody had assured her he was fine and having a great time. The time difference meant it was the following day already there in Fiji so she could call Seattle in the mornings or afternoons and know he’d be awake.

  After that, they’d headed out for a morning swim. She continued to be awed by the physical beauty surrounding them. The water so blue and warm. The sand was perfect. The temperature not too hot. They’d cavorted in the waves.

  It was so delicious to have this time, and she’d made a commitment to herself that they needed to do this sort of thing at least once a year.

  Still, her men were far more energetic than she was, so she left them playing in the water and came back to lounge around and do some reading. She was far lazier than the men in her life, she’d noticed. Lucky for her they didn’t seem to mind.

  She smiled to herself. They were like puppies. Swimming, roughhousing, endlessly energetic. Here and there they’d pause to kiss her or each other. That part was even better.

  The playful, sexy way they responded to one another was a joy to see. They would be what each one of them needed. Their family—Ben, Todd, Erin and Alexander—was what mattered. It was everything good and strong and it made her feel safe. And most definitely loved.

  Her gift from the two of them had been time to be their woman. It wasn’t sandwiched around all the other stuff in their day. There was no work. No time in the studio, no trip to pick up this or that, no middle of the night calls for Todd or Ben to rush out to deal with something at their job.

  It was easy to get so consumed with everything else in her day that she forgot the simple beauty of belonging to these men. It was beautiful and special, and she was so grateful for her life.

  * * *

  She knew they’d emerged from the water and were headed her way when the murmur of their voices arrived, bringing her to attention. The dreamy space she’d been in as she’d lazed in the sun had burned away. Alert now, she watched as they laughed over some private joke, their heads close together.

  They were just so . . . breathtaking. What an embarrassment of riches she had. So much, and it was all hers.

  Todd paused as he reached her, a grin on his face. “Ben, look at this. There’s a topless woman on our lanai.”

  “Can we keep her?” Ben leaned over, beading a shower of cold drops on her belly as he shook his hair out.

  “Whatever would you do to me?” She slid her sunglasses down. “Should I be scared?”

  Todd’s mouth lifted at one corner. “Come inside.” He held a hand out and she took it, getting up and letting him lead her back into their cottage.

  Ben circled her, making her shiver with anticipation.

  “I have some ideas. Though I’d never want you scared. Begging? Yes. Desperate to come? Mmm, yes.”

  Todd rustled through his bag and pulled out a flogger she hadn’t seen before. It was about twice as large as the one they had at home. He spun it quickly in his hand and she shivered at the whisper of the leather tails brushing against one another.

  “Doorway. Hands above your head.” Todd looked her up and down and dug again, tossing a blindfold to Ben, who smiled back his way.

  She moved to obey, gripping the edge of the doorframe above her head. It was a little bit of a stretch, but not painfully so.

  Ben fastened the blindfold and she was enfolded in darkness. Her senses came alive, her nipples hardening. She heard Ben move back, the sound of his trunks coming off. Todd’s footsteps moved to her, and she moaned when he drew the tips of the leather ribbons of the flogger over her skin. Then, that kiss of leather over each shoulder before Todd paused to brush his lips against her skin. And then the prickle of Ben’s beard as he kissed the back of her neck.

  “I’m going to fuck you while he flogs you,” Ben whispered against her ear.

  She whimpered, nodding. Yes, yes, she wanted that. Wanted it so badly she couldn’t have even said it out loud.

  The bikini bottoms fell away as he untied each side, and then nothing. She tried not to pant. Grasped her patience, knowing they were there, waiting. Their body heat buffeted her now-naked skin. She could scent the leather of the flogger and the sunscreen they wore.

  Knew too, that they looked at her hungrily. Knew they were working in unison to top her, and that was so hot it nearly made her lose her mind.

  Then the soft brush of the tails of the flogger over her breasts until she relaxed a little. That was when he struck, lightning quick, and the sting licked over her skin. Once again, and this time it was sharper. The next time it was against her nipples. She made a sound low in her throat; the swell of sensation made her glad her eyes were closed so all she had to do was feel.

  She wanted to move her hands. Wanted to grab him and press her body to his. But he’d stop if she did, and she didn’t want that. He’d told her to hold, so she did.

  Ben’s hands, so broad and powerful, slid around her waist, over her belly and down, just skirting her pussy to her thighs. His cock pressed against her ass and she arched her back to push against him.

  He was gone again, and the flogger struck until her skin was on fire. She knew it would be flushed. Knew Todd’s gaze lingered on the welts he’d raised. And then he flogged over her thighs and against her pussy. He was so good at it, never crossing the line between pleasure and real pain. The sting only made it better, only sent all sorts of feel-good chemicals through her system until she was drunk with it. Until she sighed and let her back sag a little.

  “Mmm, yes, give it to me.” Todd pinched one of her nipples, tugging on the rings she’d worn because he liked them so much.

  She was so wet she ached.

  Ben shifted her, turning her so he was against her front and Todd behind. He put her hands on the corner of a low counter, around his body. She knew not to move them unless they told her to. He widened her stance and got between her legs, teasing her with his cock until she made a sound of frustration.

  “Ah, ah, ah. Patience, gorgeous. It’s coming. When I’m ready.” Ben spoke right before he nibbled across her collarbone. She pressed into his kiss, breathing in his scent.

  Todd moved then, the flogger landing against her back and then her ass.

  Then Ben rolled his hips and slid into her body in one hard stroke.

  So much sensation, she fought for long moments and finally gave in to it, let herself be consumed. Knowing they’d catch her if she fell.

e rested her forehead on Ben’s shoulder as he took her exactly how he wanted. All while Todd continued to flog her until her ass was on fire.

  Todd watched as Ben fucked Erin. There was something about her when she was blindfolded that always got to him. The way she was normally so strong and totally in charge softened the moment he covered her eyes.

  Her face expressive, she was more responsive when she had to use her other senses. Todd noticed she often fell into that near-narcotic state of pleasure more quickly that way.

  And topping her with Ben? That was hotter than fire. He and Ben had developed a rhythm with one another. Sometimes Ben would lead, but mainly Todd did. That Ben also let Todd top him made their chemistry even more delicious.

  Todd looked over her back, over the pink glow the flogger had left. Over the welts he knew would be gone in a few minutes. He bent to blow over her skin, delighting in the way gooseflesh rose in response. Loving the way she made that sound, roused from that place she often went to when they were together this way.

  His cock throbbed angrily. So hard and ready to be in her right then. But Ben took his time, thrusting into her cunt hard and deep. Her knuckles were white where she gripped the counter.

  There was nothing more beautiful, no one who moved him more than this woman standing between him and Ben. Erin was woven into his DNA, written on his skin. She was responsible for so much joy and pleasure in his life.

  It humbled him that she gave herself to him so freely. To them.

  Leaning back against the doorjamb, Todd stroked his cock slowly as he took them in. Ben picked her up, and she gasped as he set her ass on the counter she’d been holding on to.

  “That’s better.”

  Ben’s back shimmered with sweat as he began to fuck her again. This time she leaned back against the mirror behind her. Her breasts jutted forward, back arched as she wrapped her calves around his waist.

  Todd shifted to get a better view, stepping up to Ben’s back. Kissing Ben’s neck, he then rested his chin on Ben’s shoulder to catch sight of Ben’s cock sliding in and then retreating, dark and slick, from her body.


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