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Dark Moon Falls: Cade

Page 3

by Melanie James

  His body filled with a hunger he’d never known. Power and longing he’d never felt. Ivy was his, plain and simple. Destined for him and him alone, no matter how hard he’d tried to deny it.

  Cade felt his canines lengthen, his wolf gaining traction in his mind. The animal inside him more aggressive than ever before, battled with a ferocity Cade didn’t understand, and could no longer keep at bay.

  Before he could even contemplate the repercussions of what was about to happen, his wolf struck. Hard and fast, biting down on Ivy’s shoulder. Her blood coated his tongue—his throat. He’d never tasted anything sweeter. Thoughts that weren’t his invaded his mind. By completing the mating ritual, he became her past, present, and future.


  Ivy knew the moment Cade stepped into the shower with her that her life would never be the same. Even with the water on full blast, nearly drowning each of her senses, his scent clung to her like a cheap perfume. Thank God, his scent didn’t smell like one. The second she woke up from her dream, she could feel the presence of his wolf. The animal inside the man did nothing to conceal his intentions. It made her own wolf ecstatic. She prowled close to the surface but didn’t try pushing for control.

  The kiss had been a split-second decision on her part to egg Cade on. She’d wondered for so damn long if he was her fated mate—if fated mates even really existed. She’d heard countless stories growing up about fated mates. The giggles of newly mated women talking about their mates and how the Fates had intervened, but she’d never truly believed the stories to be true. Her own mother had shot down the idea fated mates as nothing more than a fable told by love-sick girls.

  Ivy had nearly driven herself bat-shit crazy trying to figure it out. It had only been recently that she’d even tried to date. The string of men she’d gone out with were hot, but none turned her on the way Cade did.

  The Cade she remembered would have walked away after tossing her in the shower without so much as a glance back in her direction.

  This Cade seemed to be all about Ivy, and that was fine by her. She’d crushed on him for so long she wasn’t about to turn down any opportunity to finally be with him. Even if it was just this one time. She had to know what he tasted like, what it felt like to have him moving inside of her.

  The fact that the mating scent hung over him like a second skin did little to deter Ivy.

  “Is it something I should be worried about?” she asked her wolf.

  The animal didn’t respond.

  Well, if it was meant to be, then so be it. She’d always dreamed about being Mrs. Cade Roberts. They could talk about it later—after she had her way with him.

  Stripped of her own free will, her wolf had taken control of her body, her mind—yet she remained in human form. Shock ripped through her as she spun around, pushing Cade up against the shower stall.

  He lifted her off her feet. Her legs twisted around his back as she impaled herself on his length. Every muscle in her body shook as she raced toward her climax. Just when she thought it couldn’t get any better, her canines lengthened. Her wolf knew exactly what to do. She leaned in and sunk her teeth deep into Cade’s neck, completing the mating ritual.

  Ivy felt her body explode into a million tiny pieces. She wondered for a second how she could ever be the same person she was only moments before. His thoughts invaded her mind like an unwelcomed guest at the dinner table. Flashes of his life played on autopilot.

  So much anger.

  So much pain.

  Dead bodies piled as far as the eye could see. He’d lost his leg.

  That was who her mate was. Past, present, future.

  There were no words for the images passing through her mind. She closed her eyes, hoping to stem the stream of violence.

  Ivy tore her fangs from his neck, not wanting to see any more death and destruction.

  “What the hell was that?” She jumped out of the shower and away from Cade, more confused than she’d ever been.

  “Ivy—I can explain.”

  The look of shock on his face nearly broke her heart, but she couldn’t give into that emotion, not when the anger of not knowing who he really was rode her hard.

  “Explain what? The fact you tricked me into mating or the fact everything I thought I knew about you was a lie!” Anger seeped from her pores.

  “Tricked you into mating? Are you fucking kidding me right now? You’re the one who seduced me!” Outrage flew through Cade. “You’re the one who kissed me. It wasn’t like my cock suddenly jumped into your mouth on its own.”

  “Okay, you have a valid point, but that doesn’t mean I was ready to complete the damn mating ritual! I thought we could—I don’t know. Mess around a bit, have a little bit of fun, then maybe talk about our future—or if we even have one.” Ivy felt like she was about to hyperventilate. She tugged off her soaked tank top and shorts and quickly wrapped a towel around her. “How the hell am I supposed to explain all of this to my parents?”

  If she had known seducing Cade would turn into a complete cluster-fuck, she would have scheduled a nervous breakdown. She already had to drop the bombshell on her parents that she had no intention of working for the family company. On top of that, she had to figure out how the fuck to tell them that she not only found her mate, but had completed the mating ritual. Her mom was going to lose her ever-loving mind.

  “Ezra is going to kill me.” Cade’s admission sliced through the thoughts pummeling her mind.

  For the first time in her life, she heard uncertainty in his voice. She didn’t like it.

  “Speaking of Ezra, where is he? He was supposed to pick me up today. Why are you even here?”

  She was in so much trouble, but she’d find a way to deal with it—with her parents. One way or another. When it came down to it, she was an adult and it was her life to live, whether her parents agreed with it or not.

  “He had meetings all day and asked me if I could pick you up. I knew I should have told him no. It was a mistake coming here.”

  Ivy winced. His words shouldn’t have hurt, but they did. She’d been rejected by Cade for years. It was nothing new. She’d stupidly thought with their tryst in the shower and the fact they were fated mates maybe, just maybe, he’d finally look at her differently.

  So much for that thought.

  “Gee, thanks. I’m sorry I’m just another mistake for you to regret.” Tears formed in her eyes. Was that what he really thought of her? Granted, their mating happened quickly. Okay, that might be the understatement of the year, but she could admit to herself there wasn’t a damn thing she regretted about completing the mating ritual with Cade. Ivy might have been scared to death to tell her parents about what had happened, but she wasn’t about to sell their experience short by calling it a mistake.

  Even knowing his past had been death and destruction, she could have found a way to work through it. To create a better life for him—for them. Admittingly, her response to seeing his memories had scared the hell out of her and she’d acted horribly when confronted with the truth, but she would never stoop to calling what they did was a mistake. Hasty, yes. Poorly planned, absolutely. A mistake? Never!

  Cade ran his fingers through his hair. “Ivy, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. We’ll figure something out. Let’s just get your stuff together and get out of here.”


  “My baby girl is finally home from college!”

  Ivy winced as her mother squealed upon seeing her walk through the door. She kept her mouth shut and ran to give her mom a hug, all the while wondering what the hell was going on. Why was her mom so happy to see her? It was like she’d walked into the damn Twilight Zone. Madeline Winters had never squealed nor offered Ivy such a warm greeting. Not once in her life.

  Why the sudden change?


  What was she supposed to say? It’s good to be home, but I’m only here for five—maybe ten minutes?

  “What’s the matter, baby? Cat got your tongue? Aren’
t you glad to see me?” Her mom pressed the issue.

  This conversation was getting stranger by the second. “Of course I am. I was hoping to see you and daddy at my graduation.” She was still pissed her parents never bothered to show up.

  “Where’s all your stuff? Your bags? I figured you’d have at least thirty loads of laundry needing to be washed.”

  When had her mom ever cared about Ivy’s laundry?

  “It’s fine, Mom. I can take care of my own laundry.”

  “I just wanted to be helpful.” Madeline looked almost hurt.

  What. The. Fuck.

  Ivy’s heart pounded. She may have been pissed at her mom, but she certainly didn’t relish having to hurt her by explaining her sudden mating, or the fact she was going to live with Cade now that they were mates. Compounded with her mom’s strange behavior Ivy didn’t know how to break the news.

  The first hour of their drive back had been filled with absolute silence. He’d hurt her feelings and she’d hurt his. Halfway through the trip, the silence ate away at her sanity, driving her insane. She was no longer the girl who let bygones be bygones. Nor was she about to let someone else decide what she was going to do with her life.

  Her thoughts flashed back to the conversation she’d had with Cade.

  “Pull over.” She had to get out of his vehicle and as far away from him as possible. Agreeing to ride home with Cade had been a huge mistake. Especially after all that had happened between them. She should have called Ezra to come and get her like he was supposed to.

  Cade sighed and did as she’d asked. “You’re not going to throw up in my truck, are you?”

  This game of could have, should have, would have that she’d been playing ever since their mating was getting really fucking old—really fucking quick.

  “No. I’m not going to throw up. I just can’t do this. I can’t sit here and pretend like none of this happened. Like you didn’t mark and claim me!” Anxiety tore through every nerve ending in her body.

  “Don’t worry, princess. You’re getting all stressed out over things that are out of our control. We are mates. Period. Our lives, from here on out, are forever intertwined. Nothing and no one can take that away from us. Not even in death will our souls be separated. You are mine and I am yours. We’ll figure everything out together.”

  “How can you be so calm about this? My parents are going to flip. Ezra is probably going to kill you. And we left my roommates’ memories intact.” Ivy felt like she was going to pass the fuck out.

  “No one ever has to know that we didn’t use the powder on your roommates. I’m not a fan of that crap at all. As for your parents, they will be shocked when they find out about us and we’ll deal with it. Ezra may try to kill me, but I’m sure he’ll understand—sooner or later. Those who have found their fated mate will know the truth. Our kind mate for life. We’re not like humans who fall in and out of love based on fantastical whims or faulty desires. I will never get bored with you and stray like humans do. I won’t go looking for something or someone more exciting. Ivy, you are perfect for all of eternity. I’m not saying we won’t have our fair share of struggles, but we will work through them together.”

  Cade popped off his seatbelt and pulled her into a tight hug. She inhaled his scent—her favorite scent in the whole world. Sucking in a deep breath, Ivy allowed the anxiety to flow out of her on the exhale. Her heart exploded with joy. Any lingering doubt Ivy may have had about what her life with Cade would be like vanished. He really was her fated mate.

  “Better?” Cade asked.

  “Yeah, somehow you always know how to make me feel better, Cade Roberts.”

  “Ivy?” Her mom snapped her fingers in front of her face, pulling her from her thoughts.

  “What was the question?”

  Her mom stared at her like she’d grown a second head. “Where are your things? Your bags?”

  The panic and anxiety started to creep back in. Ivy’s hand flew to her hair, twisting a long strand around her forefinger, a nervous habit she’d picked up years ago.

  “Well, the thing is…”

  Her mom arched an eyebrow. “Why do I have the feeling I’m not going to like what’s about to come out of your mouth, young lady?”

  And there it was. The control her mom always seemed to wield in any and every conversation she’d ever had with her. The mom she was used to, not the Stepford Wife she’d met when she walked in the door.

  Her wolf sprang to life, feeling the battle of wills brewing. Her mother had left her no choice. It was imminent. She would fight for her mate and the life she wanted.

  “I’ve found my fated mate.”

  Why beat around the bush? Her family deserved to know the truth.

  “I can’t wait to hear this. And just who do you think your mate is?”

  The condescending tone in her mom’s voice pissed Ivy off more than she would have thought possible.

  Ivy steeled her spine. “Cade is my mate. He knows it. I know it. Our wolves know and accept it.”

  Her mom laughed. “Be real, honey. Cade Roberts can’t be your mate. He’s nothing more than a three-legged mutt! I won’t have it, young lady. You will not be so cruel as to saddle this family with someone with that type of physical deformity.”

  “Momma, how can you say such a thing? Cade is an honorable man who lost his leg fighting for this country, defending the freedom of others. You act like he’s some homeless junkie or something.” Ivy couldn’t believe the audacity of her mother.

  “Be that as it may, my decision—your father’s decision, remains the same. You will not embarrass our family by mating with or marrying someone who is beneath you. Besides, you’re already betrothed to another.”

  “Excuse me?” Ivy’s mouth hit the ground. Her mother couldn’t be serious. This had to be a joke. The practice of betrothals and arranged marriages was banned decades ago because it went against the natural laws of mating. A wolf had to be free to find their fated mate.

  To force a wolf into an arranged marriage was cruel and often led to the brutal killing of fated mates. The urge, the pull of the mystical force was too strong for a shifter to deny. Many searched the world over only to find that his or her mate had been forced into a marriage they’d wanted no part of, leading to the death of an untold number of their kind.

  “I know you heard me. Your ears work just fine.”

  “Momma, how could you do this? I don’t understand,” Ivy pled for her mother to explain why she would choose such an archaic path for her. Not that it mattered now that she had been marked and claimed by Cade.

  “Ivy, you know the circles we run in. The alliances we must forge to protect all we have built. Our life, our legacy, must be protected at all costs.”

  Her mother continued to speak, but the words flew over Ivy’s head. She’d mastered tuning out her mom’s rants at an early age. Still, she couldn’t help but be thankful Cade had already marked and claimed her as his mate. No wolf would dare trying to break that bond.

  Would they? And if they did, what would happen to her?

  The process was rumored to be painful—not to mention deadly. Ivy’s life just got a whole lot more complicated. How the hell was she going to fix the mess that her parents had created?

  “Whatever your feelings about Cade … none of them matter. He is my mate. It’s a done deal. You can’t force me to mate with anyone. I won’t allow it, and I know Cade won’t allow it.”

  “What do you mean ‘it’s a done deal’? Ivy, what have you done?”

  “I followed my destiny, Momma. You of all people should understand that.”

  “You know nothing of fate or destiny. You’re nothing more than a child who is trying to buck her responsibility to her family!” her mother screamed.

  “Momma, stop. There’s nothing you can do to change it.”

  Madeline grabbed Ivy by the arms. “When did you see Cade?”

  Ivy had never seen her mother so unhinged. It wasn’t like her. Not a
t all. Madeline Winters had always been the epitome of calm and graceful, no matter the challenges she faced.

  “Ivy, answer me damn it,” Madeline shouted.

  “This morning, when he picked me up from college.” Ivy pulled away from her mother’s grasp.

  “Ezra was supposed to pick you up. Why the fuck did Cade Roberts pick you up?”

  “Something about meetings. Ezra would be in meetings all day.”

  “There were no meetings scheduled for today. We are so fucked,” Madeline cried.


  “Ezra, we need to talk.” Cade pushed open Ezra’s office door.

  Ezra glanced up from his computer screen and sniffed the air. “About what? Oh, you mean the fact that my little sister is your mate?”

  “How did you find out?” Uncertainty pulsed through Cade. He couldn’t tell by the look on Ezra’s face what he thought about the situation. Was he okay with it, or did he want to throttle him? He was usually pretty good at reading Ezra, but not today. Cade couldn’t get a single vibe out of the man or his wolf.

  Ezra stood and leaned against his desk. “Tell me something, Cade. All those years ago, when you threw Ivy into the pool after you saw her kissing that boy at her birthday party, did you ever stop to wonder why you reacted like that? Did you ever ask yourself why you felt the need to do that? Why you were so upset that she was kissing another man?”

  Cade glanced away. He couldn’t seem to look his best friend in the eyes. He wanted to say he had no idea why he acted like that, but it was a lie. Deep down, he knew, his wolf knew that Ivy was destined to be their mate. But how had Ezra figured it out? And if he had known for so damn long, why didn’t he ever say anything about it?

  “I can see your mind spinning, trying to figure out how I knew the truth back then and you were too blind to see it.”

  “Ezra, I…”

  “You don’t need to explain anything. It was in that very moment, I knew without a doubt you and Ivy were destined to be together, and one day you would realize it as well. I lied when I said I would be in meetings all day. I wanted to see what the outcome would be when you saw her again. When she saw you.”


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