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Page 37

by Meagan Brandy

  His forehead falls to mine, and I soak in the feeling, lacing my fingers with his. “Cap...”

  “Today, I want you to look around and find what you love. What speaks to you, and I want you to have it.”

  My mind begins to race as I try to imagine where we are and what exactly he’s talking about, and then he helps me step from the truck, the door softly closing behind me as he places himself at my back.

  His lips find my ear, and at first, he teases, blowing hot air only to kiss me on the skin just beneath.

  His airy chuckle tells me my soft moan and involuntary shiver is what he was after. “My baby, always needy.”

  “You make me this way,” I rasp, my head falling to his shoulder.

  “I’ll keep you this way.”


  “Open your eyes, Beauty.”

  I don’t hesitate and as they fly open, I freeze.

  And then the slightest bit of wind blows toward us, and with it an array of scents I couldn’t pinpoint if I tried.

  Row after row after row, tower after tower... flowers as far as I can see.

  Every shape, color, and kind and more.

  Large greenhouses sit on each side, holding who knows what inside.

  People walk all over, wheelbarrows in tow, picking the perfect florae.

  Picking what speaks to them.

  I swallow, and he spins me in his arms, his knuckles sliding under my chin to lift my eyes to his. “Purple was given to you, it’s been good to you, but if you got to choose, what color would you pick?”

  My mouth opens, but nothing comes out, so I shake my head.

  His smile is soft, as are his lips when they brush along mine. “Come on, baby. Let’s go find you.”

  I nod, turning in his arms to find Raven, Maddoc, Royce, and Zoey now standing a few feet ahead of us, a wheelbarrow for us at their feet.

  “Ready?” Raven grins, her belly almost full-grown now.

  I nod, grab Captain’s hand and off we go.

  We needed more than a wheelbarrow.

  Thankfully, the nursery had delivery trucks, which we filled to the brim, but not just me.

  I can say with complete certainty none of the boys have ever been to a nursery before, not that I had either. They went overboard.

  Any and everything Raven, Zoey, or I stopped to look at for more than a second, they snapped their fingers and had someone load up. Eventually, me and Raven shared a look and stopped pausing completely.

  Naturally, they noticed and got mad about it.

  All we did was laugh, though.

  Here we are, four days later, sitting on the back patio looking out at all the added life around the property.

  “So, pink, huh?” Raven turns toward me. “I figured you for more of a... I don’t know, not girly.”

  I laugh, my eyes moving to my garden.

  A large white marble bench with plush black cushions sits in the center, matching stones that lead to the seat trail in front of it, all cased in by bright, florescent pink flowers of every kind.

  “He went a little overboard, didn’t he?” I laugh.

  But Raven only smiles. “Nah. He did good, Vee.”

  I smile, stand, and walk over to the added ‘piece of me,’ as Cap called it.

  He had it built just outside my window, said so I could look out at it anytime I wanted and see something that would forever be mine.

  That’s the part that got me.

  This is my home, my future.

  My purpose.

  All the bad shit along the way had to be to lead me here today. To them.

  To him.

  Any other time, be it sooner or later, and things wouldn’t have happened as they did, Zoey might not be here.

  Everything went as it was supposed to.


  I smile, glancing at Captain over my shoulder.

  He hides something behind his back.

  “Hey.” I grin, spinning to him. “Whatcha got?”

  “It’s not for you.” He tips his head, smiling at me as he brings a dozen white roses around for me to see. He leans in, kissing me softly, but as soon as the kiss deepens, he tugs away.

  “Come with me,” he whispers.

  “I mean, I’m trying, but...” I tease.

  He laughs loudly, throwing his head back and grabs my hand, leading me to the truck. “Later, baby. Promise.”

  I grin, following him. “I thought we were going swimming?”

  “We are when we get home. Just a quick stop.” He opens the doors of his SUV.

  Zoey already sits inside, buckled and ready to go, a small purple bouquet in her grasp. “Rora, look what I have.”

  “Those are so pretty, ZoZo.”

  She smiles, smelling the center of them and looks out the window.

  Captain slides inside, and we’re on the road in seconds.

  Not long into the drive, I realize where we’re going, and then we’re pulling into the Brayshaw cemetery.

  Once we’re parked, the three of us climb out, and Zoey runs right for where she knows Connor Perkins was buried.

  Captain and I catch up, and she waits for him to remove the other set that couldn’t be more than a week old, and quickly places the new ones inside the built-in vase.

  “Hi,” Zoey says. “I bringed some from home today. I hope you like them.”

  I glance at Captain, who wears the softest smile as he stares at his little girl.

  Sensing my stare, he turns to me.

  “Aren’t you going to put those in, too?” I ask him.

  He shakes his head, his knuckles coming up to slide along my cheek. “No, these are for someone else.”

  I watch him curiously as he walks off, but he only makes it a few feet before glancing back in indication for me to follow.

  I grab Zoey’s hand, walking alongside her as we trail Captain about fifty yards over, to a large wall made up of stone and gray swirled marble.

  He stops, turns to me, and lifts Zoey into his arms. He licks his lips, seemingly nervous and hands over the bouquet.

  “Thought you might like to place these ones.”

  He leans forward, kissing my cheek, and Zoey follows, rubbing her nose along mine.

  The two step back, and I watch as they head for the SUV.

  Slowly, my eyes move to the wall in front of me. Right there, in an open square sits a beautiful brass vase, and beneath, a small golden plaque.

  In loving memory of Maria Vega.

  Tears fill my eyes before I can stop them, and my hand comes up to cover my mouth.

  He did this. For me, for him.

  For us.

  With shaky hands I lift the soft white roses and set them inside the holder, stepping back to look over the small cube dedicated solely for her, a place to remember the mother I didn’t know much about, the woman who loved and cared for the little girl we love and will forever care for.

  She was kind, gentle, and never pushed when I continuously pulled away.

  I’d go visit Zoey, and she’d leave us alone, though sometimes I’d catch her recording me, but I never asked her why.

  It was always a little awkward being around her, as if I was supposed to say or ask questions, but for whatever reason I never did.

  Maybe it’s because the man who taught me what it meant to trust ended up being the biggest, most untrustworthy, manipulator of all.

  I guess I didn’t want to find out if she’d end up the same way. It was one of those situations where it was better to assume than know for sure.

  Now, in her passing, I can look at Zoey, at the healthy and strong little girl she is and say the woman who gave birth to me had a hand in making her this way.

  I can remind Zoey of the woman who tucked her in at night when her dad and I couldn’t.

  I reach up, running my fingers along the engraving.

  I will remember you, Maria Vega.

  I make my way back to Captain, who stands outside his SUV, a small smile on his l
ips, eyes soft and bright as he pulls me into his arms, his lips instantly falling to mine.

  He kisses me slow, with such purpose I lose my breath, and I realize in this moment, it was never about this place, and my subconscious knew this all along.

  My drive to stay here, it was all to end up standing right here, right now... with him.

  He is my purpose.

  My home.

  And Zoey, she’ll be our everything.

  “So much, Beauty.”

  I grin against his lips, whispering, “I love you, too, Cap.”


  “Daddy, can we go swim now?!” Zoey calls from the back seat.

  Cap pulls away with a grin, and the two of us climb inside.

  “Of course we can, baby girl.”

  Captain calls his brothers, letting them know we’re on our way back so they’re ready to swim when we get home.

  As we’re pulling onto the property, Captain comes to a stop.

  A girl with short, almost silver-colored hair, is climbing from an old white Camry, staring up at the girl’s Bray House with a scowl... a duffle bag hanging from her hand.

  My mouth drops open, a laugh escaping before I can stop it, and Cap’s eyes fly my way.

  “Holy. Shit.” I laugh again. “He did not.”

  I look to Cap and he frowns.


  I grin, shaking my head and hit the dash. “Get to the house.”


  “Cap, come on. Give it maybe ten minutes.” I raise a bratty brow. “Trust me, this is too good.”

  His eyes narrow farther, and then he scoffs a laugh, lacing his hand in mine as he continues to roll forward. “With my life, baby,” he whispers, kissing my knuckles, right where the single tidal wave tattoo sits, matching the anchor on his.

  I’m the wave, he’s the anchor, and this life is our ocean.

  We get to the house right as the others are opening the gate to the pool.

  I practically skip from the car, a grin I couldn’t hide if I tried.

  Captain chuckles. “Man, it must be good.”

  “Oh, baby, you have no idea. Just wait.”

  He shakes his head with a grin and joins the others, helping Zoey take off her cover-up and into her life jacket.

  He strips down, and my eyes instantly fall to the tattoo now covering the left side of his ribs.

  It’s an anchor splashing into the ocean, wrapped tight in barbed wire, each spike representing a single scar on my stomach. There are forty-two.

  My man said he had to bleed as I did, as many times as I did.

  He catches me staring and winks, jumping right into the water, making a big splash that has Zoey laughing and jumping right after him.

  I smile, my eyes moving to Raven as she drops in the chair beside me, the other two boys hopping in with Cap and Zoey.

  Raven grabs my hand and places it on her belly.

  Right as my skin lands on hers, the baby kicks.

  My eyes fly to hers and she grins, looking to her stomach.

  “Playing basketball,” she whispers.

  “I can’t believe you haven’t found out the sex yet.”

  “I’m not finding out,” she tells me, looking back to the boys.

  My eyes widen. “Why not?”

  “I want to be surprised… like you were,” she says quietly, briefly meeting my eyes, and something inside me settles.


  “But I talked to Maddoc about it, and we did make an appointment.” She smiles at the boys. “Only ‘cause someone else needs to know, needs something for himself… something to help bring him back when I can tell he’s feeling a little lost.”


  She nods, then hits my side with a grin and my eyes fly to the pool.

  All three climb the steps at once, trunks riding nice and low, and at the same time, both Raven and I sigh, chuckles quickly following.

  “That’s a lot of steam for one family.”

  I nod, my eyes grazing over every inch of Captain’s physique. “Yep.”


  The boys prepare to jump in, ready to make a big splash at a smiling Zoey’s request when Royce’s phone rings.

  He darts for it, and I sit forward in my chair, unable to hold in my grin.

  Here we go...

  Cap meets my eyes, nodding his chin and I wink.

  Royce hangs up as quickly as he answers, and what do you know… he starts pacing, running his hands through his hair.

  “Royce?” Raven notices right away.

  He freezes, looking her way, his eyes growing wide as if he’s just been caught and I can’t help it, a loud laugh leaves me.

  His glare is instantly on me and grows deeper by the second.

  That has all eyes shifting to mine, and I only laugh harder.

  “You little shit,” he drags out. “Always a step ahead, huh?”

  “What the hell are we missing?” Maddoc eyes us both.

  “Hey, Raven,” I say, eyes on Royce. “Did you know there was an opening at the Bray House?”

  All eyes fly to Royce.

  Raven frowns, confused. “Nobody moved in after you left, so yeah, I guess. Why?”

  “Spot’s been filled.”

  “Wait, what?” She looks from Royce to me. “By who?”

  I grin, and Royce tries hard to keep his frown in place but ends up laughing.

  “Yeah, VicVee. By who?” He saunters over, acting like he’s ready to share the juice and play along with me, but then I’m scooped into his arms, screaming as he jumps into the pool.

  We pop up, and I splash at him, swimming to the edge as he grins.

  We laugh as I pull myself up to the edge, sitting there soaked, still in my clothes.

  “So.” I hold my hands out teasingly. “You wanna tell them who the new girl is, or should I?” I tilt my head.

  Royce’s smirk is slow.

  And then he drops the bomb they never expected.

  I smile, lean back on my hands and stare as the others gape at their brother.

  I look across my family, a calm in my soul and humor in my eyes.

  Captain hops onto the ledge of the pool beside me, Zoey splashing around near our feet.

  He leans over, kissing my neck and one thing is agreed upon.

  Summer is about to be a whole lot more interesting.

  Four months earlier


  “All right, bro. We’ve been sitting in the same spot for eight hours now and other than a car or two passing, only thing on this entire block that’s made a move is the bird in that tree over there,” Mac says with a chuckle.

  “Fuck, man, I know.” I drop back in the seat of this busted-ass rental car—couldn’t drive my baby out of town without my brothers, or nosy-ass brows would rise, and Mac’s ride wasn’t an option either. “But this is the place. Gotta wait.”

  I look around the open area.

  The homes’ front doors are pushed closer to the curbs, the back yards lining up with each other and wide open, small porches of different kinds attached to each.

  The one I’ve got my eyes on is a plain yellow house with old blinds, a white iron railing and cement steps that carry you down into the grass. There’s some kind of string hanging from the house to a random pole and some broken slab of concrete beneath the windowsill.

  Mac huffs, side-eying me. “Why you gotta make me ask?”

  I chuckle, glancing his way.

  “Tell me why we drove ten hours through the night, to sit on this deserted-ass, quiet little town street and stare at this house.” He raises a brow. “Who lives here?”

  I lick along the clear line of the paper, closing the joint up tight, and roll it between the length of my thumb and pointer finger. I grin, sparking the lighter. “Not happenin’.”

  He doesn’t get mad, though, just laughs and pulls out his phone to check on his girl.

  Most people would dare ask what I didn’t voluntarily share, bu
t he’s my boy, has been for years now, and outside my family, the guy I trust the most.

  He wouldn’t be sittin’ here if he wasn’t.

  I end up smoking this round by myself, putting it out against the fake leather of the armrest with a sigh. “Fuck man, I’m starved.”

  He nods, sitting up. “Let’s go get some food, come back?”

  I lick my lips, thinking.

  My brothers would fuckin’ kill me if I got out in a town across our territory alone, they were trippin’ enough two nights ago when the morning after Maddoc and Raven’s wedding, I told them about this impromptu trip I was taking, but I’ve got hours into this. I’m not wasting that time.

  Gotta fuckin’ eat though.

  I push the door open, stepping out and Mac flies with me.


  “Go get some food and come back.”

  His head tugs back. “You crazy? You want me to leave your ass out here when you won’t even tell me where here is?”

  “I said go.” My eyes narrow. “I’m good. The trouble I’m after here ain’t the kind I need backup for.”

  He eyes me a long moment. “You sure?”

  “Yeah, man. Go find me a fat-ass burrito and some chocolate.”

  He laughs, sliding back into the seat, so I shut the door and pop my head back in.

  “If your brothers call?”

  “If they call, they’ll call me. I’m not ignoring anybody, and I don’t lie to them.”

  “But they don’t know where we are.” He raises a brow.

  “And they won’t ask, ‘cause they know I don’t want to tell ‘em.” I grin. “Get the fuck outta here.”

  He laughs and pulls away as I step into the large open grassy area, headed for an empty bench, and plant my ass against the old splintered wood.

  “Why are you sitting in my backyard staring at my house?”

  I hop right the fuck back up, spinning to glare at the mini-chick raising her brows at me.

  She crosses her arms, popping her hip out as she waits. She can’t be more than, fuck, I don’t know. Five-foot max.

  Fucking tiny.

  Kinda mousy, sunglasses hiding her eyes from me.

  I hop over the bench, pushing toward her while her head falls all the way back so she can see my eyes, but she doesn’t back up.


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