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The Pack-Retribution

Page 19

by LM. Preston

  “Ugh…um.” She pushed, pulled against the shackles to her wrist. Her pinched face tilted up toward the commotion at the door of her prison. One man, then another, fell with various silent shots of light.

  Renu charged at her, pulled out his knife and tucked the point of it to the apex of her chin and neck. Her head reared back, and her knee jutted up landing a blow to his stomach. He roared and returned the blow by slicing jaggedly down the side of her neck.

  He landed another blow to her jaw. “You are lucky I need you alive—for now!”

  Her head wrenched to the side, but the sting was distant as she was now positive of an attack on his fortress’ defenses.

  With her technosuit on the edge of permanent deactivation, the strength she’d hidden within her for almost a year raged out as the barrier between it and her skin weakened. Shamira let the ball of energy break free as the final effects of the virus injected into her suit. She was ablaze. Power licked from deep within her. It flowed up her chest, down her legs and through her arms.

  “You—are—dead!” Shamira yanked her wrist with the metal bindings out of the wall.

  Renu’s expression registered shock, but he quickly recovered to stab her in the shoulder. She countered with a block downward and his knife slipped to the floor. He hit her chest with triple the power of an ordinary man. Her body bowed forward and she punched him with both fists in the genitals.

  He jabbed her. Then he fell to his knees. “Ugh.”

  Shamira’s head hit the wall and she remembered that he’d done a jacked-up enhancement job to himself some time ago.

  Renu grabbed a jagged metal pole off the floor, raised his arm and aimed for her heart. “Damn the codes! You die first—then Katherine!”

  Shots rang in the seemingly empty room. Startled, Shamira looked down at Renu, whose neck was seeping blood.

  His expression was filled with shock, then anger before he let out a wheeze-filled chuckle. “Then everyone dies.” His hand reached in his pocket, shaking he pulled out his hand and squeezed a silver remote in the shape of a bullet.

  Shamira reached for it, grabbed it as he fell back.

  “Too…late. Die…” Renu’s unblinking eyes stared up at her.

  Gunfire flew around her. She dodged them as her hand worked frantically to stop the beeping from the device. It didn’t appear to have any buttons, only a small red blinking light that hummed with each flicker.


  Frowning at the sound of her name, and the familiar deepness that was Valens, she looked around for him but saw no one. The door closed as if by a ghost, and the exchange of fire outside was shut out.

  In a flicker of light, Valens appeared in front of her. “Don’t look surprised. You know me, I had to do a prototype of a suit like the assassins used. I’ve been working on it from the beginning of this.” His brow creased and he studied her bruised features, and her bloody shoulder. “You okay enough to get out of here?” He pulled her into a quick hug, kissing her lips softly. “Let me give you an adrenaline boost. It’ll help you heal faster and take off the edge off your pain.”


  Valens took the syringe out of his belt and administered it on the side of her neck. “What’s that?” Valens pointed to the device she held.

  She groaned. “Renu set off a bomb to the air filtration system. If it blows, everyone on the planet will suffocate—or worse. We’ve got to stop this.”

  “You have to go do it. I’ll send a message to Hedi. If it’s connected to this computer system, see if she can hack it. Get to Dion, he’s clearing an exit for us. I’ll hack into the computer system here. I got to find out who’s been working for Renu.”

  Shamira nodded, and said a silent prayer that they were not too late. She stepped over Renu’s fallen body to pick up her discarded weapons belt. Rage washed over her at the thought that not only her life was in danger, but her entire family and Mars would die too if they didn’t defuse the bomb.

  Chapter 39

  Shamira glanced down at her computerized watch she’d retrieved. Then she slid a finger over it as it vibrated Dion’s location in the dark tunnel just outside of her former cell door. A perfunctory look around alerted her that Renu’s gang had converted the underground heating systems tunnels nestled under the Mons into a hideout. Cal’s guess was right. Unfortunately, he underestimated his crazed twin brother’s hate and determination for revenge.

  Her gun was raised and ready. Shamira squeezed out the door to spy a tall man in a loosely shaped black shirt running down the hall in front of her. She followed him at a distance while periodically glancing down at her locator.

  Noises vibrated around her of men readying for a fight, and various shots and explosions racked the darkness. Adrenaline licked her skin. Unlike the artificial power from her technosuit, this energy was like coming home. It didn’t heal her wounds but it made her forget the pain. Almost electrical, it felt as if it danced joyful on her skin, happy to finally be free of its year-long cage.

  Although the hall was dark, her enhanced eyesight gave it a dim glow, while she made her stealth path toward Dion’s location. Her head turned slightly at a minimal sound of movement. Someone pulled her arm. Swiftly twisting, she held an invisible foe plastered to the wall by the neck. Her gun was pointed low into his belly.

  “Shamira, it’s me, Dion.” In a flicker of light like a camera coming on, Dion’s body became apparent.

  She exhaled, and released him. “Nice suit. We have to get out of here. Renu set off a bomb that will blow up the air-filtration device and suffocate all of Mars if we don’t stop it.”

  Dion sneered. “He would, the bastard.” He fumbled with some wire on the side of his black pant and snorted in frustration. “Damn, the suit only has enough charge to work until it’s cut off. I guess we are stuck visible for now. C’mon, Mitch is securing the hall that leads to the exit. He’s waiting for you. I’m covering Valens.”

  “Your communication device working?” Shamira followed him with her back slightly turned to cover the space behind them.

  “Not down here, something scrambles the signals so we get static and some parts of conversation. Hedi and Kurt are above, the can hear us better than we can hear them.” He aimed and fired at a lone opponent blocking their path.

  Within what seemed liked seconds, about fifteen men appeared in the fallen one’s place. She assessed them: some had guns, others didn’t. Shamira crouched, grabbed a knife from her belt and aimed.

  Her fallen victim slumped. Another jumped over him to charge at them. As Dion fired, she slid to one knee to dodge her attacker’s kick. Reaching out, she pulled his leg from under him. Then she stood and kicked him in the face as he fell. Her hand around her fallen victim’s neck, she kicked up into the chest of another. Throwing her body in a backhand flip, she kicked the necks of two charging opponents. She landed and crouched, with her gun in her hand.

  A sidekick from a tall man on her right jarred the gun from her fingers. She heard Dion’s scream as a bullet connected in the curve where his shoulder met his neck. Shamira’s chest constricted with guilt as blood gushed from his wound.

  Another punch connected with her face. And a laser bullet flew passed her, jerking her jaw to the left.

  The power beneath her skin surged, burning hot, causing a red haze to form around her. Like a beast set free, she kicked, stabbed, and hit each opponent who charged her.

  Jumping up, kicking one, then punching forward at another, electrical currents absorbed within their bodies causing her victims to shake and smoke. The smell of burning flesh filled the corridor as one then another fell dead to the ground.

  Silence enveloped her, and as if out of a daze, she shook her head. She raced to Dion.

  “How’d you…do…that?” he rasped. “You friggin’ glowed.” Dion’s eyes widened.

  Shaking slightly, she covered his wound with her hand while helping him stand. “I don’t know. A side effect from the drugs they gave me when I
died before, I guess. I’m going to try to carry you out of here.”

  He fought against her and pushed himself up on a nearby wall. “No! Get out of here! Stop the bomb. I’ll try and get this device…to hide…me, so Valens can get out safe.”

  “No! I won’t leave you here to die. You’re on my team—you’re my friend.”

  He smiled, then coughed. “I know. NOW GO!” He pushed at her. In a flash of light he disappeared. Dion’s replica of the assassin’s suit activated.

  Chapter 40

  Shamira ran into a rain of gunfire, tears dropping unchecked from her eyes for having to leave the wounded Dion behind. Mitch’s pale skin glowed slightly in the darkness like a beacon for her. He rained fire at the storm of assassins, downing them one by one, before he threw down his gun, disgusted.

  She reached for her gun while hanging back unseen. Her breath quickened, her fingers frantically tried to locate it, but it wasn’t there. Fumbling on her waist she grabbed two knives and a cutting star. Twisting her wrist, she aimed at the hands of their opponents. Their guns dropped to the ground. Mitch ran to retrieve them.

  “About time you showed up!” he grounded out gruffly. Smoothly, leaning to the side, Mitch kicked a charging opponent in the face.

  “I was busy. Dion’s hurt bad. Didn’t want to leave him.” Shamira jerked her elbow back to land on the chest of another assassin. Her palm upchucked the chin of another. Yanking the gun of one free, she back-kicked one more and shot two bulky men who took their place.

  “Stop playing nice! Kill these mothers! Valens will take care of him.” Mitch shot two in the chest. He grabbed Shamira’s hand, swung her around to deliver a death kick. The assailant’s neck broke with a crack.

  She landed with legs spread and fists high. Taking a hasty look around the tunneled corridor, she nodded. “It’s clear…for now. Let’s go! Got to deactivate a bomb!”

  Mitch took a small sphere out of his pocket. With a toss, smoke filled the corridor. “All clear.” He pulled a small plastic nose-plug out of his pocket and handed one to her.

  She promptly stuffed the form-fitting pieces up her nostrils. Mitch nudged her and followed her up a metal ladder attached to the wall. Shamira pushed the round, heavy metal lid up, then over, as it locked in place. The moonlight poured into the exit.

  Sparks from rapid fire lit the smoke filled darkness below. Shamira turned, looking for Mitch.

  “Ugh!” Mitch’s head surged forward, hitting the metal step of the ladder.

  “Mitch!” Shamira reached for his hand that held tightly to the step beneath her. Someone tugged at her shirt, and she pulled away to grab Mitch’s hand.

  More gunfire lit up the dull smoke-filled exit. A final grunt escaped Mitch’s lips as his hand gave way. She heard a thump as he landed to the floor below.


  Kurt yanked her up by her jacket. “The bomb! Hedi will get them out. She’s calling backup.”

  Shamira’s heart was breaking. She was losing them all, and it was her fault that they were there. “Mitch…he and Dion. Hedi’s…” She choked and wiped a hand down her face.

  Hedi’s red hair lit up the night as she ran toward them. “I’ve locked on the bomb. It’s ticking fast, less than fifteen minutes to get to the Air Filtration Command Center!”

  Shamira pulled herself together. “Get Mitch and Dion out! They’ll all die down there if you don’t.”

  “You know I will.” Hedi nodded. “Backup’s almost here. Now go!”

  Shamira hesitated a moment, and Kurt yanked at her jacket. She pulled away. “Anthony…his body, don’t leave him here.” She couldn’t bring herself to reveal Anthony’s deceit.

  Hedi’s eyes started to water. “Body? Are you saying…”

  Shamira eyes closed and she gritted her teeth. Pivoting from Hedi’s forlorn face, she ran to the air filtration control center. The Mons at her back, her arms pumped, her blood raged, and electrical power flared, dancing over her body.

  “I’m right behind you. Don’t stop! I’m locked on the location.” Kurt sped up next to her. He pointed ahead. “There!”

  Shamira’s body throbbed. Pain forgotten, her only fixation was saving the lives of those she loved as she slid up to the metal door standing between her and the bomb that would suffocate everyone on the planet. Lifting her leg, she felt a flicker of electrical power dance over her skin. Her heart racing, tears of anguish teased the corners of her eyes, she pounded on the door. One kick, two, a punch, another and the door bent, dented, but wouldn’t give.

  “Get back! I’ll shoot it,” Kurt commanded barely giving her time to step out of the way before he fired on the lock. The concrete frame of the door cracked as he shot at the door over and over again.

  The hinge’s hold loosened and Shamira kicked it several times, bursting it open. She stopped short, the tickling of heat and adrenaline curled up within her seeking a fight.

  “Where is it?” She searched the large room of slick tan rock floors, walls of white and multiple flat-screen computer panels on the walls.

  Kurt tapped the computer band on his wrist and pointed at one of the wall paneled computer screens. “Over there, behind the screen.”

  Shamira rushed forward, breathing fast as prickling anticipation and fear flowed through her. “How much time we got?” She started lifting the computer screen off the wall.

  Kurt grabbed the other end and they put it on the floor. “Not much…not much.” He studied the wall, a frown marring his brown features. “We have to break through the wall. It’s in there kinda deep. Damn! I hoped it was in a safe or something I could pick, not built into the damn wall. The sick son-of-a...”

  “I’ll do it.” Taking several deep breaths, a wave of refreshed energy poured through her. Punch after punch landed on the wall. White lights of electrical power sprayed out of each blow until her knuckles bled. The wall cracked, crumbled, and gave way to an alcove within.

  “Hold up! Careful, it might speed up if it’s jarred.”

  Trembling, she fought for command of the deteriorating situation. For the first time since she’d been a blind kid with all of this built-up power she didn’t understand, it took everything within her to cool down, back the power deep within her and regain control. Her body shivered, her chest hurt as if she’d inhaled too much water, and sweat poured out of her. She clenched her fist in an effort to regain control.

  Kurt reached around her and cautiously touched one of the wires exposed out of the makeshift bomb. It was a dark, thick palm-sized square with wires of various colors jutting from within. He jerked his hand away, then rummaged around in his pocket for a cylinder device about the size of a pen. “This will let me see inside it.” His other arm jerked up and he glanced down at the mini-computer on his wrist. “I don’t have time to deactivate it,” he gulped.

  Shamira’s gaze left the shell of the bomb and collided with his fear-laden expression. “It’s okay. I have an idea.”

  He shook his head. “No…you don’t. You can’t. You’ll die!”

  Shamira grabbed the bomb. Shoving Kurt out of the way, she dashed through the door. Releasing the pent up beast within her, she ran with renewed speed.

  “Faster. Faster. Don’t stop,” she chanted.

  Each breath was filled with needles of pain. Tears ran unchecked down her face. The device beeped loudly, and more rapidly with each of her steps. Kurt’s yell boomed behind her.

  Pouring out all the power she’d held within her, pulse after pulse drenched her entire body. The beeping bomb screeched its final alarm. Heaving gulps of air, she threw it forward into the sand swept winds, and with a powerful thundering boom, it exploded.


  Indescribable heat engulfed her entire body. Kurt’s cries were drowned by the blast of heat, and it felt as though her entire body was on fire. Fire so intense consumed her as she flew backwards. Her head crashed against the pavement, dunking her into deathly darkness.

  Chapter 41
r />   I did it. They’re safe…safe.

  Blinding light pushed Shamira forward. Air rushed into her lungs and she lunged upward from a pillowed surface. “Nooooooo!”

  Her hand tangled in a soft, silky mass of waved curls and her blurry vision cleared as her hand slipped from within its soft cocoon. A fit of coughing shook her.

  Valens sleepy gaze locked with hers. A smile blossomed on his face and glowed within his eyes. “Shamira! You’re awake.” He snuggled her close in a hug and showered kisses on her lips, her cheeks, her eyes and neck. Holding her as if he was afraid to let her go, he whispered, “God I love you…love you so much. You’re back…with me.” She felt moisture from his tears on the side of her face.

  “Valens, I love you too. Sorry…so sorry.” Her voice croaked hoarsely, and she coughed breathlessly determined to tell him everything. “Anthony…he was the mole. My d-dad dead, Renu need codes to…kill.” Tears of distress from her weakness leaked down her face.

  He held her face within his hands. “Shh…shhh.” He leaned in and kissed her deeply while she whimpered, then tangled her hands in his hair. An expression of wonder etched on his face, as if he couldn’t believe she was alive. “We know it all, everything. Your father is alive.”

  “Bu-but, I didn’t mean to break up with you. I had,” she coughed, “to so…you and the others would be safe from them.”

  “I figured that out after we came to get you.” A tear slipped from the crease in his eyes. Valens bent in and kissed her. “Why didn’t you tell me? You know you can tell me anything.”

  “I-I’ll go with you to Earth.” Her bandaged hand pulled him close. She whispered, “If you still want me.”

  “I’ll always want you.”

  “Burns…so many burns.” She sniffed.

  “They are almost completely gone. You’re just bandaged up to make sure your wounds are fully healed. Thanks to the nurses constantly bugging you all the time. And I love the new haircut.” He ran his fingers through her short cropped hair. “But I’m not going to Earth to stay, I put in my request to stay on Mars…with you after our training.”


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