Broken (Bad Boys Billionaire Bachelors Club Book 4)

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Broken (Bad Boys Billionaire Bachelors Club Book 4) Page 9

by Rachel Angel

  Chapter 18

  On the jet Savannah relaxed a bit, feeling less vulnerable with each mile of distance that was gained between her and Wild Horse Island. Her moods kept switching for no apparent reason. One minute she was feeling invincible, knowing she could make it through this little hiccup. The next thing she knew, she felt despair in her gut that was so unsettling. Ryland Roth had managed to get under her skin in a way no other man had before. Yes, she’d loved Robert and they’d had a good relationship despite her wanting something else for her life, but something was different about this. Perhaps it was that Ryland didn’t seem to want to hold her down at all. If she was one of the wild horses on his island, she was the one he didn’t seem to want to tame. That was something special – having someone accept you for who you are. He didn’t accept you very well when he caught your old fiancé going down on you and you obviously enjoying it.

  There was a sweet small one person welcoming committee there to greet Savannah when she landed back in her hometown – her dad, the one man who always made her smile.

  “How’s my angel?”

  “Ready to get back to work here, Dad. I fear I’ve been away from my practice for all too long,” she said.

  “Well, that’s a pretty good client you got there for a bit. It makes perfect sense. A referral from him can go a long way.”

  Savannah looked at her dad and nodded. She saw a look in his eye. He could tell something was wrong with her, but knew her well enough to know that she’d bring it up if she felt she had to.

  Savannah’s dad turned to Robert instead. “What good timing that you were there to fly Savannah back too, Robert. I sure appreciate it.”

  “It’s not a problem, sir. I was glad to do it.”

  “Well, not to spoil this sweet reunion, but I’d better get over to the office and get myself organized,” Savannah said. She wasn’t set to laugh or act non-challantly about anything just yet. Burying herself into her work was the best way to avoid the numbness that was creeping through her.

  Robert stepped aside for Savannah’s dad to drive her back to her office and let her know he’d stop by and see if she needed anything tomorrow. She couldn’t help noticing the smile of appreciation her dad had on her face. When she’d decided not to get married he didn’t blame her, knowing she’d made the right decision for her heart, but he still liked Robert a lot. It was clear that he was hoping for a rekindled spark just as much as Robert was.

  The next few days had so much activity in them and Savannah was on the go all day long, leaving her exhausted by the time it was time to go to sleep. Each and every day Robert came by to visit, making sure he brought her lunch, a small thoughtful gift, or a lead on a new client. He was attentive to her and supportive of everything she wanted. Basically, he was exactly what she’d wanted him to be before she broke off the engagement. It was beginning to work too because she was starting to think that maybe there would be a chance for them to find happiness as a couple now that her needs for a career and to be more than a country club wife were being fulfilled. However, could that really make Robert happy?

  When Robert stopped by one day she decided to ask him some questions that might help her figure out what he really wanted out of a girlfriend…or a wife.

  “Have you been dating anyone recently?” Savannah asked, knowing that she wasn’t too great at beating around the bush.

  “No, not for awhile. I tried for a bit, but…”

  “But what, Robert?”

  He looked her in the eyes, showing the intensity and passion in his gray eyes, and said, “They just weren’t you. They were all too willing to submit to anything I wanted them to be, not even bothering to stand up for themselves.”

  “That always drove you crazy when I’d stand up for myself all the time.”

  “It did then, but I’ve grown a lot in this past year.”

  “Me too,” Savannah said, smiling.

  “So how about you, Sav? Have you dated anyone lately.”

  “No, not really,” she said, thinking about Ryland. They hadn’t technically dated, but she’d connected more with him immediately than any other man she had dated or ever met. She and Robert never had a chance to feel that connection because they’d grown up as friends before turning to lovers.

  “Are you okay?” Robert asked, putting his hand on her shoulder.

  “Yeah, why?”

  “Your mood just changed a bit, that’s all. Those green eyes of yours are rather expressive, you know. It’s hard for you to hide things.”

  “It’s nothing.” With that, Savannah got back to business, feeling herself growing a bit edgy. She just couldn’t control her emotions and every time a person asked if she was alright it made her even edgier. What happened to the happy and carefree woman? The one who knew the right man would come along that liked her just the way she was. Robert wanted to be that man, but she was nervous about moving too fast. It would be bad to get involved again just to realize he still wasn’t the one.

  “Okay then,” he said. She looked at him and smiled. He’d been the perfect gentleman since she’d been back, plus a true friend to her. “Hey, can I take you out to lunch tomorrow? I have something I want to run by you.”

  Savannah looked at her calendar. “Sure, that’d be fine. What time?”

  “I’ll pick you up at noon. Book the entire afternoon out if you can.”

  “I don’t know,” Savannah began.

  “Please! You won’t regret it.”

  “Okay Robert,” she said, putting a line through her schedule from noon on. “It should be okay, but if I get an emergency call…”

  “I’ll expect you to answer it,” Robert finished.

  He left and as a result, Savannah was left wondering what the lunch and afternoon outing were all about.

  * * *

  “Okay Sav, here me out before you make any decision.”

  “I’ll try, but no promises,” she said, laughing at Robert’s preface. He really did know her well.

  “I’ve been talking with my family and we all really want you to be the official vet of Blackworth Stables. You know our family, how we work, and we can trust you better than anyone else. We just haven’t had success since you dad retired.”

  “Well, that’s an impressive offer, but my clinic is so far away I’m afraid it wouldn’t work out very well.”

  “I knew you’d say that and I’ve got it covered.”

  “What do you mean?” Savannah asked.

  “We’ll open up a second location by our stables. That way you can expand your practice and be our official vet all at the same time. Two clinics in two different states…sounds great, doesn’t it?”

  Savannah’s eyes widened. It was a generous offer. “I don’t think my practice is able to afford two clinics yet. I’m still getting started.”

  “The salary for being our stable’s vets would more than offset any shortages, I’d think.”

  Robert had a good point and Savannah knew it. Was this charity? It didn’t feel like it. Was it some millionaire’s ploy to get her lulled into a possible romantic relationship once again? It didn’t feel like that either. It actually was a sound idea that made sense.

  “When do I have to let you know by?” Savannah asked, putting on her business face.

  “Just you asking that lets me know you’re seriously considering it and all that I can ask for.”

  Savannah smiled. “So what’s up for the afternoon you had me book out?”

  “I figured we could go over to Blackworth Stables so I can show you everything I’ve been doing since I took over the business. I think you’ll be impressed. Plus, if you decide to join the team you’ll want to know what the facilities are like.”

  “Very smart thinking. Don’t think I don’t know what you’re up to, Mr. Robert Blackworth.”

  “I don’t mind if you know,” he said. “Don’t forget that you truly are a highly qualified vet too – that does play a role in this.”

  The forty-five mi
nute ride to the Blackworth Stables was nice, crossing over from North Carolina into the southeastern most part of Kentucky. It was a great day outside, the Kentucky sun shining brightly, making all the shades of green, the rolling hills, and the blue skies sparkle even more brightly than usual.

  About a mile from the stables Robert pulled the vehicle over. “What’s going on?” Savannah asked.

  “See that spot right there?” he asked, pointing to a large parcel of land.

  “I do.”

  “I was thinking that’s where we could put up your practice in this area…if you take the job that is.”

  “You’re certainly making it sound so appealing that everyone will think I’m nuts if I don’t,” I said, laughing.

  “Oh, you caught on to that?”

  Savannah shook her head. She was honestly feeling better than she’d felt since arriving back home. The afternoon had been what she needed thus far. Robert had done a great job of getting her out of her funk.

  As the day continued, the tour of the stables certainly didn’t disappoint either. They were magnificent…she’d only seen one that was comparable, but she didn’t want to think about it and ruin her day.

  Everyone was kind and sweet to Savannah at the stables too, asking how she’d been doing or how her dad was. It reminded her how wonderful and special the horse community was in Kentucky. Great people with a lot of heart and passion for the four legged animals that made the state famous.

  Eventually it was time to head back home. “Let’s stop to get a bite to eat before I drop you off. Sound good?” Robert asked.


  “Where do you want to go? Your choice.”

  “How about Bucky’s?”


  “Seriously,” Savannah replied. Bucky’s was a hole in the wall grill and bar that happened to serve some of the best hamburgers and French fries in the entire state of Kentucky. It was about two minutes from the state border. It was the type of place that Savannah loved, blending in more comfortably than she did at the country clubs or other places like that. You could wear your boots, jeans, and a smile, kicking it back and having some fun.

  “Okay, I left it up to you.”

  “Sorry you did?”

  Robert looked at Savannah for a second, just staring at her contently and shook his head no – he wasn’t sorry.

  Over juicy bacon cheeseburgers, fries, and cold beers, Robert finally asked Savannah what he’d been biting his tongue on since lunch. “So, do you have any hunches about if you’ll be the Blackworth family vet? I’ve given you time to think about it.”

  “Five hours?”

  “I didn’t say how long,” Robert countered, giving a cheeky grin that had always managed to loosen Savannah up.

  “It does sound tempting and like a good deal, but I need to know that it is a good business deal for Blackworth Stables too.”

  “It is. Trust me, there’s no way I’d get the board to agree to it if it weren’t. You’re charming, but not that charming.”

  Savannah almost began to spat back, but she looked at Robert and saw he was teasing her. He’d always had a way of getting her riled up a bit when she was least expecting it. Instead of being feisty, she said, “I’d wager my charms against anyone and anything.” Then she smiled and finished her beer. “Now, I really do need to get back to work. I am expecting something and I got a text it should be waiting for me.”


  “Some results.”

  “For a client?”



  “Why would you assume that?” Savannah asked.

  “I don’t know. You just get a certain look before you say his name. I’ve seen it. Are you sure you didn’t date?”

  “I’ve only known him a week.”

  “I know, it’s silly. Plus he was your client and you’re too professional for that,” Robert commented.

  Oh no I’m not, Savannah thought. I did it once and I’d like to do it again…with him.

  The half hour drive back to Savannah’s office went by quickly and as she was getting ready to get out, Robert placed his hand on her shoulder. “So, you’re going to do it?”

  “Yes, I am. I know you know that too so don’t just try to play all chivalrous with me, Robert,” Savannah said, laughing lightly.

  “That’s the way us Kentuckian’s are raised, ma’am. Don’t you know?”

  “Oh I know alright. I think you got a bit too into Bucky’s tonight.”

  “Probably. I really did have a great day though, Sav. Thank you.” With that, Robert leaned in and kissed Savannah gently on the lips. It wasn’t assuming or aggressive…just nice. However, it was too early for Savannah to do something like that. There was no way she could accept his advances when her mind kept drifting off to Ryland Roth and the horrible way things had ended. It was such a source of agony within her and she only wished she’d had the chance to say goodbye at least – maybe it would have helped.

  Savannah walked into her clinic and was disappointed to not see the second set of autopsy results there that she’d ordered on a whim before leaving. She was sure she would have had them from the sounds of the text.

  The house Savannah had brought, a small quaint old farmhouse, was only a hundred feet away from her clinic. She decided to walk home. As she looked at the house – something she loved because it represented her independence and ability to succeed – she couldn’t help but think about how much cushier life would be if she’d just became a Blackworth. She could have traveled, gone to some premier horse events, and really did what she wanted as long as it wasn’t actually hold a job. Most women would kill for such an opportunity. She didn’t regret it, per say, but she did wonder if she wasn’t her own worst enemy in making life complicated. There was certainly no one to look at aside from the woman she stared at in the mirror each morning when it came to casting blame.

  When Savannah was about to go into her house there was a honk on the horn in the parking lot of the clinic. She looked and saw a courier service sign on the car. “The results,” she said aloud. She ran over there as quickly as she could. It wasn’t as fast as she would have liked to, but her ankle still bothered her a bit and she’d been on it all afternoon.

  “Sorry for the delay in getting this. There was an accident on the interstate that closed everything down.”

  “No problem,” Savannah said, pulling some money out of her pocket to give a tip to the driver. “Have a good night.”

  “Thanks and you too,” he said. With that, he was off, likely done with work for the day and ready to go have some fun. As for Savannah, she was tingling with anticipation to see if the latest autopsy results/review would confirm her suspicions.

  She went back into her office and sat down at her desk, reviewing the thick file. She wanted to read quickly, but forced herself to move along the results slowly, absorbing all of the information. Most of it confirmed what the first autopsy had, but there was one part that stood out because it was highlighted in yellow and had red pen marking surrounding it.

  Savannah read and re-read the one section before standing up and triumphantly shouting, “Yes!” Her hunch had been proven correct and she should be able to ensure that Street Smarts made a full recovery and no other horses on the island would meet the same fate as Star had.

  The next second she was on the phone, trying to reach Ryland by his cell phone number. She’d wanted to call it all week long, but had resisted. Today she was calling it for the sake of Street Smarts, not her wounded heart.

  Ring. Ring. Ring. Damn it. Ryland didn’t answer. It went right to voicemail. She tried again and it went to voicemail again, but this time she left a brief one, hoping he’d get the message and call her back immediately.

  Time was everything though. She dialed the main house next and was so excited that someone picked up the line. Unfortunately, it was Miss Baker and not Ryland.

  “Miss Baker, this is Savannah. I need to talk to
Ryland ASAP. Is he around? It’s about Street Smarts. I found something out,” Savannah quickly said. She just had to get it out because she was about to burst.

  “I’m sorry, I must have a bad connection.” Click. Miss Baker had hung up.

  Savannah tried back one more time and there was no answer. She was so mad and if Miss Baker was going to do that, obviously not caring about the horses if anything, she’d just have to take matters into her own hands. She was highly capable and not afraid to do it either.

  She packed a bag and jumped in her car, calling for flight tickets along the way.

  When Savannah arrived at the airport she only had an hour to wait, which was a huge relief. What she hadn’t realized was that her phone was on vibrate though and she hadn’t heard it ring. She made it through security and looked down at it to see she’d missed a call from Ryland. Yes, he called back, she thought. Then she listened to the message and it was him telling her not to come. He had everything under control and the best veterinarians working on the case. Well buddy, tough crap because I am going to your island and I am going to make sure for myself that Street Smarts is good. I always finish what I start.


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