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Hyrruld Warriors 1: Through the Tapestry (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme)

Page 4

by Jools Louise

  Gently licking every last drop of cum from Max’s softening cock, Indigo got to his feet. Sol’s mouth was still devouring Max’s and Indigo joined in the sexy kiss, his tongue swirling with theirs. The three-way got sloppy, the three caressing each other with roaming hands and eager lips.

  “Good morning, sire.” Indigo murmured as he finally left the delicious depths of Max’s opening. “We made breakfast.” Gesturing to the cooking fire, he placed a gentle kiss on Max’s cheek before joining his grinning comrades.

  Max was still shaking from his orgasm, feeling Sol’s lips caressing a trail down his cheek before nibbling on his earlobe. He shivered, head lolling back to allow further access.

  “Indigo was hungry,” he murmured, smiling slightly as he watched Indigo’s tight ass, feeling his semi-hard cock twitch again with interest.

  “Now that they’ve bonded finally, they can’t get enough of you, my love. The mating bond enhances feelings which lie dormant for all those years. Think of your teenage years, and then add all the experiences these men have had as adults. Over the next few weeks, we’re gonna fuck you so many times you’ll barely be able to walk.” Sol growled the last bit, grinding his cock against Max again before nipping the man’s sexy nape.

  Max chuckled breathlessly.

  “My ass is already sore. My cock doesn’t seem to realise that, though. I hope you realise I’ll be wanting to top each and every one of you before too long.” His hand reached behind him, giving that thick cock of Sol’s a hard squeeze. “I think I’d like you to be first, while they all watch. They can hold you down while I fuck this beautiful ass so hard you feel it for weeks.”

  As he spoke, Max stroked Sol hard until with a grunt, the large dragon knave’s hips bucked and he came. The scent of hot semen reached Max’s nostrils and he knelt, dragging Sol’s pants down to reveal the heavy cock covered in spunk.

  “I’m hungry, too,” he whispered, peering up at Sol as he began to lap at the heavy load of cum with delicate greed, like a cat with a bowl of cream. His fingers kneaded Sol’s tight ass, parting the hard cheeks and brushing his thumbs teasingly along the tiny rosebud as he ate up all Sol’s jizz.

  Sol groaned and moaned, eyes still locked with Max’s. Max gave a wicked grin, opened wide, and began suckling on the spongy head like it was a lollipop. Swirling around the corona, then spending a lot of time exploring the piss-slit, Sol let out a roar as Max took him in to the hilt. He could feel Max’s throat muscles working against his cock. His hips bucked once, twice before he let out another roar and came hard down Max’s succulent throat. Gripping Max’s navy blue hair in his fists, head thrown back in bliss, he felt the strength go from his legs as his orgasm waned. Sinking down to his knees, cock bobbing free, he hugged Max to him, sharing a cum-filled kiss and taking back some of his seed as he regained some sanity.

  “Hey! Quit fondling each other and get some breakfast, you two! We have to build a shelter today.” Raven shouted at the pair, grinning as Sol flipped him off.

  Sol did give Max a final hug before getting to his feet and pulling Max up with him, slapping his ass.

  “You do know that slapping the ass of your king is tantamount to treason, don’t you?” Max raised a haughty brow teasingly at Sol. He laughed when Sol snorted. “You’re lucky I no longer have a kingdom, or I may be forced to take action.”

  Sol gave him a grin, and then his expression turned serious.

  “Sire, we will rise again. You are the last in your line, but now that we are mate-bonded, the line has a chance to survive. If it takes millennia, we will regain your kingdom.” Sol sank to one knee, bowing his head and kissing Max’s knuckles.

  One by one the other knaves by the fire got up and did the same, giving Max a bow, then mimicking Sol’s display of allegiance.

  Max felt tears in his eyes. In just a few short days he had lost a kingdom but found love and a band of men with enough strength to share a mate bond, leaving all they knew to follow him to Hyrruld-knew-where.

  One by one, he said words passed down from one generation to the next. Like knights from the old Earthen journals, he gave each a title. Now they weren’t just knaves but warrior knights in their own right. One by one, each new knight felt the power of the words spoken, felt the bond strengthen even more. Whatever happened, they were now connected until death parted them…and beyond.

  “So, can we eat now? I’m starving!” Max shrugged off the serious moment, lightening the mood by putting a childish whine in his voice. They all laughed, Sol swatting his ass again which had them all giggling like little kids.

  Max had felt alone for a long time, his position meaning others couldn’t be as close as he wanted. The death of his father meant new responsibilities, the death of his kingdom, a new life on a strange planet. But he was surrounded by love and laughter, despite the danger. He’d never felt happier.

  Breakfast finished amidst much teasing and the occasional grope. Gathering supplies, they set out to scout the area.

  They decided to stay together, since no one quite knew what to expect. Judging by the size of the vegetation and creatures so far, they may just be the smallest things here. Safety in numbers was a wise credo to live by for the time being.

  Keeping quiet, but not entirely silent, the party set off.

  Raven shifted into dragon form, swooping overhead to see what he could see and warn of impending danger. With all the large trees, their canopy spreading like a green carpet overhead, it was doubtful that he would see an attack on the ground, but certainly if there were any fliers, the group would be okay.

  Shimmer and Jayde took point, with Max and Sol in the middle and Ochre protecting the rear. They each kept note of their direction, leaving markers in case they needed to return to the ship quickly.

  The ground underfoot was firm enough, covered with fallen leaves and mosses. A little spongy, but it was fairly dry as they navigated the vast forest around them. Huge roots snaked up from underground, their soaring buttresses wide enough to walk on. Insects buzzed about, their iridescent wings in hues defying the otherwise drab landscape of greens and browns. Above, there was a distant chirping sound. Maybe there were birds up there. If so, Max was damned if he could detect them, so high were the first branches of the trees.

  Harsh cries or growls of other creatures sounded. Max played a little game, trying to determine predator or prey. On Hyrruld, creatures which were deadly often looked drab and uninteresting to disguise their deadly nature. Whereas the harmless beasties clad themselves in shimmering garb, flitting about like dandies at a court banquet.

  Straying a little from the main group, Max’s attention was distracted by a flower. Its deep red petals looked like those of a rose, but its stem had no thorns. The centre was a bright yellow. Max was a sucker for a pretty flower and went to investigate more closely.

  Reaching out, he went to grasp the stem, freezing as he heard a low, vicious snarl coming from the right. Turning only his eyes, he blinked at the massive furry paw he saw. The paw moved, and his gaze rose along the thickly muscled foreleg which rippled with each tiny movement as it stalked forward. Up and up, first taking in a broad furry chest of jet black, along the short, thick neck heavy with muscle. The first glimpse of the snarling mouth nearly had Max fainting with fear. He was a king, goddammit, he told himself. He was not going to be scared by some giant fanged furball.

  The massive mouth lowered, razor-sharp fangs as long as his arm glistening as another snarl ripped from the wide-open maw. Max gulped, mesmerised as the teeth moved even closer. A third snarl and Max got irritated with himself.

  Digging deep, Max tried out a snarl of his own, baring his teeth which were quite sharp themselves. Glaring and trying to look a bit bigger than five feet ten inches, the effect was less than dazzling. The sound which came from his mouth, while definitely a snarl, was puny in comparison to the vicious, spine-chilling noise coming out of the newcomer.

  Max tried not to flinch waiting with his chin tilted haughtily, exp
ecting to be gobbled up fairly quickly.

  Instead his eyes met soup-plate-sized eyes the colour of sapphires. The eyes blinked, and Max could swear he saw a hint of intelligence there, followed by amusement.

  “Now look here, I am not here to harm anyone. I merely want to look at this flower. I’m far too small to be more than a light snack for someone of your size, so please be on your way. I taste awful. And I’m poisonous.” Max channelled his inner diva as he put as much royal swagger as he possibly could into his tone.

  The beast snorted, blinked again, and then tilted its massive head to one side before sinking to its haunches. Max got an eyeful of the biggest cock he’d ever seen and a set of balls to match. The beast was definitely male.

  Slowly it lay on its belly, resting its giant head on those large paws and eyed him right back.

  Enjoying the view, little man? Max heard the voice in his mind, its guttural slightly inhuman tone telling him it could only be the beast speaking to him.

  “It’s rather difficult not to look, since everything is so…large here.”

  A burst of amused laughter reverberated around his brain as the beast laughed at this retort.

  What a funny little creature you are, little man. The rest of your group are returning, perhaps we should introduce ourselves. I would not want to have to eat them all should they not feel I am harmless and attack me. Another silent chuckle and the mouth gave a decidedly evil grin which had Max shuddering. He gulped.

  “My name is King Ferdinand Augustus Maxos III. I am exiled from my planet of Vexxillon in the Hyrruld galaxy. My group are dragon knaves from the same galaxy and are bonded mates to me. To whom am I speaking?” Max was proud of his efforts to keep fear at bay, speaking succinctly and with a goodly amount of snooty royal arrogance for good measure.

  One of those massive paws flexed, needle-sharp claws at least ten inches long flashing as the beast considered his manicure with almost idle contemplation.

  Your Royal Highness, is it? From the Hyrruld galaxy? Well, your Majesty, I am the alpha male of the feline clans here.

  “You’re a shifter, too?” Max burst out unwittingly, startled since he had feline blood in him as well.

  That piercing sapphire gaze met his with amusement.

  I am a feline shifter, yes. I am unfamiliar with dragon knaves. Or the Hyrruld galaxy. I know an alpha when I see one, however. You may be their king, but who is alpha?

  A loud roar sounded and Sol leapt in front of Max, his body practically shaking with rage.

  “I am alpha! You want to eat someone, try me out for size first.”

  That amused chuckle sounded again as the giant feline laughed at this challenge.

  With the grace of all felines, he rose to all fours. Stretching out those massive forelegs, he flexed his claws while lowering his shoulders almost to the ground and ironing out the kinks in his long back legs. Stretching finished, he lowered his head, sniffing at Sol insolently before swiping a long, pink tongue across Sol’s startled face.

  Little people, you amuse me. This is my kingdom, and I am alpha. I do not wish to eat you. I wish to understand how you came to my world.

  Despite the fact that Sol was a large male in Max’s estimation, the giant cat’s head towered above them both by a good six feet. It tilted its head again, studying the other knaves who appeared in the clearing, swords drawn.

  “We are not in danger,” Max said. “I am merely introducing myself. There is no need to upset our host any more than necessary. This gentleman was saying hello.”

  Sol snorted, wiping off the slimy saliva from his face as he glared up at the amused feline.

  “So glad he finds this amusing.” Sol was not amused, but had enough sense not to antagonise the beast further.

  I will have your vessel brought to my camp. Climb aboard and I’ll take you all there myself. I am known as Myre. The planet is one of the outer worlds of the Hoxi galaxy. It is called Agion.

  Max and the knaves watched as Myre lowered himself so they could climb aboard his broad back. Exchanging glances, Max made the decision and leapt nimbly up, ignoring the growl of warning from Sol. Max instinctively knew he could trust Myre, since the feline had every reason to kill them for trespassing and challenging him. He appeared curious and certainly was intelligent. Plus, he was totally unafraid. He was definitely at the top of the food chain here on Agion.

  If there was one thing Max had learned during Kingly Training school 101, it was to court allies wherever they could be found. He was no snob, and had not looked at a creature’s bloodlines before he made friends. This giant feline could possibly be a friend, and would make a powerful ally…unless he got fed up with his curiosity and decided they’d make a nice snack after all.

  Reluctantly, the other knaves followed Max, scrambling up behind Max and gripping handfuls of jet black fur as Myre stood gracefully, easily taking the weight of them all. As he began to move, Max gave Sol’s hand a squeeze. Sol looked decidedly tense.

  “Myre, thank you. We are honoured you are taking us with you.” Max felt it only fitting to offer gratitude.

  Little man, I do not understand why you are here, nor how you came here. I sense dark stirrings from afar, from enemies not yet known to me. If you can offer insight and help protect these lands, my clan will forever be in your debt.

  “Stirrings? You can sense things?”

  Your Highness, whilst we are a relatively primitive race of shifters on the outer edges of the civilised galaxy, we are far from stupid. The Tapestry has been breached, your doing I’m sure. If it has been done once, then it can be repeated. I sense that others are trying to break through, those with less honourable intentions than yours. I see flashes of the future, images of things to come. I am fearful that when the Tapestry is breached again, we will see much bloodshed which despite our great size, we will be unable to prevent. My family are here, my children. I will not have them harmed. I will protect them with everything I have.

  Max rubbed a soothing hand along the broad shoulder blade of the giant feline as he walked gracefully, regally through the forest.

  “Myre, I am deeply sorry we have brought our fight here. We thought we had escaped those people. My father and a great many of my people were murdered by the evil which may follow us. I am the last of my line, and I have no children of my own. I wish to restart my lineage, but if it brings danger to your family, we will find new accommodations. Perhaps there is another world we might go to. Our ship is functional, we could leave soon if need be.”

  Myre’s giant head swivelled and his sapphire eyes met Max’s sorrowful ones.

  The dark stirrings are not of your doing, Your Highness. I have felt probing of the Tapestry for decades. There are those who want what is not theirs. They stop at nothing to get what they want. Greed is a powerful motivator for someone with no morals. I sense you and your knaves are honourable. I sense a deep love and affection between. I sense that your lineage rests within your birthing pouch. Six eggs lie within.

  Max blinked as the last bit sank in. He was pregnant. With six eggs? Holy crap! He wasn’t entirely sure how this had happened so fast. Normally there were two stages, the first being him bonding with his lovers. Then he would top them each in turn and he would become the egg bearer. Apparently, having six sexy studs’ cum covering every part of him during the first stage had been enough to trigger the eggs. Damn!

  One large sapphire eye winked at him and Max smiled back, blinking back tears of relief.

  “Are you sure? We’re to be parents? Six eggs, really?” Max was babbling but couldn’t help himself. The norm was three eggs. His knights must be bursting with virility since it appeared each of them had blessed him with their seed. Six eggs! It was unheard of.

  “Did you just say you were pregnant with six eggs?” Sol asked incredulously. Max heard the astonished murmurs from the others as well. Raven, who must have heard the declaration, swooped through the canopy in dragon form, landing gracefully on top of Myre’s back.

  He wrapped massive arms around Max, kissing him with loving fervour before hugging Max close to him.

  “Sire, that is excellent news. Our love for you will see that we keep you safe from harm. My father told of this Hoxi galaxy, it is the stuff of legends. Myre’s clan are honourable indeed. This is the perfect spot to regroup, give birth and then build our family.” Raven’s deep green eyes were glittering with pride and love, and Max held him close, grinning madly.

  He gave Myre a wink, still clutching Raven’s big frame.

  “Hey, let us have a turn.” Sol grabbed Max, hugging and kissing him.

  One by one, each of the knaves repeated the gesture, leaving Max hornier than hell and happy as a clam. After the horror of the past few weeks, he was now almost hopeful of their future.

  If only they could prevent the Tapestry from being breached again.

  Chapter Four:


  The trek through the alien world was strange, to say the least. If anyone would have told Sol he would be sitting atop a gigantic black panther who could communicate telepathically, he would have laughed long and loud. He wasn’t laughing right now.

  His seat atop the gigantic black panther named Myre caused a lot of emotions, but amusement was definitely not one of them. Atop this high perch, he wouldn’t exactly say he felt safe and secure. For all he knew, Myre was taking them all for lunch for his family. He loved Max, but the man could be naïve at times. Sol was prepared for anything, not understanding how the other knaves could be so relaxed about the situation.

  Perhaps it had something to do with the bond. Max trusted this creature, so through their connection they felt no need to be wary. Sol had other ideas. He trusted no one. After the past few weeks of tragedy and betrayal, he could not afford to let down his guard.

  So, you think I will be dining on you and your companions this day, dragon knight?


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