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Her Officer in Charge

Page 16

by Carpenter, Maggie

  Moses had almost forgotten the chair, and had been focused on the attractive girl on the couch. She was right, it was suffocatingly hot, so hot he was feeling muddled. He had to put her in one of the chairs. He’d never get what he needed out of Bateman, but if he hurt the girl, Bateman would answer his questions. The problem was, the chair weighed far more than he’d thought it would. He couldn’t get it to budge, not even an inch.

  “We should go to my suite,” he mumbled.

  “So hot,” Bella continued, ignoring his comment. “A soda, please, may I have a soda, I’m so thirsty, I need soda, you need soda. We all need an icy cold soda drink.”

  “A soda drink,” he repeated. “Why is it so fucking hot in here? A drink, then we’ll move.”

  “You’re right, we need a drink, it’s stifling,” she moaned. “It’s so hot, you’re sweating so much. If you don’t have something to drink you’ll pass out. You’re already feeling faint.”

  “Get me some soda,” he ordered, leaning on the immovable chair for support.

  “Thank you,” Bella said, slowly standing. “I’m not sure I can make it, I’m so hot. The minibar, may I go to the minibar and get it?”

  “Yes, get it,” he stammered.

  “I’m feeling like you, so faint, so very faint,” she continued.

  Opening the small refrigerator, she grabbed a can of Coke, and, crouching to hide it from him, she shook it vigorously.

  “I’ve found some cold soda. It will feel so good to swallow this cold drink. I know you’re about to pass out. I’ll bring it to you.”

  Scott was inching his way to the end of the sofa, giving himself a clear path to dive across the room when the opportunity arose. Scott had seen Bella work her magic many times, and he knew how to spot the signs. Moses had fallen under her spell. He was in a highly suggestible state. He was sweating profusely, his face was bright red, and Scott knew every time Bella repeated the key words, Moses fell deeper into hypnosis.

  “Here you are,” she said, standing up and moving toward him. “A cold drink. You want it, you’re so hot, you poor man. So hot. Look, the sweat is dripping down your hands and making them slippery.”

  Scott watched, amazed at the control she had over Moses. His eyes dropped to his hand, and a deep frown crossed his brow.

  “You need this cold drink very badly, but you need your right hand to drink it. That metal thing in your hand is hot, so hot it’s burning your hand and you can barely stand to hold on to it. The metal object is slipping from your grip because of the sweat. I have the icy cold drink, but you must give me that hot piece of metal so you can take the drink before you faint from the heat. You don’t want to hold it anymore, it’s hot and burning and getting hotter with every passing moment. You’ll give the metal thing to me now and take the icy cold drink.”

  “Here,” he panted, offering her the gun. “Give me the drink, I must have the drink.”

  “Here you are, icy cold, you’re so hot, you poor man.”

  Calmly taking the gun, she handed him the Coke, then backed up just a few steps. As he raised the can, breathing heavily, the sweating pouring down his face, his entire focus was on lifting the tab on the top of the can.

  Bella had been so focused on the process, she’d passed through her fear, but now, holding the gun and knowing she’d been successful, her heart began thumping wildly and she started to shake…

  I have the gun, it’s safe now, he’s not armed. I have the gun. Take a breath. God, I can’t stop trembling.

  Grunting, frustrated, and feeling dizzy, Moses was finally able to break the tab, but the built-up carbonation burst through the small opening, spraying his face and sending him tumbling backwards. Leaping from his spot, Scott was on him in seconds.

  Vince had just arrived and had bolted up the stairs. Approaching the suite, he leaned his ear against the door. To his relief he heard Scott’s voice, but what he heard completely surprised him.

  “You were brilliant, Bella, it’s over, deep breaths, it’s over.”

  Placing his weapon back in his trousers, Vince slid his cardkey through the lock and opened the door.

  “Vince,” she exclaimed, running across the room to him.

  “Hey, you’re shaking,” he said, holding her tightly, staring down at Moses hogtied on the floor with a leather belt and the tie off a bathrobe. “Scott? What the hell?”

  “Bella here, she’s the hero of the day.”

  “Heroine,” she quaked.

  “What did you do?” Vince asked urgently. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine, honestly,” she said. “I just can’t stop shaking.”

  “Scott, I want to know what happened.”

  “I have to make the call,” Scott said, raising his eyebrows, “and you need to take off, so I’ll leave that to Bella.”

  “Come on, Bella, come with me and help me get our things into my suitcase,” Vince said, breaking their hug and taking her hand. “It will help you.”

  “It will?”

  “It will, trust me.”

  It only took a few minutes and, watching her, he saw that focusing on something was having the desired effect. When he was sure they had everything, and her purse was zipped up and around her shoulder, he hurried to the closet and retrieved his leather pouch, tying it to the loop on his trousers.

  “Okay, we’re good to go,” Vince declared, carrying the small suitcase and moving back into the living area. “Thanks, Scott. Let me know when it’s okay to come back and check out.”

  “Yeah, of course,” Scott replied, moving with them to the door. “Take care of yourself, Bella. I’ll call you soon.”

  They started down the stairwell, but Vince stopped at the fourth floor landing.

  “It’s over, sweetheart,” he said, putting down the suitcase to hold her. “You can tell me everything that happened when we get home.”

  “I’m feeling better. I’m not sure why I suddenly fell apart like that. Honestly, though, I think I’m fine now.”

  “You might be, but I’m not so sure I am. I was so worried racing over here.”

  “How did you know to come?”

  “As fine as a snowy day in the Alps was our emergency signal.”

  “Oh. Spy stuff,” she quipped, managing a small smile.

  “You are feeling better,” he nodded. “Let’s get home.” But as they continued down the stairs, he tried to come to terms with what he’d just seen, and the fear he was still experiencing.

  Bella got the better of that man? How the hell did she do that? My God, if anything had happened to her… why is my heart pounding like this? Beautiful Bella. She’s the most amazing woman I’ve ever met in my life.

  They reached the ground floor and moved quickly out of the exit, and as he opened the car door for her, she looked up at him and smiled. An unexpected, strange flurry danced through his stomach. Shaking his head, he put the suitcase in the back seat, then moved to the driver’s side and slipped behind the wheel.

  “When we get home I want to hear every detail,” he said firmly.

  “That goes both ways, thank you very much.”

  “Um, who’s the officer in charge?”

  Leaning over the console, she moved her arms around his neck, kissed his cheek, then brought her lips to his ear.

  “You are, captain, and I love it.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Though Bella had seemed better when they had driven away from the hotel, during the short drive home she had fallen quiet, and when Vince pulled into his garage, he knew she was beginning to feel the after-effects of the morning’s drama.

  “You doing okay?” he asked as they walked into the house.

  “Um, no, not really. I feel a bit lightheaded. I didn’t have any breakfast, that’s probably why.”

  “Come and sit down, I’ll make you something,” he said, putting his arm around her.

  “Could you just hold me for a minute?”

  “Of course,” he replied, opening his arms.
  “Sorry, I thought I was feeling better, but suddenly I’m not anymore.”

  As she sank against him, Vince could feel a slight tremble, and he held her tightly, wishing he could erase the stress that was rattling through her veins.

  “It’s over,” he purred. “You’re safe, it’s over.”

  “I know, I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”

  “You faced a man with a gun. It’s enough to make anyone quake. I know, I’ve done it.”

  “I knew what I was doing, but I don’t think I’ve ever been so scared, not ever, not about anything.”

  “Let’s go in the living room and flop on the couch. I want to hear what happened.”

  “Yes, okay. I’m feeling weak in the knees, I mean, literally. I do need to sit down.”

  “We can’t have you falling over,” he said softly, and, reaching down, he lifted her into his arms.

  “Vince, you didn’t have to pick me up,” she mumbled, resting her head on his shoulder as he carried her through to the living room.

  “Yes, I did,” he replied, setting her on the couch. “It’s in my job description. Is that better?”

  “Much, thank you,” she sighed, curling into him.

  “So, tell me, what did you do? How did you get the better of that man?”

  “I could see he was hot—I think he’s always hot, his body is probably filled with inflammation—so I started talking about how hot I was, and how hot it was in the room. You know, the power of suggestion. I could see it was starting to work and I was getting to him, so I kept going, and eventually I made him think his gun was burning his hand, and he had to give it to me so he could drink an ice-cold Coke.”

  “You hypnotized him?”

  “I did. I watched him fall deeper and deeper. The more I talked about how hot it was, the more he felt it. I just kept using my stage voice, it’s very monotonous, and he succumbed.”

  “Bella, you were so brave.”

  “When I started I was really scared, but toward the end I was so involved in watching him and doing my thing, the fear kind of went away.”

  “Was that Coke all over the floor? How did that happen?”

  “Oh, right, the Coke. I shook up the can so when he opened it, it would spray him. It did, and that gave Scott the chance to jump on him. Why can’t I stop shaking?”

  “You’ve had a major shock. I should never have left you there. I’m so mad at myself. I honestly thought it would be the safest place. Do you have any idea how he knew where Scott was?”

  “Yeah. He saw Scott come in last night and followed him up to the suite, and this morning he said he knew Scott had been playing him; those were the words he used, playing him.”

  “How did he get in the room?”

  “Scott saw him through the peephole, told me to go into the bedroom, but when he opened the door, the man had a gun and pushed his way in. I tried to hide but I was too late.”

  “Sweetheart,” he said tenderly as he felt her begin to tremble again. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Thank you for letting me be this way.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Everyone thinks I’m this tough, strong, take-no-prisoners, independent woman, and I am, but I get scared just like other people, and things affect me,” she quivered, “and I feel passionate about things, and I care too much, and I, uh—”

  “You what?”


  “Bella, I love that you’re letting me see this side of you, and I know your feelings run deep. It’s one of the things that makes you such an amazing woman. Yes, you’re strong, but you want my protection. Most women today would be insulted if I said I wanted to keep them safe. I’m so grateful that you want me to be that man for you.”

  “Really?” she whispered, lifting her gaze and losing herself in his intense blue eyes.

  “Really,” he said softly, “and maybe circumstances have accelerated things, but I feel what I feel, and that is…”

  “That is what?” she breathed, feeling her pulse quicken.

  “That is,” he murmured, swallowing hard. “I love you, Bella Montgomery, and I think I knew I was going to fall for you the minute you refused to give me those chairs.”

  “Vince,” she sighed as the tears began to spill. “I love you too, so much.”

  Moving her arms around his neck, she clung to him, feeling his breath against her, hearing his words repeat themselves in her head. I love you, Bella Montgomery.

  “I can’t promise you this will be easy,” he said softly, “but I can promise you this. I won’t allow logistics to get in the way of us. Do you understand what I’m telling you?”

  “Logistics?” she repeated, pulling back and looking at him.

  “Logistics, you know, crap about where you live, where I live, your schedule, my schedule…”

  “Uh-huh, it just sounded so, I don’t know, military, I guess,” she said with a small smile.

  “I suppose, but I mean it.”

  “Scott said all that was bullshit.”

  “He did? He was right, and you honestly don’t have to worry. I’m not taking off tomorrow, or next week, or next month, unless some disaster happens, and if a disaster happens we’ll all be in the same boat.”


  “Really. Beautiful Bella, I am so glad you’re here with me, and safe.”

  “Me too, I missed you last night, I couldn’t sleep.”

  “You couldn’t?”

  “No, not at all. It just didn’t feel right, me there and you here.”

  “You must be so tired. I think you should have something to eat, and then take a nap.”

  “Yes, I think so,” she nodded, “but will you stay with me?”

  “Absolutely. I never want to let you out of my sight again.”

  Helping her to her feet, he put his arm around her shoulder and walked her back into the kitchen.

  “You sit down there. I make a great cheese and tomato omelet.”

  “You do?”

  “I do.”

  As she watched him crack the eggs and pour them into a pan, she began to yawn, and as he grated in some cheese and sliced a tomato, she laid her head on her arms and closed her eyes. Vince looked at her and felt his heart swell. She was feeling safe, the tension was leaving her body, and, combined with the lack of sleep, it was knocking her out. Plating the omelet, he carried it over to her and gently touched her shoulder.

  “You need the protein,” he said softly.

  “Thank you,” she sighed, sitting up. “I’m starving, and I feel kind of achy.”

  “Your muscles would have been very tense, that’s why. It’s as if they’ve had a workout.”

  “Oh, yeah, that make sense,” she replied, then taking a bite of the eggs, she looked up at him and nodded. “This is delicious.”

  “Thanks. My mom taught me how to make it.”

  “When I’m awake, will you teach me too?”

  “You bet.”

  “I want to hear about the whole fingerprint thing as well, but I’m too tired right now.”

  “Don’t worry about talking,” he said firmly, “just eat.”

  She did, cleaning her plate, and, taking her hand, he led her down the hallway, peeled off the ill-fitting sweat suit, and helped her into bed.

  “Please don’t leave me,” she said, gazing up at him.

  “I promised you I wouldn’t, and I meant it,” he said, stripping quickly and crawling in beside her.

  “Sorry, I’m still feeling all weird.”

  “Don’t be sorry. Lie in my arms, feel safe, and go to sleep.”

  “Mmm, thank you,” she yawned.

  As he felt her surrender to her exhaustion, he stared at the ceiling and thought about the coming days.

  We need to talk about so many things. Your show, if you still want to continue with it, and if you do, you’ll have to replace Scott. No doubt he’ll be off on another job soon. We have to figure out how we can spend time together. What c
ommitments do you have in your life? How often can you come and stay here? I promise you, Bella, we’re going to make this work.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Vince spent the rest of the day helping Bella recover from the traumatic ordeal. Though she couldn’t understand why she was so utterly exhausted, he had seen it before. She had been calm in the crisis, exhibiting tremendous control and the nerves of a pro, but she wasn’t a pro, and when the threat to her life was over, her mind and body had reacted.

  He encouraged her to sleep, and when she was awake he fed her comfort food, shared amusing anecdotes about his family, watched television, and refused to discuss anything serious.

  The following morning she awoke feeling like her old self. The cloud had evaporated. Her energy was lighter, and her brash, bubbling personality had returned. He had to report to the base and she wanted to rent a car to go shopping, and though he was still worried, she insisted.

  “I have got to buy some clothes,” Bella exclaimed over breakfast. “Honestly, I feel absolutely fine, wonderful, better than fine.”

  “I still think you should take another day,” he said soberly, “but I’ll agree on a couple of conditions.”

  “Thank you,” she smiled. “What are they?”

  “No more than two hours, and you’ll drop me at the base and take my car. I probably won’t be able to get away for lunch, so you’ll have to pick me up at the end of the day, though now that I think about it I might be able to borrow a Jeep. Regardless, no more than two hours.”


  “You call me when you get home.”

  “Yes, sir, I will.”

  “You called me sir and you’re not over my knee,” he grinned. “Progress.”

  “I’m not sure what to say about that,” she smiled. “It just felt natural.”

  They cleaned up the dishes, and with Bella still wearing the same jeans and gray sweater from the night he’d caught her at the venue, they climbed into his car.


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