Birthright: Book 1: Know Thyself

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Birthright: Book 1: Know Thyself Page 9

by Bella Colt

  “Damn, you taste so good, and you’re so ready for me.” He says, amazed.

  His hand on my hip is keeping me still while he lowers his mouth and alternates between sucking, little love bites, and that intense circular motion focused intently on my clit. I start bucking my hips needing more when I feel him slide a finger in, and I immediately freeze at the foreign sensation. It is a full feeling but not uncomfortably so. I wait a few moments to adjust before I can’t hold still any longer and buck against him.

  “Shit, you’re so tight!” He groans as he starts pumping his finger, slowly in and out, curving the tip, so it runs along my inner wall.

  The knots in my stomach tighten and drop lower, and I think I’m close to losing control. Declan adds another finger as he bends his head down and starts licking and sucking my swollen bundle of nerves. His two fingers continue working expertly in and out of me. I can’t help but buck against his hand, and I can’t stop myself from tightening on his fingers and scream nonsense as waves of pleasure explode throughout my whole body. During the sensation he crawls up, so he’s leaning over me and starts kissing me very softly, moving his thick hard shaft up and down. He lightly pushes against me and slides in the wetness until his head is rubbing deliciously on my still sensitive mound, getting me excited all over again.

  “This is going to hurt a little, I’m sorry,” He says as he positions himself at my opening.

  I take a deep breath and close my eyes, feeling his hard-smooth mass slowly pushing into me, fighting for each centimeter. He kisses me again, this time hard and demanding, his tongue dominating mine. He is trying to distract me as he pushes the rest of the way into me and holds still. My eyes widen, and I gasp as all the breath leaves me from the sharp pain. My fingers are digging into his arms as I take deep breaths as the pain subsides.

  He cautiously starts to move in and out, and I am amazed that the pleasure is building again. He starts sucking and nipping on my left shoulder as he starts pumping into me faster. I wrap my legs around him for leverage and begin to rock my hips in rhythm to his. Then I feel his teeth sink into my shoulder, and I feel an all-consuming blinding pain that quickly morphs into immense hot pleasure. I feel my whole body tighten and burn as Declan starts pounding faster and harder in and out.

  “Declan!” Is all I can scream this time while I climax, causing me to tighten and convulse around him.

  I feel him come in hard short thrusts; it feels fantastic. He is fully sheathed by me, as he moans with his own release. I lay still, enjoying the waves of pleasure pulsing throughout my body. My body feels exhausted in a delicious way. Licking my shoulder a few times, he pulls out and lies down beside me to catch his breath. I roll over to my side and close my eyes. When I’m almost asleep, I feel Declan snuggle against my back and pull the sheets over us.

  “I love you, Princess.” He whispers behind my ear as I feel his arm around my waist, causing me to sigh happily as I quickly fall asleep.

  Chapter 22: Amara

  I slowly blink my eyes open as I roll over on the bed and feel an empty space and cold sheets where Declan should be. Tears rise blurring my vision and a hard knot forms in my stomach at the thought that maybe I was used and then left. I’m startled when I hear the bathroom door swing open and quickly pull the sheet up to my chest. Declan is standing there, and my worries fade away immediately. His hair dripping water drops down his neck, some leaving a trail past his pecs to his eight pack. The towel is hanging so low on his hips that another inch and I would be able to see him in all his glory. He growls as he looks at the thin sheet that I am using to cover myself, I blush and look away. I feel the bed shift when he lays next to me, and then his warm breath is on my neck. I need to quit exposing my neck to him, I scold myself.

  Kissing his way down to my shoulder where he bit me last night. He pauses to look at it, and I hear him say “mine” in a whisper before bending his head down and licking his mark. Shivering, I feel heat pulsing from that spot as he licks it.

  “Declan.” I gasp out, hoping to get his attention so I can ask him to stop.

  Unfortunately, I’m fighting against my own body’s traitorous reaction to him, which results in his name coming out in breathy encouragement. I pull together all my will and place a hand against his bare chest and push slightly. This gets his attention as he pulls back to look me in the eyes. My fingers are still tingling from the brief touch. Damn, why does he have to be so sexy?

  “I’m sorry. It’s not that I don’t want to because I do. I just really need a shower first. Also, maybe we should talk some more?” I say hoping he understands.

  I don’t really want to tell him how sore I am. I watch him as he takes a few deep calming breaths.

  “Yea, you’re right, and I’m the one who should be apologizing to you! I am sorry; really, I am. I need to learn better self-control when I’m around you. It’s supposed to be easier now that we are mated. Honestly, when I see you, all I want to do is jump you! If you know what I mean?” He says wriggling his eyebrows up and down suggestively.

  “It’s okay. . . I understand, really, I do. I feel the same way.” I say readjusting my sheet causing his eyes to drop lower.

  “So, how about that shower?” I ask, trying to quickly change the subject from anything to do with us jumping each other.

  Even though I’m swollen and tender down there, my brain is making arguments against me. The most prevalent argument is to take some Tylenol and sit on a bag of frozen vegetables. No thank you brain; I’ll just recoup a little first.

  “Well, I already took one since I thought you would be asleep longer. You’re making me regret it every second as I stare at you hiding that gorgeous body of yours in my sheet!” He groans.

  Which isn’t hiding much by the way.” He adds quickly while chuckling and getting off the bed to walk to the dresser.

  “Everything you need is in there.” He says as he points at the bathroom door.

  “While you’re in the shower I’ll go get you some clothes from my sister Brianna. You’ll need clothes of your own, so we’re going to need to take you shopping soon.”

  I grab the sheet, using it to shield myself as much as possible as I crawl off the bed. Turning around, I glance down where I see dried blood on the bedsheet. I feel my cheeks heating from embarrassment as I feel two solid arms wrap around my waist.

  “It’s normal for the first-time love,” Declan tells me, trying to ease my discomfort at the awkwardness.

  “I’m just going to take a shower.” I sigh.

  I wait for him to release me as he leans forward pushing his solid bare chest against my back.

  The thin sheet is the only layer between us as he whispers in my ear. “If I’m not here when you get out, wait in here for me, please! I have to talk to my father about a few things.”

  His deep voice makes me shiver, what a jerk, he didn’t have to whisper that! Bending down to his mark, he places a quick kiss there before he turns around and walks out. He is still in a towel but has his clothes in hand. What an evil man, I think to myself.

  All at once, I realize he just left in a towel, and I’m hit with an unfamiliar feeling, jealousy. Who else is in the house and able to see my man, I wonder? The last time I felt anything close to jealousy was about eight months ago when Bob took Derek on a “guys” day out. I was obviously not invited. Derek came home with the biggest smile on his face, arms loaded with prizes and sports memorabilia. Apparently, they had gone to a baseball game and then the state fair. I learned that day with Bob and Derek that there is no point in wasting energy on jealousy and things that I can’t change. I am annoyed that I’m unable to control this feeling now.

  “He had better use the other bathroom to change before leaving the house, or he will be sorry,” I say aloud to myself as I walk into the bathroom to take a hot shower.

  Chapter 23: Declan

  I walk out of the room, quickly shutting the door behind me, and make my way a few steps across the hall to another bathroom
. I throw on my clothes, which consist of a tight black t-shirt, dark blue jeans, and a pair of black Lakai sneakers. As I walk out of the bathroom, I throw my towel on the floor next to the hamper. Brianna’s room is at the very end of the hall. I knock and wait. With no response, I enter her room. I do my best to ignore the pink painted walls, purple shag carpet, and neon yellow bedspread. I can honestly say the room matches my sister’s personality, but the bright colors assault my eyes. I borrow a semi-loose blue t-shirt, light blue jeans, and a clean pair of socks. I’m not touching my sister’s underwear for any reason so Amara will have to go commando, which is an intriguing thought. On my way to see my dad, I stop by my room to drop the clothes on the bed and hear the shower turn on and groan.

  Damn Wolf and his mental images.

  ‘Want mate!’ Wolf growls. I turn around and leave the room before answering him.

  ‘Give it a rest; it will happen again when the time is right!’

  I head downstairs towards the double oak doors that lead to my father’s study. I sigh and raise my hand to knock on the door.

  “Come on in son.” I hear my father say before I can knock.

  I open both doors and walk in, making sure to close them behind me as I greet my Father. He looks up from the stack of papers he’s reading while sitting at his desk.

  “Well, is it business or pleasure today?” He asks.

  “Both I’m afraid,” I answer with a smile, waiting for him to add anything.

  He doesn’t so I proceed “I’ve mated our future Alpha female. . .”

  “I’ve heard your Mother mentioned that you had finally found her. Congratulations! So when can I meet my new daughter-n-law? He asks before I can even finish.

  “Whoa, give me a second to explain some things first.” I wait for him to say something, but he just nods so I go on; “that was just the pleasure part of my news. Unfortunately, the rest is kind of business, but it all has to do with my mate.”

  “First things first, I need you to have one of the pack lawyers do whatever is necessary to have her emancipated immediately! It should be easy to provide enough evidence to support the case. Especially given the circumstances she was living in, and she’s only three months away from being eighteen.”

  “Okay, okay, what else?” He responds as he is writing notes on a notepad. I take a deep breath and am glad my dad is sitting down.

  “I also need the pack doctor to come here as soon as possible to run some blood tests on Amara because she’s...well different. How I don’t know the exactly, and neither does Amara. She didn’t even know she has werewolf blood. If we didn’t meet, I don’t think Amara would’ve found out until she shifted for the first time!” I explain fast and start silently praying and hoping he will be supportive and not overreact.

  As expected, I watch as his expression changes from joy to horror in seconds.

  “How? How is this even possible?” He asks.

  “That’s against every law we’ve been taught from The Elder Book! We are NOT to procreate with other creatures of magic, EVER! To do so is to sign your own death warrant!” He exclaims.

  “Honestly I don’t know sir. As far as I can tell, she has always been in the foster system, although I haven’t had the chance to check any records or ask her yet.” I sigh ashamed of myself. I have been more worried about claiming her than trying to get to know her.

  I can tell my father is thinking. The lines on his tan forehead are wrinkled in concentration, below his short salt and pepper hair. His unkempt bushy eyebrows and ice blue eyes are staring into space from behind his black-framed Clark Kent-ish glasses that sit atop his broad nose.

  “Well, this does cause some problems and not just legal ones. The laws are ancient and prejudiced, so I don’t believe it will be a problem getting them changed. But if Amara is a half-breed, then we’re going to have to figure out her what her other half is to help her. None of this will be easy, other magics keep to themselves much like wolves do and are considered even more secretive if that’s possible. So, what do you want to do here? I hate asking this but are you sure that she is your mate?” He asks, looking me in the eyes.

  “There is no doubt in my mind or Wolf’s that she’s our mate, we will protect her against anyone who wants to harm her!” I reply growling.

  I notice that my voice is more guttural again and I now know that it’s because of Wolf vocalizing his agreement.

  “I know you understand the dangers, but how will you convince the pack for support?” I ask my father needing to change my focus from the previous question.

  “Simple, you’re going to be Alpha of this pack soon, and the pack is loyal to their Alpha no matter what. Also, if they don’t like it, then we can leave the pack!” He says complacently.

  If I didn’t know any better, I would think my dad doesn’t live and breathe for this pack; however, I know he does.

  “We would leave as a family, of course, and they can fight amongst themselves for a new Alpha. Honestly, though that is unlikely to happen. Our family has been the blooded Alphas of this pack for centuries, and most pack members will recognize that. There will be no question regarding your mate. If any pack member threatens or hurts Amara in any way, they will be banished or killed! I don’t care who they are or what rank they are in the pack. She is my daughter now, too, and I will not have our pack being a threat to her!” He promises.

  Relief hits me, and I’m amazed at everything my dad just said. He is going to help us and, even better, he is already caring for Amara though he hasn’t even met her yet.

  “I was so worried that you were going to banish us, or worse try to have Amara hurt somehow,” I say thankfully.

  I laugh at the absurdity of it now, and he joins me.

  “Child you really don’t know me! One day we’ll fix that. .hopefully soon.” While catching his breath, he asks, “Any idea on what magic she could be?”

  “I have no idea, there’s nothing noticeably different about her other than her scent...and my sense is skewed where she’s concerned. I am certain she is not a Vamp, and I am pretty sure we can rule out Witch and Fae. We’ll have to wait for the blood results and go from there.” I say while standing up to go back to my mate, my skin itching with the need to see her.

  “I’ll call the doctor and find you when he arrives.” My father says as I reach the doors.

  I nod as I walk out, mind wandering curiously if Amara could be done with her shower yet. Maybe I can catch her in her towel, dripping wet. I can only hope as I rush back up the stairs.

  Chapter 24: Amara

  I was sitting on the bed after getting dressed in the borrowed clothes that Declan left for me, beginning to get bored when someone knocks on the door.

  “Come in,” I answer without even thinking about it.

  A skinny guy about 5’ 11” with blonde spiked hair walks in.

  “Uh, hello.” He says, looking at me confused for a second before putting on a flirtatious smile.

  The dimples in his cheeks seem out of place on his face. His sharp cheekbones and thin crooked nose make him look more malnourished than the macho look that I’m sure he was going for.

  “Who are you?” I ask, on alert.

  “Cassius, I’m Ducky’s cousin. . . And you are?” He asks while arching one of his eyebrows over his blue eye as he sniffs the air.

  “Who’s Ducky? I’m Amara, Declan’s --” I start to answer.

  “Mate!” He hisses, finishing what I was going to say.

  I look at him confused and start to sputter, “H-how, did you know?”

  “I can smell it all over you, it’s mixed in your scent.” He answers, looking at me with an unveiled look of disgust on his face before turning his back to me and walking out. Not bothering to close the door behind him.

  What an odd person, I think to myself. If I knew better, I would say he hates me, but he has no reason to hate me. I must be nervous because I never really meet new people. It’s easier to move around if you don’t have any att
achments. I better get used to it though, at least where Declan is concerned. I smile thinking about him and how I feel. I definitely care for him, but is it love? I don’t think I’m there yet, but I’ve never been in love before, so I have nothing to compare it to. I’m completely lost in my thoughts when Declan enters through the open doorway.

  “Hey, you alright?” He asks as he sits next to me on the bed.

  “Yea, I was just thinking,” I answer, smiling at him as he kisses me on my cheek.

  “Anything you want to share?” He asks.

  “Nope I’m good, so what are we doing today?” I say, quickly changing the subject.


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