Aligning Stars (Fate's Intent Book 1)

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Aligning Stars (Fate's Intent Book 1) Page 25

by Bowles, April

  Darius gave Ruby a quick kiss too while there was no one else around to see it and I felt them watching us until we rounded the corner.

  I already missed her.

  Chapter 44


  Zayden’s return was a disaster but I at least got to convince the King of something while he was here. I was on my way with him now, walking obediently through the halls to the King’s private arena near the east gate. I was ready to prove these soldiers were nothing but fakes, brought here for their own amusement. Well, now, they got to watch them die. Tragic. Like they cared. They would be out this evening after their deaths to pick up three more. So typical.

  The King requested me at his side while we went over the list of real soldiers in his command. I was ready to give my opinion and choose some strong fighters but Zayden’s foul voice called in the distance.


  I looked up when the King did and was displeased to see how he cherished his company so. “Zayden! Good, you’re here. I was just about to send someone for you. I’m trying to decide who I should put up against the Leccan soldiers. You’ve spent time with them. Surely, you should know a thing or two and we could use your input.”

  “You’re not sending my team in are you?”

  This was a sudden change. Zayden seemed worried like he actually cared for the tramps but the King didn’t seem to notice.

  “No. No, son. I was going to but I want soldiers who can be disposed of in case the Leccans are as good as they appear. I can’t afford to injure my best team.”

  “Good. May I recommend some new recruits that have just completed their training? They will have battle strategy fresh in their minds.”

  Interesting suggestion but weak. That wouldn’t have been much of a challenge but I watched the King think it over and look at the city’s registry. He couldn’t have been considering it, could he? Surely something was wrong with Zayden’s mind about those soldiers and I spoke up. “Is the young Prince showing a weakness for these females?”

  “No.” He seemed careful not to snatch at the question. “I just don’t want anything to happen to my team. That’s all.”

  “And you feel three mere women can take out one of the two units of fierce killers known to this world? Something seems wrong about that unless they’re not who you say they are.”

  “That’s enough, Lamar. Very well, Zayden. I will see to it that we have the three that were top of their class. Go, get yourself ready and make sure they remain well rested for the fight then bring them down when the time comes.”

  Zayden bowed his head to the King and look at me again before leaving.

  Now I knew something was going on. Nothing that Zayden said so far felt right and my mind started to plot a different path. “Your majesty. I must advise you to choose soldiers with a little more experience.”

  “Why is that, Lamar?”

  “If you want them to prove their worth, it can too easily be done with ones that have not yet seen battle. I suggest you give them a challenge. If they survive then they will truly be worthy to serve such a leader as you. If not, then you’ve solved the problem by getting rid of them.”

  “I see. That is a good point. If they are to protect our borders they will need to be worthy enough for so few. Find me the three that are second best to the Great Seni Fighters and summon them here immediately.”

  I nodded, smiling that my scheme had worked. “I will at once, your majesty.”

  I was glad to turn the tables on Zayden so soon after his return. Now, let’s see how he would handle it.

  Chapter 45


  That was done. It wouldn’t be us. I walked back through the halls and Troy and Darius were walking towards me alone.

  “There you are?” Troy said. “Finished?”


  “How did it go?” Darius asked.

  “Just fine. I got him to choose others for the duel but we need to keep a close eye on Lamar. He’s doing his usual thing, asking the wrong questions. I fear he’s on to us or going to be soon.”

  They nodded and we started up the east stairwell.

  “So, what now?”

  “They settled?”


  “Well, now I guess we get ourselves cleaned up then father wants us to make sure they stay well rested and bring them down.”

  We walked down the hall to my quarters at the corner and went inside where I have my own private bathhouse, commonly used by the three of us.

  “Let’s try and make this quick. We don’t want them to start wandering around, getting into trouble.”

  They nodded and helped get my gear off then took off their own. We stepped in front of the long horizontal mirror and tiled sink that suspiciously had items placed on it ready for us to clean up with.

  “Oh, shit.” Darius looked at himself, his hand rubbing along his prickled jawline. “It’s only been like five days since I shaved last but it looks like a lot more than that.”

  I laughed. “Probably because we haven’t done it properly in six months. At least father was generous enough to have it ready for us.”

  “Well, he wanted you home awfully bad.” Troy said.


  “Well, I’m glad to be back.” Darius picked up a razor and started shaving his face while easily getting away from the conversation he knew I didn’t want to have. “This is going to make me look so good when I’m finished.”

  “Just hope Ruby thinks so.”

  “Oh, don’t worry about that. When I see her again, she won’t be focused on my face.”

  Troy sighed. “Thank you for the mental image.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “Be careful.” I said. “She could kill you, remember?”

  “Yes, I remember but I don’t think that will be an issue. I have a good feeling that it won’t. It’s not sex. Well, you know what I mean.”

  “Just be careful. You should really be waiting until after the duel. You don’t want to be a distraction.”

  “I won’t be. It’ll be the first time we’re really alone like I care about that.”

  “Yeah, like last night?” Troy muttered.

  Darius got a smile on his face. “I honestly couldn’t let that opportunity go.”

  “Darius.” I said it with a lingering sigh. “I really hope nothing happened.”

  “Nothing dangerous. She just prefers to sleep naked. I wasn’t going to stop her.”

  “Of course not.” Troy laughed.

  “That’s what led to it, actually. I had to. I didn’t know when I would get a chance like that again.”

  There was a silence among us and the mood changed with Troy’s question. “They wouldn’t really be able to stay here, would they?”

  I leaned over and wet my hands before running my fingers back through my hair. “No, and we could never ask them to but if this is what we choose, you both know what has to be done.” I gave them a moment to let the thought sink in before I said it. “If we escort them back across the border, we can never return here.”

  “A price worth paying.” Troy said. “I’m still in.”

  “Me too.” Darius added.

  “Good. At least you’ll be happy.”

  “What happened when you talked to her?” Troy asked. “It almost seemed worse when you came up.”

  “She’s still having a problem with who I am. Anything more than friends will just bring her more pain so we’ve decided to be neither.”

  “We?” Darius wondered, hinting that I was lying about it.

  “Okay, she decided but partly my fault. I told her I couldn’t just be friends.”

  Troy sighed. “You actually said that?”

  “Well, yeah. I mean, it’s not like we’re exactly used to this relationship thing. We use women around here just as pleasurable company. The word ‘love’ has never crossed my mind until now.”

  “So, you love her?” Darius asked.

  I paused
and turned my back to the mirror so I wouldn’t see them smiling. “I’m not sure. It’s different with Adele like you said with Ruby. Even when she acts like she hates me, I’m still having a problem staying away.”

  “Does that have anything to do with seeing her naked?” Troy asked.

  I sighed, hating even thinking about what I did or what I almost did. “We’re not going to talk about that. I came this close to losing it.”

  “Shit, I would have.” Darius laughed.

  “Not funny. I hated myself for it but I still hate the thought of not seeing her.”

  “So go to her when we check in on them and try working her over.” Troy suggested. “If she’s going to cave, you can’t just sit around.”

  “Fine but get changed first.”

  They nodded and picked up their gear and walked out of my quarters to theirs just doors down.

  I changed my clothes and waited until they came out. “Let’s go.”

  We walked down the hall together, reaching the rooms assigned to the Kalu Assassins and I reached for the door to Adele’s room but Troy stopped me with a quick whisper. “Wait!”


  “They’re all in there—talking.”

  Darius smiled and went into the room just before Adele’s. Troy and I looked at each other and immediately followed. This could have been a good opportunity for us to hear them talk like they think they’re alone. They haven’t been in the last few days.

  We walked over to Darius and could hear the conversation from the other room through the open balcony doors.

  “No, you’re not getting how bad this is.” Adele’s voice was anxious and I moved myself so I could just see her pacing the floors between the balcony and her room.

  “It’s not that bad, come on.” Ruby sighed.

  “Yes it is! He recognized me! It’s only a matter of time before he remembers from where!”

  “But you said yourself, you don’t remember meeting him.” Jaylyn said.

  “That doesn’t mean he couldn’t have seen me! Do you even know who I look like? I’m telling you, he knows!”

  “Okay!” Ruby cut in, stopping her by taking a stiff hold of her shoulders. “I think someone needs a nap.”

  “No!” Adele snatched, pulling herself away to pace again. “I can’t go to sleep!”

  “Can’t sleep? You mean, can’t hold still.”

  “Afraid you’ll have the dream again?” Jaylyn asked.

  “I’m not afraid of that. I’ve seen that dream enough and he’s not in it.”

  “Oh! You think you’ll actually dream about him?”

  Adele sighed. “I don’t choose what I dream about. They just always bring bad things.”

  “It’s actually a subconscious thing.” Ruby explained. “You just won’t admit that you want him.”

  I smiled.

  “Because I don’t!”

  “You’re just doing it again. Don’t think we didn’t see your reaction when you found out he was getting married.”

  “I have no control over that either.”

  She walked out onto the balcony where I could get a better look at her and Ruby and Jaylyn stepped out with her.

  “Of course you do.” Jaylyn said. “You can control everything, the world. You already are our Queen. You just haven’t realized it yet.”

  Adele sighed, keeping her eyes out over the city. “Yeah, well, not from here. I’ve walked away from that a long time ago.”

  “Maybe you should tell him.”

  I leaned forward and could only wonder who she was talking about. Was it me?

  Adele slightly laughed to her suggestion. “Tell him what?! That I’m part of something I hate!”

  Confusion struck us from inside the room and we shifted our eyes towards each other. They seemed to want to know just as much as me.

  “Yeah, I see that going well.” Adele went on with a calmer voice. “But it still wouldn’t work. If they see me here, it’s over. You know that as well as I do.”

  “It’s a huge city!” Ruby laughed. “What are the chances of that, especially when we’ll be here the whole time?”

  Adele leaned on the stone railing of the balcony, still looking over the city and sighed. “I’d rather not think about it. We’re just going to get through our time here and then we’re out.”

  “But Adele—” Jaylyn begged.

  “No!” She snatched, turning her head. “You know we can’t! You have your fun now but keep in mind that nothing lasts!”

  Jaylyn looked upset and she turned away without another word.

  “Nice.” Ruby said. “Why do you do that? You know how she is.”

  “And she’ll get over it when she realizes I’m right; when she realizes that this has all just been a bad dream that we’re about to wake up from.”

  “I don’t think we ever will. I don’t see how we could just forget.”

  “We’ll have to.”

  “Good luck.” Ruby backed off, leaving Adele alone on the balcony.

  We heard the door shut and pulled ourselves back into the room. This made things change and I wasn’t happy about saying it. “Well, I guess that’s it for me. You can go be with them until it’s time and I’ll send someone for Adele.”

  “You’re not even going to try now?” Troy asked. “What about your plan?”

  “I don’t see the point. She’s not going to change her mind.”

  “We know you can get her to.” Darius said. “And you’re the only one so you better do it. We don’t really know how long they’re going to be here. It could be weeks before father has something for them to do. Do you really want her to be like this the whole time?”

  I laughed to his unusualness to care. “And since when have you ever been so sentimental?”

  “Since someone opened my eyes. You don’t want to be away from her as much as we don’t want to be away from them so do something about it.”

  I thought about it and let out a long breath with my final decision. “No. It’s better this way. Just like she said.”

  “What about leaving?” Troy asked.

  “I won’t if she doesn’t want me to.”

  Darius took a dramatic step forward, urgency on his voice. “Zayden, we’re not leaving you here.”

  “Yes you are! You know they can’t stay. You’ll go with them. That’s an order—and don’t come back.”

  “No. We won’t turn our backs on you that way.” Troy said, stepping up beside Darius.

  “If nothing changes until then—you will.”

  My voice expressed real regret in this decision and all they could do was turn towards the door. “As you wish.”

  They knew fighting about it with me wasn’t going to work and left, leaving me to decide what I should do next.

  Chapter 46


  I went into Ruby’s room, hoping to forget about Zayden’s awful plan and saw her laying on the bed on her stomach with a smile. “Wow, look at you.”

  “What?” I held out my arms and looked at myself, expecting to find something wrong with me.

  “You clean up nicely.”

  “Oh, thanks. I’ve missed looking this good.”

  She laughed. “What are you talking about? You’ve always looked good and you’re wearing red. It just adds to it.”

  “I usually do when I’m not in uniform.”


  “Yeah. I guess you could call it my favorite color.”

  “I see. Mine too but normally I have to wear something red or my hair will really stand out, well, you know, when it’s actually red.”

  I laughed and sat down next to her. “So—”

  There was a long pause until she laughed. “I’m sorry for the rambling. Adele’s got me a little distracted.”

  “I understand completely. It’s the same way for me with Zayden. She’s still in denial?”

  “Something like that. It’s just the way she is. Did he tell you anything?”


  “Yeah, Adele’s the same way—stubborn.”

  “Well, are you ready for the duel? Surely that will help take your mind off everything else.”

  “Of course I am. Unless we still have to fight you.”

  “Oh, no. Zayden took care of that.”

  “Good. I’d hate to have to kill you.”

  “Oh, you think you could? Without your gift?”

  “I could have easily killed you with a sword if I wanted to and I’ll prove it if you’ll watch.”

  “Oh, don’t worry. I wouldn’t be anywhere else.”

  “Good.” She got up and sat next to me.

  I smiled to it and there was another pause like we didn’t know what else to say but I was being pulled in by the glow of her eyes. They were on fire and I had to kiss her. There was no stopping it.

  She didn’t plan to. She moved closer and sat on my lap facing me. I had my hands on her, keeping her from falling backwards when she pushed me back onto the bed and leaned over me with her lips still against mine. I was only thinking about trying out her sexual aggression because the preview of it was just a tease.

  Then she forced my head to the side and started kissing my neck while she slowly started to bring her left hand down the front of my body. No one was going to stop her this time from reaching down my pants and she gently gripped her hand around me.

  Finally, I’ve been touched the way I’ve kept dreaming about.

  She looked at me with a desired smile and kissed me one last time. “Don’t worry. I’ve never killed anyone this way and I can make it quick so we’re not late.”

  She moved back off the bed and settled on her knees. I was just waiting for it. I haven’t been more eager. The moment I felt the warmth of her tongue against my skin, I put my head back and held my breath. It’s been over six months since I felt the pleasures of a woman and relished every second Ruby was giving me but feared it would be over a lot quicker than it started and I was right.

  With every motion of her lips and flicker of her tongue, I was beginning to feel more and more flushed with heat. I moved my left hand to her head and wrapped one of her braids around my knuckles and looked down. If it wasn’t going to last long, I at least had to see it.


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