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Page 29

by Raine Thomas

  “He’s a great match for you,” her mother said.

  Tate glanced at her. “I happen to think so. I’m glad you do, too.”

  “When we take you out for your flight lesson later, don’t make it too easy on him. I can tell you from experience that it’s rather fun being rescued.”

  That made Tate laugh. She noticed that Sparky glanced up at her when she did. He was trying to put her sister down, but Emma clung to him like moss to a tree.

  In the distance, Tate watched flashes of lavender appear in her family’s garden. The Lekwuesti, minus Ariana at the moment, were setting linen-covered tables so everyone could gather and enjoy birthday cake and otherwise celebrate the twins’ birthday. She watched as her father walked into the house with her uncles, bringing to mind a conversation she’d had with Tiege earlier that day.

  “Are they still going to try and recover the memories from Uncle Gabriel and archigos Ini-herit regarding the scroll?” she asked. “Tiege wasn’t sure.”

  Her mother shrugged. “I don’t think so. Now that Ariana can help find the pieces, it really isn’t necessary.”

  Tate had figured as much, but she had worried over the possibility when Tiege and Clara Kate filled her in after her rescue. She didn’t want anything to happen to her uncle. Or the Corgloresti elder, for that matter. And from what she had been told, the memory retrieval could be dangerous.

  “Good,” she said. “Then it’s just a matter of getting Ariana comfortable with the idea of leaving here so she can help find them.”

  Her mother gave her arm an understanding squeeze. “One step at a time, honey. Why don’t we get through your birthday party first? You have candles to blow out and wishes to make. Then we can bear the worries of the world together.”

  She was right…except for one thing. As Tate watched Sparky give up the fight and lift Emma so she sat on his shoulders with her hands in his untamed hair, she knew her biggest wish had already come true.

  Coming soon........


  Book two of the Firstborn Trilogy

  Turn the page for a preview of Shift,

  from the mind of Raine Thomas.


  Donald, lieutenant of the Waresti, heard the moan first. He wasn’t as knowledgeable about human emotions as his two commanders and class elder, archigos Uriel. Yet even he recognized the suffering conveyed by that sound.

  He and a patrol of twenty Waresti were conducting a sweep of some caves within an ocean-side cliff, intending to rout out any Mercesti residing in them. A Corgloresti transition point was located not too far away. Thus, Donald wanted to secure a mile-wide perimeter, clearing it of the Dark Ones. No sense risking the Mercesti finding a Corgloresti’s vulnerable form and attempting to destroy it, after all.

  Glancing at Isaiah, the Waresti in the group with the keenest hearing, Donald used hand signals to communicate.

  Did you catch the origin of that noise?

  Yes, sir. North tunnel.

  Donald nodded. Signaling that the warriors all move in silence, he took the lead and treaded carefully into the tunnel, his sword at the ready. Although the moan had sounded feminine, Mercesti weren’t above using trickery to try and lead others into a trap.

  The tunnels were dark. Donald didn’t conjure a light, not wanting to alert anyone to their presence. Mercesti could see in the dark, giving them an advantage in this environment. Waresti, however, had also developed good night vision over the centuries. Donald progressed with quiet confidence through the inky tunnel.

  He heard another muffled groan and the sliding of a body along a gritty surface. When he rounded the next bend, he spied a huddled form on the ground. All he could make out was a glimpse of white skin and a long length of black hair.

  Fan out. Check the tunnels, he communicated to his warriors. He wasn’t about to risk being taken unawares by skulking Mercesti.

  When they moved to obey the order, Donald focused again on the small being crouched before him. He realized that his initial impression of a female had been correct. From what he could determine, she was unclothed and shaking violently.

  Even these observations didn’t prompt him to lower his defenses.

  “I am—” he began to introduce himself.

  The female screeched as though he had sliced off one of her limbs. Her long hair covering her face like a dark web, she flung her arms out as though warding him off and scrambled to press herself against the closest cave wall.

  He tried to wait for her to get over her surprise so he could finish introducing himself and tell her that he and his warriors meant her no harm, but the screaming continued unabated. The horrible sounds careened crazily off the rock, making Donald wonder if the entire cave might not just collapse on their heads.

  “We will not harm you, female,” he declared in a loud voice.

  By then, most of his soldiers had returned, giving the all-clear. They also stared at the demented being on the floor as though unsure what to make of her.

  “I am Donald, lieutenant of the Waresti,” he continued, hoping his words would get through to her. “We will help you if you have been injured or require assistance.”

  Her next wail wasn’t quite as piercing, and he took that as a positive sign. Over the next several minutes, he spoke to her in a calm voice, explaining that they would take her to Central and that someone there would ensure she was well tended. Eventually, the screaming stopped altogether.

  “Would you be more comfortable in clothing?” he asked.

  Slowly, the female lifted herself so that her hair shifted away from her face. He saw that much of her head, neck and upper body were caked in dried blood and dirt. A noticeable stench clung to her, and it wafted closer to them when she moved. Bruising along her sides indicated that her ribs had been broken. He wondered if she had fallen down the cliff and crawled into the cave for shelter. Whatever had happened, her form had been severely mistreated. It seemed a miracle she had survived.

  But that wasn’t what had Donald’s normally impassive face falling into stunned lines. He lowered his sword and noticed his warriors doing the same with their weapons. They exchanged looks of bafflement.

  The female on the ground was Kanika, the leader of the Mercesti.

  About the Author:

  Raine Thomas is the author of a series of young adult fantasy/romance novels about the Estilorians. She has a varied background including such professions as wedding planning and mental health…two fields that intersect more often than one would think. Residing in Orlando, Florida with her husband and daughter, Raine is hard at work on her next books about the Estilorians.

  You can get more info about Raine, her books, and her upcoming releases by visiting her at the following sites:




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