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Heart of the Void: Sosaku Online - Book 2

Page 23

by J. Arthur Klein

  *** Congratulations you have reached Level 15! ***

  *** You have gained 2 Combat Skill Points. ***

  *** You have gained 2 Divine Skill Points. ***

  *** You have gained 2 General Skill Points. ***

  *** You have gained 1 Attribute Point ***

  *** You have gained 16 maximum Hit Points. ***

  *** You have gained 20 maximum Mana Points. ***

  *** You have gained 8 maximum Stamina Points. ***

  *** Congratulations! You have reached Awakened Rank 3! ***

  *** Congratulations! You have gained the Rank 3 Awakened Racial Skill: Aspect of the Falcon I ***

  *** Aspect of the Falcon I: Imbued with the essence of the falcon, the character has become keen of eye and mind (+1 to Intelligence/Wisdom). In addition, the character has gained the ability to manifest a pair of fiery wings once per 24-hour period that can be used to perform an assisted leap or to halt a fall. ***

  *** Congratulations! Your Child of the Underworld skill has reached a new tier in power and now provides a new ability! *** *** Touch of Mercy - As the chosen priest of Anpu, the character has gained the ability to lessen the duration of the Weakened Spirit debuff using their divine favor. The character may expend ten divine favor plus one per minute remaining in the effect to completely cleanse the target of the Weakened Spirit effect. ***

  I collapsed to the ground as the information for the new skill and its use poured into my still tender brain.

  Thoughts of soaring through the air on wings of fire had me laying on the sands of the afterlife, a stupid grin plastered across my face, with more than enough daydreams to fill the fifteen minutes before I could respawn.



  When I appeared back at the start of the dungeon, I was surprised to see Mika wasn’t there waiting. Instead, there was a note sitting under a rock. I picked it up and sighed when the note turned out to be pure gibberish.

  *** Literacy (Njor) check unsuccessful. You lack the required skill to read this language. ***

  Shoving the note into my pocket, I chuckled a bit, memories of my first meeting with Kjara and our initial adventure together flashing through my mind. All due to her inability to read Saa.

  Since the battle was over and there was loot to be had down below, I decided to live with the death debuff and head down to the boss room immediately.

  I made my way through the upper floors and down to the lower levels. The boat ride didn’t even phase me anymore.

  The Weakened Spirit debuff wore off by the time I reached the ushtabi gallery, and the trauma of my painful death transformed into a muted memory.

  When I arrived at the boss room, Kjara ran over and pressed herself into my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed the top of her head gently. “What’s up, beautiful. Good work finishing off the boss man.”

  She looked up at me and smiled. “I thought we were screwed there at the end, that last rush was insane. I must have hit the thing a thousand times and no crits. None.”

  Her smile widened a bit. “And then you healed me, and once I could concentrate again, I was able to finish the heart off.”

  I tilted my head in confusion. “Huh? Yeah, I pumped the last of my mana and about forty divine favor into Soothing Touch. I saw your health shoot up before the mana burn knocked me on my ass. I’m glad it worked. Why couldn’t you concentrate?”

  She shivered and said, “That much healing all at once was intense. I felt like I’d just downed a six pack of Red Bull and eaten an entire pack of pixie sticks, my brain was buzzing.”

  “Oh,” I said. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know it would do that. Just figured some extra healing would hold you over while you finished it off. I won’t-”

  She shut me up with a hand over my mouth and then replaced that hand with her lips in a soft, passionate kiss.

  When our lips parted, we were both breathless. We spent an unknown amount of time just looking into each other’s eyes, enjoying the moment. I was in awe.

  Finally, she looked away and cleared her throat, gesturing towards the giant chest that was sitting where central sarcophagus had once stood. “Shall we?”

  I grinned, still a bit in shock, and nodded. The lid was open, which confused me a bit until Kjara cleared things up.

  “Mika had to go, so he grabbed his loot and logged out. If what he got was any indication, I think you’re going to be happy,” she said with a mischievous grin.

  “Ooh, what did he get?” I asked, wondering what kind of goodies we’d get at the end of this giant dungeon.

  “It’s a surprise!” she called out, then ran ahead to stand near the chest.

  “What about the Heart?” I asked, looking around frantically and seeing no sign of it where we’d been battling the boss.

  “It’s in the chest,” Kjara said. “Saw it when I grabbed my loot. Figured you’d want to do the honors.”

  I grinned and reached into the chest and pulled out my bag of random loot and a beautiful headdress of striped white and gold cloth, held together with a golden circlet with an ankh that would sit dead center on my forehead when equipped.

  *** Enhanced Nemes of Devotion—This armor provides protection to the wearer from both physical and arcane sources. While crafted of linen and gold plated steel, the materials have been magically reinforced to be more resilient and protective than the materials themselves would indicate. In addition, this armor provides a small bonus to Presence and Fortune. [Devotion Set 3/3]. Current Set Bonus: -5% Spell Cost, +5% Spell Damage/Healing ***

  I tossed my current headgear into my pack and put on the headpiece, smiling as its magic flowed through my body.

  Before I got too distracted by the new shiny, I reached into the chest and retrieved the heart which was now a grapefruit sized sculpture carved out of a dull, black stone of some sort.

  *** Quest Update: Obtain the Heart of Kchil’ik from the Tomb [1/1] ***

  As soon as the heart was in my hands, a fountain of golden light burst out of the chest and began to swirl around the room, eradicating all signs of the corrupting veins. The light flowed over us, and where it touched us, the rips and tears in our gear were magically restored.

  The light spread around the room, forming into a cyclone that fed a growing pillar of light at its center where the main sarcophagus had once stood.

  The central pillar pulsed once and disappeared, leaving behind the towering form of the Spirit of Asah, the fallen king of the Saa pantheon, who looked down on us with a weary expression.

  “Thank you, Children of Anpu,” the Spirit spoke. “Long have I and my children held vigil, and in the end our efforts were almost for naught.”

  His shoulders seemed to straighten as if a great weight had been lifted from his shoulders. “This charge now falls to you. Avenge us and prevent Kchil’ik from once again terrorizing the land.”

  Asah nodded to us in thanks and raised his hands. Golden light enveloped us, and when it cleared, we were standing in the Temple of Heru-et in front of the tomb entrance.

  Kjara’s eyes zoned out for a second. She frowned as she turned to me. “Sorry, James. I have to log out now. You going to turn in the heart?”

  I nodded. “Yeah, I’ll turn it in and see what the next step is so we can be ready to get started tomorrow.”

  “Okay, I’ll be back bright and early. Don’t get into too much trouble while I’m gone,” she said with a grin.

  She walked over and leaned in a little hesitantly. Hoping I wasn’t making a blunder, I leaned down and gave her a quick kiss and was relieved to have it returned. She looked up at me with a giant smile and said, “See you tomorrow,” and then disappeared.

  Smiling goofily to myself, I looked down at the stone heart in my hands. Better get this back to Anpu ASAP, I thought. Don’t want to risk doing something dumb and losing it.

  That in mind, I activated the Dust to Dust skill and disappeared in a whirlwind of crimson sand.


br />
  When I coalesced in the rolling dunes of the Saa afterlife, I didn’t waste any time triggering my Child of the Underworld ability to get to the temple.

  Another whirlwind of sand deposited me at the entrance of the temple. I rushed inside and headed directly to the altar. As I approached, Anpu appeared in a flash of light. “You have retrieved the heart?” he asked expectantly.

  “Yes, my lord,” I replied and handed it over.

  With a swirl of golden light, the heart disappeared from his hands and I let out a heavy sigh.

  *** Quest Complete: Heart of the Void***

  *** Return the Heart of Kchil’ik to Anpu at the Temple of the Restless Dead [1/1] ***

  *** Your party has received 5000xp! ***

  *** You have gained 100 Divine Favor! ***

  *** Your reputation with the Saa Pantheon has increased! ***

  “Excellent work, Adept,” the god of the underworld said.

  “Thank you, my lord,” I said. “I had a lot of help along the way, Ahn’ep Kjara, Guardian Amenhotep and a new companion, a dýrafólk from the north named Mika all played critical roles in our victory.”

  He nodded. “They too will be rewarded, but we are not done yet.”

  The god gestured, and a small zephyr of sand appeared on the altar. It formed into a detailed map of the empire and surrounding continent. The map was centered on Sehkem, and the level of detail in the city was amazing. Looking over the rest of the map I saw that not everything was quite so refined. The further one looked from the center of the map, the more abstract things became.

  Anpu’s focus shifted, causing the entire map to ripple as the resolution followed the god’s gaze to center on his new focus: The Vale of Dreams.

  The Vale was located far to the southwest of Sehkem, a lush forest surrounding a large, freshwater lake called the Moonwell. From what I remembered of Kjara’s description, it was a crystal clear lake of extreme beauty, and after the first patch should have a completely intact bottom.

  “So far, the Kchil have been unsuccessful in their attempts to claim more of their master’s body, but my cousins in the Valerian Court, the elven pantheon, have informed me of troubles near the Forbidden Barrows. Their fae children have turned on them and now show signs of corruption.”

  I cursed and the god looked over at me and raised an eyebrow. “You have something to say?”

  “No, my lord. The corrupted tomb guardians were difficult enough, but corrupted fae… that’s the stuff of nightmares.” I replied.

  The god paused for a second and then continued, “As I was saying. The corrupted fae have taken over the barrows where the left arm of the Devourer is being guarded.”

  “Okay, so we-”

  “I wasn’t finished, Adept.” The god interrupted with steel in his voice.

  Once I’d shut my trap, he continued, “To make matters worse, the Kchil were able to open a portal between their undersea stronghold and the Moonwell and send a force through to establish a foothold within the Moonwell’s depths. The Valerian clergy and magi were able to close the initial portal but are now forced to spend most of their resources countering the Kchil’s attempts to reestablish the connection.”

  I waited a few seconds to make sure he was done before replying, “So we go in, get the arm and bring it back here?”

  He nodded. “Correct.”

  *** Quest Received: Left Arm of the Devourer ***

  *** Anpu, Lord of the Underworld has charged you with retrieving the Left Arm of Kchil’ik from within the Forbidden Barrows in the Vale of Dreams. The fae guardians have been corrupted by Kchil’ik’s influence and will not hand over the relic without a fight. And the Elven court is not known to be kind to outsiders. ***

  *** Criteria: ***

  *** Enter the Forbidden Barrows [0/1] ***

  *** Obtain the Left Arm of Kchil’ik from the Tomb [0/1] ***

  *** Return the Left Arm of Kchil’ik to Anpu at the Temple of the Restless Dead [0/1] ***

  *** Rewards: xp, reputation with the Saa Pantheon, reputation with the Valerian Court ***

  I nodded. “Of course.”

  Looking back at the map, I grimaced at the large section of desert in between Sehkem and the Vale of Dreams. Depending on the state of things in Arven’s Folly, we might be able to make the trek back there and use the Sun-gate to hop over to Tael’va, and then make the trek across there.

  “My lord,” I said carefully. “It’s quite a trip to the Vale from where we are. Any ideas how we can make the trek without too much delay?”

  Anpu looked at me and pondered. “Even with the current crisis, I am limited in what I can do. Even if our enemy is not so bound.”

  “Anything you could assist with would be much appreciated. Otherwise, it’s going to take us forever to get to the Vale, and we might not make it before the fishfolk break through,” I replied.

  My patron paused for a moment and then reached a decision. “All that I may reveal is that the Temple of Heru-et may have something that can assist you in your travel.”

  That was a bit of a mixed blessing. It was good to know that there was a way, but unless I could skip the normal rank and file and go right to Kaluitep for answers, trekking across the desert might be easier.

  “My lord, from what I understand of the moon elves they will probably not be willing to allow us to enter their holy sites,” I said nervously.

  He shook his head. “The Valerian Court have assured me that you will be allowed passage. Their High Priest sits on the council that governs the Vale. When you arrive, speak to him and tell him this. ‘In the shadows of the new moon, the jackal stalks his prey.’ He will know why, and who, has sent you and you will be granted access to the barrows.”

  “Thank you, my lord. I will get it done.” I replied.

  “Good. Now before you venture forth, you have reached a new level of power, and while I cannot at this point grant you any more skills myself, the trainers below in the temple halls are at your disposal. I suggest you make use of them as the Forbidden Barrows will be quite… different from Asah’s tomb.”

  Before I could answer, he was gone, leaving behind nothing but the now inert sand covering the altar.

  Not wanting to look a gift horse in the mouth, I made my way into the back of the temple where I found a staircase leading down to the training hall Anpu had shown me on my earlier visit.

  Looking out over all of the various training stations and their mummy attendants, I considered what exactly I wanted to learn. Let’s see where we are currently, shall we? I thought and brought up my character sheet.


  Name:Kheph Sa’tep

  Race:Human, Saa (Awakened)

  Class:Priest of Anpu

  Level:15Awakened Rank: 3

  Experience: 77220/78750

  Hit Points: 673/673

  Mana: 805/805

  Endurance: 512/512

  Divine Favor: 155

  Attributes (Modifier): [Available:1]

  --Strength (+1):14 (+3)

  --Agility (+1):11 (+1)

  --Constitution (+4):17 (+4)

  --Intelligence:12 (+2)

  --Wisdom (+1):14 (+3)

  --Presence (+3):22 (+7)

  --Fortune (+2):14 (+3)

  Racial Skills:

  --Child of the Sun

  --Martial Training

  --Son of the Sun

  --Aspect of War

  --Aspect of Light

  --Aspect of the Falcon

  Class Skills:

  --Blessing of the Gods

  --Divine Blessing

  --Temple Training

  --Child of the Underworld

  Boons and Blessings:

  --Unknown Origins - Blood of the Gods (Awakened)

  Combat Skills: (Available: 4)

  --Spear: 13 [0%]

  --Shield: 11 [82%]

  --Medium Armor: 12 [0%]

  --Endurance: 9 [0%]

  --Precision Strike: 11 [0%]

  General Skills: (Available: 3)

  --Armorer: 9 [23%]

  --Cooking: 4 [98%]

  --Discerning Eye: 14 [20%]

  --First Aid: 14 [99%]

  --Literacy (Saa):2 [44%]

  --Lore (Saa Religion): 11 [81%]

  --Survival (Desert): 1 [76%]

  --Weaponsmith: 1 [13%]

  --Lore (Necromancy): 3 [15%]

  --Riding: 1 [92%]

  Divine (Available: 2)


  --Combat Caster: 12 [0%]

  --Spectral Legion: 2 [N/A]

  --Exorcism: 1 [0%]

  --Spellcrafting: 2 [97%]

  --Aura of the Underworld: 4 [0%]

  --Divine Chanel: 3 [N/A]


  --Soothing Touch: 7 [0%]

  --Sunstrike: 5 [90%]

  --Jackal’s Tooth: 4 [90%]

  --Beacon of Life: 2 [42%]

  --Purifying Touch: 3 [25%]

  --Flamestrike: 5 [11%]

  --Sever Bonds: 1 [25%]

  --Summon Legionnaire: 1 [95%]

  --Cure Wounds: 14 [99%]

  --Sehkmet's Cleansing: 5 [80%]

  --Purification: 1 [0%]

  --Call the Dead: 1 [22%]

  --Create Food and Water: 1 [75%]


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