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Aligning Stars (Fate's Intent Book 1)

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by Bowles, April


  In another time, in a far off place, there is a world made up of seven nations; Kalu, Seni, Ledia, Rugis, Hintus, Lecca and Maaki. Long have they lived in peace but that soon would be no more as a great feud has risen out of their hearts and rained war upon the lands. The greater of the seven, the Kalu and Seni nations, fought one another, forcing the lesser nations to join sides.

  Centuries have passed since the nations of the world were stricken by war. Peace has always seemed to be an illusion in the eyes of the people but hope still existed among few that one day the war would be over and they could all once again share in the joys life had to offer but that wouldn’t be for over a hundred years later as the war continued and reformed the lives of the ones destined to end it.

  Their meet was close at hand and Fate was about to play an important role in their futures as one.

  Chapter 1


  It was almost spring; the snow diminishing from the ground but the cold remained lingering in the air for a time. Breaths were seen like puffs of smoke, dancing into the growing fog that blanketed the earth.

  The White City was in my sights. I finally had made it. This was my night.

  I was moving fast. The street lights of the city were being lit and chances of being spotted were beginning to rise. I moved like a shadow through any I could find, making my way to my destination at the palace.

  The walls were high; stones too even and smooth to climb. I knew I had to find another way in. The roofs of the surrounding buildings seemed like the best route and I went for it without hesitation. After easily scaling them, I could see down inside the wall.

  Everything was cold. The chill of winter’s air put a coating of frost over everything but it still seemed beautiful. The White City has always been a spotlight in the winter. It’s brilliance of place and design was known by all, even their enemies and though I was one, I somehow didn’t feel it as I looked down upon the courtyard below. This place was too beautiful to be hated but the reality of it was this was in fact a place of my enemies. This new life I was about to step into all came down to the outcome of this night; pass or fail.

  The dream and long anticipated years I spent preparing myself to become one of Kalu’s Legendary Assassins would prove worth it tonight. My target was down there somewhere and I was ready.

  I found myself landing soft on the ground below and used all of my taught skills to move around deeper into what could easily become my end.

  “I knew you’d come.”

  My head turned and I quickly straightened to see a man in a long silver robe facing away from me with a voice of age.

  “It was only a matter of time really.”

  “I’m not here for conversation.” I replied.

  The man let out a quiet laugh and started to turn.

  I stayed still, ready to grab my sword in an instant if I needed to. This had to be Waylin; my target.

  “Nor am I.” He said. “But do you find yourself worthy of taking this life?”

  “More than.” I made my confidence clear on my voice but a part of me felt like he was trying to teach me something; curious of what I know.

  “Then let’s see if you really are.”

  He unfolded his arms from within his robe and revealed a set of short staffs in his hands. They shimmered from the silver that curled around each staff and I shied from taking my eyes off them.

  I was ready. I’ll say it again. I knew it but I wasn’t expecting this. I wasn’t expecting him to be waiting for me, ready to fight back. It quickly became more than a test. It was a challenge and one I welcomed.

  I started sprinting towards him and pulled out my sword. I held tightly on the handle but Waylin blocked my initial attack.

  “More thinking. Less rage.” He said.

  I attacked again, trying not to take notice to his words and swung my sword fast to get him to lose concentration but he never did.

  “Good.” He said. “Using your youth against an older opponent.”

  His instruction wasn’t helping and ignoring it didn’t work either. I just wanted it over. I swung my sword, breaking a stone sculpture and he had to dodge out of the way.

  “Now that’s resourceful thinking.”

  He jumped towards me and we began fighting at a faster pace. This was more like it. Give me a challenge.

  It wasn’t long before my youth really was helping. He was becoming tired from the quickness he had to use during the fight and I saw an opportunity to end it.

  I pressed my thumb into the end of my sword’s hilt and the three foot blade collapsed into fifteen connected pieces of a chain whip.

  I whipped it out towards him, wrapping it around one of his ankles, bringing him to his knees. “Excellent. An unexpected surprise. You’re more worthy than I anticipated.”

  “You should never have underestimated me.” I reformed my sword to its original state and remained standing in front of him.

  “I’m ready.” He said.

  For once I wasn’t. I’d get no pride out of killing a kneeling man. “Not like this. On your feet.”

  He tried balancing himself and rose up to his feet as requested. I didn’t hesitate then. The moment he was fully standing, I drove my sword straight through his gut like it was butter.

  He reacted quietly while looking into my eyes. They were the color of night, azure but I showed no remorse when looking back. I waited there ready to see the light go out in his eyes but I couldn’t savor it like I wanted before a voice called in the distance.


  He was already dead and I pulled my sword out of his body, letting him fall to the ground. That’s when I saw him. Though his look was a mixed emotion of confusion, anger and sadness, I haven’t seen another like it. His eyes are what drawn me in. They were the brightest of blue like the blue crystal waters of the south I’ve seen during my travels. I couldn’t help but silently stare at them but my mind was telling me to get out of there. I couldn’t. My body was frozen. Telling myself to run over and over did nothing. It was as if his stare was keeping me from moving at all.

  I remembered it all perfectly but only after seeing him for mere seconds, feeling the frozen chill take my body, I would wake and only had the memory of him that was left behind. It was always only a dream, a reoccurring one for the last five years and only in dreams could I really obsess over someone who was sure to be of Senian blood, making it forbidden in the real world. That’s something that would never change. The world will always be divided by war. The thought of peace was just an untouchable light in the distance; too great a distance for anyone to travel.

  Chapter 2


  The border was quiet and I was tired of waiting. Over half a year we’ve been out here waiting for something to happen and we would finally see it tonight. I could feel it. I wanted to taste victory. I was eager for it. A company of Kaluian soldiers were approaching but they would not get a chance to breathe our pure Senian air before perishing under our hand.

  I sat high among the rocks that shaded the mountain path below and began to see them. It was a small company of maybe a hundred men but they were being led by Kalu’s own General Balwin. This victory would be more glorifying than I thought. I had to chuckle, trying to keep it silent as I raised my eyes. My two brothers-in-arms took notice to my amusement to the situation and replied with their own. This was perfect. Just a little closer.

  They were almost at our mark when the General stopped and held up his right fist. The company stopped behind him and I leaned forward. Did he know we were here? How could he? I wasn’t about to wait another moment and we had to move our positions closer into Kalu.

  He saw us. His head snapped up to our moving shadows and he shouted. “Fall back! It’s an ambush!”

  That was our signal; our only chance. We kicked out the stabilizing rocks at the base of our traps and sent a landslide down into the path.

  Panic struck instantly. It was a great sound. The men sought to flee to safety; scurrying around with limited visibility, they were too late. Fury of the mountain came down on them by our doing. Armor shattered and bones splintered. Most were crushed instantly and lost beneath the rubble, buried in their own tombs. Victory was close but it was not ours yet.

  I watched General Balwin run forward on his horse, weaving around the tumbling rocks and ice. He escaped the tragedy of death that met his men but was cast alone straight into our lands where we would stand to meet him.

  The sound of just a single breath lingered for a mere moment but was gone just as soon. The General didn’t react to this unseen horror that just occurred. His eyes focused east, directing a breathless stare through the mist towards us.

  Silence hit in the cold still air and our footsteps got closer. They were calm and steady, almost in sync with the next and we had no fear, not even when he got off his horse with his sword out to welcome us.

  “I’ve heard tales of your bravery, General Balwin.” We stopped a few yards away; our faces shaded by the hoods worn over our heads. “But you’re not brave enough for the three of us.”

  “Who are you to judge the level of my bravery?”

  I stood in the middle and looked at those standing beside me. We all removed our hoods.

  The General was stock-still when he saw our faces. He tried as if not to show weakness for the surprise but I saw it. He knew exactly who we were and our part in this war. Our armor could have given it away; a rearing stallion immortalized in pure silver. It solely belonged to us, the young bloods of Seni, known to the world as the Great Seni Fighters. Surely he knew of us. Our skills in fighting go beyond what even the most experienced soldier is capable of as we are each highly skilled in our own level of expertise.

  “Could it be that this one does not know me?” I had the voice of superiority and command.

  The General stood without fear and met my eyes to show so. “Prince Zayden—and your rebels.”

  Troy was offended and took a step forward. He grabbed the handle of his specialty sword at his side, ready to strike at the next crude remark but I put my arm out to stop him and he let loose his grip like any obedient soldier would to the unspoken command. “They’re not rebels, General. You know my brothers to be highly skilled warriors who bring down any who oppose them. It would be wise of you to hold your tongue in their presence.”

  “They’re rebels to the Queen. Nothing but low lives who strive on the blood of innocence.”

  “But that, General, is what makes them so grand. You’ve wandered too far outside your safe zone this time. You left us with no choice.”

  “Yes, I see.” General Balwin took a confident step closer, perhaps testing our intentions. “It’s proven that your merciless reputation is true.”

  “So it has. Now, the way I see it, since you are who you are, I’ll give you two options. One, I’ll allow you to run back to your bitch of a Queen and tell her of your failure or two, you can choose to die right here with the rest of this pathetic cluster of men you call soldiers.”

  It was only making General Balwin angrier. I could see it in his scowl. Fleeing must not be a trait a proud soldier such as he possessed.

  “I have yet to be defeated.” He said, giving his answer. “And I don’t intend to be here.” He lunged towards me with his sword elevated and ready but I simply stepped out of the way and grabbed the General’s wrist, punching him directly in the face as an instant reaction.

  “It’s pointless to quarrel with me, General but perhaps I’m feeling generous for once. I’ll give you another chance to turn back.”

  “Generosity shouldn’t even be in your vocabulary.”

  I stepped aside once more and let Troy handle it this time. Troy agreed with a slight nod and stepped toward the General, pulling his sword out at the same time. He was our master sword fighter and easily proved it. He swung his precious weapon in a single swift almost unseen motion and put it away instantly.

  General Balwin had dropped to his knees with his hand on his side. He was bleeding badly.

  “Let’s end this humiliation. Just say the word and you can turn back.”

  He was breathing fiercely but his breaths were inconstant from the wound. I could hear it in his voice when he spoke. “No. I will not forfeit my honor, not to the likes of you.”

  Great. I took a step back in aggravation and put my hand on my head to cool myself down before I ended up killing him myself. That wasn’t my plan. “Darius, would you deal with this please? His honor means nothing here.”

  Darius smiled, a kind of malicious smile, already feeling the joy of it. He was the center of our strength and shown it in the way he carried himself, being more robust than Troy or myself. He stepped forward while cracking his knuckles with intense pleasure.

  “Try not to kill him. I want to send him back alive.”

  My command caught Darius’s attention and he turned back towards me. “Send him back? Why can’t I just kill him?”

  “This is not his fate and as he did not intend to die here, I will give him one last opportunity to say good-bye to that daughter of his before he dares to venture out here again. I won’t feel so lenient having to do this a second time. That’s when you will get your chance.”

  Darius sighed in disappointment but General Balwin actually laughed.

  Darius turned to him and grabbed his hair, lifting up his head. “And what is so funny?”

  General Balwin seized from moving, looking up into the very burning topaz of Darius’s eyes. “Dead or alive, this will be avenged. My daughter won’t show generosity as you do.”

  That did it. That one little remark sparked Darius with anger and he punched the General in the face but kept him steady in front of him. “Be grateful I don’t kill you now but we will meet again and you’ll be introduced to your fate.” He looked over at me for approval and I merely nodded. Darius didn’t hold back. He punched the General in the face several more times and kicked him in his sides.

  “That’s enough!” I shouted, holding up my hand so he would indeed stop before he killed him.

  Darius stepped back and General Balwin was helpless. He fell to the ground.

  “All of this could have been avoided if you would have just admitted your defeat. Someone retrieve this man’s horse. It’s time for him to go home.”

  Troy nodded and steadily approached the Kaluian horse who’s been watching. He kept it calm and walked it over to us. Darius lifted the General onto the horse and secured him tightly to it.

  “Carry him swiftly home so he may survive to tell of this tale.” I slapped the horse on the rear end and it went running back toward Kalu.

  We watched.

  The horse managed to make its way through the fallen dead until it ran completely into the dark and out of sight.

  “Now what?” Darius sighed, disappointed that he didn’t get to kill anyone in close range. It was something we were all disappointed in.

  “Once more we wait.” I turned from the west and started walking back down the road to our campsite just a little farther into Seni. “I’m undoubtedly sure the Queen will be furious with the General’s defeat that she’ll send others before his return.”

  “That’s when we’ll both get our chance, Darius, to taste Kaluian blood.”

  He smiled at Troy’s remark. Just the thought of future blood that will be spilt by his massive broadsword made him yearn for it even more. I knew how he felt. I knew what he wanted and it was completely justified. He finally looked away from the west and followed us, his footsteps being just a little louder. “Glad to see you’re not worried about the daughter threat.”

  “Of a woman? Please. He’ll rue th
e day he made that claim, at least when she goes back to him bearing that of an enemy child in her womb.”

  They smiled wider. The thought of a close kill was nice but the thought of having the pleasure of a woman revisit us after patrolling for so long would have been a great reward to add to our victory. All we had to do now was wait for it to come to us.

  Chapter 3



  I woke from that dream again. His eyes have burned an impression in my mind and it couldn’t be undone. Sometimes I wish it could but I was a different person then. I grew and this growth brought me farther away from things like kindness and hope.

  I looked next to me at the sleeping man in my bed. Ryon was a beautiful blonde who was always there for me but I couldn’t talk to him about the things I dream. He wouldn’t care for it. He doesn’t care for much but a place in my bed whenever he wants and he’d probably take offend to it.

  “Adele! Wake up!”

  Jaylyn came bursting into my room, almost giving me a heart attack. Her voice was extremely anxious and she even woke Ryon.

  “What is it?” I asked.

  “It’s your father. He has returned but he was the only one. You better go to him.”

  I looked at Ryon quickly and he nodded to me, just trying to get me to move. It was hard to. I think I panicked. They had to get me out of bed but once I found my feet, I went on my own.

  I was worried the whole way. I didn’t know what this meant. Was he okay? I wanted to know when I got downstairs but even when I did I was stopped.

  “Hold on.” Ruby said, taking my shoulders before I entered my father’s room. “You should be prepared for what you might see. He’s in bad shape. Your father’s company was ambushed. He’s the only survivor.”

  Now I was even more hesitant.

  “It’s okay, Adele.” Ryon said, guiding me forward. “Go ahead. He needs you. We’ll wait here.”


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