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Page 7

by Doyle, Dawn


  That was it. Not another word, glance, or even breath—however sweet and minty fresh—was aimed in my direction. It was both wonderful and alarming at the same time. In the few weeks that I’d been at the community college, I’d never seen Quinn look at anybody with such animosity as he did me. It was either a good thing because he would leave me alone, or it was so bad that I now had to watch my back. I just didn’t have any clue which one it was.

  Great. Just fucking great. The first college took almost three years to make enemies like that. The second college took three weeks. Awesome.


  ‘Please come, Kinsley! It’ll be great, I promise!’

  Miley had been bugging me non-stop to go to the beach with her. That day at lunch, we’d sat at a round metal table, complete with attached benches, where I’d said my quick hello’s to a few girls she talked animatedly to. The three carbon copies were called Jojo, Phoebe, and Rachel. They seemed to be okay, I guess, but after listening to them for a while, they began to sound a lot like the Zeta Kappas at Crosshall.

  My phone beeped again, and while I was trying to finish off my final project for the week, I couldn’t ignore her much longer. I didn’t want the phone calls to start.

  ‘Phoebe’s giving me a ride, and we’re picking up Jojo on the way. Let me know your address, and we’ll swing by at around seven.’

  I quickly typed out a reply, my thumbs working double time.

  ‘I’ve got a project to finish up tonight.’

  Miley must’ve been waiting with her phone in her hand, or she was a master at speed texting because her reply was instant.

  ‘You have all weekend!’

  “Ugh!” My head dropped back as I groaned out my frustrations. “I won’t get any peace.”

  ‘Fine, but I’ll make my own way there. I’ll be there about eight-thirty, though. Got some stuff to do.’

  ‘Bring a bathing suit!”

  She also added a party blower and excited emoji faces at the end of her message, which made me crack a smile.

  I opened another message screen for my mom.

  ‘Hey, Mom. I’ll be off out tonight. Going to the beach with Miley and her friends. I won’t be late.’

  I put my phone down and got back to work. I was in deep concentration with my work when my phone beeped again.

  ‘That’s great, honey! Make sure you take your car, though. I don’t want you waiting on them to get home.’

  I shook my head and smiled.

  ‘Of course, Mom. You and Dad taught me better than that.’

  Never rely on somebody for a ride to get back home, especially when it was late. A rule my dad made me promise I’d never break.

  ‘Good girl. I’ve still got a lot to do here, so I might not be back before you.’

  We said our goodbye’s and ‘I love you’s.’ A few clicks with my mouse, and I saved my work before opening my closet to find something to wear that was suitable for the beach at night.


  The beach was packed with bodies, swaying to loud music, drinking god knows what from red cups, and others filling theirs from a shit load of gathered kegs of various brands.

  Fire blazed, the roaring flames lighting up the area, orange and yellow glowing off of those standing near. Bonfires were always a thing at the beach, and this was no exception. It had to have reached at least ten feet high and easily noticed from the road. Even though the tide was out and we were close to the ocean, anybody would see what was happening, even though they’d definitely hear the thumping bass of the latest tracks. That didn’t matter, though. Nobody in this town did a damn thing about these parties unless we left a mess behind.

  I got off my motorcycle and left it behind the long driftwood logs that had been gathered for makeshift seats. I slung my helmet over the handlebars and pocketed my keys.

  “You actually showed up tonight!” Layton yelled louder than necessary, his arms wide as he walked over to me. “Didn’t think I’d see you here.” His glassy eyes roamed over me, head to toe, his eyebrows drawing together slightly. “Why the camouflage?” He stroked his chin. “Trying to blend in to the night? Hiding in the background?” He threw his head back and laughed, which had people looking over in our direction, his loud fucking mouth giving me up.

  I reached out and gripped his red T-shirt, yanking him to me and getting in his face. The laughter ceased right away, and his lids widened. “You’re fucking pushing it, Layton,” I growled close to him, the pungent smell of alcohol on his breath turning my stomach. “Keep going, I fucking dare you.”

  He swallowed hard, but the panic that showed on his face was masked a second later. He snarled. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you? You’d like any excuse to take me out.”

  My face twisted in confusion. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  He bit out a laugh. “Phoebe told me.”

  “What? What the fuck did Phoebe say?” Any time her name was mentioned, it usually followed some shady shit. I waited for this episode to air, wondering if this one came in two parts as usual.

  Layton gripped my hands and tried to pry them from his top. When he couldn’t release my death grip, he silently pleaded with me to let go. I loosened but didn’t release him. “She said that you’re looking to reduce your team.”

  My jaw clenched so hard I heard the earsplitting squeak of enamel under pressure. “Go on.”

  “You want someone out. You want to deal with things on your own so that there’s less to cut. She said the weakest will be out by the end of the week, and we both know that’s me because of your history with Josh.”

  “She’s full of shit.”

  He shook his head. “You’ve been acting different lately. Cagey. Secretive—more than usual. I know something’s up.”

  I let him go, and he stumbled back. “All of this came from Phoebe?” I asked, narrowing my eyes. When he nodded, I continued. “And how many times do I talk to that fucking bitch?”

  “Hey, she just told me you mentioned saying someone’s gotta go—”

  “I don’t fucking care what she told you, Layton,” I growled, gripping the back of his neck to pull him in again so he could hear me when I lowered my voice. “I asked you a damn question. When do I ever talk to her besides telling her to get the fuck away from me?” His jaw ticked, his gaze averting from mine as though he was thinking about it. “Exactly.”

  “So, you’re not trying to get rid of me or kick me out of the house?”

  I dropped my hand and glared down at the guy who’d thought we’d put all of us at risk for a few extra bucks. I had at least four inches on Layton, so he had to look up when I stood straight. “Like I have to answer that.”

  “Fuck, Quinn, I—”

  “Save it, Layton,” I snapped. An idea flashed through my head before he could walk away. “Don’t tell her you told me.”

  “But, she—”

  “I don’t care. Let her think I don’t know, okay? Keep fucking her if you want to, but don’t say a damn word.”

  “I don’t get you, Quinn. First, you wanna kill me for listening to her, and now you don’t want me to tell her you know?”

  I shook my head at his stupidity. “She wants you to tell me, just the way you did right now because you’re wasted, and she wants people to think we’re fighting over her.” I could practically see the cogs turning behind his eyes.

  “You seriously think that’s what she wants?”

  I looked over his shoulder to see if I could spot Phoebe, but instead, I got a better view of the last person I thought I’d see here.


  A dark-red fitted tee clung to her body like a second skin, covering the waistband of tight black pants that I couldn’t make out from where I was stood. Her arms were bare, toned, and slim. “Just wait and see, man,” I said, coming back to the shitty conversation. “She’ll fuck up soon enough.” Oh, yeah, she would—Phoebe couldn’t help herself.

  “So, dude, are we
good?” he asked, holding his hands up, a goofy grin on his face.

  “Fuck, no,” I said, staring over his shoulder. “Not by a long fucking shot, dude.”

  He walked away, and I sat my ass down on the long driftwood, the surface like glass from years of the water smoothing the surface. Broken branches stuck out at all angles, making it impossible to get more than three people on this thing, and that was just how I liked it.

  “What was all that about?” Josh asked as he walked over and handed a red cup to me.

  I took it and sniffed the contents before taking a sip of the soda. “How fucking stupid he is,” I replied, still staring at the huge group on the other side of the bonfire. “And the fact he’s fucking Phoebe.”

  Josh coughed into his beer, frothy liquid pouring out of his mouth and all over his hand. “He’s what?”

  I nodded, never taking my eyes off the brunette that had caught the attention of the guys near the group. “Yep. From the way he’s been acting, I’d say it’s been going on for a little while.”

  He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and sat beside me, stretching his legs out. “I knew he was nailing someone, but I didn’t know it was her.” His head dropped back as he sighed. “Fucking idiot.”

  “Yep.” I took another swig of my coke, then placed the cup next to me on the wood. “And before his cum could dry in her panties, she left a few ear-worms behind.”

  “Okay, that was graphic,” he said, his nose scrunched up. “And what ear-worms are we talking?”

  When I spotted said idiot making his way over to the group of girls, I stood slowly. “The kind that leaves a trail of shit she knows can’t be cleaned up.”


  “Anyway, it’s time I mingled.”

  “Whoa.” Josh shot up and stood beside me before I could take a step. “You? Mingle? What the hell fifth dimension crap is this?”

  I smirked and shoved my hands in my pockets. “Just going to say hi to the customers.”

  “You’re acting fucking weird, Quinn.” He kept up with me, but said nothing else about my one-eighty.

  I surveyed my surroundings, observing as people darted around, and focused on the small groups dotted about on the other side of the bonfire. Guys were going back and forth, and some girls were running about, their cups in the air as they laughed, splashing in the shallow water lapping against the sand. There had to be more than a hundred bodies here tonight, and that was just at a glance.

  I looked past the others, though, and honed in on a specific gathering.

  Miley was talking animatedly to Jojo and Rachel, their shrieking laughter causing heads to turn in their direction, but that was all for show. They’d soon be picking out their prey, their painted talons ready to stick into the weak and the vulnerable. And by that, I meant the guys too stupid to know they were being used. I got closer to the bonfire that I could feel the heat through my black hoodie, the flames lighting up my face concealed by the hood and the peak of my cap.

  I pushed it back, and bodies turned in my direction, fingers pointing, voices lowering and whispering, and some ‘Hi, Quinn’ greetings yelled out. I lifted my hand to acknowledge I’d heard, but I didn’t stop. Business was happening tonight, no matter what, but this side hustle needed to happen sooner.

  I slowed my walk when a couple of girls and a few guys stopped in front of us.

  “Quinn, hey,” one guy said, rubbing the top of his head where his bright green backward cap sat. “Good to see you here, man.”

  “It is?” I asked, my question getting a held in chuckle from Josh. “Why?”

  The guy’s face dropped, his mouth hanging open. “Uh, it’s just that we rarely see you here until much later.”

  I allowed a smile to grace my expressionless face. “I’m just fucking with you,” I said, and green cap guy visibly relaxed. The others with him laughed.

  “So, are you partying tonight?” a female voice asked. I looked to his left to see a short girl. Her shoulder-length blonde hair seemed vaguely familiar, but I couldn’t place her. “I’m Sia. Like the singer, but not her.” She giggled.

  “No. Just catching up with someone.” I looked past her, then side to side, my head whipping around because Kinsley was fucking gone.

  Shit. Layton better not be with her, or I’ll fucking tear him apart!

  “Are you okay?” another girl asked.

  I didn’t bother to look at her to see who she was. “No. Look, I gotta go, okay? Go… Drink or some shit.” They parted when I moved forward, letting me through their little blockade.

  More people tried to step in my path, but I ignored all of them, especially the ones that reached out for me, trying to get a grip on my arm.

  “Did you see where she went?” I asked Josh.

  “No, but I saw her say no to whatever Layton was saying before she vanished.”

  Good. Layton should be thanking her for saving his ass.

  “Just the guy we were talking about!” Miley said, bouncing over to us with a beaming smile. Glitter sparkled on her cheeks when she spoke again. “And here you are.”

  “Asshole,” Jojo whispered with a pout.

  “Do you wanna hang with us?” Miley asked, but I furrowed my brows to say, ‘are you for real?’

  “We didn’t expect you to show up already, given that it’s just gone nine,” Rachel said. She gripped the edges of her light-blue tank top and tugged it down a little, showing the swells of her tits and cleavage. “So, what are you up to? You look all dark and mysterious.” She bit her lower lip, and her hands smoothed down her white shorts as though she was encouraging me to look. So I did.

  I started at her neck, down to her chest, and took in the small but pert pair, then further to her waist. I continued my downward path to the apex of her thighs, tan skin coming out of the frayed hem of her shorts. Her legs were neither shapely nor slender, but I continued my perusal, coming to her feet covered by matching blue and white sliders. My eyes snapped up to Rachel’s and saw that her cheeks were flushed. Yet, I felt absolutely nothing. I flicked my eyes to Jojo, her scowl and pursed lips giving me a sense of satisfaction. I smirked, knowing she was pissed that her friend was getting checked out—not that I was actually doing that—instead of her.

  “I’m trying to find my girl,” I said once I’d made sure Jojo was close to blowing a gasket. When Rachel’s eyes widened, and a collective gasp came from Jojo and Miley, I added, “She was here a minute ago, but I lost her.”

  Miley looked around, her blonde and pink hair swishing about. “Who is she?”

  Before I could say anything, I spotted her talking to Colby West. He was laughing and grinning as he spoke, and my blood ran cold in my veins; she was laughing too.

  “Found her.”

  “Bye, ladies,” Josh said, following me. “It was fun.” He jogged beside me. “Shame. Rachel’s pretty hot tonight.”

  “Then stick around with her.”

  “You sure?” he asked, glancing back.

  “Yeah, so go. I gotta do this alone anyway.”

  Without another word, Josh about-turned and headed back. “Ladies, how about I keep you company for a while?”


  “So, what are you doing after college?” Colby asked, sipping his drink. “And by that, I mean, what do you want to do?”

  I let out a shaky laugh, an awkward sound that he had to have noticed. “I’m not sure just yet,” I replied, turning my head away from him, then back when he moved a fraction closer to me. No matter how many times I backed up, or made a tiny adjustment to my stance so I was further away, he managed to close the gap again.

  “Come on, you must have some idea. You chose your classes, right?”

  I nodded. “Of course, but I’m still not one-hundred percent sure what I’ll be pursuing.” A dark swirl was spinning deep inside my stomach, whirling faster and faster the more Colby continued to question me. My throat tightened as I fought back the natural instinct to snap, to tell him to mind his da
mn business and leave me the hell alone.

  He was okay at first, talking about our mutual interest in graphic art and some hints on technique, but now… I was put on the spot with humor masking the covert interrogation.

  “What are you doing later?” he asked, eyeing me over the rim of his red cup. “Some of us are heading to Patrick’s house after here. Wanna join me?”

  I opened my mouth to let him down, but instead of words coming out, my jaw slammed shut. My teeth ground together as he continued staring at me, his smile lighting up his light-brown eyes.

  “She can’t.” A deep voice came from my right, and one I recognized right away. “She’s busy.”

  The hairs on my neck stood on end as he came to stand beside me. I hesitated for a second before looking up into bright, sparkling blues that made my inner artist sigh. The perfect blend of light and dark shades, surrounded by a complete circle, emphasizing the green hue at the top of his left iris.

  “Oh, uh, Quinn,” Colby spluttered, lowering his cup. His expression had lost the flirtatious half-mast lids, and nauseating attempt at a ‘smolder.’ He looked between Quinn and me.

  Quinn moved closer to my side and lifted his arm. I held my breath, time going by slowly as I watched the insanity right before my eyes. His arm, his fucking arm draped across my shoulders, gently pulling me toward him. My entire body tensed, every muscle fiber contracting at the contact of his warm, yet unbelievably heavy limb resting on me.

  “Quinn?” I asked between gritted teeth, using every ounce of control I had left to keep from digging my elbow into his side before sending my elbow to get up close and personal with his nose.

  “Yeah?” he asked, his head turning and dipping down toward me, his eyes following a second later. “I’m sorry I’m late, baby, but when I got here, I couldn’t find you.” He glanced at Colby, then back to me, then glared at Colby. “Then I see Colby keeping you company.”

  Colby lifted his hands, some liquid spilling over the rim of his cup with the movement. “We were just talking about classes,” he explained a little too fast, his words coming out in a rush.


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