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Birthright: Book 1: Know Thyself

Page 10

by Bella Colt

  “Well the pack doctor will be here at some point to discreetly draw some blood from you, and then we’re kind of free for the rest of the day.” He says looking around, anywhere but at my face.

  “What do you mean kind of free? Am I not allowed to leave here now?” I ask glaring daggers at him.

  “Well my family would love to meet you, and when I say family, I mean my immediate family. My mom, dad, and sister. And you’re not a prisoner of any kind here, consider yourself an honored guest until you’re comfortable calling it home.” He says looking me in the eyes finally.

  Crap, I was just thinking about how I hate meeting new people, but this would be his family, and thankfully he doesn’t have a large one. I can do this; I think to myself.

  “Yea we can do that, I mean they can’t be as rude as Cassius right,” I say out loud.

  “You met Cassius? When, what did he say? Did he touch you?” He growls with one breath while his eyes change from green to yellow.

  I hop sideways a little on the bed, knowing his wolf instincts have taken over. Even though he is still very much Declan, I can see his face straining taut. I think he’s fighting the urge to shift.

  “Yeah, I met him, he came into your room a few moments before you came in. I assume looking for you. He didn’t say why he was there though, and Cassius didn’t stay longer than introductions I swear.” I gasp, completely flustered, not knowing why he’s so pissed at me.

  His eyes are still yellow, and his lips are drawn tight in concentration. I scoot back over to him and place my arms around his neck and squeeze. He hesitates for only a second before he turns and wraps his arms around me and squeezes back. He then rubs his head against my neck and inhales deeply. After a few moments, I lean back to look at him, and I see his green eyes sparkling at me.

  “Better, now?” I ask.

  “Yea, I’ll deal with Cassius though.” He replies and instantly looks ready to turn again.

  I sigh and kiss him on his forehead. I feel so safe and comfortable being in his arms.

  “So, when are we supposed to meet with your family?” I ask, trying to distract him while his hands begin to wander.

  “Uhm. . . now actually, they’re waiting downstairs to take us to lunch.” He says with that smug grin that I hate but secretly love.

  “Lunch? What time is it, how late did I sleep?” I ask bewildered.

  I’m usually up early. I don’t remember ever sleeping in before.

  “It’s noon, but don’t worry, it’s just because we were up late.” He says with a wink as he grabs my hand, pulling me towards the door.

  Chapter 25: Amara

  Once we’re downstairs in the entryway, I’m ambushed by three sets of arms. All are awkwardly embracing me from different angles, effectively putting me in the center of a group hug. Declan starts growling, and collectively, his family lets go and quickly starts apologizing.

  “Sorry dear, we are just so excited to welcome you to the family, I’m Audrey! Declan’s mom, please forgive us.” She says, offering me her hand.

  I take it but can’t help but stare transfixed at her face with my mouth hanging open. Mother? She looks way too young to be Declan’s mother. She’s easily six inches taller than me with a slender frame, long legs, and long blonde hair past her shoulders. She has beautiful green hazel eyes set in a smooth round face that shows only kindness.

  “Thank you.” Is the only thing I can think to say, as I return her smile.

  Next is a much shorter, younger version of Audrey. Her blond hair is cut in a short pixie do with heavy bangs covering her right eye that does nothing to hide the happiness beaming from her.

  “I’m Brianna.” She says as I extend my hand.

  She ignores my outstretched hand and grabs me towards her for a hug.

  “I’m your sister now. We hug!” She explains.

  I nod silently in agreement, not wanting to risk embarrassing myself by saying anything stupid.

  I’ve never had a sister or people that I would even consider a family before, but I guess I’ll be learning what it’s all about. Finally, there’s a man to Audrey’s right that’s just a few inches shorter than Declan, and instantly I know where he gets his amazing looks from. If his dad is any indication of what he will look like when he is older than heaven help me! Everyone in this family is genetically blessed! His dad has the same light brown hair and dark green eyes as Declan. He has a powerful aura about him that commands respect, and I find myself continually looking down.

  “I’m Adair, the Alpha to our pack, Declan’s father and yours too if you’ll have me.” He says as he raises my hand to his mouth and presses a light kiss to it.

  “Of course!” I say smiling, looking at him and the rest of Declan’s family nervously.

  “Well I’m starving, so let’s go eat.” Declan finally pipes up from behind me now that the introductions are over.

  Less than forty-five minutes later, we arrive at a steak house restaurant in the next town over. My Entrees Are Tasty (M.E.A.T) is crowded with people waiting to be seated or to leave. The huge sign above the hostess station boasts they have the best prime rib and mashed potatoes on the West coast! It doesn’t take long before we’re seated because Adair called in and reserved a table prior. Once settled in and the waitress leaves with our drink orders, his parents immediately start talking about Declan and what he was like growing up.

  “This boy was always up to something!” His mom says, giving him a knowing look before smiling at her husband.

  “I remember when we were potty training him, and he didn’t want to use the toilet. It freaked him out that it wanted to eat his poop.” Adair continues chuckling.

  “One day when I came home from patrolling, and little Declan jumping up and down all excited saying, “I used the potty! I used the potty!” I went and checked, and sure enough, there was poop in the toilet, but the diaper he had been wearing was nowhere to be found. So, we, of course, asked Declan, and he had no idea where it was. Or so he claimed! We looked everywhere, and after thirty minutes of searching, we finally found it at the bottom of his closet under a dirty clothes pile. A skid mark was the only proof it had been used!” Adair says while laughing hysterically.

  “Okay, that is enough stories about me!” Declan says his cheeks beet red with embarrassment.

  Sitting at a circular table, I’m in between Declan who is on my left, and Brianna who is on my right. Adair is seated to Brianna’s right, and Audrey rounds the table out next to him and Declan. After the waitress delivers our drinks and takes our orders, Brianna starts talking to me about the school, making me realize I’m going to miss the rest of this week.

  “Hey, would you do me a favor? If I give you a list of my classes, would you go and get my makeup work for me?” I ask Brianna.

  This will keep me on track for early graduation; I haven’t missed any days prior so my absences shouldn’t affect me.

  “Yea, that’s no problem. Remember we’re family now! If you ever need anything or someone to talk to, I’m your girl!” She answers with a big smile.

  “Thanks... seriously!” I lean over and whisper to her.

  Everybody is talking at once about nothing and everything. The only time that it is silent is when our food is served. In fact, it was so quiet for the first time since meeting all of them that I have to laugh out loud at the distinction, causing all four werewolves to stop eating and focus on me.

  “S-Sorry.” I stutter out feeling uncomfortable and not really wanting to explain what I found funny.

  They look at me confused but turn their attention back to their food. The rest of lunch went by rather quickly. When everyone’s finished Adair pays, and we all walk out. Declan and I get in his car while the others get into Adair’s. I close my eyes, not paying attention, and relax as he drives behind his dad.

  Thirty minutes into the drive, I realize we should be closer to his house by now, ‘where are we going’ I think to myself as I sit up and look out the window.

  “The pack doctor couldn’t make it out to the house, so we are going to him,” Declan says, answering my unasked question.

  “How did you just do that?” I ask.

  “Do what?” He asks me back equally confused.

  This is going nowhere fast; I think as I sigh.

  “You just answered a question I didn’t ask, not out loud anyway? How is that possible?” I ask explicitly this time.

  “Ah shit I’m sorry, I knew there were a few things I forgot to mention about being mates, this being one of those particular things. There’s so much you don’t already know because you weren’t taught. So, I’ll do my best to explain everything but, in all honesty, I sucked at retaining facts…Okay so once you shift, you’ll be able to speak to any wolf telepathically. Regardless of your form, even human if they are within a close enough range. If you’re in your wolf form its pack wide, a close range isn’t needed for a connection. Last night when I claimed you, I took your blood, taking some of you into me and securing the unbreakable bond I have to you. You’ll be able to speak to me mentally no matter what now; I can be a million miles away, and as long as you are conscious, I can hear your thoughts. As well as sense your feelings too!” He says, smiling like he is excited to test it out.

  “Wait, if we are bonded, how come I can’t hear your thoughts or sense your feelings?” I ask him while furrowing my brows together.

  “Well. . . you didn’t mark me.” He answers.

  I notice a sad look sweep quickly across his face before he replaces it with a blank one.

  “Was I supposed to?” I ask, confused.

  He waits a minute before sighing and answering.

  “Yea, no, I don’t know! If you were just human, you would’ve had the urge to bite me after I bit you, and you would have. I assume your other half is blocking your wolf senses or something like that. Even unshifted wolves can mark their mate.” Declan explains.

  “I’m sorry,” I say, upset with myself for hurting him.

  He must feel like I don’t want him. From what I’ve learned, werewolves aren’t that different from us. Aside from physically shifting, they’re not at all emotionally different from humans. I say they but guess I mean we because I’m a wolf too.

  We pull into a driveway in front of a red log cabin, with a sign for a Doctor's office that must have been a few miles off the main highway outside of The Den; I don’t even remember making any turns. He parks and quickly gets out of the car, ending our conversation. I get out and follow behind him up the few stairs to the door. He rings the doorbell, and the door was answered quickly by a man in his early twenties.

  “Declan and Amara please come in!” He says holding the door open and extending his other hand into the office.

  He is tall and gangly with long arms and legs. He is dressed in khaki pants and a black short sleeve button down shirt. He has a mop of messy brown hair tousled atop his head, looking like he has been raking his hands through it furiously. His pale blue eyes stand out behind his black wire-framed glasses on an intense thick nose.

  “I apologize for not being able to come to you. I had an emergency patient show up, and I’m the only one here. Still, in my residency phase, so I don’t have much autonomy. Anyway, how are you two doing this evening?” The doctor asks.

  “Good, but please let’s just get this over with. I’m not a huge fan of needles!” I say, being completely honest.

  The more I think about the needle, the more I want to turn around and bolt. Who cares what my other half is when it’s faced down the end of a two-inch needle? Declan must have been sensing my uneasiness because he grabs my left hand, interlacing his fingers with mine and squeezes.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll distract you, princess.” He says while he pulls me over to the chair where the phlebotomy supplies are set up and sits me down. He sits in a chair next to me, not breaking our hand contact.

  “Why do you call me, princess?” I ask while avoiding watching what the doctor is doing as I hear him snap his gloves on against each wrist.

  I will never understand why doctors do that, it’s like the creepy Michael Myers or Jason music that lets you know somebody’s going to die right before it happens.

  “I don’t know, you just always seem so regal. The way you always answer with a simple nod, but your eyes say that you’re thinking of a million things all at once.” He answers blushing, looking me straight in the eyes.

  He leans forward and brushes his lips against mine, then backs up an inch to look at me again. I blink and then lean forward, pushing my lips against his. Only in shock for a second before he responds, forcing his tongue in a teasing rhythm against mine. I reciprocate by biting and licking his lip when we break for air.

  “Ahem, all done on my end!” The doctor interrupts, making me remember where we are.

  I immediately jump as far away from Declan as possible without leaving my chair and feel the blush rush to my cheeks. I’m probably tomato red. I’m so embarrassed, damn fair skin. That man can make me forget my name if given a chance! I look down at my arm and see that it’s already bandaged and hop out of the chair.

  “I’m going to go wait in the car!” I say quickly and head for the door in desperate need for some fresh air.

  “Sounds good, I’ll be there in a few. I just need to talk to the doctor.” Declan calls to me, as I hastily depart.

  “Okay,” I say without turning around.

  I walk out to the car and pull on the handle to open the passenger door, but it’s locked.

  “Damn!” I say out loud, for not thinking about asking Declan for the keys.

  I’m debating on going back inside when I feel a sharp little prick on the side of my neck. I bring my hand to it and pull out what stung me; as my vision blurs. I make out what looks like a dart. Feeling woozy as I lose my balance, I fall on my knees. My muscles are heavy and won’t respond to my commands. I can sense someone coming up behind me when everything goes black.

  Chapter 26

  I’ve been watching his car's movements through my cell phone GPS. I wasn’t prepared when I found her the other day, so I had to improvise. When they were frolicking in the forest, or whatever, I placed my cell phone under his car. I turned it to silent in case there was a call, not that there would be. Nobody ever does, it’s strictly used for outgoing calls. I watch them through my binoculars from the trees as they walk up to a cabin that’s being used for a Doctor’s office. A tall skinny male with glasses answers the door, inviting them in. Now, I’m left to wait, watch, and think.

  I hate not being able to plan appropriately. I’ve only been watching her for a day, and that isn’t long enough to know everything. Not even close. However, when ample opportunity presents itself, I’ll take it. I won’t let her get away this time. I wonder if I should do something to the cars, in case the bigger one is harder to take down. I decided to slash the back-passenger tires on both cars in the driveway. They’re going to know it was intentional, but I don’t plan on them being conscious for long anyway.

  I go back to my spot in the trees and continue to wait. I’m there for another ten minutes when I notice a movement at the front door. I raise my binoculars and almost choke on air, seeing the girl walking by herself to the passenger side of the black car. I can’t believe my luck. I grab my tranquilizer gun, thankful that I brought my holster. I watch her grab the handle a few times and then look at the door to the office. I take aim through the scope and quickly shoot. Direct hit, I think, as I watch her reach her hand up to her neck. I start to make my way over to her as she sways and falls to her knees on the ground. Her eyes are still half open when I stand over her and scoop her up. I can faintly smell the fear radiating off her. The drugged dart is quickly working. I note that she has finally lost consciousness, so I pick her up and start running towards my car to go home. ‘HOME!’ I think gleefully, smiling for the first time in years.

  Chapter 27: Declan

  “I’m going to wait in the car!” Amara says quickly and
heads towards the door.

  “Sounds good, I’ll be there in a few. I just need to talk to the doctor.” I answer back.

  “Okay.” She answers without looking back.

  I can sense that she is trying to hide her embarrassment, so I turn to the doctor.

  “So, Dr. Adams, I don’t need to stress how important it is for confidentiality in this case, do I?” I ask him as his face pales slightly.

  He probably remembers how I acted when he offended me earlier.

  “N-No. In fact, I have all the necessary equipment here to do these tests. I am competent in my ability to run them with no issues.” He answers while shifting his weight nervously.

  “How long will it take?” I ask as I raise my hand up to rub my neck where I feel a slight pinch. Did a bug just bite me?

  “About-” The doctor says, but I miss the rest because I feel sick to my stomach and run to the bathroom. I stand over the toilet dry heaving when a sudden feeling of fear hits me and stops abruptly.


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