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Birthright: Book 1: Know Thyself

Page 6

by Bella Colt

  “So, I thought we were going to talk?” She asks, after taking a bite of eggs.

  “We will, just not here. After we eat, we’ll go somewhere else and talk.” I explain, smiling.

  “Oh, okay.” She replies quietly.

  I am amazed that she's trusting me and isn’t asking more questions. She could, or rather should, be freaking out and trying to run away. I hope it's our mate bond working, or else I'm liable to think she’s this trusting with everyone and we’ll have to have a talk about stranger danger. We quickly finish the rest of our meal without talking. Afterward, I get up and walk to the register to pay the bill. I patiently wait behind an elderly gentleman paying his bill and politely thanking the hostess for a good meal. When it’s my turn, I pay for our meals. I’m just closing my hand around the change from the hostess when I hear Amara whimper from behind me.

  My blood runs cold at the sound. I turn around growling before I can even see what is causing her to make that noise. A portly man has grabbed Amara by the arms and is shaking her roughly as he starts screaming obscenities in her face. I can see the white of his knuckles as he continues increasing his brutal grip. I'm next to them in seconds, grabbing the man’s arms at the wrist and squeezing as I pull him away from her.

  “Amara, car now!” I snarl at her once she is free.

  She obeys without hesitation and runs to the car, parked outside. I grab the man by his throat, a running theme for me lately, and get in his face. I glare at him with my phased yellow eyes before throwing him across the room. He is thrown into the wall, about ten feet away, knocking him unconscious. I throw a couple hundred dollars down on another table for any damages, while I quickly leave to join Amara. As I’m exiting, I realize that I can never come back to Pooter’s Pie Café again, but she’s worth it. Once outside, I stand by the car for a moment, taking deep breaths and calming myself once again. I look at my reflection in the car window to make sure I have not changed. Amara can’t see me this way yet. Once I know I'm calm enough, I slide into the car and start the engine. I back out and proceed to drive in the same direction as The Den. Heading towards my favorite spot in the world.

  Chapter 14: Amara

  “Amara, car now!” Declan snarls at me.

  I don’t need to be told twice as I turn around and run to the car. Which is thankfully parked close to the door? I’m still trying to catch my breath, and I can't keep from shaking in the passenger seat. Declan walks out of the café not long after. He stands outside of his door for a minute before opening it and getting in. Without a word or even a look in my direction, he starts the car and leaves the café parking lot. His knuckles are white from the grip he has on the steering wheel.

  “Are you okay?” I ask.

  “Are you fucking serious right now, don’t worry about me! Are YOU okay? Are YOU hurt?” He asks through clenched teeth while narrowing his eyes at me.

  I just nod my head and turn to look out the window, desperate to hide how scared I actually am. I thought Bob was going to take me back for sure.

  “Who was that, Amara?” He demands.

  I hesitate at first, debating on whether to tell him. Maybe if he doesn’t know where I technically should be, I won’t be forced to go back. But if I don’t go back, then what? He would have to support me until I can help myself, and I won’t be able to do anything on the run. Which apparently, I am! I just can’t catch a freaking break, but this isn’t his fault or his responsibility. With my mind made up, I take a deep breath before answering.

  “That was Bob, he’s my foster parent.”

  “And the male...from a few days ago?” He adds growling.

  “Derrick, he’s another foster kid that also lives with Bob,” I answer, still avoiding looking his way.

  I try staying focused on the green blur of the forest as we drive. I can tell that he wants to ask me more questions, but for some reason, Declan stays quiet. I'm glad about it too. If the bulging pulsating vein on his forehead, tense facial expression, and rigid posture are any indication to how mad he really is, then I’m not entirely sure that he can handle the rest of the shitstorm that is my life. He's has had two encounters with people in my life and each time he ends up in a fight. At least that is all the “family” I have. While I usually view it as a disadvantage, in my current situation I’m starting to think that it’s a good thing.

  Chapter 15: Amara

  The rest of the drive from the restaurant is entirely silent. I wonder why we have to be alone to talk. Typically, I would be nervous, but my instincts are telling me to trust him. I learned a long time ago, the hard way, to always trust my instincts. We drive for about twenty minutes in the direction we came from before, turning onto a path leading into the woods. We continue for another ten minutes before he turns off and parks.

  “We’re here.” He says as we both get out.

  I walk to the front of the car and look around. We are entirely surrounded by trees. The dense forest is made up of a mixture of tall maple, birch, dogwood, and beech trees. The ground is littered with the season's offerings awaiting a chance for a new life. Declan is at my side, offering me his hand. I take it and smile at him as he interlaces our fingers, and the contact is accompanied by a jolt that gets me thinking about all kinds of bad things. As he starts leading me into the woods, his grip on my hand gets tighter every time we come over treacherous or lose ground, making sure I don’t slip and fall. The entire time his hand is in mine, I’m getting continual shocks, which keeps getting stronger as the time passes...weird.

  “We have reached my favorite spot.” He says as we reach a clearing that’s covered with thick grass.

  There’s a river that is coming from a waterfall, barely visible, a couple hundred feet upstream. It's completely hidden from the outside world by the vast number of tall trees. The grass is bright green and soft, surrounding the water’s edge. He leads me up to moss-covered rocks with beautiful white gardenia flowers and the loveliest purple foxgloves growing sporadically around the waterfall.

  “It’s beautiful!” I gasp in awe, smiling, and taking a quick glance at him.

  I’ve always felt at peace with nature, it makes me feel like everything around me is buzzing with life, its energy centering me. He smiles at me in return and sits down on the lush grass, breaking the contact between our hands. Immediately, I miss his warmth, but I'm grateful for the relief from the shocks that were spreading throughout my body and focusing on one very sensitive area in particular. It was becoming increasingly harder to ignore. I sit down next to him, looking at the river.

  “So, why did we have to come here to talk?” I ask.

  He exhales loudly and stills. I assume he is thinking for a moment before he responds.

  “Several reasons actually, but honestly, I have no idea how to talk to you about it. It was never intended to be this hard. In fact, our culture teaches us, no hammers it into us, that this is the one thing in our life that we can trust!” He explains.

  I’m so lost. What he’s talking about? I can tell he can see my confusion on my slack-jawed face.

  “Oh, I’m so sorry! I’m getting ahead of myself, and I’m not making any damn sense! I just don’t want you freaking out or thinking that I’m crazy. I’ve never been this nervous before in my life.” He spits out quickly, looking at the ground for a minute before continuing.

  “How much do you believe in the supernatural?” He adds.

  “Huh? Supernatural like ghosts, witches, and such?” I look at him with a raised eyebrow as I ask to clarify.

  “Yeah, sort of, how about werewolves and vampires do you believe in those?” He rebuts.

  I think for a second before responding.

  “Not really, logic tells me that an entire race of beings can’t be kept secret. But I also think that anything is possible. I’m just one of those, has to see it to believe it type of people.” I reply.

  “Hmm, okay. If I show you something, can you promise me you won’t scream or run away?” He asks as I notice t
he beads of sweat dripping down his forehead.

  I wonder why he would be so nervous.

  “Scouts honor!” I tease, placing my right hand over my heart.

  “I'm serious Amara!” He says.

  “So am I. I promise I won’t be afraid!” I say earnestly, trying to convince him as much as myself.

  I’m not afraid, not really. There’s expectant, nervous energy in the air that I can feel humming over my body, like a soft touch, but no fear. I watch curiously as he stands up and turns around, walking into the trees a few yards away.

  “Where are you going?” I yell after him.

  “Stay there, Amara, I’ll be right back. Remember, don’t scream and do not run! No matter what happens, do NOT run!” He reminds me.

  I just nod and watch him walk away, appreciating the view of his muscular ass in his faded blue denim jeans until he disappears behind a tree. Why would running from him matter, and why would I want to? For the first time in my life, I feel safe and have this odd sense that I’m finally where I belong. The feeling baffles me.

  A few minutes later I hear rustling from where Declan just went. I wait and watch for him between the trees. I’m still waiting for him to reappear when I see it, a huge black wolf. My heart starts beating in a chaotic drum-like rhythm.

  “Declan!” I yell, praying he didn’t go far enough that he can’t hear my screams as I’m being eaten alive.

  From where I’m sitting on the ground, this thing looks like a wolf on steroids. Its entire body is so much bigger than a normal wolf. I think it could be as tall as me if I were standing. As it slowly moves closer to me, my heart picks up the pace, I’m starting to worry that it’s actually going to break free from my chest. I decide that it must be a male by his size and demeanor. I notice that he has the most beautiful fur. An onyx color of, what looks like, the thickest, softest, and shiniest fur I have ever seen on a wild animal. His eyes are a mesmerizing bright yellow. As his prowl eats up the distance between us, I stare harder into his eyes, noticing little bright green flecks dispersed in the yellow. He is the exact same wolf I dreamt about on the first day I met Declan. At this realization I gasp, realizing that this... this wolf is Declan, this is what he wanted to show me.

  “Declan?” I ask aloud to confirm.

  The wolf’s ears perk up as he motions his head slowly in a nod and starts padding the remaining distance over to me with his head lowered. I know a little bit about wolves, from school field trips to the zoo and an occasional documentary playing on public television. I think his manner is to show me that he’s being submissive and isn’t going to hurt me. My heart rate gradually goes back to normal as I start taking deep breaths. As he continues his approach, I extend an arm out towards him. When he is close enough, I reach out to pet his fur and scratch behind his ear. He lets out a low purr-like growl of approval.

  “You’re gorgeous like this,” I tell him while stroking the fur on his neck.

  I’m taken aback at how comfortable I am with him and find it easier to talk to him while he’s in this form.

  “It seems hard to have a two-way conversation while you’re a wolf, though,” I say chuckling, while he licks my hand, leaving a tingly wet trail from my wrist to my fingers.

  He gives a bark of agreement and trots back in the direction he came from, through the same trees as before. When he comes back through the trees this time, he is smiling and walking on two legs. His eyes alight with amusement as I smile back at him. I can’t explain why I feel so comfortable around him. Not to mention the physical attraction, that seems to get worse by the minute. I’ve never experienced this feeling before, I thought I was defective. I never showed any inclination towards another person of either sex, until him. Maybe Declan will know why that is, it can’t be a coincidence, and there must be a reason he wants to be around me.

  “Hey.” He says with a goofy grin plastered to his face that is so freaking adorable.

  “What is that expression all about?” I ask.

  “You! You’re amazing! UH-MAZ-ING!” He says, still smiling.

  “You didn’t run and scream! That was so awesome, babe!” He finishes.

  At him calling me babe, I feel my cheeks getting warmer while a blush blooms to the surface. Smiling at him, I notice that his cheeks are reddening as well. He takes the seat next to me on the grass, this time facing me as he looks me in the eyes. As I gaze into his green eyes, all the surrounding sounds fade and disappear. It feels like we are the only ones in existence. He half-closes his eyes and leans forward, silently asking permission with a slight tilt to his head. I answer by closing my eyes.

  Seconds later, I feel what can only be described as fireworks. Mini explosions of heat and electricity going off, all over my body. It is like I’m being awakened. I know cliché, but that’s precisely what I feel. The aftershocks melt into an agreeable burn and allow me to truly explore Declan’s soft lips as they’re moving against mine. I mimic his actions, and the kiss goes from a gentle exploration to something ravenous. Declan licks my bottom lip, asking me to open and I oblige as I feel his tongue dance against mine. The way he moves in and out of my mouth causes me to feel a hot wetness pooling between my thighs. Gasping for air, I turn my head slightly. He quickly takes advantage of the situation, trailing light kisses across my jaw and down my neck. He stops at the very base where it meets the collarbone and starts sucking persistently, occasionally dragging his teeth over the sensitive area.

  “Oh… my…” I manage to get out with a moan.

  He grunts in response, not stopping his ministrations on my neck. We need to stop before it goes too far. We came out here to talk, and I’m so very close to begging him to take me right here. Regardless of how attracted I am to him, I don’t want to lose my v-card on the ground, with someone I hardly know.

  “Declan,” I say trying to sound firm, though it comes out more like a moan.

  “Mine!” He growls.

  He stops sucking my neck and starts kissing his way back up to my lips. Just as he makes it to my cheek, I turn my head away, giving him a face full of my hair. Instead of this stopping him, he just inhales deeply and goes back to nuzzling his face in my neck. Only this time it’s through my hair. I repeat his name again louder this time.

  “Sorry.” He immediately apologizes, briefly looking down.

  “I didn’t mean to lose control like that. But it was totally worth it!” He starts explaining with a cocky smile.

  I hold my hand up, pressing my index fingers to his lips to stop him from saying anything else.

  “It’s okay, really. In fact, I thoroughly enjoyed my first kiss. But we need to talk. You have stuff you need to tell me, and I have questions that I need you to answer.” I say, not being able to wipe the huge smile from my face as he presses a quick kiss to my fingertips.

  “Okay, let me go first since the cat or dog I should say, is out of the bag.” He states, looking at me for an answer.

  I just nod, not wanting to interrupt him and make him lose his train of thought.

  Chapter 16: Declan

  “Alright. Where to start?” I say thinking aloud.

  “Okay! I’ve got it. I’ll start by explaining our history. Thousands of years ago, a witch put a curse on one of my ancestors. She cursed him because he deflowered her virgin daughter and then refused to marry her when the witch found out. The curse made my ancestor transform into a rabid werewolf, every full moon, with no control. He would attack anybody or anything within his range. The curse was passed down to his descendants through his blood, affecting both male and female offspring. Over many generations, we adapted and were able to learn how to control when we phase. Throughout that time, our relationship with our wolf soul has become more symbiotic.” I explain, waiting for her nod of understanding.

  Once I see her nod, I continue.

  “There is another part of the witch’s curse,” I say as I look at her.

  She seems anxious, so I take a deep breath.

  “The witc
h also cursed him to love only one woman for the rest of his life. He is damned to live a half-life until he meets her. He might fool himself into believing that he’s content and happy, but it’s only because he doesn’t know what he is missing. I don’t think she knew what she was doing with the second part of her curse, though. Wolves in nature would already mate-for-life, and we tend to have that quality as humans as well. Werewolves can’t be genuinely happy without their other half, their mate.” I say, noting that she is attentively listening, so I am encouraged to go on.

  “Where I live, the place where you woke up, we are taught at a very young age that three physical reactions let us know who our true mate is. The she-weres or were-women feel it, but the feeling is much stronger for the males. First is the scent. It's so alluring to the males and like an aphrodisiac to our wolf soul. The smell makes us unable to think about anything else but finding the source.

  Then there is the electrical feeling, so to speak, when they touch. I’ve heard many mated couples talk of it, and most agree that it feels like a current of electricity exchanged between them. Finally, it’s said that true mates see sparks when they kiss. Unlike the second sign, most mates are not eager to discuss this, and they keep their first kiss between them. Now I can see why. Every female encounter I’ve had before has just been obliterated from my mind. There can be no comparisons to what I feel with you.” I finish.


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