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Zombie Apocalypse Series (Book 2): A Rising Tide

Page 15

by Jeff DeGordick

She looked out the window and saw that the sun had just started to set, casting sheets of orange and red across the clouded sky. "Why don't I let you rest for a bit and I'll freshen up and come back in a couple hours?"

  "Mmm, I'd like that."

  They kissed each other goodbye and she left him to relax and get some food, considering he hadn't eaten all day. She took a moment to check on Mark, who was still resting peacefully for the moment, Jenny nowhere in sight—probably off with the kids.

  Two hours later, when the sky had fallen into deep blues, she was in the ladies' lavatory, freshening up. She originally intended to spend the night cuddling with Noah and not getting too physical, but everything that happened that day changed her mind. Being scared to death for his safety all morning and finally seeing him come back injured, both physically and emotionally, from Delroy's betrayal, something in her stirred. Maybe it was the fragility of life that was on her mind, or maybe it was something else, but she realized that she wanted him; she didn't want to wait. He had given her a scare in the penthouse of the hotel that she hadn't expected, and she didn't know if she was truly ready yet, but she wanted to be—for him.

  She washed herself and gave everything a shave that needed it, and then she dried off, dressing and returning to her dorm. She pulled out a drawer in her dresser and rooted around for something sexy to wear. She slipped on a pair of pink sheer lace panties and a solid black bra. She threw on socks, a tank top and a pair of jeans, then took a deep breath, admiring the rose sitting on her bedside table, and she went off.

  She walked into his office and he didn't even hear her until she closed and locked the door. He turned from the window he was staring out and smiled at her. "Hey," he said.

  "Hey yourself," she said, smiling back. "Are they leaving yet?" she asked, joining him at the window.

  "Not yet. I'm just anxious, I guess."

  "I can help with that..." she said.

  She grabbed his wrists and led him over to the bed. He had lit candles for the darkness of night, and the room bathed in the dancing orange light. They sat down and immediately started making out. She really leaned into him, holding the back of his head and putting her tongue in his mouth aggressively, trying to show him that she wanted it. He warmed up quickly and took control from her, wrapping his palm around the back of her neck and holding her close as he commanded the pace of the exchange.

  At every stage, she kept giving him hints that she was okay with going further, and every time he would take the hint and take command of her as she moaned and rolled her head back, letting him go to work.

  He kissed up and down her neck, licking from her collarbone up to the edge of her chin and burying his tongue back in her mouth. She started kissing his cheek and the side of his neck and went up to his ear, nibbling on the lobe. He let out a deep and satisfied moan, and she felt herself get wet. They continued to make out for a few minutes, their hands running all over each other's torsos, before he finally leaned back with a satisfied smile, admiring her and thinking that was as far as she wanted to go. But she wanted to go all the way, and she wanted him to take her there.

  She sat still, waiting to see if he would make another move, and when he didn't, she started to lift up her shirt.

  He stopped her hands halfway. "Let me." He slid his fingers underneath the fabric, letting them glide along her warm skin. He slowly pulled her tank top over her breasts and over her head and dropped it onto the floor.

  She reached out and undid the buttons on his shirt one by one from top to bottom. When it was undone, she put her hands flat against his hard stomach, being careful not to touch the dressing taped to his skin. "Is this okay?" she asked.

  "Yeah. Just be gentle."

  She carefully glided her hands up to his chest, her fingers sliding through the thin layer of hair on it, before she slipped his shirt off his shoulders and tossed it onto the floor with hers.

  He went back to her neck, kissing, licking, and sucking on it, as he reached behind her and unhooked her bra. He let it fall off her shoulders, revealing her full, motherly breasts. She arched her back and propped them up, and they basked in the orange candlelight.

  He felt himself get hard at the sight of them and he couldn't hold himself back any longer. He laid her down and wrapped his mouth around her nipple, swirling his tongue over her areola. She grabbed a handful of his hair and arched her back even more, pushing her breast into his mouth. She let out a deep, long moan and closed her eyes, letting the ecstasy wash over her. His tongue danced from nipple to nipple before he ran his hands over them and brought his mouth back up to hers.

  They made out again and she let her hands wander and rub up and down his legs. They got closer to his crotch with every pass until she finally let her fingers graze his erect shaft and run the length of it. He looked down briefly, but he ignored it and focused on her mouth. She continued to rub his erection through his pants, but he didn't respond to it. Finally, she stopped and pulled away, gently brushing her fingers over her own crotch.

  He looked at her, confused. "What's wrong?"

  She just stared at him for a moment before reaching out and unbuttoning his jeans.

  "Are you sure?" he asked.

  "Yeah," she said. "I want to."

  He looked at her and paused, making sure she was really okay with this, then he reached out and started to undo her pants at the same time.

  Noah looked around, trying to get his bearings and figure out what was going on. Everything was a blur, and the discord of noises that played all around him were harsh and frenzied.

  Someone grabbed him under the arm and pulled him up to his feet. "Come on!" Wayne said, yanking him across the parking lot.

  Noah looked over his shoulder and saw a huge wave of zombies spilling across the side of the storage unit toward them, their arms flailing in a mad display. His vision started to sharpen and he saw the rest of his men covering his flanks as they fled.

  Noah propped himself up on his side, awkwardly trying to pull down his jeans. As Sarah took off her own pants, they each resorted to sitting up on the edge of the bed and taking them off, exchanging an awkward but playful glance. When they were both in their underwear, he took her gently by the shoulders and laid her back down. He straddled her hips and bent over, kissing between her breasts up to her neck as she fondled his erection through his briefs. She slid her fingers under the brim of his underwear and felt his trimmed pubic hair as she continued and wrapped her fingers around his penis, pulling it out and exposing it to the candlelight.

  It was warm in her hand, and she was happy to see it was a good size. She stroked it up and down, sliding his foreskin back and forth over the tip. He closed his eyes and put a hand on his hip, enjoying the sensation of feeling her hand wrapped around him and the intimacy of it. She smiled and increased her speed a little, eliciting a moan from him.

  He got off her and she reluctantly let go of him. He kneeled at her side and ran his hand up her leg toward her panties. He kept his eyes on hers the entire time, judging her reaction as he let his fingers gently glide across the lips of her vagina over the lace fabric.

  She gave him a nod. She wanted it.

  "Over here!" Wayne yelled, running down the street and slipping through an alley. Noah followed, forgetting about the pain in his forehead where it smacked the pavement. The rest of their men kept up, running with their M16 rifles at the ready as they threw nervous glances at the zombies behind them.

  Zed and his men followed them through the alley. They took a right down the road and rounded a corner past a pawn shop at the next intersection. Their two groups had clustered into one as they escaped, until eventually, all of them gasping for breath, they stopped.

  The din of angry groans filled the air in the distance, but it sounded like they lost them; they could hear the zombies disperse in all different directions, and it seemed like they were safe for the moment.

  "Where did Delroy go?" Zed asked.

  "I saw him take off the other way
down Facer Street," Wayne said, wheezing. "Looks like he's heading back to his camp."

  Zed walked up to the wall of the convenience store they were standing next to and kicked it. "Son of a bitch!" he said in anger. "What the fuck happened back there?"

  "I don't know," Noah said, "but I almost got killed."

  They both stood there looking at each other accusatorially, neither of them saying it, but both thinking it.

  Zed glanced at the cut on his forehead and looked at his own men, getting a sense of their opinion. "Someone planted those bombs," he said. "Someone didn't want this thing to succeed."

  "And I take it that someone wasn't you?" Noah asked.

  "You're damn right it wasn't me!" Zed said angrily. "You know, I'm beginning to have my doubts about you. You've always been the instigator... always have to poke that beehive, don't you?"

  "I don't want to do this anymore," Noah said. "I've had enough problems with the bandits lately. I never needed to add you and Delroy on top of that. I want peace more than anyone, for once in this miserable existence."

  "Good chance of peace after wiping me and Delroy out, huh?" Zed accused.

  "You could say the exact same thing about any one of us," Noah responded. "All three of us have been vying for power from the start and you know that. But let me ask you this: who isn't here right now? Who out of the three of us was the first to hightail it out of there once the explosions started going off? I could stand here accusing you, but I know if you were behind this, you wouldn't have the balls to be standing in front of me right now."

  Zed squinted at him, and his men held their fingers on the triggers of their guns. But he knew Noah was right, and as much as he normally didn't trust him, at that moment he did.

  Sarah lifted her hips as he slid her panties off and admired her. He rubbed her leg and gauged her reaction again. Her eyes were floating; dreamlike. He traced his forefinger along her slit, feeling her wetness coat it. She moaned and writhed on the bed.

  "Are you sure you want this?" he asked.

  She nodded, her mouth slightly parted, breathing heavily. "I want you, Noah."

  He spread her legs and positioned himself under her butt. He leaned forward and lowered himself, positioning his erection and pressing it against her. She reached down and grabbed it, guiding it to her opening. When she found it, she held it in place and he took over, slowly sliding his pelvis toward her.

  The tip of his erection pressed against her open lips, sliding past them and sinking deep inside her. She shivered and let out a soft cry as he buried the entire length of his shaft into her. He groaned and started thrusting in and out of her, and when he found his rhythm, he collapsed onto her and they wrapped their arms around each other, breathing heavily and losing themselves to the intimacy.

  "I'm going to lock down the camp tonight," Zed said. "I'd advise you to do the same in case Delroy's planning anything."

  "We've got to do something about him," Noah said.

  "Why don't we meet at the Marriott tomorrow?" Zed suggested. "Usual time."

  "Okay," Noah agreed.

  Zed started to turn away. "Well shit, come on boys, let's get back and figure out what the hell we're doing."

  "Hey Zed," Noah called after him.

  He turned around.

  "When I said I wanted that truce," Noah added, "I meant it. Don't let what happened today come in the way of that."

  Zed looked at him for a long while, then nodded and turned again, starting down the road with his men.

  Noah's men lined up and raised their M16s. They pulled the triggers and a hail of bullets tore into the backs of Zed's men. They tried to turn in the panic, but couldn't do anything before each one of them was cut down and fell to the ground, dead. Zed took a few bullets himself, but they made sure not to hit anything too life-threatening.

  Noah sauntered over to him, holding his rifle at his chest. He watched Zed writhe on the ground and spit up blood, which dribbled out the corner of his mouth.

  Zed pulled the pistol out of his holster, but Noah kicked it away. His eyes bulged as he watched Noah walk around to his side and kneel down. He tried to ask why, tried to beg for mercy, tried to say anything, but a gurgling mess was all that came out of his throat.

  Noah paused only long enough to give him one last contemptuous look before he slammed the butt of his rifle on Zed's face. Zed started to scream as he hammered his face repeatedly, immediately breaking his nose and fracturing his skull. His arms shot up and down like pistons, driving the gun into his face with all his might until Zed stopped making noises.

  He stood up and looked down at the bloody mess lying in front of him, and he aimed his rifle and put four rounds through his already-destroyed head. He slung the rifle over his shoulder and walked back to the other men. Wayne looked at what used to be Zed with a look that not even Noah could decipher. But Noah didn't care; the only thing he was thinking about was that it was one down and one to go.

  "Let's head back to camp," he told his men, and the five men started walking and led the way.

  Noah looked at Wayne and Wayne sighed and stared at the ground.

  Noah raised his rifle again and fired at his men. His aim was careful, shooting a few bullets into each one. Like Zed's men had done, they turned around in utter confusion and tried to return fire, but Noah had already killed three by the time the other two realized what was even happening. His gun clicked empty after killing the fourth man and he took out his Sig Sauer and unloaded the entire magazine into the final man just as he started to raise his rifle to fight back. His body hit the ground like a sack of bricks and the job was done.

  He reloaded his guns, putting the pistol back in its holster and slinging the rifle over his shoulder. He turned around and saw Wayne aiming his rifle at him.

  "I'm cumming!" Sarah cried between moans.

  "Okay," Noah said.

  The knot of intense pleasure inside her exploded and her orgasm rippled through her body as the walls of her vagina spasmed and clenched, gripping him. She put a hand over her mouth to stifle her cries as her hips bucked.

  He kept thrusting through her orgasm, almost reaching his climax as well. After a few more thrusts, he said, "I'm cumming, too!"

  She lay on the bed with her arms above her, starting to come down from her climax as he pulled out of her and pumped himself over her. She felt his warmth cover her stomach and chest as he moaned in ecstasy.

  He collapsed beside her and reached for a cloth sitting on a table next to the bed. He cleaned her up as they both continued to pant. When he was done, he tossed the cloth aside and they embraced each other, staring into each other's eyes. Their mouths broke out into smiles and neither of them could contain their happiness.

  Her eyes darted back and forth between his as she searched for something in them. She was looking for acceptance for what she wanted to say. She couldn't tell if it was there or not, and the risk frightened and excited her. She hesitated, but decided to take the chance and say it.

  "I love you."

  "You blew that C-4 a little too early back there," Noah said. "Almost knocked me out."

  "Sorry," Wayne said, aiming his rifle at Noah's midsection. "I'll do it better next time."

  Noah drew in a deep breath. "Make it look good."

  "Of course."

  Wayne fired and a bullet drilled into the side of Noah's midsection, between two ribs.

  He staggered backward and held the wound. He winced and grunted, trying to work through the pain. "Christ!" he yelled. "Wow, does that hurt!" He staggered around, hunched over, and slowly calmed down.

  Wayne put his rifle over his shoulder and waited for his turn. Noah came up to him and took out his pistol, holding it by the barrel. "Hold still."

  He swung the butt of the pistol across Wayne's face and broke his nose, leaving a deep gash in the bridge of it. Wayne's face scrunched up in pain, but he didn't move, waiting for the next blow. Noah was careful to leave his nose alone after that as he drove the butt
of the pistol into his cheek and forehead a couple times each.

  Blood started running down Wayne's face as he felt it start to swell. When the bitter pain subsided, he asked, "Look good?"

  "It'll do," Noah said, inspecting him. "Let's go." He put his pistol away and headed back for camp, paying no attention to the bodies of his men in front of him. The pain of his gunshot wound tore into him as he started walking and he stumbled to the ground, falling on his hands and knees. "Son of a bitch! Are you sure you got the right spot?"

  "You're still alive, aren't you?"

  Noah painfully chuckled and crawled over one of the bodies on the ground and got back to his feet. They both stumbled down the road, heading back to Noah's Ark to prepare for the final part of their plan.

  "I love you too," Noah said.

  Sarah's heart sang at hearing the words come out of his mouth and she couldn't even remember the last time she felt this happy. They kissed each other and she leaned into him and held him tight. They lay there cuddling and she felt her heart beat in sync with his, knowing that she was where she wanted to be—where she always wanted to be: in his arms.



  They cuddled for another half hour, just enjoying each other's closeness and intimacy. Occasionally they would kiss or chat, but mostly they just stared at each other, smiling. They had crawled under the covers, as the building got pretty cold toward the winter without any heating, but they had them pulled down to their waists, leaving their upper bodies exposed. Noah enjoyed the view of her bare breasts and the way that they spread out and flattened slightly on her chest as she lay on her back. He traced his finger along the contours of them and felt the warmth radiating from her. She rubbed her hand on his chest, playfully swirling her finger through his chest hair.

  "So when Kathy was in here today," she said, "did she... say anything?"

  He laughed. "What, you mean telling me about every single goings-on under the sun around here? That's nothing new."

  "Did she say anything about Mark?"

  "Only that he's a menace to society and should be thrown out into the wild to fend for himself."


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