Aligning Stars (Fate's Intent Book 1)

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Aligning Stars (Fate's Intent Book 1) Page 24

by Bowles, April

  “We’re not friends, remember? I have no obligations to protect you. Just stay on the horse.”

  They walked away and the soldiers outside were still looking at us. I didn’t seem to notice at first. I was more focused on the tension between Adele and Zayden. I still wanted to know what exactly went on when we left them alone to talk. I came up with some theories myself but it wasn’t enough.

  “Adele, what happened with you and Zayden? You’re going backwards.”

  “It’s just how we chose it to be.”

  Jaylyn laughed. “You mean how you chose it to be?”

  “It shouldn’t matter. I don’t need to get along with him because we’re not staying long.”

  I looked at Jaylyn and was a little saddened by the thought. Going home would have been nice but it’s what would be left behind that made me revise my priorities. I know what I wanted. Trying out a Senian just felt right but not any of the ones staring at us now. I wanted it to be Muscles but I also didn’t want to kill him so I didn’t know if I would get what I want and I looked at Jaylyn again.

  She was obviously worried when her eyes kept shifting. I didn’t know if she knew something we didn’t by being able to feel what they’re all feeling.

  “Maybe it would be better if we waited on the other side of the gate for them.” She suggested.

  I knew it. She did feel something and the tension alone was getting to her.

  I nodded, thinking it would have been a good idea and looked over at Adele. “We’ll be less likely to kill someone or fuel an attempt for a mass rape.”

  She lightly sighed and slowly started to move the horse forward. “Okay, just move slowly.”

  We followed but as we moved, all the men seemed to move with us. Talk about making it hard not to say anything. I could think of a few things that would get them to stop following us but I didn’t know if making them think we were completely insane was a good idea. I’m sure Adele would have reacted foully to that so I kept my mouth shut—for once.

  “Halt!” We made it to the gate but were stopped.

  “Open the gate.” Adele demanded.

  “On whose authority?”

  Did she plan this? Her response came out direct and clear, shocking us all with zero seconds of a delay to scramble for words. “By the authority of your future Princess. Open. The. Gate.”

  This was worse than not being able to say anything. I couldn’t believe what she just said. I’ll pretend I can see the future and say I see some nice consequences for that statement coming up shortly. I tried to hide my doubts for it and stayed completely normal like what she said were true and watched his reaction. He said nothing.

  “What shall I say to the King when we arrive late? I’m sure he’ll want names.”

  He seemed a bit unsure but after a moment of looking at us, Adele specifically, he let us through with a bow of his head. “Forgive me, my lady.”

  She looked over and smiled, proving her idea worked without having to say it aloud. I agreed. It worked but let’s see for how long.

  “Open the gate!”

  Soldiers above started turning the large crank that would open the inner gates. Just like before, we heard a loud crack and the gates in front of us started to open. The second we saw light from the other side, we moved the horses forward, anxious to get out but we weren’t there yet.

  There seemed to be a mile of open fields between the outer and inner walls that were being tended and prepared for spring but it was a much quieter and relaxing atmosphere.

  “Thank you. I feel better.” Jaylyn said in a sigh of relief.

  “You’re welcome.”

  “You didn’t really mean that, did you?” I asked.

  “Mean what?”

  “What you said back there?”

  She laughed. “No! Of course not! I just said what I had to so it would get us out of there. I was hoping maybe someone already knew about Zayden’s engagement so I used it and it worked.”

  So that was why but I looked at Jaylyn and we both seemed to know what Adele was feeling just by her mentioning it and our mood changed with it.

  We couldn't say anything after that. Well, I could have but we were almost there and the last thing Adele should do is go into this city angrily. She hasn’t been here in years and I’m sure she was already thinking about it. She didn’t need my help.

  Chapter 43


  I felt bad having to leave her out there and we rushed through the meeting to return to our horses but instantly noticed they were missing.

  Zayden sighed and brought his hand up to his brow. “They ran, didn’t they?”

  “I hope not.” Darius muttered. “That would be depressing.”

  I knew better and looked towards the inner gate. “No. They went out the other gate.”

  “How do you know?” Zayden asked.

  “What else would they be staring at?” I pointed to soldiers gathered on top of the wall, looking out at something.

  “Let’s go.” Zayden said.

  We walked through the base on foot and were saluted by everyone as we passed but I didn’t pay much attention. I basically had one goal. I wanted to get out the gate just to make sure Jaylyn was okay. I didn’t want to leave her but Zayden felt they shouldn’t hear any of that so I didn’t have a choice.

  We made it to the inner gate and didn’t even have to give the order. The gates were immediately opened for us and we walked through without showing the slightest gratitude for it.

  “Well, that’s a relief.” Darius sighed.

  I smiled to seeing Jaylyn look happy just up the road and we started walking towards them at a steady pace.

  “I wonder why she didn’t convince them to leave.” Zayden said.

  “Who? Adele? It’s because secretly she doesn’t want to. She’s just dragging this out because caving this soon would be bad for her reputation.”

  “How do you know that?” Zayden took his eyes off Adele and steered his look in my direction with an unbelievable amount of curiosity.

  “Jaylyn talks. It’s only a matter of time before she does cave.”

  Darius laughed. “Really?”

  “Yeah. I give it a day maybe less when we get them settled and she has nothing else to do but hang around you.”

  Zayden just smiled and we finally approached the horses. “Thanks for waiting.”

  “Well, if you think we were going to wait in there without killing someone then I’m right in saying you don’t know us.” Adele replied.

  “Oh, I think I know you well enough and it’s only been a few days. You’re easy.”

  “You wish I were.”

  Zayden kept his smile and got on his horse with her. “We’ll see.”

  Darius and I got up on our horses and we began the ride towards the city.

  “We’re going straight to see my father so there are a few things you need to know.” Zayden explained along the way. “First, when we get there, stay back as we address him first. Second, do not approach him; wait for him to approach you. Third, do not speak unless you are spoken to. That’s very important. Forth, pay no attention to his royal advisor, Lamar. He’ll only try and convince my father to refuse you but he always takes my word over his.”

  “You’re sure?” Jaylyn asked.

  “Of course. Lamar hates me for it but you’ll also have to be careful with the—touching. We can’t have them think you’re up to something. Just remember all of that and everything will go fine.”

  They nodded and we walked through the open gate and started the long travel up the main street that led directly to the palace at the very top of the hill.

  Home. People were all around, welcoming us back and it truly was good to be back.

  Women acted especially happy to see us. They would smile and act shy and we would politely smile back but the women’s looks immediately changed when they saw the ones riding with us. I tried not to react with an expression to it but I did watch Adele do something unusual. It
seemed she tried vexing the women giving her the looks by wrapping her arms tightly around Zayden and bringing both hands up to his chest, laying her head on his back.

  It had to be an act but I saw Zayden enjoying it while he could and there wasn’t a person that didn’t notice.

  The guards at the palace gate let us in and we got down off the horses right in front of the stables. They were taken for us and we walked up the path to the palace steps, ready for what was to come.

  The lovely Kalu Assassins in disguise stayed back like they were told while we approached King Izin, who was sitting in his throne.

  I smiled when I saw him because he was the exact image of Zayden but in later years. He had the same bright blue eyes and golden blonde hair but had distinguished white strands beginning to appear on the sides. He wore the Senian King crown around it as he sat, going about his normal business. It was just a greater reminder that we were home.

  Then I saw his manipulative royal advisor look up. He wasn’t happy and narrowed his eyes just the slightest but still pointed out our arrival to the King.

  Izin was happy to see us back. He handed a list to Lamar without a glance in his direction to see the hate on his face like we could and got up, holding out his arms with a welcoming smile. “The great sons of Seni have finally returned home!”

  “Father.” They walked to each other and embraced.

  “Welcome home, all of you. It’s good to have you back.”

  “It’s good to be back, father.” I replied.

  “It sure is.” Darius added.

  The King smiled and embraced us as well. “You received my message then?”

  Zayden nodded, completely leaving out the attempt on his life. “Yes, father but we were returning today anyway and I’m not—”

  Izin held up his hand and Darius and I looked over at each other, knowing this was going to turn out badly. “No, Zayden. You are. It’s about time for you to start taking your duties seriously. I won’t be around forever, you know.”

  “Father, I—”

  “There will be no discussion of this.” Izin snatched in a deep, demanding voice. “When the Leccan Princess arrives within the week, you will show your greatest respect for your new bride. Have I made myself clear?”

  Zayden put his head down and sighed. I knew he hated the fact that he was being forced to marry but showing disrespect for his father would have been worse and I was glad he went with it, not to go into it further in front of company. “Yes, sir.”

  “Good. Now, to business. I assume your mission was successful if you were returning today on your own schedule.”

  “Yes, father. The enemy was destroyed.”

  Izin glanced back towards the doors for a brief moment at the girls standing stiff and emotionless. “What have you brought me?” We stepped aside to walk the King to them and was followed briskly by Lamar. “Or let me guess. You in fact brought them here for you?”

  “Not exactly. These Leccan soldiers have come to aid us in controlling our borders from Kaluian invasion but I’m sure if you required their company, they’d be most humble to oblige.”

  Izin looked upon them and the girls bowed their heads. My nerves tightened. Everyone was just hoping he would accept the story.

  He took just a step closer with his hands behind his back and met Adele’s blue starry eyes. “There’s something very familiar about you. Don’t I know you from somewhere?”

  Adele didn’t show an ounce of nervousness and spoke in a flawless tongue like she was born to do it. “I’m afraid not, your majesty. I would remember meeting the world’s leader.”

  “Mmm hmm.” Izin muttered then turned his head just the slightest towards Zayden. “But women soldiers? How—quaint? Wouldn’t you agree?”

  “Indeed.” Lamar sneered while he wrote something down on the parchment he was holding.

  Zayden hated what he was doing but replied to his father as if nothing were wrong. “I assure you, father, they are the best in their field. We couldn’t have made it back so soon without them.”

  Lamar looked displeased about this like he always does when Zayden said something and he leaned into the King’s ear, thinking he was speaking so no one else could hear but I still could and tried not to react. “I must advise against this, your majesty. Leccans are not known for their female strengths.”

  “Come now, Lamar. If my son sees good in them then there must be. I trust his word.”

  Lamar glared over at Zayden and saw his smile. We knew he hated that the King would always take Zayden’s word over his own. Sometimes I’ve wondered why Lamar is even here. He’s never truly needed when Zayden was around.

  “It’s odd though, your weapons.” Izin took an interested notice in the gear they were carrying and addressed Adele again. “How very Kaluian.”

  Lamar shook his head and wrote something else down but she remained strong through it and still had that flawless voice when answering. “It is tradition of my soldiers to carry the weapon of our first Kaluian kill, your majesty. As we all have one.”

  I was impressed by her response and was glad that she was playing along this well. Lamar, on the other hand, just laughed quietly to himself and continued to write.

  “That’s a very noble tradition but are you any good with that blade?”

  “Doubtful.” Lamar said under his breath.

  Zayden glared over at him again but Adele responded, ignoring him completely like she was told to do. Glad she actually listened. “Would you like a demonstration, your majesty? My companions and I will be honored to prove our worthiness.”

  “That is truly a brilliant plan, your majesty.” Lamar leaned into the King again, speaking quietly. “Make them prove they’re good enough to serve under your gracious lead of power.”

  Izin seemed pleased with the idea but I was getting worried. I knew he would have them battle the soldiers of his choice to the death and I feared for Jaylyn’s safety.

  “Very well. We shall hold a duel in my private arena at sundown. Be there with your best stuff as I will match you against mine.” Adele bowed her head to the King and Izin seemed even more pleased with the outcome. “Excellent. Be a gentleman and show our lovely guests to their quarters, would you, Zayden? And be sure their given everything they require.”

  “Yes, father.” Zayden replied, bowing his head.

  Izin walked off to prepare but Lamar stayed behind and smiled at Zayden. “Get around that.”

  Zayden didn’t reply. His eyes merely narrowed and he watched Lamar walk off after the King.

  “Wow, he does hate you.” Ruby muttered.

  Jaylyn laughed and Zayden turned to us. We could tell he was mad. He put his pointer finger over his mouth then pointed away, making everyone leave the main hall to a more secure area.

  He led us inside the conference room just beyond the main hall that was surrounded by extra thick walls for sound protection and closed the door. “Like I don’t have enough on my plate already! You go and offer to prove your worth to my father! What were you thinking?!

  “Oh, you mean after you offered our company to him?”

  “That’s different! I knew he would have refused! Do you even realize what you just gotten yourselves into?!”

  “What? We’re just going to fight some people and have a good laugh. What’s the big deal?”

  “The big deal is that it will be a fight to the death!”

  “Really?!” Ruby wondered. “I’ve been waiting for the chance to actually kill someone! Adele already got to.”

  “Are you forgetting who we are?” Adele asked, just continuing the argument. “We can handle it.”

  Zayden turned his back and was breathing heavily while he began to pace the floor.

  “I think he’s furious because you might have to fight us.” I explained. “Father did say he would put you against his best and that’s us.”

  “Then we won’t kill you. So, what’s the problem?”

  “Then we’ll have to kill you. It’s
the law. Someone has to die.”

  Jaylyn laughed. “But you guys don’t kill women.”

  Adele quickly looked over at Darius and myself while Zayden was still pacing. “What?! You don’t kill women?!”

  “No.” Darius replied. “Not purposely. It’s our rule.”

  She sighed and turned away. “I should have known!”

  “Can we stay focused here, please?” Jaylyn asked. “What are we going to do about this?”

  Zayden walked back to us, still ecstatic. “I’ll tell you what we’ll do! They will bring you to your rooms where you will stay and I’ll go talk to my father about alternative soldiers for you to fight!” He frantically walked out of the conference room to find the King.

  “He really needs to learn to relax a little.” Ruby laughed.

  “Things can sometimes get a little tense around here.” I said. “Zayden and Izin don’t always see eye to eye but he’ll work at it until they do. Now, come, we’ll show you to your rooms.”

  They followed us out of the conference room and we walked through the main hall through the great stone pillars towards the stairs. Another great sign that we were finally home.

  Darius and I brought them down one of the long halls on the second floor in complete silence until we stopped in front of one of three doors. “These will be your rooms. Stay here until we get you. We have to go assist Zayden with the King to prevent any problems or possible death sentencing.”

  “That actually happens?” Ruby wondered.

  “Well, it’s never made it that far.” Darius laughed. “But you can’t be too careful. They disagree on a lot of things. It’s hard to see them even related sometimes but you saw it. Their looks says it’s obvious.”

  “Well, good luck with that then.” Jaylyn replied.

  “Don’t worry. We won’t be too long.” I said. “We’ll have to get cleaned up too but we’ll be back.”

  Adele stood with a sigh and turned towards the far door. “Just kiss her already.” She was the first to close herself in and we were left in the hall.

  “Well, can’t refuse an order.” I quickly leaned down, giving Jaylyn a kiss right on the lips. “We’ll see you later.”


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