Birthright: Book 1: Know Thyself

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Birthright: Book 1: Know Thyself Page 8

by Bella Colt

  “Yes, sir,” I say as I hear a click and resounding silence.

  I put my spare phone in my pocket and drive to the nearest motel to start planning. I’ve been looking for her for so long that I can barely contain my anticipation of the upcoming hunt. It’s been almost eighteen years since I started looking for this brat. Eighteen years since I have seen my home. Ever since her father Wolfrick was killed, I’ve been cursed with the task of destroying his half-breed. He should not have died. If his father’s enforcers weren’t idiots, he would still be here. If he were still alive then his mate, along with the mixed spawn she was carrying, would’ve been dealt with back then. It should have been easy to deal with her and her mother. His father almost had me killed when I let her get away the last time! It will be different this time, her luck has finally run out.

  Chapter 19: Amara

  As I wake up, all I can feel is an immense softness. As my head starts to clear, I abruptly remember that I’m in Declan’s bed. I was so exhausted that I slept the whole drive back. I only woke up slightly when Declan was carrying me up the stairs. I look around to make sure I am alone, and I’m surprised that I am actually able to see. Sitting up, I locate the source of light. It’s coming from a half-opened door a few feet to the left of the bed. I walk into the room and push the door open to see that it is the bathroom. Not just any bathroom. My fantasy bathroom! Well, it would be if I had ever thought to fantasize about it. The bathroom has two sinks, and the white tub is exquisite. He has one of those deep, old-school clawfoot tubs that could fit three people comfortably. Looking at my clothes again, I realize I am still in my long sleeve shirt and jeans. From what, four days ago now? Feeling exceptionally dirty, I groan out loud.

  Going back to Declan’s room, I spot a vast oak dresser on the wall to the right of his bedroom door. Ignoring the miscellaneous stuff scattered across the top, I start opening drawers and digging through his clothes. I find a dark blue t-shirt and drawstring jersey-shorts and return to the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind me. After I undress, I look at myself in the mirror. Ewww, I think until something dark and purple at the base of my neck catches my eye. He gave me a hickey. Seriously? Ugh, I don’t even know how to cover this up.

  Abandoning the mirror, I turn on the shower letting it run until the water is hot before stepping under the spray. Standing under the water, allowing my skin to adjust to the temperature, I start thinking about how much my life has changed in the few days since meeting Declan. I wonder how long I would have been ignorant of the fact that I’m not human if I hadn’t met him. Well, I guess I would’ve noticed something by my eighteenth birthday when I’m supposed to be able to shift for the first time, I muse.

  When thinking about Declan, I feel safe and wanted, something like I’ve never experienced before. It’s all so confusing. I have never felt like I could trust anybody, but it’s different with him. He is awakening a part of me that I didn’t know I had. It’s a feeling that is so full of lust and want, but I have no idea what to do with it. I am slightly shocked to find that I’m excited to be experiencing this for the first time.

  Sighing, I take my time as I wash my hair and let the luxurious hot water relax and massage my muscles. There’s no impending feeling in my gut that makes me want to rush like it did at Bob’s house. I scan the shower, and I can't believe my luck when I find a fresh razor on a built-in shelf to the left of the handrail. I am positively full of glee that I’m finally able to shave. After taking my time shaving, enjoying the hot water, I turn the shower off and grab a towel from the nearby rack before I step out. I dry off with the high-quality soft towel and dress in the clothes I borrowed from Declan’s dresser. I decide not to put my bra and underwear back on because they’re fifthly, but maybe I can get them washed. After I wrap my damp hair in the towel, I grab my dirty clothes and head out the door.

  Strange. I thought I locked that door. I’m lost in my thoughts looking for a place to put my dirty clothes when I hear a low growl from behind me. The noise makes me abruptly turn around and drop my clothes.

  Chapter 20: Declan

  I come back to my room after checking in with my family and explaining as much as I could about Amara. When I walk in the bedroom the first thing, I notice is that the bathroom door is now closed. She must be in there; I think to myself. I hear the shower turn on, which confirms my suspicion. Of course, Wolf decides to be a dick and draw my attention to a sequence of mental images of Amara in the shower. The image of beads of soap and water running down her neck and dripping in between her magnificent breasts. It makes me groan out loud and grab my hard shaft to readjust myself and relive the straining against the band of my shorts.

  ‘Stop!’ I beg mentally to Wolf as hear him snickering.

  ‘Claim!’ He impresses upon my consciousness.

  ‘I can’t, she hasn’t accepted us yet.’ I argue back.

  ‘Yes, she has. When we showed her our wolf form, she didn’t run away. She has already accepted us.’ He says smugly.

  ‘I will not take her against her will, and that’s final!’ I scream at him.

  ‘If you won’t, then I will! I will do whatever is necessary to protect our mate. She is unprotected without our mark, free for any male of our kind. Yet, you sit there and choose not to mark her! If you can’t do this, then I will take control!’

  Just as Wolf finishes his threat, I feel a sharp pain in my head, and everything goes black. I can’t see anything! I shake my head, trying to clear the sensation and realize I can’t. My vision slowly clears, but it’s not normal. I can see through my eyes, but I’m not in control of any of my limb’s movements. I’m taken by surprise to discover that Wolf has taken control of my human form, making me move awkwardly at first. My arms occasionally flail as I get my balance after taking a step or two.

  ‘What in the hell did you do?’ I mentally scream at Wolf.

  ‘I took control like I said I would!’ Wolf responds.

  I push mentally, trying to fight his impulses in a concentrated effort to move my limbs.

  ‘Give me control back!’ I beg, worried for Amara.

  ‘Later!’ Is all he says as we walk to stand off to the side of the bathroom door.

  I start to panic a little realizing that Wolf is making me a voyeur in my own head. A few minutes later, Amara walks out. We start a low hungry growl at the sight of her. She looks too damn sexy in my clothes. Even if I had been in control, I don’t think I would’ve been able to stop myself.

  Wolf stalks her as she turns around dropping the clothes that were in her hand. As soon as we’re close enough to touch her, she starts backing up until she hits the wall. Wolf places our arms on both sides of her head and presses our body flat against hers. She gasps as he rubs my hardness against her belly.

  “Claim!” I growl aloud.

  I catch her mouth with mine aggressively, making her moan. I can feel myself kissing her hard. Wolf tries to show her our hunger and need until she pulls back gasping for air.

  “Stop!” She says when we start trailing kisses across her jaw.

  Wolf doesn’t hear her, or if he does, he’s choosing to ignore her because we just keep kissing down her throat until we are at the base of her neck.

  “Declan, Stop!” She says louder and more commanding.

  This causes Wolf to back up a few steps and look at her.

  “You’re not Declan, are you?” She asks, hesitantly.

  “We are the same.” We answer her, my voice more guttural when mixed with Wolf’s.

  “Yes, but you’re not Declan, your eyes are more like his; Wolf’s.” She sighs.

  “I’m Wolf.” We say confirming it.

  He is happy with the acknowledgment, but that is short-lived when Amara speaks again.

  “It’s lovely to speak to you, but can I speak to Declan?” She asks.

  ‘Yes, she wants to speak to Declan.’ I say snidely to Wolf; rubbing it in.

  Just then, I feel mild pain in my head and see black again
. This time when I shake my head to clear it, I succeed. I am a little too forceful, making myself dizzy. When I open my eyes again, I see her standing against the wall hands flattened against it at her sides, looking at me with a confused expression. It definitely wasn’t normal for Wolf to exert himself and take physical control.

  Chapter 21: Amara

  “Declan?” I ask, even though I know it’s him because his eyes are back to their standard shade of green.

  “Yea, it’s me. I’m so sorry I couldn’t stop him!” He says, looking ashamed.

  “It’s okay, I think I take it that doesn’t happen very often. You seemed awkward, and that kiss was nothing like earlier. Any idea why Wolf took control?”

  “No, it’s never happened before! He took control of me physically to claim you!” Declan pleads while looking at the floor.

  “Oh, I thought I had to accept you or whatever first?” I ask, still confused.

  “Yeah…so, according to him, since you didn’t run away when we revealed our wolf form, he considered you accepting us.” He explains, not bringing his gaze to meet mine.

  “I honestly didn’t know until right before my wolf took control, I’m so sorry.” He says finally glancing up to look at me.

  “It’s really not that big of a deal. I was going to accept you anyway. But what does that mean for us now?” I ask, looking back in his eyes.

  “It means that I shouldn’t be alone with you until you are willing to let me claim you. I won’t take you by force, but Wolf will because he believes he’s doing the right thing. He thinks that it’s the only way to protect you from other male wolves. As you’ve witnessed, he’s fighting me for dominance and not above taking physical control of my body. The more I’m around you, it becomes increasingly harder to deny the urge to claim you!” He says with an anguished look.

  The look on his face makes me feel so bad. It’s not that I don’t want him to do that to me. I’m just scared and clueless. Also, I want it to be him in control and not his wolf when it does happen. I also don’t want to be limited to seeing him for just a few minutes at a time. That will make getting to know him impossible. The strained look on his face and his crazy wood being pinned down by the stretchy elastic of his short’s waistband and showing me he can’t handle much more waiting. He gets up and starts walking towards the door, but I’ve already made up my mind.

  “I am willing. . . if it is you in control.” I say, shocking us both at my forwardness.

  He slowly turns around.

  “What?” He says with one eyebrow raised.

  “I need you to understand what you are agreeing to. If I don’t leave the room now, there will be no going back, Amara, not ever!” Declan says while his face is contorting in a mix of agony and excitement.

  He’s still fighting for control and barely winning by the looks of it.

  “I am sure I’m j-just nervous,” I say as calmly as possible.

  He nods his head and walks over to stand in front of me, still against the wall.

  “Did I mention to you how sexy you look in my clothes?” He leans over and whispers.

  His warm breath fans out and makes the heat spread from my ear throughout my body. I shake my head back and forth slightly in response when he starts planting quick little kisses behind my ear. He is moving down my throat and backs up again; only stopping when he gets to the corner of my lips. I lick my lips eagerly waiting for him to kiss me, eliciting a growl from him.

  “I need you now!” He breathes raggedy in my ear.

  His voice is raspy with hunger, and he finally ends my suffering by assaulting my lips aggressively. It’s like he’s mirroring my needs. As we continue kissing, I feel him turn me around and softly push me backward until my knees hit something soft, causing them to buckle. I fall back and land on the bed, causing us to finally break the kiss. Without hesitation, he is on top of me, and he places his legs outside of my hips, so he is straddling me. Continuing the kiss, his tongue wrestles mine for dominance. He wins, of course, and starts gliding his tongue between my lips; in and out. Wetness is now dripping down my thighs, unburdened by panties. He is driving me wild, and he has barely begun.

  “More!” I manage to say with a muffled moan.

  He must have been waiting for my urging as he gets up and undresses in record time and stands there to let me look at him, completely unashamed. I wouldn’t be surprised if I’m drooling. He looks as if his chest was sculpted by the gods. His pecs look diamond hard; pure ridged muscle. They are situated in perfect proportion above a beautiful eight pack with a thin layer of light brown hair heading South. I thought bodies like this only existed in fairytales and dirty books. I look lower and gasp, not able to pull my gaze away, causing him to chuckle. I have never seen one before, so I have nothing for comparison. However, I have read a few Cosmos, and that thing is humongous. My eyes widen because there is no way he is going to fit inside of me. He must see the trepidation on my face.

  “No matter what, it’s going to hurt your first time. But we’ll go slow, and I know I can make it feel good. Trust me, I don’t want to hurt you in any way.” He sympathizes.

  I look in his eyes and know that he means it. He doesn’t seem thrilled at the thought of inflicting pain on me. I know we haven’t known each other that long. Actually, we barely know each other, but I figure we have the rest of our lives to get to know one another. I can’t believe I already trust him. I know in my heart that this is right, so I nod my head as he lays down on top of me, straddling my waist this time. His massive shaft is burning the skin on my stomach and between my breasts through my borrowed shirt.

  He leans down and kisses me, softly at first but then deepens it, licking and biting my lips occasionally. All the while, he is pulling up my shirt enough so that he can slide both hands under it. I moan at the sensation of his touch, leaving a trail of heat everywhere on his way to my aching breasts. He lightly runs his hands over them, teasing the soft skin and making my nipples tight and hard. Grabbing one breast, he gently squeezes before he pinches and pulls the nipple while his other hand languidly mimics it on the other one.

  He breaks away from my lips and starts kissing and nipping his way down to my collarbone. He stops right where he left that hickey, which reminds me that I have to get him back for it. Now is as good a time as any, so I start kissing his cheek and moving to his ear. He stops moving, holding himself entirely still in the crook of my neck. I continue mimicking he was doing to me. I alternate between lightly biting and kissing on my way down his throat until I reach the base of his neck. There, right where his neck and shoulder meet. I start sucking and licking, hoping to make my first ever hickey. I hear Declan start groaning until it turns into a growl, so I stop sucking.

  “Declan?” I ask.

  “I’m okay... you just have to quit doing that!” He coughs out.

  I nod in response before kissing him on the lips. Declan breaks the kiss to grab the hem of his shirt, pulling it off and throwing it to the floor. Maneuvering himself on top of me while keeping his weight braced on his legs. I can see the hunger in his green eyes as he rakes his gaze over me while he licks his lips.

  “Mine!” He growls and leans down, planting soft kisses in a pattern on my throat down to my aching chest.

  He stops between my breasts and cups each one with his hands, pushing them together against his face. I feel the stubble on his chin lightly scratching the soft skin as he slowly rubs his face up and down. I can’t stop myself from moaning out loud as my stomach begins twisting with need. Lifting his head, he moves his mouth over one of my nipples. I feel his hot breath an instant before his warm wet tongue lightly flicks against it back and forth before aggressively suckling while his other hand is switching between massaging and pinching the other. All these new sensations are euphoric and overwhelming, and I can’t help but need more. Arching my back, I grant him more access as I silently offer him everything.

  “Please?” Is all I can get out before I bite down on my lip in
an attempt to stifle a moan when he pinches a little too hard.

  “Please what?” He says, with his lust evident as he lightly bites my nipple before kissing his way down my stomach. Dipping his tongue into my naval before stopping at the top of my shorts.

  “I’m waiting. . .” He teases, playing with the top edge of my pants, occasionally letting his index finger slip and run along the inside of my shorts.

  He’s making it so hard to think, let alone speak. My throat feels as dry as the Sahara Desert, but I manage to choke out, “I need more!”.

  He lowers his head and starts kissing around my belly button as he unties the drawstring sliding down my body as he drags my shorts over my hips and down my legs before tossing them to the ground. He lets out a growl at seeing me completely nude, and I watch his eyes quickly flicker from green to yellow and back to green. He is kissing his way again up the inside of my leg, and I’m shaking with nervous anticipation of where he is heading. He leans forward and flattens his chest against the bed as he pushes my thighs further apart.

  Opening me to his view, he lowers his head and places a soft kiss on top of my mound. I gasp in shock as he uses one hand to spread my lips apart while he puts the other hand on my hip, gripping me and holding me in place. He moves down, and his tongue is slowly moving up from my very core and swiping over my nub in a circle. I moan out loud, jerking back out of reflex.


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