Broken (Bad Boys Billionaire Bachelors Club Book 4)

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Broken (Bad Boys Billionaire Bachelors Club Book 4) Page 8

by Rachel Angel

  “Yes, it was a great auction,” she replied. She refused to take the bait because she knew he was talking about a particularly juicy romp in the hay that they’d had that weekend, sneaking out of their room and enjoying a fun little adventure.

  They’d talk casually about all the horses that were at Blackworth Stables afterword, catching Savannah up on which ones were still there and which were not.

  “We could sure use another vet like your father was. He’s been hard to replace and he won’t come out of retirement,” Robert suggested next.

  “Naturally he misses your stables, but I think retirement suits him well,” Savannah began. “He’s been enjoying a lot of fishing trips and living more on the wild side than I’d ever seen him do before.”

  “Like father, like daughter.”

  “Yeah, I guess.”

  So many thoughts and questions were playing out in Savannah’s mind as she talked with Robert. In reality, she knew that she was the one who’d called off the engagement so abruptly, breaking his heart. She really should cut him some slack and not be so suspicious of his intentions; after all, he was here to do business with Ryland – not her. She shouldn’t forget that. Still…he’d said he was there to see her too and ask for her back. She’d said no. Hopefully that settled it. That would be too great!

  “We’re here,” Savannah said, pointing toward the beautiful stable just ahead.

  “I’d been looking at you so long that I didn’t even enjoy the scenery on this island – Wild Horse Island. This is impressive…something worthy of the Blackworth name.”

  “Well, I’m sure you know that Ryland isn’t too bad off either,” Savannah replied.

  Robert starting laughing loudly at her direct comment, making her break out into laughter too. It was enough to break the tension and she was considerably more relaxed after that. The two began to talk like long lost friends, really enjoying each other’s company, and not having all those awkward pauses that made you want to run away.

  As was expected, Robert was salivating over the horses in Ryland’s stables. They were some of the finest animals he’d ever seen and he recalled a few instances where Ryland had outbid them too. He softly pet the muzzle of one mare in particular that the Blackworth’s had wanted so badly, remembering his dad’s annoyance about losing the bidding on it.

  Savannah and Robert both leaned in to pet another horse and their shoulders accidentally touched. She was shocked that she felt that familiar jolt of electricity from Robert that she’d had for so long. He must have felt it too.

  “Look Savannah, I’m not trying to ruffle your feathers, but I do miss you so much. I’d do anything to get you back.”

  “Robert, I…”

  He interrupted, looking like if he just didn’t say what he had to say he’d explode. “I know I was a jerk and when I say I’m sorry about that, I mean it. I take full responsibility for trying to make you into someone you weren’t. That was stupid of me. I can promise you, Savannah Milo, that I would do anything to show you that you could have the type of life you want and I’d never do anything to stop you. In fact, I’d support you as much as possible in whatever you wanted to do. What do you say?”

  Savannah blushed. She was obviously touched by his pouring of emotions and the sincerity in his voice. She and Robert had spent a great many years together, both as children and then as a couple. That meant she knew when he was being honest and he was. How could she handle this delicately? That was what she needed to try doing.

  “Robert, I’ll admit that I longed to hear those words from you at one time, but I’ve moved on now. I’m past that. I’m the one who should be sorry that you are not. I know I didn’t handle breaking off our wedding the way I should have.”

  A hint of frustration glimmered in Robert’s eyes. He looked desperate and like always, when he was trying to get a point across, he placed both his hands on top of his head for a second. That was how he collected his thoughts.

  Savannah watched him closely, not sure what to say or what to do. That’s when he made his move. He took both her shoulders and moved her back to the wall between two stalls and began to press his body into hers, kissing her passionately. It was intense and Savannah didn’t know what to do. Part of it was so familiar…so nice, yet, it was not something she should be doing.

  “I remember every little thing that makes you squirm with pleasure,” Robert whispered.

  He took his one hand and slid up her skirt, sliding away the lace from her panties and inserting his finger into her. He moved back and forth, tickling on her clit and thrusting his finger inside of her. Savannah wanted to shout stop, but it felt so good. She didn’t know what to do. Damn it! Her brain was shouting one thing, but her body was ignoring it.

  Before she knew it, Savannah felt her panties go down around one ankle and Robert was on his knees, lunging into her with his tongue, making her arch her back from how quickly she was responding to the sudden move. Stop it now! That’s what her brain was screaming. Be strong.

  “No…Robert,” she began whispering, hardly able to get out her words with a strong voice.

  “So, I see you’ve found the stables, Mr. Blackworth,” someone said.

  That snapped Savannah out of whatever bliss she was hesitantly entering into. She turned and saw Ryland walking around the corner with Miss Baker right behind him.

  She tried to shove Robert away, but he was so into what he was doing that he didn’t even realize they were no longer alone. Finally, the next shove was forceful enough that he took notice.

  Savannah looked at Ryland, her eyes wild with shame and embarrassment. She couldn’t even begin to come up with some explanation because all Ryland needed to know was right there. Her skirt was hiked up to her waist, her panties were wrapped around one ankle, and Robert was kneeling down right in front of her, glimmering with the juices of her enjoyment.

  Ryland’s look left no doubts as to what he was feeling. He swung around on his heel and headed out of the stable at as rapid a pace as was possible.

  Miss Baker turned to look at her boss as he stormed out of the stables and called out to him. “But Mr. Ryland, what about showing Mr. Blackworth the horses?”

  “It seems our good doctor is already taking care of that,” he shouted. Savannah couldn’t see his face, but could tell that he’d already traveled a great distance. He wasn’t turning around and she was so ashamed and embarrassed of herself, not to mention her behavior. What a stupid thing to do! The icing on the cake was Miss Baker giving her a knowing smile.

  Chapter 16

  Savannah was frozen and freaked out. Robert didn’t seem to mind that his desire to go down on her had been witnessed by the last two people in the world who she’d want to see such a thing – Ryland and his snaky secretary, Miss Baker.

  “It’s okay,” Robert mumbled, moving in on Savannah again. “You know it feels good…you want it. God knows I want it.”

  “Stop!” Savannah shouted, sticking her arms out straight to keep him at a distance. She moved away and quickly pulled up her panties and tried to assemble herself.

  “Savannah, you know that felt good,” Robert said. “Come on. Let’s get out of here and go somewhere where we won’t be interrupted.”

  “No Robert. I should have stopped you right at the start, but…”

  “You wanted it just as much as me Sav. Do you really think you can just erase all our sexual memories because you say it’s over? Sex was always good, always adventurous,” he said, looking at her hungrily.

  “Yes it was, but that is over. I really have moved on and I am going to keep it that way.”

  “Then why did Mr. Roth’s secretary call me up, telling me that Mr. Roth was finally willing to show me some horses. He had a veterinarian onsite that could vouch for their health and quality?”

  “What?” Savannah asked.

  “You heard me. I asked who the vet was and they said your name. I knew I could trust you and we started talking. Miss Baker thought it was a
great idea for me to come take a look with you there because you were getting a bit lonely and restless – no one to talk to and taking care of all the horses by yourself. She wanted to surprise you with a guest that she was positive you’d like.”

  “She surprised me, alright,” Savannah commented, clenching her teeth. She’d been played and the explanation was not going to be easy to give. “Look, I’m sorry, Robert. I think we’re both the victims of a little conniving from Miss Baker.”

  “Why would she want to connive either of us?” Robert asked, truly not getting it.

  “She just doesn’t care for me,” Savannah said, hoping that the reasons why that was the case didn’t show through too clearly.


  “Just her personality I guess,” Savannah said.

  “I was just lashing out, but I am beginning to think that you really were sleeping with Ryland Roth. I understand though and I still want you back,” Robert said.

  “Look, I’m sorry to have wasted your time. I think it would be better if Ryland took over discussions of the horses for sale with you now. I’m glad to provide you with any necessary paperwork on them in regards to their health.”


  “I’ll give you a ride back to the house,” Savannah offered.

  “No, I think I’ll walk back if that’s okay.”

  Savannah nodded and took off. She drove as quickly as she could, kicking up dust behind her everywhere. She was going to track down Miss Baker and give her a piece of her mind. How dare that witch go cause trouble where there wasn’t any? What a jealous wench. However, there was still a voice in the back of Savannah’s mind that reminded her she had no right to be so freaked out about it – embarrassed yes, but freaked out, no. She and Ryland had never said they were anything more than friends. It was just that the benefits the past week or so had been very amazing.

  No sooner had the Jeep come to a stop than Savannah hopped out of it, making her way into the house. She was looking for Ryland first and foremost to explain herself and her unprofessional behavior. He was nowhere to be found though and she noticed that the Gator he drove around sometimes wasn’t parked upfront either. He was obviously avoiding her like the plague.

  Well, since she couldn’t try to make amends with Ryland she could go and find out exactly why Miss Baker would throw her under the bus like that. It was despicable, to say the least. Her office door was shut and Savannah knocked loudly. There was no response. She put her ear up to the door and didn’t hear anything.

  Her hand was on the knob and she paused. Should she turn around or walk in? It wasn’t necessarily cool to walk into her office because it was wrong and Savannah tried to act better than the catty women she’d dealt with plenty in her life. However, she just wanted to make sure that she wasn’t hiding from her, knowing how irate she’d be. Savannah slowly turned the door knob and walked in. Miss Baker definitely wasn’t in there.

  The office was immaculate, not a paper out of place…except one. There was a clipping from the Old Blue Sentinel on her desk. That wouldn’t have been unusual except for the fact that it was the newspaper from Savannah’s home town. She walked over to it and picked it up, staring at the all too familiar headline that read:

  Bride to-be Bolts on Blackworth’s Millions: Jilts Fiancé Day Before Highly Anticipated Wedding.

  Ouch! The words were true, but they still stung. Savannah hadn’t handled her break-up with Robert the right way and the painful headlines were a reminder of that. They were also painful because they meant that Miss Baker had deliberately sabotaged her and her relationship with Ryland, whatever that relationship may or may not be.

  Part of Savannah was glad that Miss Baker wasn’t around because she had a major urge to slap her one, but another part of her just wanted to look at her and ask why. There was such an aching pain in her heart now and she didn’t fully understand it, but she knew it was something that could have been avoided if someone hadn’t decide to mettle in another person’s life out of pure jealousy and vengeance.

  Savannah went to her room to collect herself for the second time that day. She lied on her bed, staring up at the ceiling and thought about all the confusion in her emotions. Then she stared at the door to Ryland’s room. She walked over and knocked and there was no answer. The door was also locked.

  Why did her heart ache at the thought of Ryland’s disappointed expression he had on his face? How come she enjoyed what Richard was doing? Yes, she had if she was to be honest. And last, but not least, how could a supposedly smart girl do something so stupid?

  Like always in her life, Savannah knew that the best way to handle her problems was head on. She looked at herself in the mirror quickly to make sure she didn’t look completely crazed and went out in search of Ryland. She had a few ideas of where she could find him.

  Chapter 17

  The Jeep was right where Savannah had left it when she’d gone into the house. She was getting ready to head out to the island to the places that Ryland had confided in her about – places where he could relax, clear his mind, and just enjoy the beautiful scenery of his island. Savannah sure wouldn’t fault him for wanting to clear his mind of the scene he’d walked in on earlier.

  Before heading out to the Jeep, Savannah decided to check on Street Smarts and see how the young colt was doing. He’d taken rather well to his make-shift little stable in the main house and was rather playful when she came in, immediately coming to her and nuzzling against her with his soft velvety nose. She was glad to see that he hadn’t had a fever. The past two days had been great, not showing any signs of the sickness, but it was too early to say he was out of danger.

  Satisfied that Street Smarts was good, Savannah made her way to the Jeep to find Miss Baker standing there, loading up bags. At first she was happy, thinking Ryland fired her. Then she realized they were her bags and her heart sank like it was made of cement.

  “What’s going on?” Savannah asked, running up to Miss Baker.

  “I have specific orders to make sure you don’t miss the flight back to the mainland with Mr. Blackworth.”

  “What about the horses and figuring out what happened?”

  “Mr. Roth believes he can manage things on his own now. Your services are no longer needed,” she said. The smug grin on her face couldn’t be avoided.

  “Can’t I just talk with Mr. Roth. He’s so busy and I’m afraid that he won’t be able to catch things as easily with his schedule,” Savannah countered. She wasn’t going to just walk away from the horses like a dog with its tail between its legs.

  “You are aware that Mr. Roth has a full crew to work at his stables…he’s managed just fine without you for many years. He’d sent everyone aside from John off on a vacation when you were coming. They are all returning today; they’ll be waiting at the landing strip when we drop you and Mr. Blackworth off.”

  Savannah could see that she was in a losing argument. “I cannot just leave without saying goodbye to Ryland…Mr. Roth. I want to thank him for everything.”

  “He’s already said goodbye to you and he isn’t available,” Miss Baker replied, practically snarling like a wounded animal in a trap. Truth-be-told, Savannah was the one who felt wounded at the moment. It was a low that she was surprised to be feeling, that much was for certain.

  “But I have things to tell him about Street Smarts.”

  “I can relay the message, Miss Milo.” Then she turned her head and said, “Oh look, here’s your ex-fiancé, Mr. Blackworth.”

  “Here, let me get that last bag, Miss Baker,” he said. He went and put it into the back of the Jeep and then he came back around, standing next to Savannah and acting as casual as can be. He put his arm around her shoulder and squeezed her close like they were a couple.

  Savannah broke free from his grip and looked over toward the house. She peered closely at the window that she knew to be Ryland’s bedroom window. Was that a shadow she saw? She didn’t know for certain. She blinked and opened her eyes ag
ain and it was gone. She suddenly felt like everything was gone…everything that was important to her.

  “Are you ready to go, Sav?” Robert asked.

  “I’m ready,” she said, sighing and getting into the back of the Jeep. The last place she wanted to sit was next to Miss Baker, who was revving up the engine like she was set to start a grand prix race. Good riddance to you, Miss Baker, Savannah thought.

  Robert chatted away in the Jeep, saying that they’d take the private jet back and he was excited to talk with his father about the horses in Roth Stables. He went on and on, carefree and clueless, but Savannah was very quiet, just nodding politely and smiling on cue. The only person who could clearly see her pain and frustration was Miss Baker when she’d glance at her in the rear view mirror. The only problem was that she was overjoyed by it; hardly compassionate and understanding.


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