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The Dark Chronicles: A Spy Trilogy

Page 77

by Jeremy Duns

Michael Dobbs, One Minute to Midnight (Arrow, 2009)

  Stephen Dorril, MI6: Inside the Covert World of Her Majesty’s Secret Intelligence Service (Touchstone, 2000)

  Ronald Eyre, et al., Frontiers (BBC, 1990)

  George Feifer, Moscow Farewell (Viking, 1976)

  Benjamin B. Fischer, ‘A Cold War Conundrum: The 1983 Soviet War Scare’ (Center for Study of Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency, September 1997)

  Fodor’s Guide to Europe (Hodder and Stoughton, 1969)

  M. R. D. Foot, SOE: The Special Operations Executive, 1940–1946 (BBC, 1984)

  Kenneth Gustavsson, 80 År på Havet: Sjöbevakningen på Åland, 1930–2010 (PQR, 2010)

  Peter Hennessy, The Secret State: Preparing for the Worst, 1945–2010 (Penguin, 2010)

  Bjarne Henriksson, 1939 – Ett Ödeesmättay År För Åland (Landskapsarkivet, Mariehamn, 1989)

  Keith Jeffery, MI6: The History of the Secret Intelligence Service, 1909–1949 (Bloomsbury, 2010)

  Kalevi Keskinen and Jorma Mäntykoski, Suomen Laivasto Sodassa 1939–1945/The Finnish Navy at War in 1939–1945 (Tietoteos, 1991)

  Fredrik Laurin, ‘Scandinavia’s Underwater Time Bomb’ (in The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, March 1991)

  Jak P. Mallmann Showell (ed.), What Britain Knew and Wanted to Know About U-Boats, Volume 1 (International Submarine Archive, 2001)

  Vojtech Mastny, ‘How Able Was “Able Archer”?: Nuclear Trigger and Intelligence in Perspective’ (in Journal of Cold War Studies, Vol. 11, No. 1, Winter 2009, pp. 108–123, MIT)

  Vojtech Mastny and Malcolm Byrne (eds), A Cardboard Castle? An Inside History of the Warsaw Pact, 1955–1991 (Central European University Press, 2005)

  Zhores Medvedev, The Medvedev Papers (Macmillan, 1971)

  Louis Mountbatten (foreword), Combined Operations: The Official Story of the Commandos (Macmillan, 1943)

  Nagel’s Encyclopedia Guide: Leningrad and Its Environs (Nagel, 1969)

  Bruce Page, David Leitch and Phillip Knightley, Philby: The Spy Who Betrayed A Generation (Sphere, 1977)

  Eleanor Philby, The Spy I Loved (Hamish Hamilton, 1968)

  Kim Philby, My Silent War (Grafton, 1989)

  Rufina Philby with Hayden Peake and Mikhail Lyubimov, The Private Life of Kim Philby: The Moscow Years (St Ermin’s Press, 2003)

  Scott D. Sagan and Jeremi Suri, ‘The Madman Nuclear Alert: Secrecy, Signaling, and Safety in October 1969’ (in International Security, Spring 2003)

  Marlise Simons, ‘Discarded War Munitions Leach Poisons Into the Baltic’, New York Times, 20 June 2003

  Göran Stenlid, Ålands väder under 1900-talet (Ålands Museum, 2001)

  Jeremi Suri, ‘The Nukes of October: Richard Nixon’s Secret Plan to Bring Peace to Vietnam’ (in Wired, 16.03, 25 February 2008)

  Viktor Suvorov, Aquarium: The Career and Defection of a Soviet Military Spy (Hamish Hamilton, 1985)

  Olli Vehviläinen, Finland and the Second World War: Between Germany and Russia (Palgrave, 2002)

  Leonid Vladimirov, The Russians (Pall Mall Press, 1968)

  Nigel West and Oleg Tsarev, The Crown Jewels (HarperCollins, 1999)

  Greville Wynne, The Man From Moscow (Hutchinson, 1967)

  Greville Wynne, The Man From Odessa (Granada, 1983)




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