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The Pack-Retribution

Page 15

by LM. Preston

  She stood in front of the lab door, and pressed her fingertip on the gel-pad. It opened. Special Andrews was sitting at the desk, typing away while looking at the 3D computer screen.

  “Have a seat. I’m just about…finished.” He swiveled in his chair.

  Shamira plopped on the cushions of a gray oversized chair, directly across from Special Andrew.

  He smiled at her, Valens’ smile, and her heart instantly ached so she turned her gaze to the computer behind him.

  “Designing something new?” She nodded at the image of a device that appeared to fit snuggly on the head of its wearer, a hat with micro-computers within.

  “No, that’s something Valens was working on for you. I’m just helping him. He’s…ah, stopped working on it.”

  She blinked away the tears that were threatening to fall. Composing herself first, she returned her gaze to Special Andrews. “Oh. Well, thanks for taking it over. What is it?”

  “It’s a prototype for you to communicate to your team telepathically. Great idea, but a bit challenging to create. We’ll finish it though, when he’s ready.” He cleared his throat. “But that’s not why I asked to speak with you. There are several things I want to discuss. First, know that I believe you and Valens have something special. I don’t want you both to throw it away, because of all that’s going on. You can work through this—your parents did.”

  Her eyebrows dipped. “What do you mean? I thought their relationship was always close. They never mentioned any problems.”

  “Hmm, well, maybe they forgot about them. They’ve been married over twenty years, sometimes when it’s good and strong, you forget when it wasn’t.” He crossed his leg, laying his ankle flat on the other. “But in the beginning, they didn’t even like each other. Your father was best friends with Cal, and your mother was dating…Renu—Cal’s twin brother.”

  Shamira bit her lip “What? She dated, Renu? A killer and traitor to the force?”

  “Hmm. Well, he didn’t act like a killer. He was rather charming, charismatic most would say. It was something about him that just…well, drew people in. He actually out-shined Cal and was considered a true contender to your father as Head of the Mars Security Force.”

  “Were you their friend at the time? How’d you know this?”

  He nodded. “Yeah, I was the skinny geek they took pity on and teased a bit. But I considered them my best friends. Because of a joke your father made, I came up with the idea of the technosuit you now wear as a second skin. Your father was the one to encourage me to approach the head scientist with my idea.”

  “How did my parents get together? Since my mother was dating the evil twin.”

  Jason smiled sadly. “When Renu was charged with killing Kent, the contender for the Earth Security Force besides Cal…well, of course they couldn’t date any longer.”

  She tapped her fingers on her knee. “I’m confused, if he killed the Earth contender, why’d you say he was in competition for Mars with my dad?”

  He shrugged. “I guess he figured your father wasn’t any true competition for him—but, Kent was serious competition for Cal.”

  She let out the breath she’d been holding. “You mean, he killed the kid because he wanted his brother to be the Security Force Lead of Earth?”

  “No one knows for sure. Renu had a twisted sense of entitlement. Even though Cal was his brother, he didn’t seem to respect him much. But, what I do know is that Cal refused to take Earth, and your father was named for Mars, but recommended that Cal have the role.”

  She sat quiet for a moment. So many things were running around in her head. Her father was supposed to be the true lead of the Security Force on Mars, but gave it up for his best friend Cal. Why would he do it? Why would Cal even still want it?

  “Why did Cal take the position?”

  “I guess he had nowhere else to go. His parents were murdered when he was a baby. The killers were never discovered. But Cal and Renu’s parents desired for their boys to be put in the program they’d help develop. They were part of the original team that came up with the Earth Rehabilitation project. Maybe Renu just wanted to fulfill their desires, since his brother couldn’t.”

  “Oh. My parents, how did all this work out for them?” She thought of her difficult relationship with Valens, and hoped that after all this, they could repair it. Hoped that he’d still want her—love her.

  “Your mom had turned all her energy on success with the force. She had blinders on for any boys trying to be with her since Renu was out of the way. Not to mention she was disgraced that she had even dated him—been deceived by him like the rest of us. But your dad, he’d loved her the entire time. Probably since he first laid eyes on her. He didn’t show it to most people, but I was…the observant, quiet one of the group. Many times, I caught him staring at her when he didn’t think anyone was looking.”

  Confusion marred her expression. “How was he able to convince her to give him a try?”

  “Friendship. He was just her friend. They trained together. Since he was one of the best in hand-to-hand and sharp shooting, he tutored her. One thing led to another and one day they showed up holding hands. But it got harder after that. She wanted a promotion, but that promotion would keep her on Earth. He wanted to go to Mars to support Cal, his best friend.”

  “Why didn’t they tell me this?” She worried her lower lip with her teeth. “Hmm, I guess I know why. My mom and I don’t really, you know, talk much as it is.”

  He looked at her with kind understanding. “My wife had the same relationship with her mother, but it got better as she grew up and had a family.”

  “What did they do? My father, he—”

  “Gave up the idea of going to Mars, and eloped with your mom. But when your mom got pregnant with you shortly after their marriage, her position was gone. She changed her orders and took the job on the Mars Security Force as head of tactical operations.”

  Shamira’s eyes watered. It dawned on her, finally she got it. Her mother blamed her because of her pregnancy. Her mom lost her job because of her. She bit her lip to stop its quivering. “Oh, well thanks for the talk.” She had to get out of here. Had to go somewhere and cry, release, or punch something. Shamira stood up to leave, pivoting she walked quickly to the door.

  “Shamira! Cal wanted me to give you a message if anything happened to him. The message is for your ears only.”

  She stopped cold; her hand ran down the door frame, then tightened.

  “He said, ‘check the Mons for the beginning and the end’.”

  She nodded, and left the room.

  Chapter 30

  Shamira lowered her head, lost in thought. She didn’t know where to turn, who to trust, or what to do next. A sigh escaped her lips. She didn’t want to tip off a possible traitor to the force, even if it was someone on her team.

  Looking up, her breath caught in her throat.

  Valens stopped short. His eyes held hers and he quickly swung a bag over his shoulder. Clearing his throat, he said huskily, “My dad told me you were here.”

  She didn’t know what to say, couldn’t speak. God, she wanted to kiss him so badly. “I…uh, I’m trying to find a place to sleep.”

  He looked at her, pensive, his expression severe. “You can sleep in my room. I’m not staying here.”

  She reached out and touched the sleeve of his jacket. Valens pulled away, his jaw tightened. “How’d your investigation go tonight?”

  “A bust. I didn’t get much information.” Shamira shoved her hands in her jacket pockets, scared that she’d give in to her compulsion to touch him again. “Anthony, Kurt and Mitch showed up. We were attacked.” She didn’t want to give away any information, until she figured out who was the mole. Any other time, he would press her harder.

  “Hmm, glad they were there for you.” He moved aside and started past.

  She couldn’t help it—leave them this way—she tugged on his jacket. “Valens…wait?”

  He looked down
at her hand on the bottom of his jacket, then back up to her. His stare unwavering.

  “Can we be friends at least?” She licked her lips. “Since we have to work together.”

  He watched her closely, a flicker of longing on his face before he recovered. “I want all or nothing. Tell me you love me, fight for us—for me. If you can’t do that, I don’t want your friendship—and I don’t want you. I need time…to get you out of my heart. Just back off and give me that. Until then…” He pulled out of her grasp, “I’ll do my job. I’ll protect my leader until…I transfer to Earth.” He turned, adjusted his bag and headed to his father’s lab.

  She let out a broken sigh. He wanted to leave, go to Earth? He’d always had that dream, but she’d thought maybe…just maybe, he’d changed his mind. Now though, if he put in a transfer, they’d be separated for at least two years before he could transfer back, or she could transfer there. In her heart, at that one moment, she’d known she would follow him to Earth if she had to. She wanted him that badly. Just now though, having him was not possible with everything she had to finish on Mars.

  She walked absently to his room. The lights turned on and the black blankets on his bed beckoned her. The pictures of his favored inventions in different stages of development reminded her of the days they hung out in his room, and she cuddled in his arms listening to him talk about how he came up with his ideas. Scattered pieces of metals and fabric littered the corner of the floor. Shelves held pictures of them, of her. His pale skin against her cinnamon complexion accentuated their caress, making the picture look as though it moved. Some of the pictures of them were turned downward, and she went over to them, intent on standing them back up.

  The first picture she’d picked up was of them kissing. She smiled; tears ran freely down her face at the two fingers sticking up from the middle of their embrace. Anthony’s joking around and Hedi’s determination to capture every moment they spent together made this memory even more painful. They’d had their first kiss with all of their friends around.

  She held the picture to her chest and bounced back on the bed. Tears fell, sleep and dreams of Valens pacified her aching heart.

  Chapter 31

  Shamira’s computer was beeping on her wrist. Eyes puffy, she pushed them open to check the time. Early, very early, she confirmed. She yawned and pulled the computer up to her chin to play the message that woke her.

  “Hello, this is Elite Officer Lynn. Your parents are being guarded, but they are able to take a few older visitors for just an hour today. Be there by 8 a.m.”

  She sprang up. Awakened with the elation of the message, she couldn’t stop herself from smiling. Taking one last sniff of Valen’s pillow, she got up and raced to the shower.

  Several minutes later, she was dressed and excited to finally see her parents again. It seemed like years had passed. She drove numbly to headquarters.

  The hospital for security force members was tucked neatly on the back of the main building. It made it easier to protect vulnerable force members from harm. The science labs that created and maintained all their devices were also attached to the hospital, since the three-hundred or so Security Force Elite members, who were outfitted with technosuits needed specialized attention in order for them to survive within their suits. Only the Elite members had the suits but other Security Force members were equally protected within their uniforms.

  After parking Cal’s motorcycle in its former spot, then covering it tightly, she made her way up the elevator to the hospital.

  The hospital was decorated like a posh spa. It smelled like vanilla and spice, the walls soothing in tans and greens. Water features were painted on the walls and in small sitting areas for families and staff. Their design soothed Shamira’s raging heart without her even realizing it. Her shoulders relaxed and muscles un-tensed with each step closer to her parents’ rooms. They were a few doors down from each other, and a guard stood just outside each door.

  She got to her mother’s room first and nodded to the guard. He moved aside to let her in.

  For the first time since David was missing, Shamira saw fatigue etched on her mother’s face. She slept unmoving. Shamira strolled up beside the bed.

  “Mom. Mom, can you hear me?” Shamira bent to kiss her mother’s cheek, her eyes briefly shutting while she inhaled the sweet aroma she’d always identified her with mother.

  Her mother had a fit of coughing. “Sha...mira? Is that…” Her eyes slowly opened then fluttered closed, before opening again. Tears fell haphazardly down her face and onto the pillow beneath.

  Smiling she answered, “Yeah, it’s me.”

  Her mother struggled to breathe, her lips attempting to turn up into a smile. “Thank God you made it out safe. They told me you kids…were okay.” Her eyelids drooped; she was fighting to stay awake.

  “I love you, Mom. I really love you, even though sometimes…” Shamira’s voice cracked.

  Her mother’s eyes closed, but she patted Shamira’s hand. “Shhhh. I know, I love you too…with…all…my…heart.” Then she promptly fell asleep.

  Shamira wiped a tear form her face, and leaned down to kiss her mother’s forehead. “Thanks Mom, I really needed to hear that.”

  With one last glance at her mother’s pale sleeping form, she left to find her dad.

  The guard standing at her mother’s door stopped her. “Cadet Nobels?”

  Shamira turned. “Yes, Officer Smith.”

  “We’re fighting for you kids to get your promotion. You deserve it, even if Internal Affairs is trying to stop you. Just keep doing what you are doing, we’ll never forget what you did—all of you.”

  “Thank you. My team appreciates all the support. We’ll make you proud. We will.” She headed to her father’s room.

  Hearing voices inside, she moved past the guard to figure out who was speaking to her father. A mouthful of air lodged in her throat seeing her team, all of them—even Valens—standing around her father with cards and flowers. Thinking back to her mother’s room, she realized they’d left things for her as well.

  “Hey. About time you made it.” Hedi giggled then came over and gave her a hug.

  Shamira tensed, trying to keep the distance she’d created with the team.

  Hedi picked up on her withdrawal. “Don’t fight it, you can’t get rid of our friendship that easily,” Hedi whispered, but stepped aside so Shamira could get to her dad.

  Valens wouldn’t look at her. He brushed past her and waved a farewell to her father. Shamira’s eyes followed him as he left the room.

  Shamira bit her lip to force down the pain at his departure, a goodbye, where he didn’t even acknowledge her, or look at her. Stiffly, she walked up to her father’s bed.

  Kurt stood beside her. “We’ll leave you to spend some time alone with your dad. We all want you to know we are here for you and yours. Know that.”

  They left quietly, her father waving his goodbyes.

  “Hey you.” She smiled at him.

  “Hey pumpkin.” He chuckled and pulled her to him in a hug.

  “You okay? Really okay?”

  He leaned back on the hospital bed and shot a glance at the IV in his arm. “They say I am. Did you feel it? That night?”

  She swallowed. “The numbness, paralysis?”

  “Yeah, I felt that, but then there was a gas. A sick smell before everything went black on me.”

  “We got out by then. I’m sorry Dad, I tried to come back in for you. Then, then everything just blew up. I was too late. I thought you’d died. That you and Mom were gone…forever.”

  “Humph, takes a lot more than that to kill me. How did you make it out if your suit didn’t work?”

  “I had to go there. Deep, and pull out the—”

  “Your power.” He nodded. “I guess you could since your suit wasn’t working to compress the energy back within your body. But Shamira, you have to be careful tapping into that strength. We made the decision for you to get the suit on to protect you, bu
t if you tap into that anomaly that was created when they brought you back to life you could…”

  Shamira sighed. “Kill myself. I know, I can control it, Dad. But sometimes it teases me, when I’m angry or upset. I want to be free—it wants to be free.” She reached out and took his hand. “Besides, I had no choice. I had to save my brothers and sisters—you and Mom. Had to…”

  “I know. I know, you love us too much. Even at risk to yourself. But Shamira, it’s okay, to love others too.” He gave her that look of understanding. Like he knew about her and Valens, and she so didn’t want to go there with him. Not now or probably ever.

  “Dad, I, uh…”

  “I know about you and Valens. Something is wrong between you. Don’t let what’s happening ruin what you have with one another. Not many kids have that depth between them. It’s a gift with a job a life like this. And I see in you and him something that could last—something that could be great. Better than what the Force could ever be to you.”

  “I can’t talk about that now. I have to know…did Cal talk to you about his suspicions? Why he wanted our final training session to be at the Mons?”

  Her father shook his head. “We talked briefly, but nothing substantial. I’d have to think back over it.”

  The guard opened the door. “Special Nobels, the nurse is coming in to give you your dosage. We have to ask your guest to leave.” The guard entered with the nurse in tow.

  Her father waved them in. “Come back and see me, we’ll talk more about it. This medicine’s got me forgetful, but I know it’s something. Love you.”

  “Love you too, Dad.” She frowned at his answer. Planting a kiss on his forehead, she sent a wry smile his way. He was holding something back, she could tell. But what she’d have to wait to find out later.

  Chapter 32

  Shamira had made up her mind. She had to get some leads on Snake. The girl they questioned told them that Freaksheep hung out on Sector 1 in the fiend pits to recruit. Shamira hoped she could follow him, maybe get some information. She had to find out who put the hit out on her, who was starting a possible copycat drug gang to Monev and who she had to kill in order to get them to back off.


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