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Chance at Love on Mystic Bay (Island County Series Book 6)

Page 20

by Karice Bolton

  Chance pulled the car in front of the cabin, and I noticed the road went further back behind the house. Smoke was circling from the fireplace, the curtains were pulled back, and a beautiful warm glow from the windows welcomed us inside.

  “Between this morning and now this little cabin, I’ll never forget this Valentine’s Day.” I pushed down the lump that suddenly arose in the back of my throat. I needed to enjoy the moment and not worry about the future or I’d miss out.

  “Shall we?” he asked, turning off the car.

  “I’m so ready.”

  “The key is under the mat. I’ll grab the bags.”

  I nodded, climbing out of the car to feel the frigid air working its way into my bones. The snow was so fresh and deep it was a bit of a struggle to get to the front porch. By the time I was bending over the mat, Chance was already behind me with both bags.

  I didn’t see the key until Chance pointed at the underside of the mat.

  “It’s stuck.” I pulled off my gloves and worked my fingers under the cold metal until it fell into my hands. “Success.”

  I unlocked the door and a wave of heat invited us inside.

  The cabin was beautiful with a leather sectional stretching across the great room in front of the large stone fireplace that separated the main room from the kitchen.

  Wood floors flowed in every direction and a giant basket-weave wool rug centered the space. Chance sat the bags down and locked the door behind us.

  “So how do you know about this little place?” I asked.

  “My buddy Kyle North owns the place. He’s got three or four cabins he rents out on his property.”

  “It’s so cozy and perfect.”

  He looped his arm through mine and led me into the bedroom where a trail of red rose petals formed a pathway to the canopy bed.

  “You know how to make someone feel very special.”

  “You.” He touched my chin. “I want you to feel special.”

  I turned to look into Chance’s eyes. “When I’m with you I always do.”

  Longing flickered through his gaze before he looked away to the open window. Not that I imagined many people would be wandering around in this weather, but I wondered if I should shut the curtains.

  “I’ve got something I want to tell you,” Chance’s voice carried a thread of apprehension and my heart dropped. He was moving sooner than he’d planned.

  “Okay,” I said softly, as he brought me to the bed.

  “I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about my future and where I want to be, where I want to go in life, what dreams I need to conquer.” He reached out and skimmed his fingers through my ponytail.

  “I know.” I nodded, swallowing down the familiar lump where it came from.

  I didn’t expect him to bring up his Portland move today, but maybe that’s why he brought me here.

  To soften the blow.

  Truthfully, I’d known this was going to be his decision the moment I knew of the possibility, and with his cousin Brooke coming to take over his position it was all but officially confirmed.

  “Portland is where I gained notoriety, where I came into my own. I have so many wonderful friends down there, and I’ve met so many amazing people in Portland.”

  “You have,” I agreed. “They are a fun bunch. Loyal too.”

  He nodded in agreement and drew in a deep breath.

  “They’ve always been there to give it to me straight.”

  “That’s good to have.” I pressed my lips together to keep my breathing steady.

  “What I realized most when I was down there with you was that I feel at home—”

  “Totally understandable,” I interrupted, unsure I could actually stand to hear the words. Not now, not today.

  Today had been too perfect, and I wanted to live out this fantasy just a little longer. Worry and a bit of dread twanged through me as his eyes steadied on mine. I couldn’t read what emotions rested in his soul even when the smile covered his gaze before he continued.

  “I feel at home with you, Maddie. It wasn’t Portland. It’s not Hound Island. It’s not this little cabin. What makes my heart complete, my home complete, is being with you, Maddie. You’re my home.”

  “What are you saying?” I asked, shaking my head. “You can’t give up your dreams.”

  “Dreams change.”

  “No, you can’t give up on what you want out of life.”

  Chance’s smile deepened and he brought me in closer. “This is how I know I’m making the right decision. You push me to excel. You want the best for me.”

  His gaze fell to my lips. “I want the best for you, Maddie. I need to be the man who looks out for you, protects you from whatever life throws our way.”

  I brought in a shaky breath. If he was going to ask me to go to Portland, I didn’t know what I was going to say. I’d risked and lost so much once before because of . . .

  Chance leaned over to the nightstand and grabbed something I hadn’t even seen there when we’d entered the room. He scooted back on the bed and laid out blueprints.

  “What’s this?” I whispered.

  “Revised plans for the Purple Barn.” His eyes stayed on mine.

  “What are the revisions?” I asked.

  “I’ll be opening a restaurant in the main part of the lodge. I’m not moving to Portland.”

  “Are you sure that’s what you want to do?” I asked, feeling the prickle of joyous tears. “I can’t believe it. I don’t believe it. How long have you known?”

  “We were waiting to hear back from the county planners and engineers. I didn’t want to get your hopes up until I knew for sure.”

  “I’m the happiest woman in the world.” I jumped on him, and he fell backwards against the bed as I peppered him with endless kisses and dreams that I never knew I had.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Ten Months Later

  “Oh my gosh.” I spun around and flew into Chance’s arms. “This restaurant is beyond beautiful and it’s so you. Everything in it screams Chance Harlen.”

  “Isn’t it, baby?” He placed a kiss on top of my nose and nodded. “It’s more than I could have ever dreamed of, and it’s all because of you.”

  “Me? I didn’t do anything except paint a few walls and taste a few meals.” I smiled, pinching his cheek. “You get the credit for this. You and Hildie.”

  “You’re so wrong about that.” He picked me up and spun me around, beaming. “Harlen Station is about us.”

  “Are you trying to give me motion sickness?” He quickly put me down and laughed. “I don’t know who gets motion sickness off a quick spin.”

  I arched my brow, rubbing my belly. “Really? You can’t fathom it, huh?”

  Chance’s gaze intensified and he pulled me in again. “God, I love you, Maddie.”

  “That’s good because now you’re really stuck with me.” I gave him a kiss on his cheek. “But we should probably mingle with all your admirers. I mean guests.”

  Billy, Willy, Jester, and Stone were standing on the patio of the restaurant. Even though it was deep into autumn, everyone seemed to be congregating outside under the heat lamps. The gardens were still beautiful with lavender traded out for pumpkins and the topiaries lit with white twinkle lights.

  Holly and Nick were chatting with Jake, Jewels, Sophie, and Anthony. I spotted Lily and Ayden wandering through the gardens making their way over to the patio.

  “I’m so proud of you,” I whispered, looking into Chance’s lively blue eyes. “You’ve managed to pull together everything about these islands that makes living here special. Not to mention, your cuisine is out of this world.”

  “Couldn’t have done it without you,” he said softly, his hand resting on my belly. “Getting a pregnant woman to approve of the menu isn’t always easy.”

  I laughed, resting my head on his chest. I spotted Harmony wandering through the gardens. She was wearing leggings and an ivory sweater and right behind her was her date.
/>   “Has Harmony found someone?” I asked, lifting my head.

  Chance shook his head. “I don’t know if it’s that serious. She has a tendency to pick men who are emotionally unavailable.”

  “I hope that changes.”

  “Me too.” He kissed the top of my head, and I saw Brooke nearly skipping over to us.

  Since Chance was busy with creating Harlen Station inside of the Purple Barn, Hildie still wanted her to come out to take over Chance’s position. She seamlessly moved into overseeing operations and loved the islands. My little tea shop had done so well on Hildie’s farm that I had to hire help for both locations and now with my sister’s help, I bounced between islands.

  “What an amazing turnout,” Brooke said, scanning the crowd.

  “I’m a lucky man.”

  “No, you’re talented.” Brooke laughed. “I’ve been telling you that since I was three and you made me that peanut butter and jelly, lightly toasted.” She switched her gaze to me. “He was allowed to use the toaster and I wasn’t.”

  “Probably a good call at the toddler age.” I chuckled.

  “Yeah. I’m still not so hot with cooking or anything that can catch fire. I’m going to go get a drink.” She excused herself and Chance squeezed me as Billy came over.

  Billy scratched his head and shrugged. “I just don’t know how my free hot dog trick didn’t work on you. I mean I usually bat around a hundred.”

  “Is that a good thing?” I giggled.

  “Beats me.” He laughed and brought me and Chance in for an awkwardly warm bear hug. “Congrats, you two.”

  “Dude, do you realize you smell like a hot dog?” Chance laughed, pushing his friend away from us.

  “I drove my truck over here. My car’s in the shop.” Billy grinned. “So I’ve heard you already have a one-month wait list, and you haven’t even been officially open. Way to go, my man.”

  It was true. Chance had a soft opening for the last three weeks and word somehow spread. Next thing we knew, we had to start taking reservations well in advance.

  “We’ve been lucky on many accounts,” Chance said.

  “It’s not luck, brother. It’s talent, determination, and a willingness to look at all the options.” He drew in a deep breath and looked toward the water. “I know moving here was the best thing to happen to me. I couldn’t be happier with how life turned out, all because I crashed at your house one summer night.” Billy held up his beer glass. “A person has got to be open to the unexpected.”

  “Very true,” Chance agreed.

  “To Chance.” He winked at us and took a sip before wandering off.

  “Good thing you’ve got so many extra rooms at the Purple Barn now.”

  Chance laughed. “No kidding.”

  I spotted my parents walking over slowly with Hildie. They’d already come to the farm countless times with and without Muppet. Today, Muppet was sitting on my mom’s shoulder, scanning the situation. Thankfully, Muppet would have to stay in the gardens because of food service regulations.

  The sun had mostly set, and the soft glow of the lights strung above created a beautifully romantic setting. Chance knew what he was doing in the restaurant business. There was no doubt about it. We’d both found our calling.

  Modern music that had been playing softly from the overhead speakers faded and I glanced at Chance.

  “Should I go check the sound system? I had that on my list to check before the event and—”

  “Everything is just fine.” He smiled and as I looked into his eyes, I saw a vast ocean of emotions swishing and swirling around in a complicated expression of nerves, happiness, and excitement.

  Chance took my hand and slowly spun me around the patio until I saw a string quartet that began softly playing. My eyes darted to his, and my pulse began pounding as our family and friends began circling the patio.

  “Chance, what’s going on?” I whispered, feeling light-headed.

  “Maddie, you’re my home. You took a chance on me,” he said softly, but the crowd gathering let out a chuckle, and my heart filled with even more love for the man standing in front of me.

  “I love you, Chance.”

  “I love you too, Maddie.” He kissed my cheek and quickly got down on one knee, sliding a tiny box out of his pocket and my world stood still. “Maddie, you’ve made my life not only complete but spectacular. Every day I wake up next to you, I wonder what I did right in my world to deserve you. You’ve shown me what love means. You’ve demonstrated how to be compassionate beyond any other human being I’ve met. You’ve made my heart open wildly to love and new possibilities. You’ve allowed me into your heart and you’ve brought me home.”

  I stood staring at the man kneeling in front of me with emotions whipping through me as my world went into slow motion.

  “Maddie Wildes, will you marry me? Will you turn my final dream into reality and make our growing family official?”

  My hands whipped to my face as I squealed yes, and the crowd surrounding us cheered endlessly. Chance stood up, reached for my hand, and slipped the sparkling ring on my finger before sliding his fingers through my hair and pulling me in for the most memorable kiss of my lifetime.

  I knew taking a chance at love was the greatest gift I’d ever been given. Sometimes finding the right person to love and cherish wasn’t a direct path. When it came to love, it was not about the journey, it was about the destination. Love was about feeling safe when risks were taken. Love was about letting myself fall because I knew I’d be caught. Chance made my heart and home complete, and I wouldn’t have traded how I got here for the world.

  As our kisses slowed, I opened my eyes and wondered what I did in this lifetime to get such an amazing partner in life.

  “I love you, Chance Harlen,” I whispered, touching my nose to his.

  “Found a man,” Muppet screamed and the crowd chuckled as I glared at the bird who’d been right all along.

  “Indeed, I think you found a man.” Chance laughed.

  “Not just any man.” I smiled. “The perfect man for me.”

  Chance’s lips found mine, and I sank into our home where we could conquer the world together and take a chance at love.

  Thank you for reading Chance at Love! I hope you enjoyed Chance and Maddie’s story. Don’t miss out on Kyle North’s story in Irresistible Love at Silver Falls. Sign up for my newsletter if you’d like to receive exclusive FREE novellas, learn about pre-orders, and be notified about new releases! Go to Karice Bolton’s website to be included.

  Looking for another series to try? Check out the Beyond Love Series

  Beyond Control (Beyond Love #1)

  Gabby Sullivan used to have dreams. That’s right—dreams! But life slowly ate away at those imaginary goals, and before she knew it, she was changing her college major and signing up to live a life that wasn’t her own.

  That’s how it works though, right?

  Jason's been trying to piece his life together after a personal tragedy, only it's not working. Damaged by his ghosts, he's thrown himself into his work to avoid the past that won’t stop haunting him. He'll never forgive himself and doesn't expect anyone else to either.

  When the back of his vehicle is clipped by a hurried limo driver he can't wait to let the driver have it until he hears Gabby's voice coming from inside the sedan. There's something soothing about it, something familiar.

  The moment Gabby sees Jason, she knows her life will never be the same. But she doesn't know why. He's everything she said she never wanted. He's cocky, arrogant, and infuriating. With his dazzling amber eyes, dark hair and chiseled features she can hardly remember where she's going, let alone where she's been and maybe that's a good thing. She begins to let him show her what life could be, if she really lived it.

  Neither wants their past to define their future, but sometimes destiny has something else in store. It's only as their love grows and secrets are revealed that they realize a devastating connection from their past might actu
ally tear them apart.

  Have you read about Gabby, Brandy, and Lily yet? If not, check out the Beyond Love Series. There are seven books to sink your teeth into.

  Keep reading for an excerpt from Beyond Control…

  Beyond Control Excerpt

  “Knock. Knock,” Brandy hummed, tapping on the door lightly. “You ready?”

  “Not really,” I replied, pointing at the stack of papers piled on my desk. “But I guess that probably doesn’t matter.” I smiled and pushed myself away from the desk.

  “Not when it comes to your father.” She grinned. Brandy stepped into my office, and I gasped when I saw her. She was in the most gorgeous blue dress, and her dark brown hair was piled in loose curls on top of her head. With every movement, her dress shimmered and clung to all the right places, highlighting the beautiful caramel color of her skin.

  “Whoa,” I said, grinning, suddenly feeling completely underdressed for tonight’s function. I looked down at my silver blouse, black pencil skirt, and red stilettos. I was proud of myself for wearing what I thought was a day-to-evening outfit like I always saw in the style magazines… and then Brandy steps into my office, blowing my wishful thinking to smithereens. It must be wonderful to always be so stunning.

  “Your assistant cleans up nicely, huh?” she teased. Brandy was my best friend, who I’d met in college, and she knew me better than anyone.

  “Your father figured this would happen,” she laughed. “So he sent something over. A courier brought it about an hour ago. I didn’t even peek.”

  “You mean my stepmom knew this would happen,” I laughed.

  “Same difference.”

  I blew the stray hairs out of my face and couldn’t help but smile as I thought about my father. He always took such good care of me, especially since my mother’s death. Actually, that wasn’t completely true. His money always took very good care of me. I only saw him more now because I worked for one of his companies.


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