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Praise Him Anyhow - Volume 1

Page 15

by Vanessa Miller

  Joy was one of the finest women he’d seen in a long time, but she was also very damaged. Lance glanced over at the statue on his credenza and he did the only thing he knew to do… he prayed.


  Psalm 13:5-6

  But I have trusted in thy mercy; my heart shall rejoice in thy salvation.

  I will sing unto the Lord, because He hath dealt bountifully with me.

  They traveled from Raleigh to Charlotte for the football game. Joy arrived at the stadium with Renee and Raven, her stepsisters. The two women were twenty-four and twenty-five, respectively. Joy always enjoyed herself whenever they hung out, but she’d never been able to relax and be comfortable in their presence. When her mother had mentioned Dontae’s football game, she made Joy promise to have fun, and that’s exactly what she planned to do.

  “Renee, girl, you must be trying to catch yourself a baller with that short skirt you’re styling tonight,” Joy said as she watched her young sister strut her stuff in four-inch heels and a three-inch skirt.

  “You better know it,” Renee said as she swiveled around so her sisters could check her out. “Dontae better not play me today. We’re at the game in style sitting up in these box seats, so he better bring some of his teammates up here after the game.”

  “And if he does, what are you planning to do with Dontae’s friends?” Ramsey asked as he and Carmella appeared in the open doorway.

  “Daddy, leave Renee alone. If she wants to snag a rich husband, I say go for it,” Raven said. She wasn’t as scantily dressed as her sister, but her style was showing through with the cute little silk sundress she sported. No high heels, just flip flops… the two sisters couldn’t have been more different in their style of dress.

  “That’s my baby-girl; I’ll never leave her alone. Not even when she’s been married for twenty-five years,” Ramsey declared.

  “Thank God I’m not the baby-girl,” Raven said.

  “Oh, the same goes for you,” Carmella told her jokingly. “I’ve seen how protective Ramsey is over you girls. So, just make sure you’re on your best behavior tonight.”

  “That includes you, too, Joy.” Ramsey hugged her and then added, “I know you don’t get out much because you work so hard, so I want you to have fun tonight.” He then squinted his eyes and leaned forward until their foreheads were almost touching. “But I’m watching out for you, too.”

  “Leave these girls alone, Ramsey.” Carmella grabbed his arm. “Come with me over to the food table. I want to see how the caterer set up everything. I might be able to get a few pointers from them.”

  “That’s my wife, always thinking about business,” Ramsey said as he allowed himself to be pulled away from the girls.

  “Hey, I’m just trying to make us millionaires by the time you retire.”

  “Carmella, it will be another decade before I retire, so I’m going to need you to become a multi-millionaire in that timeframe. After being a principal for all these years, I’m going to need to rest my mind in Hawaii, Germany, France, and London.”

  “Don’t forget about Italy and Paris… that’s where I want to go,” Carmella reminded him.

  “Baby, I would take you around the world and back,” Ramsey said just before kissing Carmella.

  “Get a room already,” Ramsey Jr. said as he and his younger brother, Ronny entered the box.

  Ramsey, senior would not be deterred; he held onto Carmella, planted a kiss on her forehead and told the group. “I can kiss my woman anywhere and anytime I feel like it. I keep telling you, boy… that’s the privilege of marriage. Get some of that in your life and then come talk to me.”

  Junior waved away that comment. “Go head on somewhere with that. I’m only twenty-seven,” he said while popping his collar. “I’m too young to settle down.”

  The boys went over to where Joy and their two sisters were seated. “Hey, who invited our parents to the game?” Ronny asked.

  “Tell me about it,” Joy said. “I’ll have to have a talk with Dontae. The next time he wants to hook us up with some box seats… no parents allowed.

  The game had begun, but Joy wasn’t paying it any attention, because the moment she said, ‘no parents allowed’ her father and his concubine stepped into the box.

  Nelson walked over to Carmella and Ramsey, Jasmine was two steps behind him. There was sadness in Nelson’s eyes at he looked at the way Ramsey held onto Carmella. Playing it off, he held out a hand to Ramsey and said, “Thanks for inviting us. I’m thrilled to be able to watch Dontae play ball with all of you.”

  “We are happy to have you. And more importantly, Dontae will be very happy that you’re here,” Ramsey told him as he stood about a foot taller than Nelson, in spirit and body.

  “Yes, I’m thankful for that,” Nelson said.

  There was a bit of humbleness to Nelson that Carmella hadn’t seen in a long time. She prayed that the Lord was working on his heart. “I’m glad you could join us tonight, Nelson.” She looked to Jasmine who was standing behind him, looking everywhere but at them. “I hope you enjoy the game, Jasmine,” was all Carmella said to her. She wasn’t interested in lying, so she said as little as possible to the woman.

  “I’m sure I will,” Jasmine said as she grabbed hold of Nelson’s hand. “Come on, Nelson. Let’s take a seat so we can watch the game.”

  Nelson let her hand go. As he turned and walked away, he looked like a man who was already in prison, rather than one awaiting trial.

  Joy stood up and stomped over to Carmella. “What are they doing here?” She demanded of her mother as she stood in front of her and Ramsey, with her back to her father.

  Calmly, Carmella said, “I told you that your brother wanted all the family here tonight.”

  Crossing her arms over her chest in protest, Joy said, “You didn’t tell me that Daddy was included.”

  “He is part of the family, Joy. And it’s important to Dontae to have him here.”

  Joy couldn’t care less how loud she was as she said, “I don’t understand you, Mother. Doesn’t it bother you that this man—” she swung around to point at her father, when out of the side of her eye she saw Lance entering the box. He was holding the arm of a beautiful Nia Long look alike with the same stylish short cut and voluptuous body that Nia Long is famous for. The fashionista had on a pair of thirteen-hundred dollar Bianca Spikes with the red outer sole by Christian Louboutin. Joy knew how much the shoes cost, because she had been stalking them online, waiting for a pair to show up on eBay so that she would be able to afford them on her Assistant DA salary.

  “Thank you for showing me to our box,” the fashionista said to Lance as she let go of his arm and strutted into the box and down to the front where she promptly took the front row seat as if this was her world and everyone else was blessed to have her in it. “Who does she think she is?” Joy mumbled, but inwardly she was also asking herself who the woman was to Lance.

  “I think that’s her,” Carmella whispered to Ramsey.

  Joy turned back toward them and asked, “You know her?”

  “I think she’s the woman Dontae has been dating. He wanted all of us to meet her tonight,” Carmella said.

  “Well, she doesn’t seem all that interested in meeting us. The only person she even looked at was Lance Bryant and he isn’t even a member of our family.”

  Carmella’s head swiveled toward the handsome Boris Kodjoe-looking man who was standing in the entryway. “Is that the young man you work with?”

  “I don’t work with him, Mother. He is the defense attorney who is handling Dad’s case, remember?”

  “I think he’s looking over here at you,” Carmella said, “Let’s go over there so you can introduce me to him.”

  “I’ll pass. I’d rather go talk to the movie star who just walked in.” Joy walked over to the mystery lady, curious to discover if she was Dontae’s girlfriend or someone Lance was dating.

  Joy sat down next to the woman and stuck out her hand. “Hi, I’m Joy. So, ar
e you hanging with the family tonight?”

  Instead of taking her hand, the woman reached out and hugged Joy. “Oh my goodness, you’re just as beautiful as Dontae said.”

  Taken aback by the affectionate way in which this woman greeted her, Joy leaned away from her a bit as she said, “I’m sorry, but Dontae hasn’t told me your name.” Or anything else about you, Joy wanted to add but didn’t. What was her brother up to?

  “It’s my fault,” the woman said, “I should have introduced myself, but I was so anxious to get to my seat and watch Dontae play that I forgot my manners.” Now she held out a hand to Joy, “My name is Tory Michaels. Dontae and I are dating.”

  “So you’re the big surprise that Dontae had planned for all of us tonight?” Joy was starting to feel bad about the way she had approached Tory. She obviously was very important to Dontae for him to arrange a party of sorts, just so his family could meet her. Deep down Joy knew that she had been less than charitable towards Tory because Tory walked into the room with her hand on Lance. But why did that bother her? Was she really falling for Lance Bryant? No… Lance was the enemy, and he would stay that way if she had anything to say about it.

  Dontae had the ball and he was running for a touchdown. So Joy turned her thoughts away from Lance and toward the field. Tory was on her feet, shouting, “Go Dontae, go… show ‘em what you’re made of.”

  “He can’t hear you all the way up here, Tory,” Joy told her.

  “Touchdown!” Tory screamed her excitement, then as she tried to calm it down, she sat back down next to Joy. “I just get so excited when I watch him play. My Daddy used to play the game. Actually, the reason Dontae and I met in the first place is because I was loudly cheering his team during one of his first games with the Saints.”

  “Do you live in Louisiana?”

  “Born and raised.”

  Joy was beginning to like this woman. She seemed interested in Dontae’s career and was being supportive. Joy could roll with this… Her brother had someone to share his life with, and she was happy for him. “Come on Tory, let me introduce you to everyone.”

  The two women stood and Joy began taking Tory around the room, introducing her to everyone. Carmella and Ramsey hugged Tory, Raven asked if she could borrow her shoes, Ronny asked if he could have her number. They all laughed at that, because everyone knew Ronny was just joking. He and Dontae didn’t grow up as brothers, but they had quickly formed a bond once Carmella and Ramsey married.

  Ramsey Junior was laid back as usual with his one handed salute. But Renee took the cake. She pulled Tory to the side and asked, “I like athletes, too. Can you give me some pointers on how to land one of these players?”

  “Girl, pay my little sister no mind,” Joy said, without even giving a thought to the fact that she had just acknowledged Renee as her sister.

  “Don’t worry, Dontae already explained to me how colorful his family is,” Tory said. She then pointed in Lance’s direction and asked, “The man sitting with Lance, is that your dad?”

  Joy had been avoiding that side of the room ever since her father and Jasmine walked in. She wasn’t prepared to go over there and make nice, so she stalled by asking Tory, “How is it that you know Lance?”

  Tory put her hand against her mouth as a low giggle escaped. “These shoes may look great, but I almost broke my neck trying to walk here in them. Lance caught me before I fell, and then allowed me to hold onto his arm once we realized we were headed in the same direction.”

  Joy glanced in Lance’s direction. He was engrossed in conversation with her father. Nelson said something to him and then Lance leaned his head back and burst out laughing. They were a few feet away, but Joy could still see his dimples.

  “He said that he works for your father,” Tory continued.

  “What, huh?” Joy hoped that she hadn’t been caught staring at Lance. What was the matter with her? She needed to get her head back in the game. “Oh, yeah, he’s dad’s attorney. Come on, let me take you over there so you can meet Dontae’s father.”

  “Oh, I didn’t know that you and Dontae didn’t have the same father.” The look on Tory’s face was one of confusion.

  Joy said, “It’s complicated.” They walked over to her father and Joy made the introductions.

  After the introductions, Lance stood up and said, “Can I speak to you for a moment, Joy?”

  She wanted to say ‘no’ and then ask him not to bother her anymore. But Lance had been bringing out feelings that she had long ago suppressed. Joy needed to discover what kind of hold the man had on her. “Let’s step into the hall.” Joy walked away from everyone without looking back. She waited in the hall for Lance to join her.

  When he came out into the hall, Lance took one look at Joy and asked, “Do you ever feel ashamed of the way you act?”

  “Excuse me?” Joy thought Lance had wanted to talk to her about his feelings for her. She never imagined that she was going out there for a lecture.

  “Well, your name is Joy, but I’ve never seen so much as a smile on your face since I met you.”

  “That’s not fair. It’s not my fault that my father makes me angry.”

  Lance wasn’t letting her get around her issues. “What your father did to make you angry may not be your fault, but the way you’ve dealt with it certainly is. You won’t even give your father a chance and all he wants is to be a part of your life.”

  Joy was simply tired of trying to make right what had gone so terribly wrong. She put her hands on her hips and came back with, “He has the woman he wanted in his life. She’s always around… we can’t have a family event without her showing up. He can’t even go to work without her sitting in the courtroom stalking him.”

  “What are you talking about? Nelson didn’t tell me that Jasmine sits in the courtroom while he’s working.”

  “Didn’t you see her that day I tried to get him recused from my case?”

  Lance shook his head.

  “Well she was there and she even came looking for me after court… she didn’t appreciate that I was making her man look bad or some other nonsense like that.”

  “Go, Dontae, go,” they heard Tory scream.

  Joy imagined the look on Tory’s face as she cheered Dontae on. Suddenly, she wished she had someone in her corner… someone to cheer her on. “If you’re done telling me how awful I am, I think I’d like to go back in and watch my brother play.”

  Lance appeared to be a million miles away, thinking about something else. He looked back at her and said, “Okay, but can I ask you something first?”

  Tory was still yelling, rooting Dontae towards another touchdown. Joy put her hands on her hips. “What?”

  Before he could get a word out, Carmella scream, “Oh Lord Jesus, NO!”

  From the sound of her mother’s voice, Joy knew that whatever had just happened was all bad. She took her hands off her hips and stepped back into the box. Tory was holding her hands over her eyes and Carmella was on her knees with hands steepled. There were looks of shock all around the room as the announcer’s voice streamed through the room. “Aw, folks. That had to hurt. I’m not sure if he’s getting up from that.”

  Joy turned toward the field. Two big burly football players were getting up off the ground. Another player was still lying on the ground, holding the ball, but he wasn’t moving. “Is that Dontae?” Joy asked.

  Everyone just kept looking at the field. A stretcher arrived on the field.

  Nelson jumped up and ran over to Carmella. He grabbed hold of her hand, pulling her off of her knees. “Come on, Carmella. We need to get down there and see about our son.”

  Carmella got up and followed behind Nelson as they made their way to the field.

  Joy turned toward her stepfather and asked, “What is he talking about, Ramsey? What happened to Dontae?” Her voice was louder now… demanding an answer.

  Ramsey walked over to Joy, putting his arm on her shoulder. “Calm down, Joy. He is going to be all right.” />
  She backed away from Ramsey, shaking her head. “Don’t tell me to calm down. What happened to my brother?” Joy’s heart was beating fast. Dontae was being placed on a stretcher, but he still wasn’t moving. She had experienced so many losses in her life that she just couldn’t deal with one more sorrow… one more pain. If her brother didn’t recover from the blow he’d just received, then Joy didn’t know if she would recover.

  Tory got out of her seat, an anxious look on her face. “I can’t just sit here. I’m going down to the field to see what’s going on with Dontae.”

  “That’s a good idea,” Ramsey said, trying to be the calming force in the room. “Why don’t we all head on down, so we can figure out what’s going on.”

  Everyone began filing out of the room. Joy took two deep breaths and followed behind Ramsey as they walked out of the room.

  As Joy attempted to walk past him, Lance pulled her into his arms and held on tight. “I’m sorry this is happening, Joy. I will be praying for you and your brother.”

  Prayer… It sounded good, but when does it ever work? Joy was at her wits’ end and trusting God just wasn’t on her agenda.


  Psalm 66:18-20

  If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me:

  But verily God hath heard me; he hath attended to the voice of my prayer.

  Blessed be God, which hath not turned away my prayer, nor his mercy from me.

  Joy was beside herself as she sat in the hospital waiting for the doctor to come out and tell them how Dontae’s surgery went. This was supposed to be a night filled with family and fun. But Dontae’s concussion had ruined all of that. The doctors said the hit shook his brain and knocked him out cold for several minutes. But that hadn’t been the worst of it. When Dontae finally came to and tried to stand up, the scream he let out as he grabbed hold of his knee and fell to the ground, told them that something was terribly wrong.


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