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Engaging the Enemy

Page 12

by Susanne Bellamy

  He trailed a finger tip down the opening of her blouse leaving her skin zinging beneath his touch. Slowly, he undid the top button. ‘It’s not business that connects us, Andie. It’s this attraction.’

  No. I will not be distracted. I will not be distracted. She lifted her hand as though scalded and folded her arms across her chest to hide the effect his nearness had on her body. What were they talking about?

  Slowly, he slid his hands up her arms and took hold of her shoulders. Heat rose along the path of his hands and spread through her body like a surging tide. God, she wanted him. He was her enemy but right at this moment, her body didn’t care. Breathless and burning for him, she forced the question past dry lips.

  ‘It’s business alright. What do you gain by this transaction?’


  He pulled her to him. Instinctively her hands rose to his chest but resistance vanished as his mouth descended on hers, blanking out her anger and fuelling her desire. Pressed to his chest — his bare chest — she burned with yearning to crawl all over him, to feel him all over her. Beneath her palms, his heart thudded in time with hers. Her fingers grazed his dark nipples. She drew a circle around the flat disks, drawing a soft groan from him.

  ‘Do you know what you do to me, woman?’

  ‘What?’ Her knees threatened to give way yet at the same time she felt powerful. Mahoney wasn’t immune to her. Defiantly, she flicked the nub of his nipple with her nail.

  ‘I want you, Andie.’ Strong hands pressed her hips against his hard length. ‘And if you’re honest, you want me too.’

  Desire ran like an electrical current through her veins. I want you. But she couldn’t voice her weakness. Instead, she sought an outlet for her tension and wriggled against the ridge that pressed between them.

  With a groan, he swung her up in his arms and carried her to the sofa. Her fingers dug into hard muscle as she clung to his neck. ‘Matt…’

  ‘Shush. This attraction between us — this was always going to happen.’ Gently, he lowered her then followed her down. Surrounded by delicious heat and hard man, she pulled him on top of her. How could she give up this chance to know his loving?

  Their mouths meshed and tongues tangled. His hips pinned hers to the sofa, his weight a welcome cloak. She ran her hands over the bunched muscles of his shoulders, gliding across silky smooth skin. Heat and silk combined in potent attraction. Too soon, his mouth lifted from hers and she raised her hands to bring his lips back where she wanted them. Instead, he nuzzled a sensitive spot between her neck and shoulder. Lust like she’d never known raged through her and she tipped her head back further.

  ‘You like that?’ His breath caressed her neck warmly. He leaned up on one elbow and stroked her cheek, smoothed a wayward strand of hair behind her ear and watched her intently.

  She ran her hands over his bare back until she touched the edge of his towel. Did she dare sleep with her enemy? Need and desire and a sense of liberation took over. She moistened her lips and swallowed. Tonight. I’ll take just this one night.

  She tugged at his towel, felt the knot loosen between them, felt his hips lift a little. With a defiant flick, she tossed the towel over her head.

  ‘More, please.’

  Matt smiled. ‘With pleasure, darlin’. With pleasure.’

  Chapter Fourteen

  Sleeping with the enemy had been reckless but she couldn’t claim Mahoney had seduced her. You were a willing participant and you’d do it again if you could. Eyes squeezed shut, Andie concentrated on breathing evenly. It had been nothing like her one and only other relationship. It had been gloriously revealing and so thoroughly addictive she knew she couldn’t touch him again. Because he was her enemy.

  Know thine enemy. Hysterical laughter threatened to burst out of her and she clamped one hand over her mouth. Unplanned and unexpected, she’d gotten to know him alright.

  Trust you, Andie. Why don’t you ever make a proper plan?

  Weakening her own bargaining power by sleeping with him was stupid — there wasn’t much sleeping — and she still hadn’t learned why she was caught in his pretend engagement. But if she’d thought ahead, she should have guessed he’d take her arrival on his door step as an invitation.

  I won’t kiss you till you ask me. And how she wanted his mouth on hers again. All over her.

  Any moment now he’d arrive with his mother. Until she talked to him there was nothing to do but play the game.

  His deep voice penetrated the closed door along with the sound of shuffling feet in the tiled foyer. ‘Good evening, Monique, Gerald. This is my mother, Maggie.’

  Andie rubbed cold hands up and down her arms and counted off the seconds until Monique opened the door and ushered in their guests. ‘Come in. Would you like a drink, Maggie?’

  Mahoney stepped into the room and Andie sprang to her feet, hands pressed against the giants now rampaging in her stomach. He was mouth-wateringly tempting, especially now she knew what lay beneath his charcoal suit. She took a half step toward him and stopped. Part of her wanted to wrap her legs around his waist and lose herself in his kisses. The other part still wanted to throttle the truth out of him.

  My enemy. My lover.

  Eyes firmly fixed on Mahoney’s face, she moistened dry lips.

  Mahoney moved aside and drew a petite woman forward. ‘Ma, this is Andie.’

  Andie dragged her gaze from Mahoney’s towering frame and met a pair of inquisitive eyes on a level with hers.

  Faded red streaks threaded through his mother’s grey hair but her smile was a clone of her son’s and her voice had the same soft lilt, although her accent was a little more pronounced than Mahoney’s.

  ‘Andrea. You didn’t tell me how pretty she is, Matt. Go ahead and kiss your girl first. It’s you she’s eyeing off.’

  Andie flicked a glance at the love of her life and blushed.

  He’s enjoying my predicament.

  Mahoney’s mouth quivered with amusement. ‘Any time you like, Andie.’

  Andie lowered her eyelashes. If she’d thought through his agreement and counter-offer, she should have seen this scenario. I won’t kiss you unless you ask me to.

  Like heck. He’d known this would happen.

  It didn’t matter they’d done more than kiss two nights ago. Much more. Two could play that game.

  ‘Don’t be shy, lass. You’ve every right to want to kiss your man.’ Of course his mother expected them to kiss. And cuddle.

  Act like Serena. Be cool.

  Pulling on her Serena-mask, Andie peeped up at her fake fiancé with what she hoped was a shy look.

  ‘Later, darling. Mrs Mahoney — welcome.’ Andie stuck out her hand. Instead, Mahoney’s mother took hold of her shoulders and wrapped her in a hug that felt warm and joyful and welcoming. Over her shoulder, Mahoney’s eyebrow winged up and he dipped his head at her minor victory.

  Maybe she could get through this evening after all.

  ‘Call me Maggie. Oh my.’ With a sniffle, his mother released her and dived into her handbag. ‘Oh dear.’

  ‘Sit down, Ma.’ Tender concern laced Matt’s voice as he guided his mother into the seat opposite Andie.

  ‘I’m sorry. It’s just — I sometimes doubted I’d ever see this day.’

  ‘Well, Ma, you can see Andie’s real and she’s beautiful and, for whatever reason, she’s agreed to marry me.’

  Andie’s vision hazed. Reality slammed home. This woman thought she, Andrea, was going to marry her son, that they were in love. And that she was going to have grandchildren and that…

  Her chest tightened. How could she pretend it was all fine and dandy and go along with this farce? How could he do this to his mother? She glared at him and clenched her hands behind her back. Otherwise she knew she’d grab him and try to shake some sense into him.

  Mahoney squeezed her elbow. ‘Andie?’

  She blinked and focussed on the conversation. What had Maggie asked?

  His mother sat, w
aiting, the look in her eyes knowing and satisfied. ‘She can’t get enough of looking at you, Matt, my boy.’

  Mahoney grinned wryly. ‘I don’t think it’s me she’s worried about.’

  Maggie chuckled. ‘You wouldn’t be worried about meeting me, Andrea?’

  Andie swallowed her anger with Mahoney and tried to stretch reluctant facial muscles into a smile for his mother. ‘Andie, please. I’m sorry. Um, I grew up here in Melbourne and my friends are mostly still here.’

  ‘So you’ll be wanting the wedding here I suppose?’

  Matt reached over and patted his mother’s shoulder. ‘There’s plenty of time, Ma. We’ve only just got engaged.’

  ‘But wouldn’t it be wonderful if the wedding could be while I’m here, visiting?’

  ‘You’ll be here, Ma. It’s not like we have to be rushing things, now is it, Andie?’

  Cold hands squeezed her lungs as she shook her head. She had to get away from all this talk of kissing and weddings and promises that weren’t real. ‘Please excuse me. I think Monique needs help with the savouries.’

  Matt took her hand and unfolded his length from his seat. He turned her to face him and neatly took possession of her other hand. ‘No need to go just yet, Andie. I’ll pour us a wine. What do you prefer?’

  His mother’s quizzical expression reminded her of what was at stake. If they couldn’t convince her their engagement was real, it had all been for nothing. How had they ever thought they could pull this off?

  ‘I’ll just have my usual sav blanc, thanks.’ She sat back and watched as Mahoney poured wine for them and then returned to sit beside her on the two-seater. The length of his thigh warmed her leg. He took hold of her hand and twined his fingers with hers. The emerald engagement ring dug into her finger as he gently squeezed.

  He raised her hand to his lips, kissed it and whispered, ‘I really enjoyed the other night.’ He lowered their joined hands to rest on her leg and his little finger began a small, slow sweep across her bare skin as he conversed with his mother.

  ‘Don’t do that,’ she murmured, low enough his mother wouldn’t hear.

  ‘What? This?’ He eased their hands a little higher up her thigh. Heat, moisture, delicious prickles of desire raced to that spot a hand span from his fingers.

  Her breath hitched. She swallowed a gasp of pure pleasure, tugged free of his hold and jumped to her feet. ‘I really need to give Monique a hand.’

  ‘Okay.’ Mahoney stood and kissed her lips, the kiss light and lingering. A kiss that marked her as his woman. A kiss that made her want to throw her arms around his neck and deepen the connection. She leaned forward and took his lower lip between hers, felt it lengthen.

  Was he smiling? Damn, she’d gone and kissed him back. She pulled away but he kept hold of her hands.

  He traced across her fingers with his thumb and paused to rub the stone of her engagement ring. Like a bucket of cold water, the action reminded her what was at stake. For both of them.

  It’s all pretence, Andie. Now smile at him and get the hell out of here.

  Except he seemed intent on prolonging the charade. He raised her hands and pressed a kiss to the knuckles. His dark gaze clashed with hers and he wasn’t smiling any more. ‘Don’t be long, Andie.’

  As soon as he released her, she scurried through the door. Escape to the kitchen was short-term delay at best and a poor excuse. What she needed was breathing space, cool air and a reality check.

  Quietly, she opened the door to the pool area and slipped through, wincing at the soft click as she eased it shut behind her. A few minutes in the relative anonymity with only cicadas for company would settle her thoughts. And her traitorous body.

  Camellias gleamed like ghost-white pearls in the moonlight. She ducked behind the glossy green hedge and half fell onto the sun lounge. Pent up anxiety released as she plumped down on the cushions and groaned. His mother was sweet and kind and didn’t deserve to be fooled by this charade. She felt shame at her part in it.

  Damn Mahoney and his lies, and more fool me for agreeing to do it.

  Suddenly the door opened. From the other side of the camellias, Mahoney’s voice surprised her. Had she really expected him to stay inside when she’d all but run away?

  ‘Why would you do that?’ Steel, cold and unbending, underscored his voice.

  True, she’d made a hasty exit but was he so angry she’d left his mother? How did he know she was here? Too stunned to reply, she uncurled jelly legs and prepared to face him.

  ‘I’m engaged to Andie, that’s why.’


  Moving slowly, soundlessly, she rose high enough to peep over the hedge. Outlined against the full moon low on the horizon, Mahoney held his mobile to his ear. Air whooshed softly from her. She didn’t have to ‘fess up to him just yet.

  ‘Dave, it’s not what you’re thinking.’

  She leaned closer. A soft bloom brushed her cheek, its velvet petals a distraction. Why was Mahoney talking with Dave during their engagement dinner? It must be important for him to have deserted his mother. Feeling like a criminal, she edged closer and held her breath. Irritation vied with anxiety. Mahoney had told Dave about their engagement. So much for not spreading the news just yet. One rule for him and another for her.

  Though I wouldn’t have said anything to anyone, ever, if I had my way.

  ‘You’re right, it’s none of your business. And yes, she is a sweet girl and I won’t hurt her.’

  Dave was sticking up for her? Telling off his boss? She wished she could hear the whole conversation.

  ‘I’m aware of the differences between her and the women I’ve dated. She’s nothing like any of them.’

  Ears burning, she bit back the retort that sprang to her lips. Eavesdroppers never heard good of themselves. Hadn’t she worked that out by now? Yet try as she might, she couldn’t leave, even as her cheeks flushed at the implied insult. Of course she was nothing like his usual women. Vertically challenged, a bundle of insecurities and red hair into the bargain, what man would look twice at her when he was used to escorting women like Serena?

  Come to think of it, why hadn’t he proposed his mad scheme to his model girlfriend? She bit back a groan as her cramped calf muscle protested and tried to stretch it without bobbing into Mahoney’s line of view.

  ‘Really? You think this is my way of getting into the building and not looking like a right bastard for evicting them?’

  She registered a note of anger in his voice. But it was nothing compared to the anger racing through her body. He’d duped her. Her father had been right after all.

  ‘Look, I’ve got my reasons.’

  He sounded mad as hell and she imagined chips of ice in the blue of his eyes. ‘Yeah, a couple of million of them I reckon. What else would it be about?’

  A couple of million — dollars? They were talking about the property.

  And there’s my answer. His proposal, the yarn about his mother’s ill health — lies, all of them.

  And she was a soft touch, falling for his — his blarney. Smooth talking, charming, scheming liar.

  A chill settled around her heart. She fought for breath as her vision blurred. He’d played her, used her stupid, tender concern for his mother — who’s probably strong as a horse — to gain access to the building. And, though she hadn’t yet figured out how, to gain revenge on her family.

  Who but me could have believed his cock and bull story?

  Lexie was right and she was wrong.


  How Mahoney must have laughed behind her back when she fell right in with his scheme to evict them. And at her schoolgirlish infatuation with him.

  Oh God, why did I sleep with him?

  Icy fingers shook as she covered her mouth. Could she have been more naïve?

  How could she have believed his nonsense about beginning to renovate the kitchen? And she’d all but told Lexie to butt out.

  Feverishly she sought another door into the house. No
way was she going to face Mahoney or his mother again. The thought of owning up to Lexie about her mammoth stupidity over the Mahoney affair overwhelmed her.

  She fought back tears as she slipped past the hedge around the back corner of the house.


  ‘Ma cherie, do not despair. If you do not love him, it’s not the end of the world.’ Monique quietly closed the door of her elegantly furnished study then crossed to sit on the arm of Andie’s chair and smoothed back the heavy fall of curls from Andie’s face.

  ‘But I’ve been such a fool, Monique. No wonder my father sold the building — there’s no way I can run a centre like that, even with Lexie’s help. What was I thinking to imagine I could take on something so big?’ Pain stabbed through her, weighed her down. She lowered her head into her hands and closed her eyes.

  ‘Non. You have done a wonderful job there. Do not confuse making a mistake in love with your ability to share your tender heart with those who need your support.’

  ‘I do care about them. I can’t bear the thought they might be separated.’

  Lightly, Monique squeezed her shoulder. ‘The centre will go ahead and you’ll look after your little families. Remember all you’ve achieved so far, Andie.’

  All they’d achieved? Yes, they’d saved a number of mums and kids from abusive situations and relocated them. She mustn’t lose sight of those successes when the going got tough.

  She sniffed and rubbed the heels of her palms into her eyes. ‘You’re right, Monique. We have achieved so much already. We just need to get our accreditation and then we’ll get the funding. And then Mahoney and his building can go to hell in a hand basket.’

  ‘That’s my Andie.’

  ‘Just one thing, Monique…can you tell them I’ve got a headache and I’ve gone to lie down?’

  Chapter Fifteen

  A dull headache throbbed behind her gritty eyes. Andie nibbled on her thumb nail and paced around the purple futon and back to the window. Light reflected off the metal bins across the lane and she squinted at the glare.


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