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Journey to Hope

Page 3

by J. P. Bowie

  “Hungry?” Jaz looked up at him, his tail wagging, his tongue hanging out. “Stupid question, huh.” He filled Jaz’s bowl with chow and freshened up his water. He looked up on hearing the clatter of boots in the hall.

  “Mornin’.” Josh looked rested. He’d obviously had a better night’s sleep than Brett. “Thought I’d shower after you put me through my paces,” he said, grinning.

  Brett nodded, his gaze sweeping over the tight jeans Josh was wearing that defined his muscular thighs and the enticing bulge behind his fly. The loose black and white checked shirt did nothing to hide the fact that Josh was built. God, but he is one fine-looking dude, even this early in the morning. “Slept well?”

  “Like a log. Best night’s sleep I’ve had in a long time.”

  “Good. Coffee’s almost done. Black, right?”

  “Right, no sugar. So, what’s first on the agenda?”

  Brett grabbed two mugs and set them on the counter. He filled them with delicious-smelling coffee then pushed one mug towards Josh. “First we’ll let the horses out to exercise. I’m keeping one, Missy, in the corral. She’s about two weeks away from foaling.”

  “Oh, that’s not something I’ve ever seen.”

  “You’ll get to help,” Brett told him. “Missy’s had three foals before this one and she likes the company. Some mares don’t, but she’s a people horse. Then we’ll feed the chickens and collect the eggs.”

  “Cool.” Josh smiled. “I’m kinda lookin’ forward to this. It feels good to be here.”

  Brett chuckled. “Hope you’re still saying that at the end of the day.”

  “Uh, Brett…” Josh’s face clouded briefly. “I have to call my parole officer this morning and set up a time for an appointment. I have to see him every week at whatever time he stipulates. I hope that’s okay.”

  “Of course it’s okay. Can’t have you in trouble soon as you get here.”

  “Thanks. Uh, also, he’ll have to let the local sheriff know where I’m workin’.”

  Brett nodded. “No problem. As a matter of fact, the sheriff, Joel Harper, is a buddy of mine. I’ll make sure he knows you’re not holding me at gunpoint. Sorry,” he added, seeing Josh wince slightly, “that was dumb of me.”

  “It’s okay.” Josh forced a smile to his face. “I have to learn to get the joke without getting all over-sensitive.”

  For a moment they gazed at one another from opposite sides of the kitchen counter. A frisson of sexual need coasted down Brett’s spine and his cock hardened inside his jeans. He shivered as the realisation that he wanted Josh swept over him. His hand trembled as he raised his coffee mug to his lips, hoping to hide the way they had parted as if preparing for Josh’s kiss.

  Get thee behind me, Satan…wait, that’s not exactly the way to be thinking… He gulped at his coffee then cleared his throat.

  “Okay. Let’s get a start. C’mon, Jaz.”

  Josh hesitated for only a moment then followed Brett and Jaz outside. Jeez, but it was like he could feel the sexual tension between them like a jolt between his legs, and if he wasn’t mistaken, he’d seen the outline of a definite bulge at Brett’s crotch when he’d turned to leave. Okay, so they wanted one another, but just how clever would it be to act on it? If it turned sour fast, where would that leave him…them? Best to just act like nothing’s going to happen. But, oh boy, I’d love to fuck that sweet-looking ass.

  “I got the vet coming out later today to take a look at Missy,” Brett told him as they walked side by side to the barn. “I think everything’s okay, but this close to the foaling it’s a good idea to get his expert opinion. I’d hate to lose her or her baby. I have a buyer for them when it’s over.”

  “That’s great,” Josh said, trying to concentrate on Brett’s words rather than the fact their arms brushed against each other as they walked. Once their fingers accidentally touched and Brett made a big deal of suddenly moving away, bending to rub Jaz’s ears. Just great…

  He watched as Brett unlocked the barn doors then he helped him swing them open. “This is Hoss,” Brett said, stopping at the first stall to stroke and pet the horse’s muzzle.

  “Hoss?” Josh repeated with a certain incredulity.

  Brett chuckled. “My dad got him for me. He was a big Bonanza fan, so I couldn’t really argue too much. I wanted to call him Lightning, but Hoss he is.”

  “He looks more like Lightning,” Josh admired the animal’s sleek white coat.

  “You ride, right?” Brett asked

  “It’s been a while, but yes, before—you know.”

  “Okay, so when we go riding, you’ll have Little Joe over here.” Brett laughed lightly at Josh’s expression. “I know, Dad’s idea again, but this was his horse. He was riding him the day before he died, so he’s kinda special…”

  “Oh, wow,” Josh reached out to stroke the horse’s soft muzzle. “You sure about this?”

  “Yes, he needs a rider now and then, and Hoss gets jealous when I take Little Joe out instead of him.”

  Josh chuckled. “Think you treat your animals like kids.”

  “You could be right about that. It sometimes hurts when I have to sell one of ’em, even though that’s what I’m raising them for. Okay, let’s get goin’. We still have the eggs to collect after we tend to the horses, and Will’s truck will be here in about an hour to pick up what we got.”

  Brett strode over to one of the other stalls and grabbed a halter off a hook on the wall. “This here’s Missy, my beautiful and very pregnant prize,” he said as he slipped the halter over the mare’s chestnut head, emblazoned with a white blaze that ran from between her ears to just short of her muzzle. “This little darling and her offspring is gonna lift Hope Ranch almost out of debt. So, as you can imagine, I want nothing to go wrong between now and when she foals.” He opened the gate and led Missy out of her stall.

  “She is beautiful,” Josh said, stroking the mare’s neck as she came level with him. “Who’s the stud?”

  Brett met Josh’s eyes for a moment before he turned and pointed at a black stallion on the other side of the barn. “Cesar,” he said. “He’s a bit on the mean side, but my dad said he was the best investment he’d ever made.” He turned to face Josh again. “So he gets star treatment—like a stud should.”

  Was it Josh’s imagination or was Brett really flirting with him? Not merely flirting, opening up—making it quite clear to him he was interested. God, but he’d love to… Once again the atmosphere was filled with sexual tension, dispelled only when Brett tugged on Missy’s halter and led her from the barn.

  For a moment Josh was frozen to the spot, fixated on the gentle sway of Brett’s ass between his narrow hips. Sweat popped up on his forehead as he imagined himself ripping those jeans off Brett and burying his face into the man’s butt crack, laving with his tongue what he knew would be one small, tight, sweet-tasting pucker.

  Jesus. He was so hard he felt dizzy. Get a fuckin’ grip on yourself, asshole, he thought wildly, stumbling forward to follow Brett, before the guy thinks you’re retarded.

  Chapter Three

  For the next three hours or so, Josh tried to push all carnal thoughts from his mind as Brett took him through the daily chores they would share. Once Missy was safely corralled and they’d led the other horses out to the verdant pasture land to graze and exercise, Brett led him over to the chicken coops. A raucous clucking and flapping of wings greeted them when Brett opened up the first coop.

  Brett pointed out the various aspects of the coops—the feeders, the areas where the hens liked to nest, the extra reinforcements to keep out predators.

  “We don’t have much in the way of coyotes, but rats and squirrels can be a pain, getting at the eggs, if they can.”

  “Wow.” Josh studied one he’d picked up “These are big eggs.”

  “Yeah, these Rhode Island chicks lay nice big brown ones. Favourite with most folks.” He handed Josh a corrugated container. “Okay, we fill these up then lay them on that
shelf over there. Looks like they’ve been busy,” Brett added with satisfaction.

  Josh started out handling the eggs delicately, but then he saw how fast Brett was going and immediately felt inept. He grunted with impatience and Brett laughed.

  “You’ll get the hang of it. They’re not as fragile as you think.”

  “I didn’t realise I had such fat fingers till now.”

  “You don’t…just feels that way.” Brett glanced down at Josh’s hands. “You have real nice…uh… Right, that’s it. See, you’re picking up speed.”

  Josh gave him a sideways look and didn’t miss the slight pink that had spread over Brett’s cheeks. A loud honking sound from near the gates had Brett brushing past him.

  “That’ll be Will for the eggs. He’s early.”

  Was that relief in Brett’s voice? There had been that unmistakable tension in the air again. Maybe we just have to get used to each other…being close like this. He carried on filling the containers with eggs, aware of the sound of voices outside the coop.

  “Hey, Josh, come out here and meet Will,” Brett called.

  Will was a blond fresh-faced kid in his teens wearing dungarees over a plaid shirt. He held out a hand shyly to Josh as he stepped out of the coop.

  “Nice to meet you, sir.”


  Brett chuckled. “Will picks up for me every day and drops the eggs off at his dad’s grocery store in Denton. We’re not quite through, Will. Wanna give us a hand?”


  “Josh, if you’ll finish up in there, Will can help me in the other coop.”

  “Okay.” Josh opened the coop door then watched as Brett and Will walked away, Brett’s hand on Will’s shoulder, Will looking up at Brett as though he were a god.

  “Oh, boy…” Josh shrugged and went back inside to finish collecting all the eggs.

  * * * *

  “That kid’s in love with you,” Josh said after they’d carefully stacked the egg containers on the back of Will’s flatbed and Will had driven away.

  “What?” Brett looked at him like he had three heads.

  “Puppy love…but he thinks the sun shines right out of your…uh…your eyes.”

  “You were going to say my ass, weren’t you?”

  “Well, I shouldn’t be talking that way to my boss, but, uh…yeah, I was.”

  Brett laughed. “Will’s seventeen. I’ve known his family since I was a kid. I’m like ten years older than him. He just looks at me like a big brother, or something.”

  “It’s the something I’m talkin’ about.” Josh grinned at Brett. “You mean you haven’t noticed the way he looks at you like you’re hot stuff.”

  “Yeah, now you’ve brought it to my attention, I guess I’ve noticed he’s been staring at me a lot recently. But he’s just a kid, and—wait a minute. You saying I’m not hot stuff?”

  Josh swallowed the laugh that had threatened to erupt from him.

  Shit, you shouldn’t be talkin’ like this to him your first day on the job. Piss him off, and where’s it gonna land you?

  “No, not at all…”

  “So, you think I am hot stuff?”


  Brett didn’t even attempt to hide his laughter. “Sorry,” he said, hooting, “but you should see your face.” He slapped Josh on the shoulder. “Just as well there aren’t any other people around. This could be seen as sexual harassment in the workplace!”

  Josh grinned weakly, but before he could say anything the sound of a car engine pervaded the air.

  Christ, this place is like Grand Central Station. Who the hell now? He followed Brett’s gaze to the gates where a red SUV was just entering.

  “Oh, it’s Doc Walker, the vet,” Brett said, striding away. “Good, he can put my mind at rest that everything’s okay with Missy.”

  Josh took off after Brett following him over to the corral where they waited for the vet, a tall man with salt and pepper hair and a ready smile.

  “Hi, Doc.” Brett greeted the older man easily. “This is Josh, my brand new hand. Josh, Doc Walker.”

  “Pleased to meet you,” Josh said, taking the vet’s proffered hand.

  “Good to meet you. Brett could do with some help around here.” Walker glanced over at Missy. “Everything okay so far?”

  “That’s what I’m hoping you’ll tell me.” Brett opened the corral gate and stepped aside to let Walker enter. Missy whinnied softly at their approach, but stood still while Walker checked her over.

  “She’s looking good, Brett. Her vulva’s starting to stretch just a bit, but I’d say she’s still a good two, three weeks away.” He passed his hands over her belly. “Teats are extending just like they should.”

  “I’ve been checking her every day,” Brett said.

  “She looks great. I can see you love your horses. Nothing to worry about here. No swelling in the legs, no sign of oedema. First rate, really. You’ll have a good healthy foal in a couple of weeks.”

  Josh didn’t miss the little sigh of relief that escaped Brett’s lips. “I think I’ve got two more, but just starting.”

  “Cesar’s been busy,” Walker said, chuckling.

  “Yeah, he’s a champion stud.” Brett grinned. “And he knows it too.”

  “So, good news, yes?” Josh said as they watched Walker drive off.

  “Yes.” Brett stroked Missy’s muzzle. “She’s been a lifesaver for the ranch over the years. I’d hate to see anything go wrong, ’specially this time.”

  Josh put his hand lightly on Brett’s shoulder. “Want to talk about it?”

  Brett met Josh’s concerned gaze. “Let’s have some lunch. Soul-baring should be done on a full belly.”

  “Really?” Josh grinned. “Who said that?”

  “I did. C’mon. I’ve got some fresh ham and cheese that’ll make a great sandwich. Fancy a cold beer?”

  “Sounds good.”

  As they made their way towards the house, Josh didn’t take his hand off Brett’s shoulder and Brett didn’t pull away until they mounted the porch steps. There they stopped to remove their boots as per Mrs Thomason’s instructions.

  Brett pulled the screen door open and stepped inside, holding the door for Josh. “So how does it feel so far? Your first morning as a ranch hand, I mean.”

  “Feels good.” He glanced at his watch. “Uh, I should make that call to the parole officer, but I really want to hear what’s troubling you.”

  “Nothing’s troubling me, Josh.” Brett’s smile seemed a little forced, but he turned away at that moment and headed for the fridge. “Here, have a beer and make your call. I’ll start on the sandwiches.”

  “Thanks.” Josh took the can Brett handed him. “The number’s in my room. Won’t be long…”

  Brett busied himself getting lunch ready. He already knew he’d made the right decision in hiring Josh. The man had a difficult past. Although he reckoned Josh was a pretty strong character, being wrongly accused and spending time for something he didn’t do had to have left bitterness in his heart. Yet there he’d been, ready to listen to Brett’s problems—as if they could compare. Financial setbacks could be resolved eventually, but what Josh had endured would always be a part of his life.

  He’d like to try and ease some of that bitterness, but was it a good idea to get too close to Josh? He was so darned attractive, so ruggedly handsome. Brett had already imagined what it would feel like to be naked, pressed to Josh’s hard chest, wrapped in those muscled arms, kissing his lips, feeling Josh’s hard cock sliding over his. God. The arousal inside his jeans ached and his hands visibly trembled as he tried to concentrate on making their sandwiches. He slathered mayonnaise on the slices of bread, but left the mustard to one side. Maybe Josh doesn’t like mustard.

  “Okay, that’s all done. The guy sounds fairly pleasant.”

  Josh’s deep voice coming so near made Brett jump slightly, very aware that the man he’d been fantasising about, lusting over, was now standin
g a hairsbreadth from him. He could feel the warmth radiating from Josh’s body, doing nothing to stop even more blood racing to his groin. Goddammit.

  “You like mustard?” To his ears, his voice sounded more like a croaky frog’s than a man’s.

  “Love it. You okay?” Josh asked.

  “Yeah, fine.” He handed the mustard bottle to Josh. “Here, add as much as you like. So, what did the parole guy say?”

  “Uh… I have to put aside one hour every week to visit him in his office. He wants to have the first appointment tomorrow morning. It’s in Sacramento, so I hope that’s okay with you.”

  “Of course it is.”

  “He also said I’m in Sheriff Harper’s jurisdiction, so to expect a visit from him at some point.”

  “That’s no problem. Like I said, Joel’s a friend of mine.” He started to open the fridge door to get a beer for himself, but Josh got in his way, his big hand covering Brett’s.

  “You’re upset about something,” Josh murmured, standing so close, his breath warmed Brett’s cheek. “Are you having second thoughts about hiring me, what with this parole stuff and the Sheriff?”

  “No.” He turned to face Josh and their eyes met, their mouths now only inches apart. “I’m very glad you’re here.”

  “Good.” Josh slid one hand behind Brett’s neck and squeezed gently. Brett leant forward and brushed his lips over Josh’s who reacted by drawing in a quick breath. Was he startled by the kiss? Wasn’t it what he wanted as much as Brett did?

  “I—I’m sorry,” Brett whispered. “I thought…”

  “You thought right,” Josh murmured. “It’s just that I haven’t been kissed by another guy in so long I’d forgotten just how great it feels.”

  Brett smiled and wrapped his arms around Josh’s neck. “It can feel even better.” He moved in, taking Josh’s lips more firmly this time, running his tongue into the crease between the warm, soft flesh, pushing lightly for entrance. They both gasped as their tongues slid over one another, the slick heat of Josh’s mouth sending ripples of desire zipping through Brett’s body. There was only one way for this to go, and it would have right then if Jaz hadn’t chosen that moment to get in the mix.


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