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Aligning Stars (Fate's Intent Book 1)

Page 6

by Bowles, April

  I didn’t have the answer but hoped she wasn’t getting herself into any kind of trouble without us or worse, enjoying herself without us.

  Chapter 10


  I had quietly followed Troy through the trees of the northern forest as he collected wood for the fire at Zayden’s request. I wanted to ask him why he was being so nice to me, first, by telling me no one would be killed if I went with the capture and then again, helping me to make sure Ruby wasn’t.

  “I hope Adele knows you’re following me.”

  I looked up from my steps and came into view behind him. He must have heard me and there was no hiding from it now. This was my chance. “She doesn’t but that doesn’t matter. I just wanted to ask you.”

  “What?” Troy picked up a few more sticks and held them in his arms without turning around to greet me.

  “Why are you helping me?”

  He stopped like my question was giving him some of his own but came out with an answer without much delay. “We weren’t expecting this kind of visitors.”

  I took a few more steps closer and started to understand. “You mean the women kind?”

  “Yes. We don’t kill women.”

  “Really? Zayden seemed all for it.”

  “Just a scare tactic. Even killers follow rules.”

  I smiled and started thinking aloud. “So, that’s why you’re taking us to your city so someone else can kill us. Makes sense since you usually don’t take prisoners.”

  “That was the initial plan but I promise I won’t let that happen.”

  “And so we’ve come back to my opening question, why are you helping me?”

  He paused again. I felt his heart race a little faster like he suddenly felt nervous around me. “I don’t know. I don’t know why.”

  I kept the smile behind my mask as I continued to step closer, only trying to get him to admit it. “I think you do and I won’t object.”

  “Object to what?”


  Troy stopped in his tracks and didn’t say another word. I walked right up behind him enough that he could feel my closeness but he still had his back turned and had yet to look at me.

  “It must get awfully lonely out here without the company of your woman from back home.”

  “I—I don’t have one. We’re too busy.” He was seeming even more nervous.

  “Well, surely there must be someone. It’d be hard to believe one such as yourself without the love of a woman to hang on to.”

  He took a deep silent breath and finally turned around. I was looking up at him and he tried to get his words out as normal as possible though I still felt his nervousness. “Well, believe it. There’s no one.”

  I flickered my eyes down the front of his body as I got even closer, almost enough to touch him. “Then you won’t find shame if I ask something of you?”


  “I want you to look at me.”

  “I am looking at you.”

  “The real me. I want you to see who you are taking this risk for.”

  His breath shuttered and his hand almost shook as he slowly reached up to my mask. I stood still and let him do it. He just stared at my face and seemed almost sad.

  “Is this okay?”


  It was like he didn’t know what else to say and panic tore through him. His presence became hotter but he didn’t know that I could feel it. His eyes remained on me and he dropped the bundle of sticks in his other arm. They didn’t even all have time to hit the ground before he rushed his lips into mine.

  The moment was perfect; right. He did want me and I just wanted him to prove it on his own after getting the chance to really see me.

  I pushed him up against a tree and wanted to savor the taste of his lips. I had my hands up behind his head, curling my fingers in his beautiful brown hair as he held my body close to his. I must have seemed so fragile in his arms because he barely had a grip on me. He was so gentle like he almost forgot what it was like to hold a woman.

  Things began to get a little more intense when I started kissing down his neck and Troy was breathing hard. I knew he wanted this to continue and see to its end but something got him to try stopping it. “We really shouldn’t.”

  I smiled and continued, bringing my hands down the front of his body. “Why not? You seem willing.”

  “Oh, it’s not me. It’s Zayden.”

  I let out a soft chuckle as I backed away and looked up. I didn’t think that would have been the reason. “You don’t need his permission, do you?”

  “No. Of course not but I respect him and I won’t show dishonor under his command. He wouldn’t approve of this. I’m sorry.”

  I was starting to accept Troy’s undying loyalty towards Zayden and stepped back a little more. “I understand. You’re a loyal friend.”

  “More so. They’re the only family I have. I owe him my life.”

  I started to see similarities in our two groups. I’ve always felt the same way about Ruby and Adele but I became a little disappointed with my own behavior. “I should really be the sorry one. I shouldn’t have come out here. I just needed to know. You seemed so—not what I expected.”

  “I don’t mean for it to sound like I’m rejecting you by any means. I just—”

  “Oh, I know. Of course not. My feelings aren’t hurt. Perhaps in another life.”


  I’ll admit that I wanted it to be now. I’ve never known anyone like him before but respected his reasoning. “Well, I guess I better get back before they think I ran off or something and get into even more trouble than I probably already am.”

  I was about to turn and walk back when he stopped me. “Wait! You should come back with me.”

  “Is that really a good idea? What will they think?”

  “I don’t care what they think. I just—I don’t want them to think you were escaping.”

  I melted. He was sweet and caring towards me though he was the enemy. A part of me didn’t understand it but the more dominant part didn’t seem to care and I stepped closer to him. I gently scraped a fingernail down the center of his breastplate, making it sound like metal on metal. “But you guys don’t kill women.”

  Troy smiled back and took my hand. “Please. I can’t see you get hurt.”

  Our fingers laced together and I looked up at him; all thoughts of disappointment vanished. “You’re so persistent. I’d do anything you asked of me.”

  He laughed. “Horrible timing for me to have loyalty commitments.”

  I laughed too.

  He pulled his hand away extra slowly as if not to hurt me and picked up the sticks he dropped. “Let’s go and put your mask up.”

  I remembered it was still down and took a quick breath while pulling it back on. “Oh, yeah, Adele would probably freak.”

  “Actually, I’d be more worried about Darius at this point.”

  “Darius? Why?”

  “After being out here for over six months, he’s probably ready to rape any female with a heartbeat.”

  “Oh. Good idea then.”

  “But I won’t let him get to you.”

  “How kind of you.”

  He smiled. “Come on. You should go first.”

  I walked a few paces ahead and he followed me back. I wanted to be at his side but his way was probably best. We didn’t know what would come of this and I already feared for him. Zayden most certainly wasn’t going to like our being alone together and I didn’t want to see him hurt because of me as strange as it may sound. Troy was different. He was—everything I needed.

  Chapter 11


  It’s been a long day, only about to get longer. We finished setting up and were waiting for Troy to bring the firewood.

  “Where is he?” Darius asked. “He should have been back by now. It’s getting cold.”

  I looked behind him towards the women and noticed one was missing. Of course. My eyes narrowed sl
ightly and my voice reflected the sound of disloyalty. “Where’s the other girl?”

  Darius looked up just as the masked one came walking out of the trees. “I’m right here. Don’t freak out.”

  “I wasn’t freaking out. What are you doing out there alone?”

  “I wasn’t alone.”

  She glanced behind her and I saw Troy following with the firewood.

  Darius had to turn away to hide his reaction of a scandal but I, on the other hand, was furious and shown it. “Oh, I see. Can we talk? You, go over there. I’ll get you when you can come back over.”

  The lovely Jaylyn looked at Troy and he gave her a slight nod. She looked worried for him or at least her eyes did and she paused there like leaving him with me wasn’t a good idea.

  I got in her way, blocking her view from him. “Go!”

  My voice startled her and she quickly turned from us, going over to Adele and Ruby without a glance back.

  “You didn’t have to do that.” Troy said.

  “Apparently, I did.”

  He dropped the firewood in a pile and went on like the conversation was over. He should have known better and he better tell me every truth.

  “What happened out there?”


  “Are you sure? Because by the look she just gave you, I’d say something happened.”

  “We just talked, that’s all.”

  I still didn’t believe him. I wanted the truth. I just simply looked at him and raised both eyebrows.

  That’s all it took. Troy was first and foremost loyal to me and gave in to my look as always. “All right, there might have been some contact involved.”

  I sighed and put my head down but Darius reacted to it with quiet rage lined with a bit of curiosity. “What?! What kind of contact?! Just enough to make you want her more or did you actually fuck her because I swear I’ll just be so—”

  “Nothing like that.” Troy cut in, looking right at me like I had asked it. “It was just a kiss.”

  “A kiss? Like on her mask or—you saw her face?”

  “It was minor.” Troy kept trying to assure me, ignoring Darius. “Nothing serious.”

  “You better hope not. I expected this kind of behavior from him not from you.”

  Troy lowered his head in regret for going against orders. “Forgive me, Zayden. It won’t happen again.”

  I was still angry while I looked down at him in front of me but the last thing I knew we needed was fighting among ourselves. I kneeled down and placed a hand on his shoulder, making him lift his head. “All is forgiven. Just get the fire going before it gets any colder. We’ll forget about it.”

  “Forget about it?” Darius wondered as Troy continued to do as he was told. “How are we supposed to do that?”

  “Darius, drop it, all right? Remember what I said.”

  He sighed and looked up towards Ruby talking with Adele and Jaylyn at her sides. I could tell he was taking this the hardest and I should have known that he would have but this was important. We’re not doing this because they’re women. We’re doing this because it’s war and they’re our enemy. They were sent to kill us and we had to retaliate to show our dominance. This world belongs to us. If their death would show that more clearly then that’s how it had to be. Feelings aside, there is no mercy in war.

  Chapter 12


  “Where have you been?” I’ve been waiting to ask Jaylyn that question, having not been able to look for her myself.

  “I just took a walk.”

  “Yeah, with Troy.” Ruby mumbled, holding back a laugh.

  Jaylyn rolled her eyes and sat with us. “So what? I couldn’t go alone.”

  “Well, what happened out there? Did you get anything out of him?”

  Jaylyn merely looked over at Ruby with her cheeks raising behind her mask like a smile.

  I knew instantly. “Jaylyn!”

  “What? It was harmless. Just a little kiss.”

  “You showed him your face and kissed him?!” Ruby asked, still with the tone of happiness and surprise on her voice. “Ooh! Lucky! How was it?”

  “Good! I can still taste it!”

  Ruby tried to hold back from laughing again and put her hand over her mouth while looking over at me.

  I was not happy with this news and looked up at Jaylyn with a disappointed anger. “How could you? You’re betraying your country this way.”

  “Oh, come on, Adele. I couldn’t let the opportunity pass me by and don’t blame him. It was all me.”

  “I believe you.” I looked away and we sat through a pause. I was disappointed but somehow already saw it coming when I saw them.

  Jaylyn didn’t want to go on about it further either and make things worse with me but she did look over at Ruby to steer the subject more towards her. “So, how was your ride? You’ve been physically attached to Darius all day.”

  Ruby smiled and looked over at him then back at Jaylyn. “It was good. Well worth the agony.”

  I had enough and fired my voice at both of them. “All right, enough! Can we just forget about this? I’m done hearing about them.”

  “Well, that will be kind of hard considering the one walking toward us.” Ruby said with a whispering smile.

  I looked up and saw that it was Zayden. He had the greatest proud walk you’d ever see but I rolled my eyes and turned from it, not interested in whatever it was he had to say.

  “You three, over there.”

  Ruby and Jaylyn stood up immediately like he was really in charge but I grabbed their wrists, pulling them back down. “No. We’re fine right here, thanks.”

  Zayden’s eyes narrowed and lowered them down at me. “It wasn’t a suggestion. Move.”

  Ruby and Jaylyn stood back up but I only pulled them right back down again. “No. We’re staying.”

  Zayden knelt down to me and looked me right in the eye while I looked back unafraid. “It seems you’re forgetting your place here again. If you won’t get yourself up and go over there right now, I will be forced to make you and that’s really something you don’t want me to have to do.”

  I glared at him and certainly had no intention of moving. “I think I’ll stay.”

  “All right. Your choice.”

  He quickly reached down and grabbed my arm, bringing me to my feet. I struggled to get away and almost made it until Zayden turned me around and pulled my arm up behind my back.

  He pulled my body back into his and leaned into my ear. “The more you struggle the more it will hurt so I suggest you give up now.”

  I stopped and stood silently and still but was breathing heavily to show my anger.

  I had nothing to say to him but it only made Zayden smile in victory. “That’s my girl. See, I guess even wild beasts can be tamed.”

  He started moving over to the fire with me and Ruby and Jaylyn went with us, Jaylyn helping Ruby along.

  “Have a seat, Love.” Zayden forced me to sit close to him so he would keep a close eye on me or something. Like I was going to try anything. It never seemed to work out when I did.

  I just sighed and folded my arms. I did notice the name he called me but I wasn’t going to openly express anything. Maybe that’s just what he was trying to get me to do but I wouldn’t give in.

  Zayden reached into a bag on his other side and took out some brittle, stale-looking bread. “Catch.”

  He threw some at Darius then tossed some to Troy and took some out for himself.

  “First thing I do when I get back.” Darius muttered, taking a bite.

  Troy tried to hold back his laugh. “Really? That surprises me.”

  “Don’t speak to me.” Darius snatched, narrowing his eyes towards him.

  “I don’t think it would matter much.” Zayden replied with a low chuckle. “He’ll do both, on the same table, at the same time.”

  “Probably.” Darius agreed with a simple head nod, concentrating more on eating than looking around. “I can multitask.”<
br />
  “Okay. I’m done talking about this.” Troy said.

  Zayden just smiled to it and let the silence continue while we sat by and watched them eat. “What? You think we should feed you?”

  “Well, that seems a little pointless.” I muttered.

  “Sort of but we’re not total animals.”

  “Could have fooled me.”

  Zayden laughed and held it out in front of me. It looked worse up close. “Are you sure?”

  I was disgusted and pushed his hand away with one finger to minimize touching between us. “No thanks. I think it’s growing something.”

  “All the more nutrients for a more balanced meal.”

  He took another bite and I had to shiver and look away. “I’d sooner die.”

  “If you’d like, I’d let you do both.”

  I just looked up at Jaylyn and Ruby with a look of annoyance on my face but they both smiled to it. They seemed to know exactly what it meant without having to hear it from me and I really didn’t want it to be mentioned.

  “Wow, you should really try relaxation, Love.” Zayden said, taking another bite and calling me that name again. “Loosen up a bit.”

  “I’m relaxed.” It may have been a small, tiny, little white lie. My back was completely straight with my shoulders pushed back so my head and neck remained even with my spine. It probably looked like I needed to relax.

  “Then why are you sitting like that? It looks like you’re ready for an inspection or something.”

  “You try sitting in a corset.”

  “Oh, how could I have known? You’ve been in your coat all this time.”

  “Easier to carry.” My voice was annoyed and I tried keeping my eyes off him so things wouldn’t get worse.

  “Well, if it’s uncomfortable, you’re welcome to take it off if you’d like. We won’t mind.”

  I crossed my arms in front of my chest and rolled my eyes. “I’m not here for your personal amusement.”

  Zayden kept the smile on his face and leaned a little closer with a softer voice. “You’re here because you have way too much pride and will be whatever I want you to be. Don’t make me take them off their short leashes.”


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