Book Read Free

Journey to Hope

Page 7

by J. P. Bowie

  “Want to take this further?” Brett asked, a gleam of desire in his eyes.

  “It’s the middle of the afternoon,” Josh said, feeling he had to mention the fact they should get on with the chores.

  “It was the middle of the day first time we did it.” The gleam in Brett’s eyes intensified, and he reached out to caress the bulge in Josh’s jeans.

  “I know I shouldn’t deny my employer anything he asks, but isn’t there work to be done around here?”

  “You’re right.” Brett pushed out his lower lip in an imitation of a pretty pout. “I just wanted to say thank you for my shirt in a fitting manner.”

  Josh grinned at him. “You’ll get your chance later. Now, I gotta get my work clothes on and stow this stuff away. Where will you be?”

  “Watching you take your clothes off—kidding!” he said, chuckling, when Josh narrowed his eyes at him. “I’ll be over at the barn getting it ready for bedding down the horses.”

  Josh nodded. “I’ll be there in a few then. I’ll take your shirt in, put it in your room, okay?”

  “Yeah, and thanks again. I’ll wear it tonight after I shower.”

  * * * *

  Brett waited another day before telling Josh what was planned for Sunday. He knew he would refuse to go at first, and he figured he knew the reasons why. Eight years internment for something he didn’t do was bound to make the guy gun-shy and ill at ease in strangers’ company.

  Thing was, Brett wasn’t about to let him refuse to go. He’d already called Will and asked him to come over and look after the place while they were gone. He was pretty sure he could eventually convince Josh to go with him. If not, well… Hell no! There are no ‘if nots’—he’s goin’!

  They were almost at the end of the first week of Josh and him working together, and as far as Brett was concerned, it was going great. Josh worked hard, learnt fast and, most importantly in Brett’s mind, he really had a way with the animals. He’d seen that first with Jaz, how the dog followed Josh around as much as he did Brett.

  Just as well I’m not the jealous kind…

  He interacted well with Missy and the other horses. Even Cesar seemed to not mind Josh brushing him down or slipping a halter on when needed. Now, if he could just get him to relax around other people, namely his friends, Brett was sure it would go a long way to help Josh slip into a life that would eventually help him forget the years of incarceration. Well, probably not forget, but at least help erase some of the bitterness he knew still lingered in Josh’s mind.

  * * * *

  They were in the barn doing the major chore of the day, cleaning out the stalls and refreshing the hay and oats. “By the way…” Brett paused and leaned on his rake, figuring this was as good a time as any to let Josh know about Royce’s invitation. “We’ve been asked over to Royce and Parker’s place tomorrow for a barbecue.”


  “Yes, we—you and me.”

  “But I don’t know these guys.”

  “That’s how you get to know them, Josh, by meeting them first.”

  Josh threw him an irritated glare. “I know that, but I really don’t think I’m ready for socialising with your friends.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because…uh, because… Shit, I’m just not ready, that’s all.”

  “Because you’re afraid they already have preconceived ideas about you,” Brett said. He put aside his rake and walked over to where Josh was spreading fresh straw in Cesar’s stall. He put his hand lightly on Josh’s shoulder. “Look at me, Josh.”

  Sighing, Josh turned to meet Brett’s gaze. “You have to understand something about me, Brett,” he said quietly. “I haven’t had a decent interaction with anyone since my dad died five years ago. The time I spent in prison I was a loner for the simple reason I couldn’t trust a soul. You’re the first person I’ve opened up to in so long that, quite frankly, it’s been something of a miracle to me that it’s happened. But your friends? I don’t know that I could stand the scrutiny or the easy judgement they’ve most likely already made about me.”

  “No, Josh.” Brett stroked his cheek gently. “My friends aren’t like that. Royce is…”

  “An attorney, I know you told me, and your other friend is the sheriff, who if I am not mistaken has talked to Royce and passed on his opinion of you hiring me. They’re checkin’ up on me is all, Brett.”

  “You’re probably right about that, but that’s good, isn’t it?” Brett said earnestly. “They’ll get to meet you and they’ll see what a great guy you are.”

  “Yeah, right,” Josh grunted.

  “They will, Josh, trust me.”

  “I do trust you, Brett, but I’ve already met Sheriff Harper if you recall, and he was not happy I was your new hire.”

  “Okay, let me put it this way.” Brett’s smile was tinged with a mischievous gleam in his eyes. “If we go over to Royce and Parker’s place, we can say ‘hi’, go through the niceties, have a burger and a beer then leave. Coupla hours at the most. If we don’t go, I just know Royce will instigate some kind of visit over here that might end up with them staying for hours and hours. We might have a helluva time getting rid of them. See my point?”

  “Or I could just make myself scarce while they’re here,” Josh said. He sighed again, then placed his hands on Brett’s shoulders. “But—and I’m only doing this for you—I guess I can stand a couple of hours letting them see I’m not some freak you should have never have given the time of day to, never mind a job—and a home.”

  “Aw, Josh.” Brett stepped into Josh’s hard embrace and buried his face in the warmth of his neck. “They’ll like you,” he whispered. “I know they will, and everything will be just fine.”

  Josh tensed. “Wait, we both can’t be away from the ranch at the same time. What about if something happens to Missy or…”

  Brett chuckled. “Nice try, Josh. I already called Will. He’ll stay with Jaz till we get back.”

  “That was sneaky,” Josh muttered, but kissed Brett’s lips gently. “So sure you could get me to go, were you?”

  “Pretty sure. My next move was to threaten withholding sex.”

  Josh snorted. “Yeah, like that would happen. How long have I known you? Six days, and we’ve had sex more times than I can ever remember having in— ever.”

  “But it was all good, wasn’t it?” Brett nuzzled Josh’s chin with his lips.

  “Yeah…” He tightened his arms round Brett’s lean body. “It was all good—better than good.”

  “Well, then…” Brett chuckled lightly. “Just think what you’d be missing.”

  Chapter Seven

  Josh was quiet as Brett drove them through the pine tree-lined road that led to Royce and Parker’s ranch. He wasn’t exactly nervous, more apprehensive of how this day might affect his and Brett’s friendship. Eight years ago he would have looked forward to a barbecue, meeting new guys, perhaps making new friends. But so much had happened in the interim to make him distrust people in general that he had no illusions about how this afternoon would go.

  But for Brett’s sake he’d try to make the best of it. He was touched by the fact that Brett was wearing the shirt he’d bought for him. He really is a sweet guy… “Why’d they call it the Seven Plus ranch?” he asked as they passed under the arched sign at the entrance.

  “Why d’you think?” Brett gave him a wink.

  “You’re kidding. They actually named it for…for…?”

  “For what?” Brett laughed out loud. “They started with seven horses, and the plus is about the additions they’ll make as time goes by.”

  “Oh.” Josh shook his head. “You had me thinking that it meant—never mind.”

  Brett hooted. “And you say I have a dirty mind. Shame on you, Josh Kenyon.”

  “I should’ve known you were lyin’.”

  “Well, I just wanted to lighten you up a little. You were too damn quiet.”

  “Sorry.” Josh stroked Brett’s thigh. “I won
’t be a bear, but…”

  “It’ll be fine.” Brett laid his hand over Josh’s. “Just let me know when you want to leave, and we will. I promise. Nice-looking place, huh?” he added as they swung round a curve in the driveway and a stucco and timber ranch-style house came into view.

  “Beautiful,” Josh murmured. “These guys must have bucks to build a place like that.”

  “Well, Royce’s dad gave them the land and they contracted most of the work themselves,” Brett told him. “So they saved a few that way.” He pulled the truck up in front of the house. “Royce is quite the interior designer, as you’ll see,” he added as they climbed out of the truck.

  “Hi, guys!”

  Josh saw a tall, blond-haired man approaching, a big smile of greeting on his handsome face. This must be Royce. Good-lookin’ dude…

  “Hi Royce!” Brett was wrapped up in a bear hug and lifted off his feet. The two men laughed, their foreheads touching, then Royce turned to Josh and extended his hand. “This is Josh,” Brett said unnecessarily and Josh returned the firm grip, forcing a smile to his lips.

  “Josh, welcome to the Seven Plus ranch.” Royce sounded sincere enough and Josh tried to get himself to believe the man actually meant it. He’s a friend of Brett’s…

  “Good to be here,” he said in reply.

  “You guys are first, and Charles and Jed can’t make it after all,” Royce said easily as they walked towards the house. “Charles, as usual, the lame brain, forgot he and Jed had tickets for a show in Sacramento. So it’ll just be the six of us. Joel and Jason will be here shortly.”

  Josh didn’t know if he was glad or not there would be fewer of them. Maybe with more of them the sheriff won’t be watching every move I make. Christ, am I paranoid or what?

  Royce pushed open the front door and ushered them inside. “Parker’s out back getting the barbecue fired up.”

  “Wow, Royce,” Brett said looking around. “You’ve done more stuff in here.”

  “Just some paint on the walls. All that white was getting on my nerves. I told Parker I wanted some earth tones, and he was okay with it.”

  Brett chuckled. “You mean, he could’ve cared less.”

  “Right. So, Josh, what can I get you to drink?”

  “Beer’s fine,” Josh replied, taking in the big room’s high, timbered ceilings and the rough-hewn stone fireplace that dominated one of the walls. “Your place is great.”

  “Thanks, we like it. Come on through to the kitchen. Beer for you too, Brett?”

  “What’re you having?”

  “Oh, a pinot noir I found when Parker and I went on that Napa wine tour. It’s great—I ordered a case to be delivered.”

  “I’ll try some of that,” Brett said.

  “I didn’t know you liked wine,” Josh whispered as they followed Royce into the kitchen.

  “There’s a lot about me you don’t know— yet.” Brett pinched Josh’s ass out of sight of their host.

  “Hey!” Josh jumped, staring wide-eyed at Brett. “I can’t believe you just did that in here.”

  “I can.” A deep voice had them both turning to stare at the tall, lean man who stood behind them grinning ruefully at Josh. “It is Brett, after all.”

  Brett laughed and stepped into the man’s open arms. “Parker, good to see you.”

  “You too, buddy. Don’t see enough of you, these days.”

  “This is Josh,” Brett said, keeping an arm around Parker’s slim waist.

  “Josh…” Parker held out his hand. “You’re welcome here.”

  Meeting Parker’s steely blue eyes that held no telltale trace of judgement, Josh relaxed a little more. Here was a man he intuitively knew didn’t hand out bullshit.

  “Thanks.” Josh returned the strong grip. “You have a beautiful home.”

  “This is all Royce’s doin’,” Parker said, with obvious pride and an affectionate glance at his partner.

  Royce handed Josh and Parker a beer each. “Parker designed the stables. You should take Josh out for a tour, Parker.”

  “I’d like that,” Josh said.

  Parker chuckled. “Designed is a bit of an overstatement, but bring your beer and I’ll show you around. Give the guys a chance to catch up.”

  Give Royce a chance to grill Brett more like. Still, it’ll do Brett good to have some alone time with a friend—he can shoot the breeze with someone other than me.

  Brett watched Royce pour two glasses of wine, then took the one offered.

  “I like your shirt,” Royce said as he touched his glass to Brett’s.

  “Josh bought it for me.”

  “Did he now… Tell me what you think—about the wine I mean.”

  After sipping his wine slowly, he murmured, “Mmm, it’s good.”

  “Yeah, we found this small winery while we were in Napa. I’d never heard of it, but the folks who ran it were really nice, showed us around, gave us our own private wine tasting.” Royce tasted his then raised a blond eyebrow and flicked a look through the window towards where the stables were situated. “He’s hot. So, are you two doin’ it?”

  Brett laughed. “I wondered how long it would take you to ask me that. Glad you waited till he wasn’t standing right here. He’d have had a fit.”

  “So you are.” Royce sighed. “You think that’s a good idea?”

  “From your point of view, probably not,” Brett replied quietly. “But I knew within a few minutes of meeting him that I liked him.”

  “Well, yeah, he’s good-looking—”

  “I don’t mean because of that,” Brett said quickly, “although”—he shrugged slightly—“that did have something to do with it, I guess, but it was the way he just wanted to help right away. I’d been so used to have to drag any willingness to work outta the guys I’d hired, and here was Josh asking how could he help even before I offered him the job. He helped me clean out the stalls, said he wasn’t afraid of hard work.”

  “He needed a job bad,” Royce remarked.

  “Who doesn’t these days? And when you think of what he’d been through—eight years of confinement for something he didn’t do. He deserved a break, and I could give it to him.”

  “Giving him a job is one thing, but the rest?”

  “What rest? You’re assuming we’re having sex.”

  “You mean you’re not?”

  Brett chuckled. “You sound disappointed.”

  “It’s none of my business, of course.” Royce raised his wineglass to his lips and took a long sip before saying “ Well? Are you going to tell me or not?”

  Brett grinned at him. “Not.”

  “Oh, come on, Brett…” He sighed in frustration as the doorbell rang. “That’ll be Joel, and he sure as fuck won’t want to join in on this conversation!”

  Brett smiled as he listened to the guys greet one another. He knew he was darned lucky to have good friends, even if Royce was a bit too nosy at times. Maybe he should have just said, ‘Yeah we’ve had the greatest mind-blowing fucking sex three times a day for a week and I can’t get enough of him, so maybe it was all a big mistake, but I won’t ever regret any of it for a minute’. He hoped his expression didn’t reflect what he’d just been thinking as Joel walked into the kitchen, followed by his lover, Jason.

  “Hey, guys.” He let himself be wrapped up in Joel’s big, hard arms, but couldn’t help noticing that the sheriff was busy looking around. “He’s out in the stables with Parker,” he whispered into Joel’s ear. “Please be nice.”

  “Wouldn’t dream of being anythin’ else,” Joel said, slapping Brett’s butt as he released him.

  “I hear congratulations are in order,” Brett said to Jason as they hugged.

  “Yeah.” Jason chuckled. “Royce and Charles finally acknowledged that I was worthy enough to be a partner.”

  “No bribery involved?” Brett asked, grinning.

  “None that they’ve asked for, yet.”

  The good-natured laughter stilled as Parker walked in acc
ompanied by Josh, then Brett said as easily as he could, “Oh, Josh, you haven’t met Jason, Royce’s new partner, have you?” He was relieved when Jason immediately walked over to Josh and held out his hand.

  It helped ease the tension somewhat although Joel stood stiffly to one side, giving only the briefest of nods of his head in acknowledgement of Josh’s presence in the room.

  “So…” Royce gave them a bright smile. “What can I get you guys to drink?”

  “Beer’s fine,” Joel said, “You got any of that English stout you had last time?”

  “Yeah, think so. What about you, Jason?”

  “Uh, I’ll have some of the red wine you and Brett are drinking.”

  As the two men followed Royce back into the kitchen Brett moved over to Josh’s side. “You okay?” he asked quietly.

  “Yeah, fine.” Josh’s smile was tight, but he didn’t appear to be ready to head for the door just yet. “Parker’s stables are pretty impressive—state of the art really.”

  Brett slipped a finger into one of Josh’s belt loops, a possessive sign he wanted Joel not to miss as he came back into the room with his drink in hand.

  Parker, too, noticed Brett’s move. He met Brett’s eyes and grinned slightly, keeping the conversation going. “It was easy really to get what I wanted. Just went on the Internet, saw some top-notch photos and illustrations, showed them to the builders, and they did the rest.”

  Brett saw Joel widen his eyes as Josh placed a hand lightly on Brett’s shoulder. Good move, Josh. Let him see we’re okay with everything. Want you to like each other, dammit. Brett knew that would most likely be a long time coming, but it wouldn’t be for the want of him trying.

  “And we have horse number eight arriving this week,” Parker was saying.

  “Does that mean you’ll change the name of the ranch to Eight Plus?” Brett asked, nudging Josh.

  Parker laughed. “No. That name’s screwy enough, but it was Royce’s idea so…” His shrug suggested that with some things Royce would get his way.

  “Josh thought it meant somethin’ else,” Brett said as Royce and Jason joined them.

  “Oh, yeah?” Royce cocked his head at Josh. “What was that?”


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